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First Quarter Examination

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: _________
Grade/ Section: _________________________________

A. Read the following questions carefully. Write only the letter of the correct
answer in the blank. Erasure means wrong.

_____1. What are the auxiliary or helping verbs that are used to express
permission, prohibition, and obligation?
A. Adverb B. Conditionals C. Consultative D. Modals
_____2. What is an act of giving consent or authorization?
A. Modals B. Permission C. Prohibition D.
_____3. What is the act of disallowing or prohibiting someone from
performing or doing something?
A. Conditionals B. Permission C. Prohibition D.
_____4. Which modal is used to express permission?
A. Can B. Can’t C. Must D. Should
_____5. Which modal is used to express obligation?
A. Can’t B. Could C. May D. Must
_____6. What are statements expressing the result of a particular condition?
A. Communicative B. Conditionals C. Modals D. Style
_____7. What type of conditionals deals with habits and general truths such
as laws?
A. First B. Fourth C. Second D. Zero
_____8. What type of conditionals is used in dealing with things that are
possible or likely to happen in the future?
A. First B. Second C. Third D. Zero
_____9. Which of the type of conditionals used in dealing with things
impossible in the present and are unlikely to occur in the future?
A. First B. Second C. Third D. Zero
____10. What type of conditionals is used in dealing with things or changes
in past scenarios yielding different results?
A. First B. Fourth C. Second D. Third
____11. What communicative style avoids the use of slang terminologies?
A. Casual B. Formal C. Frozen D. Intimate
____12. Which is the most formal communicative style that is usually used
during respectful events and ceremonies?
A. Casual B. Consultative C. Formal D. Frozen
____13. Which type of communicative style is used in semi-formal
A. Casual B. Consultative C. Formal D. Frozen
____14. What is the type of speech style used for very close relationships like
couples, family, and best friends?
A. Casual B. Formal C. Frozen D. Intimate
____15. What type of communicative style rarely changes?
A. Casual B. Formal C. Frozen D. Intimate
______16. Which of the following statements express permission?
A. Can I sit here?
B. You can’t park here, sir.
C. You must send your homework to my email on Tuesday.
D. One should bring his/her bedding and toiletries to the
______17. Which of the following statements express prohibition?
A. You mustn’t use your phone in class.
B. Could I bring my sister to your house?
C. You have to read your lessons regularly
D. I must go home early so that I will not be scolded.
______18. Which of the following statements express obligation?
A. You can use my car if you like.
B. May I go out and buy snacks ma’am?
C. I must go home early so that I will not be scolded.
D. You can’t go into that restaurant without a face shield
______19. She would have gone with you if you had asked her. Which type of
conditional is this?
A. Zero B. First C. Second D. Third
______20. If I won a million pesos, I would buy my airplane. Which type of
conditional is this?
A. Zero B. First C. Second D. Third
______21. If you forget his birthday, Miguel gets upset. Which type of
conditional is this?
A. Zero B. First C. Second D. Third
_____22. Which of the following situations needs a consultative
communication style?
A. delivering campaign speeches
B. talking to a counselor or psychiatrist
C. giving last-minute instructions to players
D. delivering a speech about the update on COVID-19 cases
_____23. Which of the following situations call for a casual communication
A. delivering an oratorical
B. leading a prayer before meals
C. talking to a friend while playing basketball
D. interviewing with a local official regarding COVID - 19
_____24. Which of the following situations require a formal communicative
A. talking to a stranger
B. talking to a superior
C. reading a court order
D. talking and laughing about memorable experiences
_____25. Identify which communicative style is used in communication
between doctor and patient, lawyer and client, lawyer and judge, teacher
and student, counselor, and client, and superior and subordinate.
A. Casual Style
B. Consultative Style
C. Intimate Style
D. Frozen Style

26-32. Choose the modals or verbs that best complete each statement. Write
the letter of your answer in the blank.
_____26. _______ I have more cheese on my sandwich?
A. Must B. Could C. Will D. Should
_____27. You ________ use your phone in class.
A. can B. may C. mustn’t D. will
_____28. I __________ go home early so that I will not be scolded.
A. can B. may C. must D. should
_____29. If Lita _____ be caught by quarantine officers, she can't go home
until they release her.
A. gets B. got C. will get D. would
_____30. I’ll send the report to my supervisor as soon as I _____ the notice.
A. receive B. received C. receives D. will receive
_____31. I _____ heartburn If I continue drinking coffee and eating spicy
A. get B. gets C. got D. would get
____32. You don’t have to bring your books as long as _____ the e-book
A. had B. you have C. you had D. you’ll have
____33. When talking to a high school classmate you saw after ten years,
you use this communicative style.
A. Casual B. Formal C. Frozen D. Intimate
____34. When your teacher asks you about your experience during the
enhanced community quarantine, this type of speech style is used.
A. Casual B. Consultative C. Frozen D. Intimate
____35. Marriage ceremonies use this communicative style.
A. Casual B. Consultative C. Formal D. Frozen

