مراجعة اولى ث كتاب بروفيشنال نظام جديد

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1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

‫ي‬ٚ‫ اال‬ٍٟ‫ اٌفظً اٌلها‬ٜٛٔ‫ي اٌضب‬ٚ‫ِواععخ اٌظؿ األ‬

ecotourism ‫السٌاحة البٌئٌة‬ peaceful ‫ هادئ‬/ ‫سلمى‬

endangered ‫ معرض لالنمراض‬/ ‫مهدد‬ upset ‫ للك‬/ ‫منزعج‬
isolated ‫معزول‬ exotic ‫ غٌر عادى‬/ ‫غرٌب‬
impact ‫ ٌؤثر فى‬/ ‫تأثٌر‬ crowded ‫مزدحم‬
unique ‫ ال مثٌل له‬/ ‫فرٌد‬ modern ‫حدٌث‬
sustainable ‫ مستمر‬/ ‫دائم‬ brilliant ‫ بارع‬/ ‫ ذكى‬/ ‫ مشرق‬/ ‫المع‬
environment ‫البٌئة‬ introduce ‫ٌمدم‬
materials ‫المواد‬ orangutan ‫إنسان الغاب‬
ecosystem ‫النظام البٌئى‬ develop ‫ ٌنمى‬/ ‫ٌطور‬
conservationist ‫المحافظ على البٌئة‬ educate ‫ ٌثمف‬/ ‫ٌعلم‬
increase ‫ ٌزداد‬/ ‫ٌزٌد‬ limited ‫محدود‬
lean ‫ ٌنحنى‬/ ‫ٌمٌل‬ biology ‫علم األحٌاء‬
swell up ‫ ٌنتفخ‬/ ‫ٌتورم‬ properly ‫بشكل مالئم‬
trek )‫ٌموم برحلة شالة (على األلدام‬ a remote place ‫ بعٌدة‬/ ‫أماكن نائٌة‬
spicy )‫كثٌر التوابل ( متبل‬ souvenir ‫هدٌة تذكارٌة‬
destination ‫جهة الوصول‬ friendly ‫ودود‬
volunteer ‫متطوع‬

impact on ‫تأثٌر على‬ arrange to ‫ٌرتب أن‬

famous for ‫مشهور بـ‬ busy with ‫مشغول مع‬
stay in ‫ٌمٌم فى‬ stay with ‫ٌمٌم مع‬
care for ‫ٌهتم بـ‬ watch a programme ‫ٌشاهد برنامج‬
benefit from ‫ٌستفٌد من‬ grow vegetables ‫ٌزرع خضروات‬
parts of ‫أجزاء من‬ walk around ‫ٌتجول‬
learn about ‫ٌتعلم عن‬ photograph the castle ‫ٌصور الملعة‬
close to ‫لرٌب من‬ sail along ‫ٌبحر على طول‬
on the second day ‫فى الٌوم الثانى‬ for lunch ‫على الغداء‬
advantage of / to ‫مٌزة لـ‬ the sun goes down ‫الشمس تغرب‬
take a photo ‫ٌلتمط صورة‬ most of the time ‫معظم الولت‬
get away ‫ٌذهب فى اجازة‬ have a hobby ‫لدٌه هواٌة‬

Exercises on Vocabulary
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- There are many ……………… animals in the world, which we need to save.
a) endangered b) isolated c) insulated d) popular
2- ……………… is the natural world around us e.g. land, air, water etc. in which
people, animals and plants live.
a) Environment b) Conservation c) Coral reed d) Destination
3- ………… is the business of organizing holidays to natural areas that are far away.
a) Ecosystem b) Tourism c) Wildlife d) Ecotourism

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1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
4- A ……………… is someone who works to protect animals, plants etc. or to protect
old buildings.
a) Ecotourist b) physiatrist c) conservationist d) psychiatrist
5- The Komodo dragon is ……………… to Indonesia. It doesn‟t live anywhere else.
a) unique b) special c) private d) giant
6- The explorers spent the day ……………… through forests and over mountains.
a) diving b) trekking c) developing d) racing
7- The footballer‟s ankle has already started to ……………… up as he was hit by
another player.
a) swallow b) swell c) extend d) refresh
8- During my first month here, I felt terribly ……………… as I lived alone.
a) damaged b) limited c) existed d) isolated
9- The Galapagos Islands in Ecuador are famous ……………… the unique animals.
a) about b) to c) in d) for
10- There will be an international meeting to discuss the environmental ………………
of global warming.
a) impacts b) affections c) results d) destinations
11- It is important to only use local ……………… when building an eco-hotel.
a) contents b) materials c) elements d) items
12- Mariam placed her name on the list of ……… as she likes working for charities.
a) volunteers b) experts c) professionals d) veterans
13- He was ……………… on the bridge, watching the boats go by.
a) training b) leaning c) loaning d) hiring
14- My father asked me to …… sure you lock the door behind you when you go out.
a) make b) do c) take d) give
15- Cycling is a very ……………… friendly sport. I like it very much.
a) environmentally b) environmentalist c) environmental d) environment
16- ……………… a limited number of people can visit islands each year.
a) Lonely b) Only c) Alone d) Lone
17- There has been a/an ……………… in the population of the city. It was smaller ten
years ago.
a) less b) decrease c) grow d) increase
18- All wood used in our furniture comes with a certificate saying it comes from
……………… forests.
a) tiny b) sustainable c) tricky d) fun
19- My wife was ……………… because I forgot to buy bread on my way home.
a) alone b) glad c) annoyed d) hungry
20- Pollution has a bad impact ……………… people and the environment.
a) on b) at c) in d) with
21- We‟re hoping to ……………… away to Scotland for a few days.
a) arrive b) take c) run d) get
22- At the border you will be asked about your ……… and how long you plan to stay.
a) location b) destination c) position d) site
23- I have a lot of homework to do and I‟m ……………… here at home doing it.
a) shock b) suck c) struck d) stuck
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24- On school trips, the older children care ……………… the younger ones.
a) of b) with c) on d) for
25- We …………… our game to only one hour as we had to watch a movie after that.
a) extended b) cancelled c) limited d) merged
26- The doctors ……………… the sick child away from the others in order not to
make the infection spread.
a) gathered b) isolated c) prevented d) fetched
27- Hady came up with a/an ……………… idea for a new book.
a) away b) brilliant c) cheap d) expensive
28- He accused me of not doing my job ……………… and I was very angry.
a) proper b) probable c) properly d) probably
29- Lions only ……………… in the wild, not in towns or cities.
a) exist b) expire c) extract d) ecercise
30- “This bird is exotic. It is unusual and rarely seen here.” The antonym of the word
„exotic‟ is ………………
a) familiar b) strange c) rare d) foreign
31- “Be careful! The forest is full of giant snakes.” The synonym of the word „giant‟
is ………………
a) tiny b) minute c) small d) gigantic
32- “I went trekking along the beach.” The word „trekking‟ here is a synonym of
a) fishing b) hiking c) losing d) fabricating
33- It‟s amazing how often you see drivers using mobile phones. The antonym of the
word “amazing” is ………………
a) crowded b) pretty c) astonishing d) believable

ً‫ لِٕيزثُا ِضي‬ٜ‫ ٌٍفعيً ذما ويبْ ـعيً ىيبك‬ied ٚ‫ أ‬ed ٚ‫ أ‬d ‫ ٌٍفعيًا ث ػيبـخ‬ٝٔ‫ؿ اٌضيب‬٠‫ؾ ِيٓ لاٌزظيو‬١‫ اٌجَي‬ٝ‫ْ اٌّبػ‬ٛ‫زى‬٠ 
play – played / help – helped
see – saw / go – went / have – had ً‫ُؾفع ِض‬٠ ‫و ِٕزثُا‬١‫أِب ذما وبْ ـعً شبم لؼ‬ 

Statement ‫ِضجذ‬ Negative ٟ‫ِٕف‬ Question ‫ٍؤاي‬

I finished the book yesterday I didn’t finish the book When did you finish the book?
yesterday Did you finish the book?
Usage َ‫ االٍزقلا‬-2
. ٝ‫ اٌّبػ‬ٝ‫ ـ‬ٝٙ‫أز‬ٚ ‫ ؽلس ثلأ‬-1
E.g. I played football yesterday. I was in Alexandria a month ago.
‫ ِعٕب٘ب "أىزبك أْ"ا‬ٝ‫اٌز‬ٚ “used to” ‫ لؼبٌ ًجب ِع وٍّخ‬ٝ‫ اٌّبػ‬ٝ‫ ىبكح ـ‬-2
E.g. When I was in Paris, I used to play (played) tennis.
3 Final Revision
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(Always – often – never – usually – every …) ٝ‫ اٌّبػ‬ٝ‫ ىبكح ـ‬ٍٝ‫لي ى‬١ٌ ‫ؾ‬١َ‫َزقلَ ِع وٍّبد اٌّؼبهع اٌج‬٠ ْ‫ّىٓ أ‬٠ : ‫الؽع‬
E.g. When he was a child, he walked to school everyday.
‫ ٍوك اؽلاس لظخ‬-3
E.g. Ali found a bag, and then he went to the police station.
ً‫ك ـبى‬ٛ‫ع‬ٚ ‫خ ؽبٌخ‬١‫ر‬٢‫واد ا‬١‫ؾ ِع اٌزعج‬١َ‫ اٌج‬ٝ‫َزقلَ اٌّبػ‬٠ٚ -
1- I wish + ً‫ ـبى‬+ ‫ؾ‬١َ‫ ث‬ٝ‫ِبػ‬ * I wish Hany studied hard.
2- It’s (high) time + ً‫ ـبى‬+ ‫ؾ‬١َ‫ ث‬ٝ‫ِبػ‬ * It’s time she studied English.
3- I would rather + ً‫ ـبى‬+ ‫ؾ‬١َ‫ ث‬ٝ‫ِبػ‬ * I’d rather he left now.
* I’d rather you didn’t hunt elephants.

Passive ‫ي‬ٛٙ‫ ٌٍّغ‬ٕٝ‫ اٌّج‬-6

‫ي‬ٛ‫ ِفع‬+ was / were + p.p.

* Football was played yesterday.

* The film was watched at home by Heba.

