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China property crisis: why the housing market is

collapsing – and the risks to the wider economy


Zhirong Ou

Senior Lecturer in
Economics, Cardiff Business
School, Cardiff University


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Diterbitkan: Agustus 23, 2022 10.52pm WIB

Homebuyers in China have been refusing to make mortgage payments. Svilen G / Shutterstock

China has been trimming interest rates recently – in contrast to other major
economies – as it tries to stem the economic effects of its zero-COVID policy and
address a growing property crisis. The country’s traditionally strong housing market
has been affected by a funding crisis that has seen development paused and led to
buyers refusing to pay their mortgages.
The recent spate of mortgage strikes by homebuyers across China has exposed the
risk that has accumulated in the market as it has developed over the past two
decades. The mortgage strikes started earlier this year among a group of people that
bought homes in an Evergrande development in Jingdezhen city, Jiangxi province,
but protests have since spread to buyers of other developments throughout China.
To date, more than 300 groups of homeowners are believed to be refusing to pay
between US$150 billion (£127 billion) and US$370 billion in homeloans, according
to informal surveys published online.
These protesters all have one thing in common: they have been paying mortgages,
often at a rate of 5%-6%, on homes they have never lived in. These properties were
sold before they were built under what’s called the presale system, which is
a common way to buy property in China.
The trigger for the buyers’ strikes is a widespread belief among these protesters that
the funds homeowners have paid in advance to the builders of these property
developments have been misused.
Under the presale system, buyers deposit money in an account before the property is
built. Chinese banks and local authorities are obligated to monitor developers’ use of
these funds. Developers are not supposed to have access to all of the money until
they have hit certain pre-agreed milestones during the building process.
But buyers have recently complained that many banks –- whether or not local
authorities are aware is unclear –- have been providing loans to developers before
the required stage of work has been reached.
Buyers have also complained that, although these funds should have been kept in
designated escrow accounts that regulators can monitor, sometimes they are not,
enabling developers to evade regulations. Overall, these buyers believe loose
regulation of funds has provided some developers with both the temptation and
ability to keep investing in new projects, by borrowing more before current projects
are completed.
Indeed, a commonly observed pattern in China’s property development industry is
for developers to purchase lands, pledge them to banks to get loans, start projects,
begin the presale process with buyers and then use these funds to purchase lands for
other projects.
In such situations, only a portion of a buyer’s funds might go towards the
construction of their own property. As a result, a recent liquidity crisis in the sector
has stalled many projects because the developers involved can’t afford to continue

The rise and fall of the Chinese property market

Today’s situation follows a boom in the Chinese property market. The housing
market had been enjoying a long rise since the early 2000s, which reached a peak in
2018 before a gradual cooling that ended in a sharp decline in sales in early 2022.
The chart below (figure 1) shows the change in China’s Real Estate Climate index,
which measures aggregate business activity in land sales and real estate. New house
sales have slumped substantially this year, with values dropping by 22% compared to
the same time last year.

Author's chart based on figures from National Bureau of Statistics of China

The weak market has substantially reduced the funding available to developers, as
figure 2 below shows. This is the root cause of the current situation in which
developers have paused building, causing homeowners to strike by refusing to pay
their mortgages.

Author's chart based on figures from National Bureau of Statistics of China

Tightening credit conditions also play an important role. Among other things, a key
policy change is the government’s “three red lines” regulation, introduced in August
2020. It categorises developers according to how much debt they hold, which then
determines how much more they can borrow annually.
More than 60% of developers have hit at least one of the debt thresholds set by
regulators in 2021, as shown in figure 3 below. Around 10% – crisis-
hit Evergrande included – have breached all three. When this happens, developers
are not allowed to raise new borrowing for that year. The resulting credit crunch has
pushed many developers into a stressed position, with some even defaulting.
Red: no new interest-bearing debt is allowed. Orange: new interest-bearing debt growth must not
exceed 5%. Yellow: new interest-bearing debt growth must not exceed 10%. Green: new interest-
bearing debt growth must not exceed 15%. Author's chart based on reports from China Real Estate
Data Academy.

