11TP Lomondot Orcomq101

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Corpus Christi School

S.Y. 2022-2023

Oral Communication in Context

ORCOMQ104 – The Principles of Communication


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Choose one (1) from the following tenets of communication below. Give an example or a
relatable situation.
▪ Communication is contextualized.
▪ Communication is everywhere.
▪ Communication is continuous.
▪ Communication is a transaction.
▪ Communication is learned.
▪ Communication is a sharing of meanings.
▪ Communication has two levels of meaning: content and relational.

A girl asks her mother to let her buy ice cream from the shop next door. Their neighbor is trying
to silence their dog by repeating hand gestures in hopes that they would understand. The
university in town is hosting a valentines day program where a few chosen celebrities will guest
to interact with the students. Meanwhile, the traffic lights just turned green to signal the drivers
that they can go. Communication is everywhere, it makes up 80% of our life and our quality of
living heavily depends on how well and how much we communicate.

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