36-37. Study the underlined words in the following sentences. Identify

whether the modal is used to indicate permission, prohibition, or obligation.
_____36.1. Learners today may continue their education through distance
A. Conditionals B. Permission C. Prohibition D.
_____37. We have to use facemasks and face shields whenever we go out to
our necessities.
A. Conditionals B. Permission C. Prohibition D.

_____38. If you hadn’t saved money, you ______. Which phrase best
A. won't get worried about your needs.
B. would get worried about your needs.
C. won't have worried about your needs.
D. would have worried about your needs.
____39. When the sun dawns, the clear sky ___. Which is the correct verb
A. dim B. dims C. dimmed D. had dimmed
____40. When your mother talks to your father about their plans for the
family, this type of communicative style is applied.
A. Casual B. Consultative C. Formal D. Intimate
____41. Considering the event’s formality, the winners _____ wear their
formal attire for the awarding.
A. can B. could C. must D. would
____42. My friends _______ when they did not see me. What phrase best
completes this?
A. will cry B. would cry C. would be crying D. would have
____43. If I __________ homework, I do not watch TV. Which of these verb
tenses completes the sentence?
A. has B. have C. had D. has been

44-45. Choose the best speech/message that matches the situation. Write
the letter of your answers in the blank.
______44. An interviewer talks to Danica over the phone
A. Hey Danica, are you available tomorrow?
B. Miss Reyes, can I ask you something?
C. Hello, is this Ms. Danica Reyes, can you possibly come to our
office for an interview tomorrow at 8:00 in the morning?
D. Miss Danica Reyes, do you want to be interviewed tomorrow?
______45. You want to ask a question during classroom discussion
A. Ma’am, is it correct?
B. Dude, I think it is right!
C. Ma’am, can I clarify something?
D. Dude, I think there’s something wrong.

46-47. Complete the dialogue by supplying modals expressing permission,

obligation, or prohibition.
______46. Andy: That’s a good idea, Anna. We as a responsible citizen
also, help our government to surpass this trying time.
A. could B. have to C. must D. should
______47. Anna: Not only that...we ________ compliant to the rules directed
by our government to get rid of this pandemic the soonest possible time.
A. could B. have to C. must D. should

48. Identify the type of conditional sentence based on the verbs used. Write
the letter of the type of conditional in the blank.

______48 If I had done what is right and just, I wouldn’t have lost her trust
in me.
A. Zero B. First C. Second D. Third

49-50. Read the texts below. Identify which best explains the
communicative style used in each text.

_____49. As we go through life, we witness how other people’s lives unfold

before our very eyes. It is not always easy to learn especially from other
people's experiences. As you go through the segments of this learning
module, ask yourself, what can I learn from other people's challenges?
This lesson's tasks and selections will help you to accept other
people's challenges positively.

Taken from G9 English Learner’s Manual

A. The text uses formal language because it was taken from a textbook.
Hence, it is under the standard type of speech.
B. The dialog uses slang and informal contraction. It is informal because
sentences are shorter. Therefore, it is under the casual speech style.
C. The text uses a more formal form of vocabulary. It applies the most
formal communicative style for a respectful situation. The speech
style used is frozen
D. The text uses semi-formal communication, where sentences tend to be
shorter and more spontaneous. The style used is consultative.

______50. We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of

Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish
a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the
common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to
ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy
under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love,
equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
-Preamble of the Constitution (Official Gazette. Gov, 2020)

A. The text uses formal language because it was taken from a textbook.
Hence, it is under the standard type of speech.
B. The dialog uses slang and informal contraction. It is informal because
sentences are shorter. Therefore, it is under the casual speech style.
C. The text uses a more formal form of vocabulary. It applies the most
formal communicative style for a respectful situation. The speech
style used is frozen
D. The text uses semi-formal communication, where sentences tend to be
shorter and more spontaneous. The style used is consultative.

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