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Name: ___________________________________________ Score______________

Teacher__________________________________________ Date ______________

Test I. Multiple Choice. Read the sentences carefully and write your answer on the blanks before
the numbers.
______1. This function of communication refers to the control of behavior.
a. Motivation b. Control c. Social interaction d. Emotional Expression
______2. This function of communication facilitates people’s expression or feelings.
a. Motivation b. Control c. Social interaction d. Emotional Expression
______3. This function of communication inspires people.
a. Motivation b. Control c. Social interaction d. Emotional Expression
______4. This function of communication allows individuals to intermingle with others.
a. Motivation b. Control c. Social interaction d. Information dissemination
______5. This function of communication delivers information.
a. Motivation b. Control c. Social interaction d. Information dissemination
______6. When this dimension is used a misunderstanding may happen when words contradict
the actions.
a. Verbal b. Non Verbal c. Written d. Informal.
______7. This dimension is the transcription of thought and ideas.
a. Verbal b. Non Verbal c. Written d. Informal.
______8. Which dimension uses language and words to convey ideas?
a. Verbal b. Non Verbal c. Written d. Informal
______9. This dimension uses a more casual approach.
a. Verbal b. Non Verbal c. Written d. Informal
______10. Which dimensions are meticulous in terms of the relevance in dress, language, and
a. Formal b. Oral c. Written d. Informal
______11. This dimension is used through vocal communication to convey a message.
a. Formal b. Oral c. Written d. Informal
______12. This element of communication is the mode used to send the message.
a. Decoding b. Feedback c. Channel d. Message
______13. Which element of communication is intended for the idea to be delivered?
a. Decoding b. Feedback c. Channel d. Message
______14. This element is the result of monitoring the two-way process of communication.
a. Decoding b. Feedback c. Channel d. Message

______15. This element of communication refers to the interpretation and response of the
a. Decoding b. Feedback c. Channel d. Message

______16. Which element is used in returning questions to the other person?

a. Speaker b. Receiver c. Noise d. Communicative Situation

______17. This element of communication is the hurdle to communication.

a. Speaker b. Receiver c. Noise d. Communicative Situation

______18. This element crafts the message accordingly and decides how to deliver the
a. Speaker b. Receiver c. Noise d. Communicative Situation
______19. This Communication Channel refers to the messages broadcast using these media
that are created and delivered by an organization and are tailored to reach a targeted
a. Physical b. Controlled c. Uncontrolled d. Physiological

______20. This communication channel refers to the media used to broadcast messages that
an organization can only hope to influence.
a. Physical b. Controlled c. Uncontrolled d. Physiological

Test II. True or False. Read the following statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is
True and write FALSE if the statement is false and underline the word that makes it wrong.

__________21. Linear communication is considered a two-way process.

__________22. The first model of communication and was proposed before 300 B.C.
__________23. Lasswell’s model of communication is one of the most influential model.
__________24. Aristotle’s model describes the factors affecting the individual components.
__________25. Shannon & Weaver model is a transactional model.
__________26. Interactive model of communication deals with one way process.
__________27. Poor listening may lead to serious communication problems.
__________28. Physical ability interfere communication.
__________29. Information overload occurs when the information processing demands an
individual’s time.
__________30. Paraphrasing clarifies your understanding.

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