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Types of Bone 2

 There are two types of bone, compact bone and cancellous bone (spongy
There are 2 main types of tissue found in bone:
1.Compact Filled (dense) Bone tissue: Very dense and therefore provides
protection, support and strength particularly to long bones. Compact
tissue is covered by a thin tissue, which carries blood, nutrients and the
nerve supply to bones.
2.Spongy Bone: Located at the end of bones an in the middle looks like
honeycomb and is filled with red marrow. Spongy bone makes up most of
the bone tissue of short, flat and irregular shaped bones.
Features of bone:
1.Epiphysis: Both ends of the bone have this special region.
2.Epiphysis Growth Plate: Special growth plate, which is responsible for the
growth of bones. If these plates are damaged during periods of growth,
then normal growth may be affected.
3.Epiphyseal Line: When bones stop growing, these growth plates, which
are made of cartilage, are replaced by bone. The newly formed structure
is called the epiphyseal line.

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