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Corpus Christi School

S.Y. 2022-2023


ORCOMQ203 – Types of Speeches


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answer the guide questions that follow:

1. What is the talk all about?

The talk is about Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream for America to rise once more.
He mentions the line “we hold these truths to be self-evident and all men are created equal.” He
also talks about how he wishes that the sons of slaves and the son’s of slave owners will sit at a
table in brotherhood. He wishes for the people to get along regardless of prejudice.

2. What is the speaker’s main purpose of the speech? Expound your answer.

The speaker’s main purpose is to uplift the audience and to get them to hope for
America’s rise again. It could be to persuade the audience to hope again. Over and over, Martin
Luther King Jr. says “I have a dream”. He continues to talk about his dream for America wherein
the people of color could live peacefully with one another and that all men are created equal.
After each dream, he repeats the line “I have a dream”. The repetition of this phrase makes me
believe that the goal was to persuade the people to hope once more.

3. Is the speaker successful in conveying his/her purpose? Explain.

He is successful in conveying his speech. The audience apparently, are his
followers, if not people who are interested in his ideals. During his speech, you can hear
the people cheer for him in the crowd. Not only that, Martin Luther King Jr. is still a
famous figure up to date and his works and speeches are still being witnessed by
numerous people. This is only a testament as to how persuasive he was.

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