Form ٓ٠ٛ‫ اٌزى‬-1

ً‫ ـبى‬+ was / were + verb + ing
ِٓ ‫ اٌَّزّو‬ٝ‫ْ اٌّبػ‬ٛ‫زى‬٠ : ‫ ؽبٌخ اإلصجبد‬ٝ‫ ـ‬-1

Statement ‫ِضجذ‬ Negative ٟ‫ِٕف‬ Question ‫ٍؤاي‬

* They were watching TV * Jana wasn’t preparing * Was he / she (having lunch) ?
yesterday evening. dinner. * What were they doing at 5
yesterday ?

‫ي‬ٛ‫ ِفع‬was, were + being + p.p. …

ِٓ ْٛ‫زى‬٠ : ‫ي‬ٛٙ‫ ٌٍّغ‬ٕٝ‫ ؽبٌخ اٌّج‬ٝ‫ ـ‬-3
* TV was being watched yesterday evening.

Usage َ‫ االٍزقلا‬-2
‫ اٌَّزّو‬ٝ‫َٔزقلَ اٌّبػ‬
ٓ١‫لذ ِع‬ٚ ٝ‫ ـ‬ٝ‫ اٌّبػ‬ٝ‫و ىٓ ؽلس اٍزّو ٌفزوح ـ‬١‫ ٌٍزعج‬-1
* Tarek was eating dinner at noon yesterday.
ٝ‫ اٌّبػ‬ٝ‫و ىٓ ؽلس وبْ َِزّوا ىٕلِب لطعٗ ؽلس آفو ـ‬١‫ ٌٍزعج‬-2
* While / As I was having lunch, the phone rang.
(While / As / When) ‫ ِع‬ٝ‫ اٌّبػ‬ٝ‫لذ ـ‬ٌٛ‫ ٔفٌ ا‬ٝ‫ٓ ـ‬٠‫ٓ وبٔب َِزّو‬١‫و ىٓ ؽلص‬١‫ ٌٍزعج‬-3

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* While my father was watching TV, my mother was cooking in the kitchen.
* While / As / When I was doing my homework, my sister was helping my mother.

Important notes
ً‫ؾ ِض‬١َ‫ اٌج‬ٝ‫َزقلَ اٌّبػ‬٠ ٓ‫ٌى‬ٚ ‫طؿ اٌؾبٌخ‬ٚٚ ً‫ا‬ٛ‫اٌؾ‬ٚ ‫خ‬١‫اٌٍّى‬ٚ ‫و‬١‫اٌزفى‬ٚ ‫ه‬ٛ‫ اٌَّزّو ِع أـعبي اٌشع‬ٝ‫َزقلَ اٌّبػ‬٠ ‫ ال‬-1
want – think – like – love – hate – belong – have – see – hear – taste – smell – be – seem
e.g. She seemed ill when I visited her.
* While I was at home, a man knocked on the door and asked for help.
* My car was stolen while I was on holiday.
‫اؽل‬ٚ ‫ْ ـبىً اٌغٍّخ‬ٛ‫ى‬٠ ْ‫( ثشوؽ أ‬v+ing) ‫ ثعل٘ب‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ ً‫ ـبى‬while ‫ ثعل‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ ٌُ ‫ ذما‬-2
* While playing football, I fell and broke my leg (while I was playing football)
(v+ing) ‫ ثعل٘ب‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ٚ when ِٓ ‫ ثلال‬on َ‫ّىٓ اٍزقلا‬٠ -3
* When the thief saw the police, he ran away. = On seeing the police, the thief ran away.
(noun) ‫ ثعل٘ب‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ٚ while ِٓ ‫ ثلال‬During َ‫ّىٓ اٍزقلا‬٠ -4
* During my lunchtime, the phone rang.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- She …………… in Cairo for ten years. Later, she got married and moved to Alex.
a) lived b) has lived c) had been lived d) was living
2- Mona was leaning out of the boat when she ……………… her phone.
a) drops b) is dropping c) dropped d) was dropping
3- Last year, we ……………… to the beautiful city of Venice in Italy.
a) were travelling b) travel c) travelled d) travels
4- Did you ……………… your arm yesterday ?
a) broke b) break c) breaking d) broken
7- Once, Kamal‟s family ……………… lunch in this restaurant.
a) having b) have c) has d) had
8- While he ……………… a student, he was writing short stories.
a) has been b) was being c) was d) is
9- ……………… my sleep, I had a bad dream.
a) While b) When c) During d) As
10- ……………… I got to the stadium, the football game was over.
a) During b) While c) On d) When
11- The tourists ……………… swimming in the sea. It was too dirty!
a) don‟t enjoy b) weren‟t enjoying
c) didn‟t enjoy d) doesn‟t enjoy

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12- While she was studying, I ……………… television.
a) watched b) watching c) will watch d) was watching
13- Yesterday evening, we ………… for our English test when all the lights went out.
a) revising b) were revising c) revised d) had revised
14- While I ……………… for the train on the station, I met one of my old friends.
a) was waiting b) being waited c) waiting d) waited
15- I ……………… the book yesterday.
a) don‟t finish b) never finishes c) didn‟t finish d) never finish
16- What ……………… when I took photos of the crocodiles ?
a) have you done b) were you doing c) you were doing d) did you do
17- Ahmed‟s grandmother ……………… ill when he visited her yesterday.
a) was seeming b) had seemed c) seemed d) has seemed
18- Ali always ……………… to work when he was young.
a) walked b) walks c) is walking d) was walking
19- Hassan couldn‟t answer the phone because he ……………… his father‟s car.
a) washed b) was washing c) had washed d) has washed
20- In the past, people ……………… travel on camels.
a) are used to b) used c) used to d) didn‟t us
21- Mona ……………… at school yesterday as she was absent.
a) didn‟t see b) doesn‟t see c) wasn‟t seen d) isn‟t seen
22- I was studying my lessons when the light ……………… out.
a) had gone b) went c) were going d) gone
23- He doesn‟t play tennis but he ……………… to do that in the past.
a) didn‟t use b) uses c) use d) used
24- As the thief ……………… to escape, he was arrested.
a) was trying b) tried c) had tried d) trying
25- The thief ran away on ……………… the police.
a) saw b) had seen c) seeing d) he saw
26- I‟d rather you ……………… English hard.
a) study b) are studying c) studied d) studies
27- There was a knock on the door ……………… the lunch time.
a) when b) as c) during d) because
28- Hend used to live in Alexandria, but not she ………………
a) isn‟t b) doesn‟t c) don‟t d) didn‟t
29- Did you go out last night or ……………… you busy ?
a) did b) were c) are d) have
30- When I met Sami yesterday, he ………… to the hospital. I offered to go with him.
a) went b) was going c) had gone d) going
31- I borrowed my friend‟s car because mine ………………
a) was repaired b) was being repaired
c) has been repaired d) was repairing
32- ……………… touching the hot pan, Sama cried in pain.
a) While b) On c) When d) During
33- ……………… on holiday, I had a great time.
a) While b) On c) When d) During
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The important vocabulary

blind ‫اعمى‬ cliff ‫منحدر‬
dare ‫ٌجرؤ‬ grab ‫ ٌخطف‬- ‫ٌشد‬
guard ‫ حارس‬-‫ٌحرس‬ owe ‫ٌدٌن ب‬
pale ‫شاحب‬ scar ‫ اثر جرح‬- ‫ندبة‬

Choose the correct word.

1-Tarek was late, so he ........................... his school bag and ran for the bus.
a-grapes b-grabs c-grabbed d-grabbing
2-Although they cannot see, ........................... people can often hear better than
other people.
a-deaf b- blind c-rich d-poor
3-The taxi stopped and Lina asked the driver how much money she ...........................
a- owed b- owe c- owes d- owing
4-When I was little, my brother asked me to climb a tree in the park, but I didn‟t
........................... It was too dangerous.
a- dared b-doer c-drill d- dare
5-The beach is busy today, so can you ........................... by bag while I go for a
a- guarded b- guardian c- guard d- guarder
6-My grandfather worked at night and didn‟t see the sun very often, so he was
always very ...............
a-pole b- pale c-pool d-pile
7-Ali has a ........................... on his hand after he cut it with a knife.
a- scarce b- scare c- scarcer d- scar
8-Be careful if you walk that way. There is a big ........................... and you don‟t
want to fall!
a- cliff b-clef c-rock d-rocket

‫ٌجب أن نغرس فً أبنائنا حب العمل و االنتماء و تشجٌعهم علً اإلبداع‬-1

1-We must instill in our children a love of work and belonging and encourage them
to be creative
2- We must install in our children a love of work and belonging and encourage
them to be creative
3-We must instill in our children the love of work, belonging and encourage them
to be creative
4-We must instill in our children a love of work, belonging and encourage them to
be creative

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‫لذا من المنصوح به ان تعطً بدنن لدر كاف من الراحة‬. ‫السهر لفترة طوٌلة لة تأثٌر ضار على صحتن‬-2
1-Staying up late for a long time has a harmful effect on your health. So it is
recommended that you give your body sufficient rest
2-Staying up late for along time has a harmful effect on your health. So it is
recommended that you give your body sufficient rest
3-Staying up late for a long time has a harmless effect on your health. So it is
recommended that you give your body sufficient rest
4- Staying up late for a long time has a harmful effect on your health. So it is
recommended that you give your body sufficiently rest
‫لمد اصبحت السٌاحة العمود الفمرى لاللتصاد المصرى‬-3
1-The tourism has become the backbone of the Egyptian economy
2-Tourism have become the backbone of the Egyptian economy
3-Tourism has become the backbone of the Egyptian economy
4-Tourism has become the backbone of the Egyptian economical
.‫ اتصلت بالشرطة و حضروا علً الفور‬, ‫ بمجرد أنً رأٌت الحادث‬-4

1-As soon as I see the accident, I called the police and they came immediately.
2-As soon as I saw the accident, I calling the police and they came immediately.
3-As soon as I had see the accident, I called the police and they came immediately.
4-As soon as I saw the accident, I called the police and they came immediately.
. ‫ٌستمر العلماء فى البحث عن مصادر طالة متجددة بدال من البترول والفحم‬-5
1. Scientist continue to search for renewable energy sources instead of oil and
2. Scientists continues to search for renewable energy sources instead of oil and
3. Scientists continue to search for renewable energy sources instead of oil and
4. Scientists continue to searching for renewable energy sources instead of oil and
.‫ٌنبغً علٌنا بذل المزٌد من الجهد لحماٌة البٌئة من التلوث السمعً والبصري‬-6
1-We must do more to protect the environment from audio and visual pollution.
2-We must make more to protect the environment from audio and visual pollution.
3-We must do more to protecting the environment from audio and visual pollution.
4-We must do more to protect the environmental from audio and visual pollution.
.‫ سوف تتمتع المدارس بكافة الوسائل التعلٌمٌة و التكنولوجٌة الحدٌثة‬-6

1-Schools will enjoy all modern educational and technological means.

