Share Sexual Harassment in F. Bangoy Senior National Highschool Students

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Specific research Topic/Problem

- what is the effect of sexual harassment on a

Student of F. Bangoy Senior Highschool

2. Research Title

- Sexual Harassment in F. Bangoy Senior Highschool

3. Identify Independent Variable, Dependent Variable,

Methods, Location and Respondents.

: Independent Variable (IV)

- woman are fat more likely to experience sexual

assault than men are, which primarily a sign of power
relations. Specifically because they experience harassment
more frequently than males , lack power, are in more
unsafe or vulnerable situations, lack confidence, or have
been conditioned to suffer in silence.

: Dependent Variable (DV)

- significant psychological consequences, including as

anxiety, sadness, headaches, sleep issues, weight loss or
gain, nausea, diminished self-esteem, and sexual
dysfunction, can be experienced by sexual harassment
: Methods

- Sexual harassment is a type of discrimination based on sex.

When someone is sexually harassed in school, it can undermine
their sense of personal dignity and safety, disrupt their education
, and interfere with their ability to reach their full potential in life.
If left unchecked, sexual harassment in the school setting has
the potential to escalate to violent behaviour, including sexual
assault. A student experiencing sexual harassment may stop
doing their school work and taking part in school-related
activities. They may skip or drop classes, or they may drop out of
school entirely.

Students from F. Bangoy National Senior High School were

employed to obtain and collect data using true experimental
design and random sampling. The respondents were tasked to
share their personal experience or perspectives using the
provided survey questionnaires about sexual harassment.

: Location
- This research was carried out during the academic year
2022–2023 at Francisco Bangoy National High School. Francisco
Bangoy National High School is a public school started in 1969
as a Barrio Extension High School of Davao City Nat'l High
School. In 1973, it became Barangay High School when it was
subsidized by the City Government of Davao under the
leadership of the newly installed Mayor Elias B. Lopez.

: Respondents
- Students from the Francisco Bangoy National High
School's senior high school student grade 11 and 12, batch 2022-
2023, will constitute the majority of the students in this study.
Everything will be done over physical answering of survey forms.
The respondents of this survey is total of 150 students in
Fransisco Bangoy National Senior Highschool students.
4. Background reaserch
-An individual may threaten you with a good grade or a
promotion in exchange for sexual favors, or they may demand
sexual favors in order to give you something you deserve or
want at school or at work. Sexual harassment can also include
unwanted touching, gesturing, and inappropriate jokes. Sexual
harassment can take the form of bullying someone based on
their sex, gender identity (man, woman, trans, intersex,
nonbinary, two-spirit), or sexual orientation in addition to
looking or feeling like teasing, intimidating or offensive
comments based on stereotypes (e.g., about how certain
people "are " or should act )(queer, bisexual, lesbian, gay,
asexual, pansexual, etc.). There is no requirement that the
person or people harassing someone sexually do so for sexual
fulfillment or that they are sexually drawn to their prey.

In a nutshell, sexual harassment is any form of harassment

that is specifically sexual, sex-based, or gender-based,
regardless of the harasser's orientation, gender identity, or
sexual preferences.

Any unwanted sexual behavior is considered to be sexual

harassment. behavior or sexism in a professional
environment. Learn more about sexual harassment and the
problems it raises by consulting the resources below.
universities/sexual-harassment/ › sexual-har...
Sexual harassment in education (brochure)

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