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Format 1

Swimming Pool (SP) Format (per filtration system)

Please fill in the required information and mark a tick or indicate Yes/No below.

A. Details of AF to be Licensed as Swimming Pool

1. Site address

2. Building plan (BP) number

3. Owner

4. Location a. Level: ☐ Roof-top ☐ Ground

(Please tick if applicable) ☐ Others (Specify level :______________)

b. ☐ Outdoor

c. Indoor with ☐ air-condition or

☐ mechanically ventilated (ACMV)

d. Premises type: ☐ Association ☐ Club

☐ SportSG ☐ Condo ☐ School (government)
☐ School (government-aided) ☐ Schools (private)
☐ Hotel ☐ Others (specify:__________________)

5. Approved water source ☐ PUB water

☐ Other water sources: ________________________

(If other water sources are used, please contact NEA to

obtain and complete ‘Application to Use Alternative
Water as Water Source for Aquatic Facilities’)

6. Number of rinse showers per AF

7. The water from the rinse shower ☐ Yes ☐ No

does not flow into AF .

8. Aerosol-generating features are ☐ Yes ☐ No

present in the AF .

9. Calculation of flow rate(s):

Name and type of AF Volume Flow rate of Turnover Shallowest Deepest Average
sharing the same of water pumps rate depth (m) depth depth
filtration system (m3) (m3/min) (m3/h) (m) (m)

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