2-Schools will enjoy all modern education and technological means.
3-Schools will enjoy all modern educational and technology means.
4-Schools will enjoy all modern educational and technological mean.

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- Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

Can social media impact day to day communication ? If so, does it improve it or
stall it ? Studies have shown that we polish our communication skills when we chat
online using various social media sites. We decide who gets to talk to and who doesn‟t.
We are in control of every piece of information that we wish to share and we can create
the image that we want.
We can simulate a face-to-face conversation quite easily, since we can use a
webcam and a microphone. If we have a shy personality, we can easily overcome that
by practicing our conversational skills until we reach a point where we feel a bit more
confident about ourselves.
Social media websites not only enrich the dialogues with people; we can also
get in touch with out distance friends. We can also get other people informed about
noble causes or online projects that will help them. We can also promote our business
with much more success, if we know how to properly promote our products or services
on social media, so as to get people to talk about them.
Using social media websites is a good way of expressing yourself or revealing a
part of your personality. As long as we do not forget that online communication is not
enough and cannot be a real substitute for face-to-face human contact, social media
can indeed improve the way we communicate.
simulate ‫ ٌحاكى‬reveal ‫ ٌكشف‬various ‫ متنوع‬/ ‫مختلف‬
substitute ‫ بدٌل‬enrich ‫ ٌثرى‬indeed ‫بالفعل‬
Choose the correct answer :
1- The central idea of the passage is ……………
a) Successful relationships.
b) The disadvantages of social media.
c) Communication technology.
d) How to avoid shyness.
2- The text is ……………
a) an email b) a letter c) a poster d) a web article
3- Which sentence of the following is Not correct ?
a) Social media help us better our communication skills.
b) Social media communication is a real substitute for face-to-face contact.
c) Businessmen profit from social media.
d) Social media websites make it easy to express oneself.
4- The underlined pronoun “them” refers to ……………
a) people b) social media
c) online projects d) products or services
5- The main idea in the third paragraph is ……………
a) The pros and cons of social media
b) Social media help us express ourselves

9 Final Revision
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c) We can help others using social media
d) The importance of face to face contact
6- The word in bold “stall” is similar in meaning to ……………
a) continue b) improve c) destroy d) enhance
7- How far do social media help shy people ?
a) They improve their conversational skills.
b) They help them make friends.
c) They offer virtual dialogues.
d) They make them feel less confident about themselves.
8- Which of the following summarizes the first paragraph ?
a) People don‟t appear on social media as in reality.
b) All of us chat online instead of using mobiles.
c) Social media are part and parcel of our daily communications.
d) Don‟t share your personal information online.

Conservation of Water ‫المحافظة على الماء‬

Water is the basic need of every living organism on earth.Conserving
water is very important for the life on earth.We are responsible for polluting
and wasting lots of water around us.We must understand the importance of
water and the need of it's conservation .Water conservation can be done
using very easy methods.The first step in conserving water can be taken by
all of us at home.It is very important not to keep the taps running
unnecessarily.Aquatic systems need to be enhanced by the conservation of
water.Governments has made several schemes for water conservation.Water
conservation is the only way to save water for the future.

‫خ‬٠ٛٔ‫شٕبي ٌٍّوؽٍخ اٌضب‬١‫ـ‬ٚ‫ٌطٍت وزبة ثو‬

ُ‫اطً ِع هل‬ٛ‫ر‬

11 Final Revision
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admire ‫ٌعجب بـ‬ inspire ‫ٌلهم – ٌحفز‬

iron level ‫نسبة الحدٌد فى الدم‬ donors ‫متبرعٌن‬
desire ‫رغبة – ٌرغب‬ ability ‫لدرة‬
generous ‫كرٌم‬ success ‫نجاح‬
role model ‫نموذج ٌحتذى به‬ injured ‫مصاب‬
blood pressure ‫ضغط الدم‬ conservation ‫المحافظة على‬
intelligence ‫الذكاء‬ Lion Guardians ‫حراس األسود‬
donate ‫ٌتبرع‬ achievements ‫إنجازات‬
long-term ‫على المدى الطوٌل‬ donation ‫التبرع‬
transplant ‫ ٌنمل عضو‬/ ‫زراعة عضو‬ health problems ‫مشاكل صحٌة‬
prestige ‫احترام‬ responsibility ‫مسئولٌة‬
support ‫ ٌدعم‬/ ‫ٌؤٌد‬ badly organised ‫سٌئ التنظٌم‬
benefits ‫فوائد‬ transfusion ‫نمل دم‬
community ‫مجتمع‬ a remote place ‫ بعٌدة‬/ ‫أماكن نائٌة‬
disappear ‫ٌختفى‬ income ‫دخل‬
employ ‫ٌوظف‬ founder ‫مؤسس‬
persuade ‫ٌمنع‬

be admired for ‫ٌعجب بسبب‬ desire to ‫الرغبة فى‬

ability to ‫المدرة على‬ most famous ‫مشهور جدا‬
score goals ‫ٌحرز أهداف‬ be a role model ‫نموذج أو لدوة‬
reach (achieve) goals ‫ٌصل لهدف‬ give nickname ‫ٌطلك علٌه اسم شهرة‬
be praised for ‫ٌمدح بسبب‬ take part in ‫ٌشارن فى‬
donations to charity ‫تبرعات للخٌر‬ World Blood Donor Day ‫الٌوم العالمى للتبرع بالدم‬
donated money to ‫ٌتبرع بمال لـ‬ be badly injured ‫ٌصاب بشدة‬
a long-term illness ‫تعب طوٌل المدة‬ blood transplant ‫نمل دم‬
giving blood ‫ٌتبرع بالدم‬ have health problems ‫لدٌه مشاكل صحٌة‬
have health benefits ‫فوائد صحٌة‬ save lives ‫ٌنمذ أرواح‬
have pressure checked ‫ٌُفحص ضغطه‬ hear about lions ‫ٌسمع عن األسود‬
inspire her to ‫ٌلهم‬ work with ‫ٌعمل مع‬
amazing work of ‫عمل رائع‬ sense of responsibility ‫إحساس المسئولٌة‬
based in ‫ممره فى‬ the aim of ‫هدف كذا‬
have the skills ‫لدٌه المهارات‬ reduce the number of ‫ٌملل عدد‬
protect their livestock ‫ٌحمى الماشٌى‬

11 Final Revision
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Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- I couldn‟t take ……………… in the race because I had broken my leg.
a) part b) turns c) place d) care
2- The country needs a leader who can ……………… its citizens.
a) inspire b) aspire c) conspire d) earn
3- The organization is based ……………… Kenya.
a) for b) on c) at d) in
4- Surgeons, doctors and nurses work together to ……………… the same goals.
a) score b) achieve c) arrive d) get
5- The surgeon accepted full ……………… for the error that led to her death.
a) responsible b) irresponsible c) responsibility d) responsibly
6- Mohamed Salah is one of Egypt‟s ……………… famous footballers.
a) the most b) most c) more d) many
7- Blood ……………… are checked before their blood is taken.
a) honours b) doers c) careers d) donors
8- People ……………… the famous player for his bravery and intelligence.
a) checked b) admired c) donated d) reduced
9- My sister‟s really ……………… she always buys things for her friends.
a) ambitious b) injured c) stingy d) generous
10- The concert organizers say they will ……………… all profits to charity.
a) donate b) steal c) support d) call
11- The Egyptian government strongly ……… the peace process in the Middle East.
a) calls b) happens c) supports d) succeeds
12- Before the operation, a nurse should check the blood ………… of the patient.
a) pressure b) treasure c) measure d) pleasure
13- My neighbour is kind and brave, he is a/an ……………… to everyone in the area.
a) role model b) example c) essential d) scale model
14- The director ……………… me the chance to play the main part in the play.
a) gave b) did c) made d) had
15- He was highly ……………… for his research on heart disease.
a) raised b) pressed c) checked d) praised

12 Final Revision
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16- She found out that her husband married another woman. The antonym of the
word “found out” is ………………
a) discovered b) concealed c) occurred d) avoided
17- All the children are taught together in one class, regardless of their ………………
a) ability b) stability c) charity d) community
18- It‟s ……………… that no one else has applied for the job.
a) amaze b) amazing c) amazed d) amazingly
19- All she needed to complete her happiness was a baby. The antonym of the word
“ happiness” is ………………
a) pleasure b) sadness c) happily d) stingy
20- After the train accident, many of the ……………… are still in a serious condition.
a) ambitious b) injured c) killers d) dead
21- After the accident, he needed blood ……………… to stay alive.
a) transplanet b) transfusion c) transplantation d) orientation
22- He‟s happy being a high school teacher, though being a professor would have
brought him more ………………
a) shame b) technique c) camouflage d) prestige
23- Yesterday‟s party was ……………… organised, so all guests were so annoyed.
a) bad b) worse c) badly d) well
24- Mrs.Laila had……………..from practicing sport.
a) health benefits b) healthy benefits
c) healther benefits d)wealth benefit
25- Blood ……………… should be measured regularly.
a) pleasure b) treasure c) pressure d) donation
26- The international ……………… is really very worried about the problem of
climate change
a) security b) communication c) technology d) community
27- The child with a diseased kidney will have a transplant, but we are waiting got a ……
a) borer b) mower c) owner d) donor
28- We stopped at the top of the mountain to ……………… the view.
a) look b) admire c) want d) think
29- The word “accomplish” is a synonym for the word ………………
a) prepare b) constant c) encourage d) achieve

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30- Wildlife ……………… is necessary to stop species from dying out.
a) pressure b) livestock c) intelligence d) conservation

