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Course and Year: BSNEN3D2

Submitted to: SHIELA MAE TALABA Date: 11/20/2022

LE 2 Reflection: Gender-fair language

1. How can an individual, family, and community achieve a gender-fair language?
One of the most particular reason that gender is built and reinforced is through
language, which plays a crucial role in human cognition and behavior. Adopting gender-
neutral language is a potent strategy for advancing gender equality and combating gender
bias because of its significant influence on cultural and societal attitudes. Language that
avoids bias against a particular sex or gender is less likely to propagate stereotypes
because it is gender fair. Since it has long been the norm and practice to refer to both
sexes in general masculine terms, women are rendered invisible and their needs and
concerns may not be taken into account in any phase of the planning process for
development. In my opinion, there are many ways for us to achieve Gender-fair language
to an individual, family, and community and I do believe that families are at the forefront
of the development, and gender equality starts at home. The examples provided at home
by parents, caregivers, and extended family are influencing how the next generation
views gender and equality. Encouraging your children to ask questions about women's
rights and gender equality is one of the ways on achieving Gender fair language. You're
preparing your children to pave the way for a better future for everyone by talking to them
about gender equality and what still needs to be done to achieve it. Women perform at
least half as much unpaid home and care work as men do, including cleaning, cooking,
carrying water and firewood, and caring for children and the elderly. Set an example by
allocating all childcare and housework evenly in your household. Include boys and girls
in caregiving and housework from an early age.

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