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Syringe pump design

PAUL WADHAM Vickers Medical, Basingstoke

With the evolution of special care baby, intensive care, and coronary care units over the last decade, there has
developed a need for greater accuracy in the control of increasingly potent infusions.
The design of bedside syringe pump infusers that administer the contents of a syringe to a patient at a constant
and predetermined rate will b e considered in terms of their ergonomics, control, and safety.
Syringe pump design has evolved over the past few years from simple mechanised forms of syringe driving to
very sophisticated and precisely-controlled drive systems capable of high volumetric accuracy over a wide range
of clinical conditions and sustained for long time periods. This has led to the development of new and critical
forms of drug therapy.
In addition, important progress has been made in the safety and reliability aspects of syringe pump design.
Modern syringe pumps are expected to have fail-safe electronics to protect the patient in the event of a fault
occurring. With the advent of modern microprocessor techniques, future syringe pumps can be expected to
incorporate further sophisticated operational.and safety enhancements, whilst remaining simple to operate.
Typical safety enhancements could include the incorporation of a variable pressure sensor to protect against
unwanted pressure build up in the IV line, the use of absolute linear encoding techniques for control and
monitoring of the infusion, and the increasing use of self-tests and diagnostics to aid the user.
Operational enhancements could include the ability to support pharmacokinetic techniques, as well as closed
loop drug therapy and remote computer control.
Whilst this suggests that infusion therapy might become too sophisticated for day to day use, comprehensive
interactive instructions and diagnostic aids would contribute greatly to ease of use.
Good user training will be of increasing importance to maximize the benefits of the advances in syringe pump


The phrase ‘good ergonomics’ although overused, is one One of the first claimed designs for a syringe pump was
which is particularly relevant to syringe pump design. the ‘rubber band’ driven pump. This worked on the
Early syringe pumps tended towards engineering exer- simple ‘slingshot’ principle and was evidently unsatis-
cises in the area of fluid delivery, often with the minimum factory for many reasons, not the least of which was the
of patient safety features and controls. As the designs arbitrary rate at which the infusion occurred.
improved, so the products were to be found in the The next generation of syringe pump designs was
broader context of patient care, from general ward use to based around the clockwork mechanism. This type of
critical care environments. pump exhibits the fundamental features of all subsequent
Syringe pumps have developed to the stage where they designs, a drive mechanism which can be divided into
are expected to be used in an increasingly wide range of two parts, the first being the source of motive power for
clinical conditions by an ever broadening staff spectrum. the infusion. Initially it was a simple rubber band and
To achieve this the pump must be simple to operate, later a clock spring. The second feature is a transmission,
ideally even for someone without specific training. The designed to convert the power source into axial move-
controls should be clear and easy to interpret. Setting the ment of the syringe plunger. This combination needs to
rate, for example, should be done in ml/hr and not left to be consistent over a wide range of parameters, most of
the user to calculate in terms of axial travel. which are not pump related: syringe size, friction, fluid
All the pump controls should, ideally, be in view viscosity, and infusion pressure.
during normal use to provide as much information as Whilst clockwork or spring driven pumps were
possible about the infusion. capable of providing sufficient motive power, early
Such a user-friendly philosophy, together with inher- designs were limited in their ability to control accurately
ent simplicity, are important facets for a safe product. A n over the increasingly wide range of clinical conditions.
example of this is the replacement of mechanical rate Designers quickly moved on to exploit small but power-
switches with Light Emitting Diode (LED) or Liquid ful electric motors of which there are two types: the
Crystal Displays (LCDs) linked to a membrane switch stepper motor and the d.c. motor. Modern versions when
panel providing better-disseminated information. This coupled to a reduction gearbox are more than capable of
has been made possible by advances in electronic design providing sufficient motive power whilst affording
coupled to cheaply-available microprocessor power. precise control.
The layout of pumps has also improved. Early designs In the case of the stepper, this control is achieved
were more compromised to meet the packaging needs of through the relationship between one pulse and the angle
the transmission and electronics. With the advent of the motor subtends equating (via the transmission) to a
widely available moulding techniques, and suitable specific movement of the syringe plunger. A d.c. motor,
structural materials, designers may now present the on the other hand, requires some system of encoders to
package in an optimal fashion. ‘Surface mount’ printed allow this relationship between motor revolutions (or
circuit board technology and smaller more powerful fractions of) and plunger movement.
electric motors have combined to allow designs laid out The layout of the drive system is often dictated as
in such a way that all controls and information are much by the constraints of packaging as those of per-
immediately apparent to the user. formance. Two different transmissions have been most
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Fig. 3. Corirrol loyicjiw yerirrul purpose syririge prtrnp coritairi-