Form ٓ٠ٛ‫ اٌزى‬-1

: ٌٝ‫ ٔظوؾ اٌفعً وبٌزب‬he, she, it ‫ أِب ثبٌَٕجخ ٌـ‬they, we, you, I ‫ؾ ِٓ ِظله اٌفعً ِع اٌؼّبئو‬١َ‫ْ اٌّؼبهع اٌج‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
(eats – runs – walks – sings) ‫خ‬٠‫ اٌؾبٌخ اٌعبك‬ٝ‫ ـ‬s ‫ ٔؼع‬-1
(washes – watches – crosses – goes – mixes) . z ٚ‫ أ‬s ٚ‫ أ‬ch ٚ‫ أ‬sh ٚ‫ أ‬o ٚ‫ أ‬x ‫ اٌفعً ثـ‬ٝٙ‫ أز‬ٌٛ es ‫ ٔؼع‬-2
(cries – tries) .ies ‫ؿ‬١‫ٔؼ‬ٚ ‫ق ثؾوؾ ٍبوٓ رؾنؾ‬ٛ‫ َِج‬y ‫ اٌفعً ثؾوؾ‬ٝٙ‫ ذما أز‬-3
(enjoys – plays – prays) ‫ ـمؾ‬s ‫ؿ‬١‫( ٔؼ‬a / e / I / o / u) ‫ق ثؾوؾ ِزؾون‬ٛ‫ َِج‬y ‫ اٌفعً ثؾوؾ‬ٝٙ‫ ذما ٔز‬-4

Statement ‫ِضجذ‬ Negative ٟ‫ِٕف‬ Question ‫ٍؤاي‬

I like pizza. I don’t like pizza. Do you like pizza?
She likes pizza. She doesn’t like pizza. Does she like pizza?
When do you like to eat pizza

Usage َ‫ االٍزقلا‬-2
: ٓ‫و ى‬١‫ؾ ٌٍزعج‬١َ‫َٔزقلَ اٌّؼبهع اٌج‬
: habits ‫أـعبي ِزىوهح‬ٚ ‫ ىبكاد‬-1
E.g. I often watch television in the evening. Adel usually visits his relatives on Friday.
: facts ‫ اٌؾمبئك اٌضبثزخ‬-2
E.g. The sun rises in the east. The earth goes around the sun.
: schedules ‫ل اٌضبثزخ‬١‫اى‬ٌّٛ‫ي ا‬ٚ‫ علا‬-3
E.g. I am traveling to London tomorrow. My plane leaves at 6 am.
: ‫خ‬١‫م‬١‫ ىبكح ؽم‬ٚ‫ كائّب أ‬ٝ‫ األـعبي اٌز‬ٚ‫الؿ أ‬ٌّٛ‫ ا‬-4
Mohamed Salah gives money to help people in his hometown.
(s) ٝٙ‫ ثعل٘ب ـعً ِٕز‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ٚ doesn’t ْ‫ ِىب‬ٝ‫ ٌٍٕف‬never- no longer َ‫ّىٓ أْ َٔزقل‬٠ -3
Ex. Ahmed doesn’t study English. = Ahmed never studies English.

Passive ‫ي‬ٛٙ‫ ٌٍّغ‬ٕٝ‫ اٌّج‬-6

‫ي‬ٛ‫ ِفع‬+ is / are + p.p.

* Football is played around the world.

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Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- Mohammed Salah ……………… football in Liverpool.
a) play b) playing c) plays d) is played
2- In 2017 my parents ……………… to Luxor.
a) are moving b) will move c) move d) moved
3- How often do you ……………… fruit and vegetables ?
a) eat b) ate c) eating d) to eat
4- Your cousin ……………… at the community centre last summer.
a) is helping b) helped c) helps d) help
5- The young men ……………… to be field biologist.
a) are taught b) taught c) teach d) are teaching
6- Lions ……………… as much as in the past.
a) don‟t kill b) aren‟t killed c) isn‟t killed d) doesn‟t killed
7- Local people ……………… jobs by the organization.
a) are giving b) are given c) is given d) given
8- My brother ……………… three languages.
a) is speaking b) spoken c) speaks d) speak
9- The sun ……………… rises in the west.
a) never b) always c) often d) ever
10- Surgeons ……………… usually see small things by the naked eye.
a) didn‟t b) aren‟t c) doesn‟t d) don‟t
11- What did your father do when he ……………… alive ?
a) is b) was c) had d) is being
12- My brother ……………… a lot of money from his job as a tourist guide.
a) had earned b) earns c) earn d) earning
13- From 1970 to 2010, my father ……………… as an engineer before he retired.
a) worked b) was worked c) work d) works
14- When I was young, I usually ……………… football in the street.
a) play b) plays c) playing d) played
15- Amal ……………… to her school on foot.
a) goes usually b) usually goes c) go usually d) usually go
16- The Earth ……………… around the sun.
a) move b) moved c) moving d) moves

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17- He ……………… gets up early. He is always late.
a) doesn‟t b) never c) ever d) hasn‟t
18- Doctors ……………… patients when they are in need.
a) help b) helped c) have helped d) helps
19- They succeed in their exams because they ……………… hard.
a) studied b) study c) studies d) will study
20- They succeeded in their exams because they ……………… hard.
a) studied b) study c) studies d) will study
21- I last ……………… my friend Hams when we were in Alexandria.
a) have seen b) see c) had seen d) saw
22- No doubt, we all remember what our teacher ……… about organizing our work.
a) said b) is saying c) says d) would say
23- Scientists ……………… useful things that help their countries to develop.
a) do always b) always do c) are always d) always are
24- Hany never ……………… lies. He is admired for his honesty.
a) tell b) telling c) tells d) has told
25- It ……………… her habit to sleep late. She used to do this.
a) is b) has been c) was d) will be
26- The teacher was very angry because I ……………… my homework.
a) did b) don‟t do c) didn‟t do d) hasn‟t done
27- The final match ……………… at 7 p.m. this evening.
a) will start b) is going to start c) started d) starts
28- Students ……………… by their teachers to do well in their exams.
a) are encouraging d) are encouraged c) encourage d) encourag
29- Noha no longer ……………… horror films as she used to.
a) watches b) watched c) is watching d) watch
30- Our great scientist Ahmed Zewail is ……………… all over the world.
a) known b) know c) knows d) knew
31- Omar ………………. That‟s why he is always fit.
a) smoke b) don‟t smokes
c) doesn‟t smokes d) never smokes

16 Final Revision
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The important vocabulary

clue ‫دلٌل – مفتاح اللغز‬ crew ‫طالم العمل‬
escape ‫ٌهرب‬ head ‫ رئٌس‬- ‫رأس‬
magistrate ‫ مأمور‬- ً‫حاكم – لاض‬ rob ‫ٌسطو‬
servant ‫خادم‬

Choose the correct word.

1- The most important person in an organization is the ………………………………….
a- header b- head c- heading d- heads
2- Steal something from a person, shop etc is called………………………
a- rob b- robber c- robbery d- robbing
3- Someone whose job is to live in another person‟s house and do jobs for them,
such as cleaning……………………
a- served b- servant c- service d- services
4-A…………………is an object or piece of information that helps to solve a crime
a-colour b-clown c- clue d-clueless
5-The word ………………. means the people who work together on a ship, plane etc
a- crew cut b- crew c- crewel d- crew neck
6- A……………is someone who decides if a person is guilty of less serious crimes in
a court
a- magistrate b-teacher c-policeman d-trainer
7- To……..is to succeed in leaving a place when someone or something is trying to
stop you
a- escap b- escapism c- escape d- escapist

.‫السٌاحة مصدر هام لجلب العملة الصعبة لمصر لذا علٌنا أن نمدم كل التسهٌالت الممكنة لجذب السٌاح إلى مصر‬-1
1-Tourist is an important source for bringing hard currency to Egypt, so we have to
provide all possible facilities to attract tourism to Egypt.
2-Tourism is the important source for bringing hard currency to Egypt, so we have
to provide all possibly facilities to attract tourists to Egypt.
3-Terrerism is an important source for bringing hard currency to Egypt, so we has
to provide all possible facilities to attract tourists to Egypt.
4-Tourism is an importance source for bringing hard currency to Egypt, so we have
to provide all possible facilities to attraction tourists to Egypt.

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‫لذا وجب علٌنا ان نمدر دورها‬.‫ تموم المرأة المصرٌة بدور فعال فى كل مناحى الحٌاة وتسهم بمدر كبٌر فى تمدم بالدها‬--2
‫فً المجتمع‬
1-The Egyptian woman play an effective role in all aspects of life and contribute a
great deal to the progress of her country. Therefore, we must appreciate her role in
2-The Egyptian woman plays an effectiveness role in all aspects of life and
contributes a great deal to the progress of her country. Therefore, we must
appreciates her role in society.
3-The Egyptian woman plays an effective rule in all aspects of life and contributes a
great deal to the progressive of her country. Therefore, we must appreciate her role
in society.
4-The Egyptian woman plays an effective role in all aspects of life and contributes a
great deal to the progress of her country. Therefore, we must appreciate her role in
.‫ إن زٌادة اإلنتاج أصبح واجبا وطنٌا ألنه ٌمكننا من مواجهة مشكلة تزاٌد السكان والبطالة فى مصر‬--3
1-Decreasing production has become a national duty because it enables us to face
the problem of increasing population and employment in Egypt.
2-Increasing product has become a national duty because it enables us to face the
problem of increasing population and employment in Egypt.
3-Increasing production has become a national duty because it enables us to face
the problem of increasing population and unemployment in Egypt.
4-Increasing production have become a national duty because it enable us to face
the problem of increasing population and unemployment in Egypt.
.‫ٌجب أن نستخدم التكنولوجٌا الحدٌثة فً جمٌع مجاالت الحٌاة وخاصة اإلنتاج‬-4
1-We must use modern technological in all areas of life, especially production.
2-We must use modern technology in all areas of life, especial production.
3-We must use modern technology in all areas of life, especially product.
4-We must use modern technology in all areas of life, especially production.
.‫ٌجب أن تكون المنتجات المصرٌة عالٌة الجودة لكً تتمكن من منافسة المنتجات األخرى فً األسواق العالمٌة‬-5
1. Egyptian productions must be of high quality in order to being able to compete with other
products in the global markets.
2. Egyptian products must be of high quality in order to be able to competition with other
products in the global markets.
3. Egyptian products must be of high quality in order to be able to compete with other products
in the global markets.
4. Egyptian products must be of high quality in order to be able to compete with other
productions in the global markets.

