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Submitted by: Lloyd Edisonne Montebon Course/year: BSNED3D2

Submitted to: Shiela Mae Talaba Date: 11/1/2022

Module 2 Lesson 4 Application

Write a Key Message to Adolescents that will impact the quality of their health in
adulthood when they assume new roles and responsibilities related to work, career,
family, and parenthood.

A considerable transition from childhood to adulthood occurs during adolescence.

The only growth and development that compares to this shift in this time is that of babies.
Significant physical, cognitive, emotional, and social growth and obstacles characterize
adolescence. The numerous changes that average adolescent bodies, minds, and
lifestyles go through are discussed in this chapter. Despite the fact that there is a clear
expected pattern of development, many teenagers face obstacles along the way because
of variations in biology, their environments, or a combination of both. This chapter
discusses some of the obstacles to healthy adolescent growth that could appear in the
lives of several children. Adolescents must learn responsibility and how to make their own
judgments if they are to grow into effective adults. This is a critical stage in their
development into young adults. It's crucial to guide your youngster toward developing
decision-making and accountability skills. You'll need to consider when and where to give
your child decision-making authority. It is up to you and your child to decide when to give
them responsibility. It depends on factors including your degree of comfort, your family's
customs and culture, and your child's maturity.

Any program intended for young people must offer a way for their energy to be
used for good through physical activity. A specific requirement exists for at least some
participation in sports and activities that accommodate variations in strength, dexterity,
and size. Adolescents require room and time to practice their newly acquired strength
and skills because they are rapidly changing and maturing bodies. The foundation for
continued physical health in adulthood must also be laid by developing appropriate
exercise routines in adolescence. Adolescents require that those they respect
acknowledge and value their successes. Youth must have the chance to learn new skills
and succeed in activities if they are to feel competent. When it comes to identifying one's
talents and skills and creating a more consistent self-image, adolescence is possibly the
most crucial developmental stage. It's crucial to adapt to the new person they are
developing into. Rapid change necessitates time for the body to adapt to new ways of
feeling, thinking, and responding to others. When experiencing a larger universe, it takes
time to consider the significance of new experiences and to incorporate those
experiences into a new self-concept. Adolescents, especially those in the early and
middle years of the stage, may still think in terms of physical objects and situations and
may be unable to think about themselves in a more objective and abstract way.

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