The wider effects

The potential for a wave of developer bankruptcies is the biggest risk to China’s
housing market at the moment and could result in a large number of unfinished
This is not alarmism: Chinese developers generally borrow a lot of money to fund
ongoing construction. While the industry average debt-to-asset ratio is around 65%,
some of the leading companies are even more indebted (see figure 4 below).

Author's chart based on figures from China Stock Market & Accounting Research (CSMAR) Database.
The industry has also seen a gradual fall in developers’ current ratios (their ability to
repay short-term debts, see figure 5 below), which indicates lower overall liquidity
and leaves the industry vulnerable to financial shocks.

The current ratio is a liquidity measure, calculated by dividing a company’s total current assets by its
total current liabilities. A falling ratio indicates less protection from short-term financial
problems. Author's chart based on figures from China Stock Market & Accounting Research (CSMAR)

The risk from the real estate sector could also spill into the wider economy via banks
and local governments, which are the two biggest entities supporting China’s growth.
Banks lend both to buyers and developers and so could face a surge in bad debts if
the housing market collapsed. The good news is that these loans are a relatively small
proportion of the banks’ total lending. According to my own calculations based on
government figures, mortgage loans comprised just under 20% of banks’ total
lending by the end of 2021, while, as declared by the major banks, only
about 0.01% of those loans are affected by the current strikes.
On the other hand, real estate developments comprise only 6.2% of Chinese banks’
total loan books. Even so, major defaults could lead banks to tighten lending
conditions, causing market liquidity to fall even further.
Local governments are a different story. They often rely heavily on selling land for
income and so failing to secure a stable flow of proceeds from land sales could affect
their investment and urbanisation projects. This would be a further drag on China’s
recovery from the pandemic at a time when it is already struggling due to the
government’s ongoing zero-COVID policy.
When it comes to global implications, it’s worth remembering China’s “closed”
capital account policy restricts movement of money in and out of the country. This
largely isolates China’s financial market from the international market.
So, unlike during the 2007-8 global financial crisis, these defaults would be unlikely
to directly affect the world economy, although countries that trade with China may
see a modest fall in demand from their Chinese consumers.

The wider effects

The potential for a wave of developer bankruptcies is the biggest risk to China’s
housing market at the moment and could result in a large number of unfinished
This is not alarmism: Chinese developers generally borrow a lot of money to fund
ongoing construction. While the industry average debt-to-asset ratio is around 65%,
some of the leading companies are even more indebted (see figure 4 below).

Author's chart based on figures from China Stock Market & Accounting Research (CSMAR) Database.

The industry has also seen a gradual fall in developers’ current ratios (their ability to
repay short-term debts, see figure 5 below), which indicates lower overall liquidity
and leaves the industry vulnerable to financial shocks.
The current ratio is a liquidity measure, calculated by dividing a company’s total current assets by its
total current liabilities. A falling ratio indicates less protection from short-term financial
problems. Author's chart based on figures from China Stock Market & Accounting Research (CSMAR)

The risk from the real estate sector could also spill into the wider economy via banks
and local governments, which are the two biggest entities supporting China’s growth.
Banks lend both to buyers and developers and so could face a surge in bad debts if
the housing market collapsed. The good news is that these loans are a relatively small
proportion of the banks’ total lending. According to my own calculations based on
government figures, mortgage loans comprised just under 20% of banks’ total
lending by the end of 2021, while, as declared by the major banks, only
about 0.01% of those loans are affected by the current strikes.
On the other hand, real estate developments comprise only 6.2% of Chinese banks’
total loan books. Even so, major defaults could lead banks to tighten lending
conditions, causing market liquidity to fall even further.
Local governments are a different story. They often rely heavily on selling land for
income and so failing to secure a stable flow of proceeds from land sales could affect
their investment and urbanisation projects. This would be a further drag on China’s
recovery from the pandemic at a time when it is already struggling due to the
government’s ongoing zero-COVID policy.
When it comes to global implications, it’s worth remembering China’s “closed”
capital account policy restricts movement of money in and out of the country. This
largely isolates China’s financial market from the international market.
So, unlike during the 2007-8 global financial crisis, these defaults would be unlikely
to directly affect the world economy, although countries that trade with China may
see a modest fall in demand from their Chinese consumers.

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