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.ً‫البد أن نبذل لصارى جهدنا لجذب المزٌد والمزٌد من السٌاح حتى ٌمكننا أن نزٌد دخلنا الموم‬-6
1-We must do our best to attract more and more tourists so that we can increase
our national income.
2-We must make our best to attract more and more tourists so that we can increase
our national income.
3-We must do our best to attraction more and more tourists so that we can increase
our national income.
4-We must do our best to attract more and more tourists so that we can increase
our nationality income.

- Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

Earth Day
Did you know that our planet has a special day ? Every year on the 22 nd of April, we
celebrate Earth Day. On this day, we remind ourselves and others how precious the Earth
is and how important it is to look after it. We have no other home.
Earth Day was the idea of the American Senator Gaylord Nelson who didn‟t want to
see our planets suffer. Rivers and seas were getting dirty, many of our plants and animals
were becoming extinct. Therefore, he decided to respond and create a special day to take
care of Earth. He started by writing letters to schools, to inform students and teachers
about his campaign. He hoped that young people around the country would react
positively. Fortunately, they did!
As a result, in 1970, twenty million people across America celebrated the first Earth
Day. People all over the country made promises to look after the environment, Since then,
Earth Day has been celebrated all over the planet.
Today, on Earth Day people organise events such as concerts, tree-planting
excursions and clean-up campaigns to collect money. Children also help design and make
objects at school. Now all of us promise to try to turn everyday into Earth Day!
precious ‫ ثمين‬concert ‫ حفلة موسيمية‬fortunately ‫لحسن الحظ‬
campaign ‫ حملة‬extinct ‫ منمرض‬excursion ‫ حملة‬/ ‫رحلة‬

Choose the correct answer :

1- Earth Day was created because the planets was ……………
a) getting clean b) improving
c) developing d) getting polluted
2- Both „extinct‟ and …………… are alike.
a) found b) disappeared c) arriving d) hidden
3- What is the main idea of the passage ?
a) collecting money for charities.
b) planting trees and cleaning our streets.
c) giving parties and concerts celebrating the earth.
d) taking our responsibility towards the environment.
4- Which is the best conclusion to „Fortunately, they did!‟ ?
a) The campaign has been met with much welcome.
b) Most people oppose the idea of Earth Day.
c) American senators feel sad for the planet.
d) Students and teacher react negatively to giving money to senators.
19 Final Revision
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5- What conclusion do you think about the LAST paragraph ?

a) all of us keen on environmental issues.
b) The minority of us are interested in the planet.
c) Nearly all of us are ready to help the environment.
d) A few of us look after the environment.
6- The antonym of the underlined word “precious” is ?
a) previous b) valuable c) worthy d) worthless
7- Why do you think we need to remind ourselves and other how precious the earth is?
a) because it is rich in natural resources.
b) because we only have one earth.
c) because we can‟t live without oxygen.
d) because living in space is much expensive.
8- What would happen if rivers became polluted ?
a) we wouldn‟t be able to catch fish.
b) we would lose rich soil.
c) we would poison ourselves by drinking polluted water.
d) we would pollute the earth.

Role model
Everyone has a role model whom they want to follow. My role model is the famous
Egyptian player, Mohammed Salah.i admired him not only he is a good playe , he also is a
kind-hearted man.His selfless love for his nation inspires me to be like him. He taught us
that with patience and hard work we can bring a great change in society.His teachings
have a great impact on my life.I chose Mohamed salah as my role model because he was
an ambitious and helpful person.His work and contribution motivate me to work hard.I
learned from him that we should never lose hope. His actionsin Egypt and Europe give us
the lesson of morality and truth.

21 Final Revision
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debts ‫دٌون‬ twins ‫توأم‬

earn ‫ٌكسب مال‬ machines ‫االآلت‬
merchant ‫تاجر‬ several ‫عدٌد‬
owe ‫ٌدٌن بـ‬ terrible ‫ مرعب‬/ ‫فظٌع‬
miserable ‫بائس أو تعٌس‬ entertain ‫ٌسلى‬
plump )‫بدٌن (بشكل جذاب‬ voluntary ‫تطوعى‬
prison ‫سجن‬ volunteer ‫متطوع‬
rats ‫فئران كبٌرة‬ Youth association ‫جمعٌة شباب‬
improve ‫ٌحسن‬ experience ‫ تجربة فى الحٌاة‬/ ‫خبرة‬
arrange ‫ٌرتب‬ opportunity ‫فرصة‬
culture ‫ثمافة‬ criminal ‫مجرم‬
admit ‫ٌعترف بـ‬ childhood ‫الطفولة‬
benefits ‫فوائد‬ foodbank ‫بنن الطعام‬
deserve ‫ٌستحك‬ disable ‫معاق‬
honest ‫أمٌن‬ express ‫ٌعبر عن‬
reward ‫ٌكافئ‬ surprise ‫ مفاجأة‬/ ‫دهشة‬
stepfather ‫زوج األم‬

earn a lot of money ‫كثٌرا‬

‫ماال ا‬‫ٌكسب ا‬ tired-looking lady ‫سٌدة تبدو متعبة‬
find out (about) ‫ٌكتشف‬ become ill ‫ٌمرض‬
break the law ‫ٌخرق المانون‬ a visit to ‫زٌارة إلى‬
look after ‫ٌعتنى بـ‬ have a problem with ‫لدٌه مشكلة مع‬
work for ‫ٌعمل لدى‬ go to prison ‫ٌذهب للسجن‬
pay for ‫ٌدفع ثمن شئ‬ do voluntary work ‫ٌموم بعمل تطوعى‬
owe … to ‫ٌدٌن (بمال) لـ‬ have debits ‫لدٌه دٌون‬
because of ‫بسبب‬ do / commit a crime ‫ٌرتكب جرٌمة‬
take clothes ‫ٌصنع مالبس‬ entertain … with ‫ٌسلى بـ‬
agree with ‫ٌتفك مع‬ spend + time + v.ing ً‫ٌمضً ولتا ف‬
pay back ‫ٌرد دٌنا‬ opinion about ‫رأى بخصوص‬
good at ‫جٌد فى‬ think of / about ‫ٌفكر فى‬
play a trick on ‫ٌخدع‬ in my free time ‫فى ولت فراغى‬
change the world ‫ٌغٌر العالم‬ leave school ‫ٌترن المدرسة‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- Nora looked ……………… when her husband died last year.
a) miserable b) death c) empty d) hard
2- Footballers often ……………… a lot of money.
a) win b) gain c) work d) earn
3- He had enough money to pay off his father‟s ………………
a) money b) jobs c) debts d) doubts
4- After my business failed, I ……………… a lot of money to the bank.
a) owed b) owned c) arranged d) borrowed

21 Final Revision
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5- Hany was sent to ……………… for attacking a man with a knife.
a) palace b) factory c) prison d) hotel
6- My baby sister never stops eating! She is ………………, healthy and happy!
a) bump b) plump c) dumb d) thumb
7- My brother played a ……………… on me and told me that I had to go to school on
Saturday this week!
a) truck b) tick c) trick d) stick
8- This man has committed several crimes. He is a ………………
a) merchant b) spokesman c) criminal d) lawyer
9- The judge assured that the directors had ……………… the law and sent them to
a) supported b) broken c) gone d) issued
10- Our Society should look ……………… homeless children.
a) forward b) for c) after d) up
11- What had he done to ……………… this punishment ? He is very kind.
a) earn b) owe c) gain d) deserve
12- The word “honest” is the synonym of the word ………………
a) dishonest b) delicate c) chubby d) trustful
13- The poor woman was a ……………… face as she worked hard all the time.
a) tiring-looked b) tired-looking c) tiring-looking d) tired-looked
14- My brother found ……………… in a big company in Alexandria.
a) job b) work c) career d) profession
15- We meet once a month to discuss ……………… problems.
a) opportunity b) community c) character d) lucky
16- In our ………………, it is rude to ask someone how much they earn.
a) dream b) structure c) character d) culture
17- Despite encouragement, he still couldn‟t call his ……………… dad.
a) grandmother b) stepmother c) stepfather d) stepsister
18- The old man‟s sons had ……………… him into signing the papers.
a) trekked b) ticked c) tricked d) truck
19- I‟ll ……………… back all my debts first, then I will marry my fiancée.
a) send b) give c) pay d) take
20- The thief finally ……………… he had stolen the money.
a) broke b) admitted c) experienced d) denied
21- Youth ……………… is a group of young people who do things together.
a) association b) federation c) participation d) dream
22- We‟re lucky that nothing was stolen. The antonym of the word “lucky” is
a) fortunate b) willing c) unlucky d) unwilling
23- In her spare time, she ……………… voluntary work for the orphanage.
a) gives b) makes c) does d) takes
24- He died heavily in ………………
a) promise b) debt c) ditch d) pit

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25- He ……………… his life to the staff at the hospital as they did their best to keep
him alive.
a) saved b) gave c) owed d) endangered
26- He has lost everything and now he is ……………
a) important b) lucky c) miserable d) misery
27- Debts drove a friend of mine into a life of ……………
a) misery b) refinery c) pleasure d) treasure
28- My sister has a child with …………… rosy cheeks. She is beautiful.
a) tired b) plump c) ugly d) dirty
29- “Doing too much work made my friend miserable.” The antonym of the word
miserable is ……………
a) dull b) depressed c) cared d) pleased
30- There are …… differences between people in Upper Egypt and those in the delta.
a) cultures b) cultural c) cultured d) cultivate

Form ٓ٠ٛ‫ اٌزى‬-1

ً‫ ـبى‬+ has / have + P.P

Statement ‫ِضجذ‬ Negative ٟ‫ِٕف‬ Question ‫ٍؤاي‬

Ex. He has watched the match. Ex. He hasn’t watched the * Have you finished your
match. homework ? Yes, I have. / No,
I haven’t.
* When have you finished
your homework ?

ِٓ ْٛ‫زى‬٠ : ‫ي‬ٛٙ‫ ٌٍّغ‬ٕٝ‫ ؽبٌخ اٌّج‬ٝ‫ ـ‬-

‫ي‬ٛ‫ ِفع‬+ have / has + been + p.p …

* TV has been watched by them.

