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Administration and Office Management Finals Reviewer

Chapter 6: Customer and Employee can be used to recreate or prove

Satisfaction state of existence.

Workplace team - A workplace team means ● Identifying, Classifying, Storing,

a group of employees who are working Securing, Retrieving, Tracking,
together on either a temporary or a Destroying, Permanently Preserving
permanent basis to achieve a common Records
● A RECORD is something that
Types of Workplace teams represents proof of existence and
that can be used to recreate or
1. Project Teams: A group of people brought prove state of existence.
together to accomplish a particular project.
2. Cross-Functional team: A
cross-functional team is made up of UNIT
employees from different departments or
areas of the business. ● Names are alphabetized unit by unit.

3. Self-directed work team: a team that INDEXING

determines how it will get a job done and
has the authority, and often the budget, to ● Determining the order and format
carry out decisions of the units in a name.

Customer Satisfaction is a reflection of ALPHABETIZING

Employee Satisfaction
● When you arrange names in
alphabetical order, you are
alphabetizing them.

Chapter 7: Record Management CASE

● refers to whether the letter is written
● Records Management (RM), also as a capital case (A) called
known as Records and Information uppercase, or small letter (a) called
Management (RIM) is the lower case.
professional practice of managing
the records of an organization. The RECORDS TECHNOLOGY
purpose of Record Management is ● On line coursework for record
part of organization’s broader technicians, also called information
function of Governance, Risk and technicians are commonly available.
Compliance or (GRC) These programs instruct student in
how to create and maintain
● A Record is something that electronic records that hold
represent proof of existence and that information.
Administration and Office Management Finals Reviewer

Chapter 10: Leadership Theories and


Chapter 8: Meeting and Travel Attribute of Leadership

How to Run an Effective Meeting and 1. Establish a Clear Vision

Conference. 2. Sharing that vision with others so
that they will follow willingly.
1. Begin with a Purpose 3. Providing the informatiion,
2. Micro-Meeting are Time Savers knowledge, and methods to realize
3. The Importance of Agendas the vision and
4. Stick to the Clock 4. Coordinating and balancing the
5. Have an Action Plan for Moving conflicting interests of all members
Forward and stakeholders.

Leadership Styles

1. S1: Telling
Chapter 9: Job Search and Advancement 2. S2: Selling
3. S3: Participating
Job Source of Career Information 4. S4: Delegating

1. Personal Contact Maturity Level

2. Libraries and Career Center
3. Counselors 1. M1: They generally lack the specific
4. The Internet skills required for the job in hand and
5. Organization are unable and unwilling to do or to
6. Education and Training Information take responsibility for this job or
Strategies of Personal Advancement
2. M2: They are still unable to take on
1. Create your Personal Brand responsibility for the task being
2. Convey your Value done, however, they are willing to
3. Update your Career Document work at the task.
4. Public Speaking and Media
Interaction 3. M3: They are still experienced and
able to do the task but lack the
confidence to take on responsibility.

4. M4: They are experienced at the

task, and comfortable with their own
ability to do it well. They are able
and willing not only to do the task,
Administration and Office Management Finals Reviewer

but also to take responsibility for the


Development Level

1. D4: High competence and High

2. D3: Moderate to high competence
and Variable commitment
3. D2: Some to low competence and
low commitment
4. D1: Low competence and high

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