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Jl. Pintu Air II No. 12, Juanda


December 08,2021

Our Ref:16/SK/JS/2021

Mrs. Saskia Prameswati

Hermina Hospital

Jl. Ring Road Taman Yasmin No.23


Subject: Health Service Complain

Dear Mrs. Prameswati.

Regarding the services provided by Hermina Hospital on December 7, 2021, we hereby

submit our complaint. The complaint was regarding the medical check-up package that we
ordered for 35 employees, but only 30 employees received the medical check-up package. In
addition, we are also disappointed that the Covid-19 vaccine schedule has been delayed until
this letter is issued, there is no definite schedule given from Hermina Hospital.

Because of the discrepancy in the services provided by Hermina Hospital, we hereby feel
disappointed with the services provided. Therefore we ask for responsibility from the
hospital. We ask for a re-schedule for 5 of our employees for a medical check-up at the
Hermina Hospital and a definite schedule for the covid-19 vaccine for our employees or the
hospital can refund the money we have paid.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Abraham Wafi


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