Imp Questions For Boards ICSE HISTORY

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• What is nationalism and imperialism

• Give 3 reasons for WWI
• Explain the immediate cause of WWI
• Name the architects of the Treaties of Versailles
• Give any 3-4 terms of the Treaty of Versailles
• Brief the territorial/military/financial effects of the treaty of Versailles (max 2 marks)
• Similarities between Fascism and Nazism
• Give 3 major reasons for the WWII
• Explain the failure of the league of nations
• Explain the immediate cause of WW2
• Objectives of the UN
• Composition of the UNSC, UNGA and the ICJ
• Functions of the UNSC, UNGA and the ICJ
• 3-4 functions of the UNESCO, UNICEF and WHO along with their full form
• Meaning of Non-Alignment
• Architects of NAM
• Objectives of NAM
• Qualifications for election of President, VP, judges of the high court and the Supreme court
• Composition of the electoral college
• reasons for the indirect election of the President
• Terms of office of President, VP, judges of the high court and the Supreme court
• Impeachment of the president
• All powers of the president, any 3 points
• Promulgation of ordinances and the terms involved
• The 3 types of ministers in the council of ministers
• Terms of office of ministers
• Difference between the council of ministers and the union cabinet
• All powers of the PM, 3 points should be enough
• Collective and individual responsibilities of ministers 3 points
• Appointment of judges to the supreme court max 2 marks q
• composition of the Supreme court
• The Types of Jurisdictions of the SC with examples
• Revisory Jurisdiction. Explain
• Judicial Review. Explain
• Supreme Court is called the ‘Court of Record’ Why?
• Explain the writs that can be issues by the supreme court
• How does the Supreme Court enforce fundamental rights?
• Explain Composition of the High Courts (Unlikely)
• How are Judges appointed to the High Court?
• What are subordinate courts?
• Advantages of Lok Adalats

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