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Unit 8: Presentation

Peer Assessment
You have now reached the Peer Assessment section of the Unit.

Having brainstormed potential strategic options to turnaround Telford Engineering post-MEXIT,

you have now been asked by Tom Mailer to prepare two clear presentation slides with brief
supporting notes, outlining the potential strategic options that the committee might have identified
and which will be discussed in more detail at the next sub-committee meeting.

In your presentation please identify and explain some strategic options which the committee
could have identified and which you think would be most suitable, acceptable and feasible for
turning around the future financial performance of Telford Engineering, given their current

Upload your presentation

 The two presentation slides and notes must first be completed and saved into the system and
you will then be asked to review and assess five other presentations prepared by other
learners. You will not be able to progress in this unit until this work is completed.
 When reviewing others’ work please look carefully at the submission against the criteria for
marking before you assign your grades. Please try to decide fairly and objectively which you
feel is most appropriate to allocate against each criterion, for every submission you review.
 You will be given a time limit for doing this work and will be able to see how many
presentations you still have left to assess.
 It is important that you review the five presentations within the time limits set (60 minutes for
each presentation review) so that you and your peers can progress through peer assessment
in a timely manner.
 When the review work is completed you will receive the result of your own submission and
feedback about how you performed.
 If you have been successful, your result will be recorded and your progress will be unlocked
and you can then progress to complete this unit.
 If you have not been successful you will be notified, given feedback and will be required to re-
submit your work and review and assess five other presentations. Further information on peer
assessment, is available in the Guidance for preparing a presentation and peer reviewing
others’ work.

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