Usage َ‫ االٍزقلا‬-2
ً ‫ذ‬ٙ‫ أز‬ٝ‫ اٌّبػ‬ٝ‫وىٓ أؽلاس ـ‬١‫َزقلَ اٌّؼبهع اٌزبَ ٌٍزعج‬٠ -1
‫وح علًا‬١‫ ِٕن ـزوح لظ‬ٚ‫ؽبال أ‬
* Mai has just washed the dishes.
for / since ‫ اٌّؼبهع ِع‬ٝ‫ِبىاي َِزّو ـ‬ٚ ٝ‫ اٌّبػ‬ٝ‫ ؽلس ثلأ ـ‬-2
* We have lived in Giza for ten years.
* We have been at this school since 2012.
‫لذ اٌؾبػو‬ٌٛ‫ ا‬ٝ‫غخ ـ‬١‫ ٔز‬ٚ‫ٌٗ أصو أ‬ٚ ٝ‫ اٌّبػ‬ٝ‫ ؽلس ثلأ ـ‬-3
* I can’t open the door because I have lost my keys.
ٗ‫لز‬ٚ ‫ل‬٠‫ْ رؾل‬ٚ‫ ك‬ٝ‫ اٌّبػ‬ٝ‫عجو ىٓ ؽلس رُ ـ‬٠ -4
E.g. I have painted the house.
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Key words ‫اٌىٍّبد اٌلاٌخ‬

ever ً١‫ػ اٌزفؼ‬١‫ِع ط‬ٚ‫ لِٓ لجًا‬ٕٝ‫( ِع اٌّؼبهع اٌزبَ ٌٍَؤاي ىٓ اٌقجواد اٌَبثمخ ثّع‬ever) َ‫رَزقل‬
* Have you ever been to the desert ?
* Soha is the most intelligent girl I have ever met.
never ‫ ِطٍمًبا‬/ ‫ لأثلًا‬ٕٝ‫ ٌٍزؾلس ىٓ اٌقجواد اٌَبثمخ ثّع‬ٝ‫( ِع اٌّؼبهع اٌزبَ إٌّف‬never) َ‫رَزقل‬
* He’s never ridden a camel and he’s never seen the sea.
(never) + (before)/ (never) + such + ‫ؾ‬ٛ‫ط‬ِٛ ٍُ‫ا‬
just : ‫وح‬١‫ي أْ شئ ِب ؽلس ِٕن ـزوح لظ‬ٛ‫ لؽبالا ٌٕم‬ٕٝ‫( ِع اٌّؼبهع اٌزبَ ثّع‬just) َ‫َزقل‬٠
* Leila isn’t here. She’s just gone.
already َ‫َزقل‬٠ (already) : ٗ‫لع‬ٛ‫ي أْ شئ ِب ؽلس لجً ِب وٕب ٔز‬ٛ‫ لثبٌفعًا ٌٕم‬ٕٝ‫ِع اٌّؼبهع اٌزبَ ثّع‬
ady * Hany has already made his bed. ‫ؿ اٌضبٌش‬٠‫اٌزظو‬ٚ have / has ٓ١‫ ث‬already ٝ‫رأر‬
* Laila has finished her homework already. ‫خ اٌّضجزخ‬٠‫خ اٌغٍّخ اٌقجو‬٠‫ب‬ٙٔ ٝ‫ ـ‬already ٝ‫رأر‬
yet : ٗ‫ص‬ٚ‫لع ؽل‬ٛ‫ ٔزىٍُ ىٓ شئ ِب ِز‬ٚ‫ْا ٌَٕأي ىٓ أ‬٢‫ ا‬ٝ‫ لؽز‬ٕٝ‫( ِع اٌّؼبهع ثّع‬yet)
* Have you finished your homework yet ? ‫خ اٌَؤاي‬٠‫ب‬ٙٔ ٝ‫ ـ‬yet ٝ‫رأر‬
* I haven’t had breakfast yet. ‫خ‬١‫خ اٌغٍّخ إٌّف‬٠‫ب‬ٙٔ ٝ‫ ـ‬yet ٝ‫رأر‬
Lately ‫ ٍؤايا‬ٚ‫خ أ‬١‫ عٍّخ ِٕف‬ٝ‫ ـ‬ٝ‫ُفؼً أْ رأر‬٠‫ضًب ل‬٠‫ ؽل‬/ ‫ِؤفوا‬
E.g. I haven’t met Soha lately.
recently ‫ ٍؤايا‬ٚ‫ عٍّخ ِضجزخ أ‬ٝ‫ ـ‬ٝ‫ُفؼً أْ رأر‬٠‫ضًب ل‬٠‫ ؽل‬/ ‫ِؤفوا‬
* Mr Mahmoud has married recent
Since last…– ٟ‫ـ –ِبػ‬٠‫و – ٍٕخ – ربه‬ٙ‫َ – ش‬ٛ٠ ً‫خ اٌّلحا ِض‬٠‫خ اٌؾلس لثلا‬٠‫ثلا‬
His arrival / childhood / death / Marriage / birthday / graduation
I / He / she was ……… / the age of ……… / the beginning of ………
(since the last visit / match)ٍُ‫ا‬Since the last +
For ‫ ِلحلثبٌعلكا‬ٌٟ‫ اعّب‬ٚ‫ِلح وبٍِخ ا‬
(a week / three weeks – a month / five months – a year / ten years)
For the last / past + ‫( ِلح‬for the last week / month)
(a / an ‫ثلأ ثـ‬ٚ S ‫ ثـ‬ٝٙ‫ ِع وً ِب أز‬ٝ‫اٌقالطخ لرأر‬

(have / has) been to & (have / has) gone to ‫الؽع اٌفوق‬

has / have been to ً‫هٖ ِٓ لج‬ٚ‫ ىٕل اٌَؤاي ىٓ ِىبْ ٌُ ري‬ٚ‫ىبك ِٕٗ أ‬ٚ ْ‫ ىاه ِىب‬ٚ‫ ِىبْ أ‬ٌٝ‫ م٘ت ذ‬-1
E.g. Hassan has been to London = (He visited London at some time in the past, and has now
* Ahmed, where have you been ?
has / have gone to ‫ ٕ٘بن‬ٌٝ‫ك ذ‬٠‫ اٌطو‬ٝ‫ ـ‬ٚ‫عل أ‬٠ ٌُٚ ْ‫ ىاه ِىب‬ٚ‫ ِىبْ أ‬ٌٝ‫ م٘ت ذ‬-2
* He has gone to London = (He is still there / He is in London now)
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Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- Salma ……………… tennis since she was five years old.
a) has played b) was playing c) played d) is playing
2- There ……………… a lot of changes in the world lately.
a) are b) were c) had been d) have been
3- He last went on holiday ……………… he was still a boy.
a) after b) for c) when d) since
4- Have you seen the match ? Yes, I ……………… it yesterday.
a) see b) have seen c) would see d) saw
5- He ……………… come back home.
a) just has b) already has c) has just d) never
6- I have ……………… tried sea foods, and I have no desire to try it.
a) just b) ever c) lately d) never
7- I think that Kamal is the most inspiring teacher I have ……………… known.
a) ever b) never c) recently d) just
8- ……………… the last meeting, we haven‟t seen each other again.
a) For b) During c) While d) Since
9- I haven‟t heard from my friend since he ……………… abroad a year ago.
a) went b) had gone c) has gone d) goes
10- Have you done your work alone ……………… ? I can‟t believe it!
a) yet b) already c) ever d) just
11- Sarah has lost her passport again. It‟s the second time this ………………
a) has happened b) happens
c) happened d) is happening
12- It‟s more than 20 years ………………I travelled abroad.
a) while b) before c) when d) since
13- Oh! I ……………… my passport. What should I do ?
a) lost b) have lost c) had lost d) were losing
14- Tamer ……………… a lot of health problems since he started living in that
polluted city.
a) has b) had c) has had d) was having
15- I have ……………… been to the zoo before.
a) just b) yet c) ever d) never
16- Belal is not here. He has ……………… to the dentist‟s.
a) went b) gone c) been d) goes
17- This is the best book that I ………………
a) have never read b) have ever read c) was reading d) am reading
18- Ahmed ……………… his leg, so he can‟t play football today.
a) has hurt b) hurt c) was hurting d) had hurt
19- Nabila can‟t see very well because she ……………… glasses.
a) had lost b) lost c) loses d) has lost
20- Heba is the most intelligent girl I‟ve ……………… seen.
a) yet b) never c) ever d) since
21- Have you done your English home work ……………… ?
a) just b) yet c) never d) ever
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22- Ali has had his phone ……………… the beginning of this year.
a) for b) since c) already d) just
23- Hamdi has ……………… to England. He‟ll be home next week.
a) gone b) been c) go d) went
24- You can see Ali now because he ……………… home.
a) already arrived b) has yet arrived
c) has just arrived d) just arrived
25- Radwa doesn‟t know what flying is like. She ………………
a) has ever flew b) has never flown
c) has ever flown d) ‟d never flown
26- Have you ever been to Aswan ? b : Oh! Yes, I ……………… there in 2010.
a) go b) was c) have been d) have gone
27- I haven‟t seen Mazen ……………… the last time we met in Alexandria.
a) while b) when c) for d) since
28- My pen friend arrived at Cairo Airport a moment ago. This means that he
a) has just arrived b) just has arrived c) hasn‟t arrived d) will arrive
29- I haven‟t met the minister ………………. It‟s the first time to meet him.
a) yet b) before c) already d) never
30- The government ……………… a lot of fly- over bridges recently.
a) has built b) had built c) was building d) build

The important vocabulary

harbour ‫ مٌنا‬- ‫مرفأ‬ mutiny ‫تمرد‬
crutch ‫ عكاز‬- ‫عصا‬ parrot ‫ببغاء‬
barrel ‫برمٌل – صندوق لحفظ االشٌاء‬ pirate ‫لرصان‬
gang ‫عصابة‬ secret ‫سر‬
patient ‫صبور‬- ‫صابر‬ attack ‫ ٌهجم‬- ‫هجوم‬

Choose the correct word.