ultrrnis urid motor driw moniroririg
i r i g i~ornprekeri.sir~c

Early designs utilised conventional circuit boards and

frequently used, the rack and pinion (Fig. l(a))and the discrete component technology to achieve this. As the
leadscrew (Fig. l(b)). The rack and pinion allows the circuit logic became more comprehensive (Fig. 3) so the
motor to be perpendicular to the syringe axis, whilst with layout tended to require complex boards which were
the leadscrew layout the motor is arranged parallel to the large, difficult to package, and expensive t o produce.
syringe axis. Whichever is used. it must be inherently With the advent of the microprocessor, a more sophis-
linear to provide sufficient accuracy for long term infu- ticated network of controls could be built into the design
sions. A method of disengaging the drive must also be on a more simple layout, with the complexity shifting
included to allow syringes to be loaded and unloaded, towards the software. Here risk is associated with the
whilst the drive system must offer the user a wide range way in which software is written, and there is always an
of precise flow rates (typically 0.1-99.9 ml/hr in 0.1 ml/hr oblique chance that the microprocessor may itself be
increments) to meet the increasingly sophisticated drug fa 11It y .
regimes and clinical situations. This then leads to the optimum configuration o f a twin
microprocessor system. in a master and slave configu-
CONTROL TECHNIQUES ration. This, as its name suggests. provides a simple
The control technique for all electrically driven syringe circuit with enormous processing power with one con-
pumps is exceedingly similar. For a given syringe trolling the motor and the second checking for faults.
mounted on the drive system, i t will require a specific Microprocessor faults are avoided by each sending the
number of motor revolutions to provide the correct rate other test routines. To avoid the unlikely event of both
in millilitres per hour. I n the execution of this trans- microprocessors hanging up, a hardware watchdog has
lation, there is only one simple calculation. to be regularly reset, or i t shuts down the motor.
Once the infusion is underway, this converts into a In terms of packaging advances, there are several new
simple closed loop system of measurement, comparison, technologies which can now be utilised to reduce the
and correction. Any error in this continuous process will impact that the control board has on the pump design.
lead to oscillation, requiring the addition of a n integral The advent of surface mount, where components are
term to d a m p this out. smaller due to their interconnection by pad rather than
Whilst motor control is the primary function of the leadwire, has dramatically increased the packing density
pump electronics, patient safety parameters such as of board layout. Often a reduction of four times in area
pumping pressure and end of travel are also monitored can be achieved. Beyond this lies hybrid technology,
(Fig. 2). where components are replaced almost entirely by thick
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film ‘inks’ of material. This yields greater area savings, All these interrupt the normal course of the infusion
but its financial justification requires high volume pro- and could be potentially harmful. Modern pump designs
duction. Finally, ‘custom chip’ offers the ability to place a feature pressure monitoring methods to detect the high
major part of the circuit ‘into silicon’ offering enormous pumping pressure in the syringe and line under such
space savings but at very high initial cost, coupled to a conditions.
circuit design which must remain fixed. Finally the pump should warn if the power source is
removed or fails. This is particularly relevant to modern
SAFETY AND RELIABILITY a.c. powered designs which feature automatic battery
Syringe pump design has been considered above in terms back up. Here it is imperative that, in the case of a.c.
of ergonomics, the drive system and control techniques, power failure, the user is warned that the pump is contin-
but none of this is useful unless the pump is reliable and uing to infuse on battery power.
These two facets of the design are closely linked in
terms of component failure which may not only cause the
pump to stop working, but could cause undesirable The benefits of the technological advances outlined
