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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of South Cotabato
Tantangan 2 District
New Lambunao Integrated School
January 26-27 ,2023

Name___________________________________________ Section_________________ ______Score________

I. MODIFED TRUE OR FALSE. Write the word TRUE if the statement is true. Otherwise, write the word FALSE and
change the underline word to make the statement correct.
_________ 1. The Big Bang Theory narrates the origin of the universe and humanity according to the Bible.

_________ 2. Christianity is considered the world’s largest religion.

_________ 3. The Sacrament of Confirmation is considered the continuation Christ’s priesthood which He passed
on to His apostles.

_________ 4. Followers of Christianity are called Catholics.

_________ 5. Christianity believes in the Holy Trinity but remains a monotheistic religion.

_________6. Salat is done before sunset, noon, mid-afternoon, after sunset and after midnight.

_________7. Muhammad ibn Abdullah worked as a camel driver across the Arabian Peninsula.

_________8. Jihad means “ effort” or “ struggle” to convince unbelievers to pursue Muslim way of life.

_________9. The longest surah has 268 ayahs.

_________10. Ritual washing or wudu is required before prayer.

II- MATHING TYPE: Match the term in Column A to their equivalent meanings in Column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer.

________1. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit a. Creed

________2. Season in preparation for Easter b. Messiah
________3. Mutual understanding among all Christians c. Lent
________4. Successor of Christ as head of the Church d. Trinity
________5. Mercy Killing e. Peter
________6. Split between Roman Catholic and Greek f. Ecumenism
________7. Self- flagellation g. Pentecost
________8.m Basic Beliefs h. Penitensya
________9. Savior i. Great Schism
_______10. Coming of the Holy Spirit on the early Christians. J. Euthanasia

III- MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and understand each question. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.
_______1. Which of the following is the known as the start of the Islam Calendar?
a. Hijra b. Hattih c. surahs d. igra

_______2. The term “Islam” originated from the Arabic word which means ___________.
a. “ submit” b. offer c. slaves d. believers

_______3. Who was considered as a messenger and the last prophet sent by God to humankind who was visited by
angel Gabriel?
a. Esmael b. Abraham c. Muhammad d. Allah

_________4. What do we call the first flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina which marked the beginning of
the Islamic Calendar?
a. jihra b. Hattih c. igra d. surahs
_______5. The sacred writing of the Muslim is called___________that litteraly means “recitation” or “readings”.
a. Bible b. Q’uran c. Scripture d. Gospel

_______6. The chapter that compose the Quran are called ___________, while the verse are called ________which
means evidence or sign.
a. Hadith, hafz b. Five Pillars of Islam c. surahs, ayahs d. Creed, Gospel

_______7. What do we call a person who memorized the Quran in its entirety ?
a. hafz b. igra c. ayahs d. Hadith
_______8. It is a collection of the deeds band sayings of Muhammad and his followers and is the second source of
shari’s law.
a.igra b. hafz c. ayahs d. Hadith

_______9. What word indicates the author of the books sifted the authentic reports about Muhammad from other
unsubstantiated narrates?
a. Kaaba b. Sahih c. sahih d. surah
_______10. The basic obligations of Muslims are called ____________.
a. Five Pillars of Islam b. obligatory prayer c. Shahada d. Zakat

_______11. The basic creed of Islam that “There is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah is
known as _________.
a. Five Pillars of Islam b. obligatory prayer c. Shahada d. Zakat

_______12. How did Muslims offered their prayers or salat?

a. Five times each and every day; before sunrise, noon, mid-afternoon, immediately after sunset and
before midnight
b. Twice a day; every morning and afternoon
c. Every morning; before breakfast
d. Three times a day; 6 am, 12 noon, 6 pm

_______13. Why do Muslims must pay Zakat or Poor tax?

a. It is an obligatory act
b. To be blessed and be recognized by the group
c. To aid the under privileged Muslims
d. To be loved by Allah

_______14. What do we call the annual wealth tax that serves as just and lawful claim of the poor against the
affluent ones?
a. Five Pillars of Islam b. obligatory prayer c. Shahada d. Zakat

_______15. When do Muslims observe the Ramadan?

a. 30 days, the ninth month of Islamic Calendar
b. 25 days, the sixth month of Islamic Calendar
c. 31 days, the fifth month of Islamic Calendar
d. None of the above

_______16. It refers to the effort of the Catholic Church to sponsor activities and initiatives to promote mutual
understanding and unity among all Christians.
a. Zonal b. Ecumenism c. Liturgy d. Prayers

_______19. Why do Christians considered Euthanasia or Mercy Killings immoral?

a. It is against in their belief system
b. It was not anchored in the Bible
c. It entails taking away what has been given by God, and that human beings should not interfere with the
natural process of death
d. None of the above
_______20. It refers to the season waiting for the birth of the Messiah, hence this celebration lasts for four weeks,
beginning four Sundays before Christmas and ending on Christmas eve.
a. Christmas b. New Year c. Epiphany d. Advent

IV- Explanation

1. Why is the concept of Holy Trinity confusing for some Christians and non- Christians alike?
2. Despite the split in Christianity into numerous sects, what bind these religious sects together?
3. In what way is Islam similar to Christianity?
4. How do you think global terrorism affected Islam as a religion in the eyes of the world?
III. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the worldview of the following people. Choose your answer inside the box.

a. Atheistic b. Monotheistic
c. Polytheistic d. Agnostic

_______ 1. Laila believes that there is only one God and that God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.

_______ 2. Karlos claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

_______ 3. Lukas usually spends most of his time praying into different gods and goddesses.

_______ 4. Laura doesn’t believe that God exists.

IV- Write the significant role/s of the following names below in the history of religion ( 5 points each )
1. Abraham-
2. Moses-
3. Noah
4. Confucius
5. Hagar

V- Write the significant event happened in the following place. ( 5 points each )
1. Mount Ararat
2. Mount Sinai
3.Mount Zion/ Mount Moriah
4.Mount Tabor
VI- Enumeration: Answer what is asked.
A. Positive Effect of Religion
B. Negative Effect of Religion
C. Ten Commandments

VII- Explanation: Answer the following question briefly

1. Hoe does religion help explain man’s existence and role in the world?
2.Why is Abraham important to the development of Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
3. How is religion affected by geography and culture?
4. Despite being an Abrahamic religion, how is Christianity different from Judaism and Islam?

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