1- A…………….is a sailor who attacks ships and steals from them
a- robber b- pirate c- burgular d- pickpocket
2- Someone who is able to wait calmly for a long time is ……………….
a- patience b- patiently c- painter d- patient
3- A…………….is a brightly coloured bird which can learn to speak
a- barrow b- parrot c- barron d- pirate
4-………….. is something known about by only a few people and kept from others
a- secret b- secretarial c- secretariat d- secretary
5- An act of violence that is intended to hurt a person or damage a place is
a- defence b- attack c- attacker d- win
6- A large container made of wood is called…………….
a- barefaced b-bare c- barrel d-parrot
7- “…………….” Is the area water next to the land where ships can stay safely
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a- beach b- harmful c- barber d- harbour
8- A group of people that causes trouble like stealing or killing is called……………..
a- gang b- ganger c- gangbang d- gangling
9- “…………….” Is a special stick which you put under your arm to help you walk
when you have hurt your leg
a- pole b-mast c- crutch d- crutches
10- when a group of people refuse to obey the person in charge of them and take
control for themselves in that case they are……………….
a- peacemakers b- mutineers c- mutinous d- mutiny

‫لذا ٌجب علٌنا زراعة الكثٌر من االشجار فً شوارعنا‬.‫ٌعتمد بعض الناس أن األشجار تحمى العالم من االحتباس الحرارى‬-1
1 . Some people believe in trees protect the world from global warming. So we must
plant a lot of trees in our streets.
2. Some people believe that trees protect the world of global warming. So we must
plant a lot of trees in our streets.
3. Some people believe that trees protect the world from global warming. So we
must plant a lot of trees in our streets.
4 . Some people believe that trees protect the world from global warming. So we
must planting a lot of trees in our streets.
٩١‫لمد لدمت مصر تنظٌما رائعا لكاس العالم لكرة الٌد فً ظل ظروف صعبة من انتشار الموجه الثانٌة من كوفٌد‬-2
1-Egypt presented a great organizer for the World Handball Cup under difficult
conditions due to the spread of the second wave of Covid 19
2-Egypt presented a great organization for the World Handball Cup inside difficult
conditions due to the spread of the second wave of Covid 19
3-Egypt presented a great organization for the World Handball Cup under difficult
conditionals due to the spread of the second wave of Covid 19
4-Egypt presented a great organization for the World Handball Cup under difficult
conditions due to the spread of the second wave of Covid 19
‫لمد اثبتت مصر انها لادرة على تنظٌم الفاعلٌات الكبرى مثلها مثل اي دولة متمدمة وظهر ذلن جلٌا فً حفل افتتاح كأس‬-3
.‫العالم لكرة الٌد‬
1-Egypt has proved that it is capable of organizing major actors like any developed
country, and it appeared evident in the opening ceremony of the World Cup

27 Final Revision
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2-Egypt has improved that it is capable of organizing major actors like any
developed country, and it appeared evident in the opening ceremony of the World
Cup Handball
3-Egypt has proved that it is able of organizing major actors like any developed
country, and it appeared evident in the opening ceremony of the World Cup
4-Egypt has proved that it is capable of organizing major actors like any developed
country, and it appeared evidence in the opening ceremony of the World Cup
‫وتساعد على بناء الجسم بطرٌمة صحٌة‬.‫الرٌاضة تحمً الشباب من كثٌر من األمراض النفسٌة واالجتماعٌة‬-4

1 -Sports protects young people from many psychological and social diseases and
helps build a healthy body
2- The sport protects young people from many psychology and social diseases and
helps build a healthy body
3-Sport protects young people from many psychological and social diseases and
helps build a healthy body
4-Sport protects young people from many psychology and social diseases and
helps build a healthy body

. ‫ٌجب على المواطنٌن أن ٌتحدوا مع الحكومة للمضاء على اإلرهاب والتطرف‬-5

1. Citizens must unite with the government to eradicate terrorism and extremism.
2. Citizens must unit with the government to eradicate terrorism and extremism.
3. Citizens must unite with the government to eradicate terrorists and extremism.
4. Citizens must unite with the government to eradicate terrorism and extremists.
. ‫الصراع بٌن الطبٌعة و االنسان لن ٌنتهً و ان كان االنسان لد تغلب علً بعض الظواهر الطبٌعة‬-6
1. The conflict between natural and man will not end even if man has overcome
some of the phenomena of nature.
2. The conflict between nature and man will not end if men has overcome some of
the phenomena of nature.
3. The conflict between nature and man will not end even if man has come over
some of the phenomena of nature.
4. The conflict between nature and man will not end even if man has overcome
some of the phenomena of nature.

28 Final Revision
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Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

The next time you take printouts unnecessarily or you throw a paper into the bin,
think for a minute as to how many trees have been felled to manufacture something
you use so often every day.
Can you take out some time from your everyday routine and devote it to starting
a simple recycling programme at your school or your neighbourhood ? Not only would
you save our planet, but you would also reduce generation and dumping of waste into
the environment.
Using recycled paper conserves natural resources. As our worldwide population
grows, the strain on these resources becomes even greater. You can reduce the
number of trees cut down for manufacturing paper. In addition to saving landfill space,
there is a reduction in air pollution.
A paper-recycling programme gives a positive image. Parents can teach their
children the importance of recycling. Schools can also train students to make paper
products like : cards, files, folders, invitation cards and certificates. The real success of
such programmes is visible in the simple acts like students exchanging books. This is
amazing that only a single sheet is saved by each child, 40,000 trees could be saved
per year by students only.
If we keep our minds focused on the desire to be friendly to our earth and its
resources, recycling will become important. After a while, we will be in the habit of
recycling the paper.
printouts ‫ مطبوعات‬strain ‫ استنفاذ‬/ ‫ إنهان‬felled to ... ‫لطعت لغرض‬
devote ‫ ٌُكرس‬/ ‫ ٌُخصص‬manufacture ‫ ٌُصنع‬landfill ‫مملب نفاٌات‬

Choose the correct answer :

1- An appropriate title for the passage could be ……………
a) recycling is un suitable way. b) the history of printing.
c) how to make paper products. d) think of the Environment.
2- How can students help in saving trees indirectly ?
a) They can exchange books.
b) They can stop cutting tree.
c) The can stop using paper.
d) They can fell trees to make things.
3- Trees are important because they ……………
a) increase natural resources. b) reduce air pollution.
c) recycle our waste. d) are felled in great numbers.
4- The highlighted word “strain” is closet in meaning to ……………
a) comfort b) pain c) pressure d) pleasure

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5- The main idea of the third paragraph is ……………
a) Reasons for air pollution.
b) The importance of the environment.
c) Overpopulation problem.
d) Recycling save our natural resources.
6- According to the passage, recycling paper is the process by which ……………
a) new paper products are turned into waste paper.
b) waste paper is turned into new paper products.
c) we destroy our natural resources.
d) trees are cut down to manufacture paper.
7- The more the world population grows, the …………… the natural resources are.
a) fewer b) least c) more d) less
8- According to the passage, recycling means ……………
a) making new b) causing pollution
c) reuse things d) stop using paper

The importance of water ‫خ اٌّبء‬١ّ٘‫ا‬

Water is really one of the most important things we need to live and grow. However,
it is also known as the universal solvent. Thinking of life is directly proportional to
saving water.

Water is essential to the survival of every living thing on this earth. Water is essential
for many things, like drinking, cooking, washing, farming, and so on. For maintaining a
good health, we need pure and fresh water. The industrial sector needs water a lot. Big
dams store water so that it can be used to make electricity for homes, businesses, and
other uses. It helps keep your body temperature stable, helps your body digest food,
keeps your skin healthy, and can even help you lose weight.

Water is a gift from nature that people have used to support their lives and make
progress and development. It has never been more important to the world's people
than it is today. Water needs to be used in a way that won't harm the next generation.
So, it's important to save water and use it in the right way.

31 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

stressed ‫متوتر‬ break- time ‫ولت الراحة‬

conversation ‫محادثة‬ include ‫ٌتضمن‬
personal ‫شخصى‬ host ‫مضٌف – ٌستضٌف‬
teammate ‫عضو فرٌك‬ positive ‫إٌجابى‬
feel better ‫ٌتحسن‬ join ‫ ٌنضم لـ‬- ‫ٌلتحك بـ‬
relax ‫ٌهدأ‬ advice )‫نصٌحة (ال تجمع‬
friendship ‫صدالة‬ noticeboard ‫لوحة اإلعالنات‬
cheat ‫ٌغش – ٌخدع‬ connection ‫اتصال‬
negative ‫سلبى‬ bullying ‫البلطجة‬
stressful ‫مجهد‬ a bully ‫بلطجى‬
scared ‫خائف‬ take something for granted ‫ٌأخذ أمر مسلم به‬
nasty ‫كرٌه – مؤذ‬ difference ‫اختالف‬
fight ‫ٌماتل – ٌواجه‬ teenager ‫مراهك‬
debate ‫مناظرة‬ article ‫ممال‬
grade ‫صف – درجة – مرتبة‬ the best way ‫الطرٌمة األفضل‬

move to ‫ٌنتمل إلى‬ good at ‫جٌد فى‬

make friends ‫ٌكون صدالات‬ ask for advice ‫ٌطلب نصٌحة‬
wear new clothes ‫ٌرتدى مالبس جدٌدة‬ busy+ving ‫مشغول ب‬
feel stressed ‫ٌشعر بضغوط‬ borrow form ‫ٌستعٌر من‬
talk about ‫ٌتحدث عن‬ reason for ‫السبب لـ‬
join a club ‫ ٌلتحك بنادى‬/ ‫ٌنضم‬ the effect of ‫التأثٌر لـ‬
do sports ‫ ٌمارس رٌاضة‬/ ‫ٌؤدى‬ take turns to ‫ٌتناوب األدوار‬
on my own ‫بمفردى‬ scared of ‫خائف من‬
give advice ‫ٌعطى نصٌحة‬ different to / from ‫مختلف عن‬
enjoy life ‫ٌستمتع بالحٌاة‬ instead of ‫ا‬
‫بدال من‬
ask about ‫ٌسأل عن‬ learn from ‫ٌتعلم من‬
easy for ‫سهل لـ‬ as far as i‟m concerned ‫على لدر اهتمامى‬
angry with ‫غاضب من شخص‬ go online ‫ٌدخل على اإلنترنت‬
face a problem ‫ٌواجه مشكلة‬ cheating in exam ‫الغش فى االمتحانات‬
connected to ‫متصل ب‬ connected with ‫ على عاللة‬/ ‫مرتبط بـ‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- Years ago, my father gave me a piece of ……………… that I‟ve never forgotten.
a) advice b) connection c) noticeboard d) article
2- The coach put the list of players up on the ……………… before the match.
a) lecture b) advice c) blackboard d) noticeboard
3- I never work at the weekends. I just took it for ………………
a) greeted b) granted c) graded d) grunted
4- There is a ……………… between pollution and the death of trees.
a) communication b) contact c) connection d) collection