behaviour. Here, experience guides the designer to avoid above are likely to manifest themselves in terms of oper-
components which are known to be unreliable, but the ational and safety enhancements.
tendency to build fault-tolerant circuits must be meted in To achieve a high degree of volumetric accuracy users
terms of the software being able to detect and act upon have generally been limited to an infusion pump which
such faults. will accept only one manufacturer’s type and size of
Early syringe pumps featured minimal safety systems syringe, a factor which is limiting both in terms of
to protect the patient in the case of a malfunction. As medical and financial constraints. New designs will be
devices have been used in increasingly sophisticated capable of providing this whilst accepting a wide range of
environments, so better and more comprehensive safety syringe makes and sizes with perhaps automatic recogni-
systems have been developed. tion. Similarly, a preset occlusion alarm level is almost
The pump should be ‘tamper-proof’ to avoid acciden- an ‘industry standard’. Again the next generation should
tal interruption or corruption of the patient’s treatment. have the facility to set the alarm level to suit the clinical
This suggests that the drive system should not be capable situation; a feature particularly relevant in the field of
of being disengaged during infusion without alarm. I t intensive and neonatal care where long term site patency
should also not be possible to change the rate during and closer control of pumping pressures are sought.
infusion. All these advantages could be lost as unwanted com-
A n obvious point is that the pump should not be plications unless the ergonomics of new designs do not
capable of being run with a zero rate selected. The keep pace. Multiple character alphanumeric LCDs are
control circuitry should also self monitor to check already in use to provide prompts for assistance in
against internal malfunctions. Some early designs could, setting the infusion up. This usage will expand to providc
under certain conditions, be induced to operate without full assistance, both in setting up, identification of alarm
proper control of the infusion rate. conditions, and in diagnostic help for fault finding.
Other safety systems should minimize the time spent Clinical regimens are advancing in line with infusion
attendant at the pump. An example of this is ‘end of pump technology. Current practice revolves around
infusion’, where early designs had an alarm to warn the constant-rate open-loop infusions (Fig. 4), a concept
user only that the infusion had ended. New designs which fails to account for varying efficacies of drugs and,
feature a ‘keep vein open’ rate where, a few millilitres of course, differing patient conditions. Pharmacokinetics
from the end, the pump alarms and automatically goes are developing into non-constant rate infusions coupled
onto a low rate. This both provides time for the next dose to closed-loop control (Fig. 5). Current technology will
preparation and keeps the site patent. limit new designs to interfaceable solutions, where a
Probably the most important system in a pump design syringe pump is linked to a computer and monitoring
is its capability of detecting the occlusion at the IV site, equipment to close this loop. Inevitably miniaturisation
caused by say, positional IV where the cannula becomes will allow an infusion pump to offer all this within the
misplaced and tissue infiltration occurs, a kinked or confines of one single piece of equipment.
twisted extension line, or clotting. Safety enhancements are likely to be less immediately
apparent to the user. Control circuitry is already
designed to catch single fault failure at component level,


F i g . 4 . Open-loop systemfor programmed injiisions Fiy. 5 . Integrated closed-loop injiision system

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and, as previously discussed, the advent of cheap micro- Future work is likely to concentrate in the areas
processor power has produced powerful and capable associated with pump safety and control circuitry. Par-
control circuits. The associated software, whilst signifi- ticular emphasis will be placed on the rate and syringe
cantly more important, is already heavily scrutinized for travel monitoring, coupled to more sophisticated alarm
most internationally recognized standards approvals. protection.

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