31 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
5- When I feel ………………, I try to relax in an open area.
a) happy b) glad c) pleased d) stressed
6- If Ramy can‟t attend the meeting, I could go ……………… of him.
a) well b) away c) instead d) outside
7- He ……………… his doctor‟s advice and went on a diet to lose weight.
a) followed b) gave c) provided d) neglected
8- To keep fit, I think you should ……………… a gym class.
a) go b) attach c) join d) connect
9- I had no close ……………… with other boys at school.
a) articles b) conversations c) advice d) friend
10- Marwan always finds it easy to ……………… friends at school.
a) give b) take c) do d) make
11- This TV set should be ……………… to the power supply.
a) contacted b) connected c) communicated d) related
12- Do you think I can ……………… these shoes with this dress ?
a) wear b) put off c) dress d) swear
13- Sit back and relax, and enjoy the music. the antonym of the word „relax‟ is ………
a) calm b) worry c) detach d) withdraw
14- I‟m sorry but my diary is ……………… I don‟t let anyone else read it.
a) personnel b) personality c) personal d) person
15- We will move ……………… our new house next year.
a) for b) to c) from d) in
16- A group of girls would ……………… the younger kids, and force them to give
them money.
a) cheat b) police c) bully d) nurse
17- My daughter ……………… in the test by using a calculator.
a) behaved b) bullied c) continued d) cheated
18- A ……………… is a discussion of a particular subject in which people express
different opinions.
a) debts b) debate c) gossip d) conversation
19- I watched a good match between Al-Ahly and Zamalek. It was a really
……………… match.
a) pioneering b) unimportant c) exciting d) valueless
20- 2000 people joined the library last year. The synonym of the word „joined‟ is
a) detach b) confront c) unite d) detest
21- Aya is busy ……………… for her exams. She is a clever student.
a) studying b) study c) to study d) studied
22- The government ……………… the difficult task of rebuilding the country‟s
a) faces b) enjoys c) feels d) wears
23- There is a ……………… between those in favour of the government and those
who are against.
a) fight b) quarrel c) discussion d) debate

32 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
24- After a long ……………… with her father, she was convinced not to take the job.
a) debate b) fight c) discussion d) dispute
25- The countryside is mainly ……………… by farmers and their families.
a) populated b) population c) polluted d) pollution
26- It is ……………… for children to play in the street. This is always rejected.
a) inadvisable b) advisable c) necessary d) essential
27- ……………… isn‟t allowed at this school as using muscles or power to hurt
others is prohibited.
a) Polling b) Bullying c) Pulling d) Bull
28- It‟s taken for granted means ………………
a) unfortunately b) undoubtedly c) unwillingly d) unsafely
29- Doctors think that there is a ……………… between smoking and cancer.
a) ecosystem b) communication c) conservation d) connection
30- Students who ……………… in this exam will be exclude severe punishment.
a) achieve b) sheet c) cheat d) succeed

Countable nouns ‫كح‬ٚ‫ أٍّبء ِعل‬-1

ٝ‫ األٍيّبء اٌزي‬ٝ‫يخ ٘ي‬١ٔ‫ عٍّيخ صب‬ٝ‫ ذما موود ـي‬the ٚ‫ أ‬a – an – one ‫ ؽبٌخ اٌّفوك‬ٝ‫ب ـ‬ٍٙ‫ىزت لج‬٠ٚ ‫رعل‬ٚ ‫ رغّع‬ٝ‫ األٍّبء اٌز‬ٝ٘ٚ
،‫ ؽبٌخ اٌغّع‬ٝ‫ آفو٘ب ـ‬ٝ‫ ـ‬S ‫ب‬ٌٙ ‫ّىٓ أْ ٔؼع‬٠
a car cars a watch watches an apple apples
Child ً‫ ؽف‬children ‫أؽفبي‬ woman ‫ اِوأح‬women ‫َٔبء‬
Uncountable Nouns ‫ ال رعل‬ٝ‫ األٍّبء اٌز‬-2
‫يب‬ِٕٙٚ ‫يب‬ٍٙ‫ لج‬two ٚ‫ أ‬one ‫ػيع‬ٚ ‫ّىٕٕيب‬٠ ‫ال‬ٚ ‫ اٌّفيوك‬ٚ‫ ؽيبالد اٌغّيع أ‬ٝ‫ ـي‬an ٚ‫ أ‬a ٚ‫ أ‬s ‫يب‬ٌٙ ‫ّىيٓ أْ ٔؼيع‬٠ ‫ ال‬ٝ‫ األٍيّبء اٌزي‬ٝ٘
: ٝ‫ر‬٢‫ا‬
Liquids ً‫ائ‬ٌَٛ‫ا‬ water – coffee – oil – milk – soup – blood – petrol
Materials َ‫اك اٌقب‬ٌّٛ‫ا‬ Iron – wood – plastic – copper – gold – lead – sand – silver – paper
Phenomena ‫ا٘و‬ٛ‫اٌث‬ Tide – lightning – thunder – eclipse – heat – rain – snow – ice
Subjects ‫خ‬١ٍ‫اك اٌلها‬ٌّٛ‫ا‬ Maths – science – physics – Algebra – chemistry – history – geography
Activities ‫األٔشطخ‬ Reading – cycling – writing – shopping – painting – fishing – swimming
Abstract nouns Progress – hope – behaviour – beauty – freedom – luck – patience –
‫األٍّبء اٌّغوكح‬ honesty – tolerance – peace – hatred ‫خ‬١٘‫ – ووا‬courage ‫شغبىخ‬
Sports ‫بػخ‬٠‫ اٌو‬Football – tennis – volleyball – basketball – ping pong – baseball
Languages ‫ اٌٍؽبد‬English – Arabic – French – Italian – Spanish – German
food َ‫ اٌطعب‬Rice – macaroni – jam – butter ‫ – ىثلح‬yogurt ٜ‫ – ىثبك‬flour ‫ك‬١‫ – كل‬sugar –
Furniture ‫ – األصبس‬grass ‫ – اٌعشت‬luggage – baggage ‫ – األِزعخ‬jewellery – money –
electricity – work – news – information – laughter ‫ – اٌؼيؾه‬rubbish – hair –
other nouns traffic – clothing ٌ‫ – اٌٍّج‬advice – money – experience – equipment
ٜ‫أٍّبء أفو‬
33 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

a lot of – many – much – a few – a little - little

‫ ال رعل‬ٝ‫اٌىٍّبد اٌز‬ٚ ‫ رعل‬ٝ‫ اإلصجبد ِع اٌىٍّبد اٌز‬ٝ‫ رَزقلَ ـ‬A lot of, plenty of ْ‫الؽع أ‬
a lot of ‫ رعل ـمؾ‬ٝ‫ ِع اٌىٍّبد اٌز‬lots
of َ‫رَزقل‬
Plenty of
* Ali has got a lot of / lots of / plenty of books.
Many َ‫ب‬ٙ‫االٍزف‬ٚ ٝ‫ إٌف‬ٝ‫عل ـ‬٠ ٍُ‫ لجً ا‬ٝ‫رأر‬
* I haven’t got many friends.
* Do you have many friends ?
َ‫ب‬ٙ‫االٍزف‬ٚ ٝ‫ إٌف‬ٝ‫عل ـ‬٠ ‫ لجً اٍُ ال‬ٝ‫رأر‬
Much * Did you eat much cheese ? – We didn’t eat much cheese
a few : ‫ اٌغٍّخ اٌّضجزخ‬ٝ‫ ـ‬ٝ‫ىف‬٠ ٓ‫ٌى‬ٚ ً١ٍ‫ ىلك ل‬ٌٝ‫و ذ‬١‫رش‬ٚ ‫عل‬٠ ٍُ‫ لجً ا‬ٝ‫رأر‬
* I have a few pounds so I can buy a shirt.
: ‫ اٌغٍّخ اٌّضجزخ‬ٝ‫ ـ‬ٝ‫ىف‬٠ ‫ال‬ٚ ً١ٍ‫ ىلك ل‬ٌٝ‫و ذ‬١‫ رش‬ٚ ‫عل‬٠ ٍُ‫ لجً ا‬ٝ‫رأر‬
few * I have few pounds so I can’t buy a shirt.
a little ‫ اٌغٍّخ اٌّضجزخ‬ٝ‫ ـ‬ٝ‫ٌىٓ رىف‬ٚ ‫ٍخ‬١ٍ‫خ ل‬١ّ‫ و‬ٌٝ‫و ذ‬١‫رش‬ٚ ‫عل‬٠ ‫ لجً اٍُ ال‬ٝ‫رأر‬
* I have a little sugar but it is enough to make a cup of tea.
‫ اٌغٍّخ اٌّضجزخ‬ٝ‫ ـ‬ٝ‫ىف‬٠ ‫ال‬ٚ ‫ٍخ‬١ٍ‫خ ل‬١ّ‫ و‬ٌٝ‫و ذ‬١‫رش‬ٚ ‫عل‬٠ ‫ لجً اٍُ ال‬ٝ‫رأر‬
little * I have little sugar so I can’t make a cup of tea.
‫اٌطٍت‬ٚ ‫ اٌعوع‬ٌٝ‫ ٍؤا‬ٝ‫ـ‬ٚ ‫خ ِضجزخ‬٠‫ عٍّخ فجو‬ٝ‫عل ـ‬٠ ‫ اٍُ ال‬ٚ‫عل أ‬٠ ٍُ‫ لجً ا‬ٝ‫رأر‬
* My mother knows some good stories.
* Would you like some teal ? ‫لىوعا‬
some * Can I have some of these apples ? ‫لؽٍتا‬
‫خ‬١‫ ِٕف‬ٚ‫خ أ‬١ِ‫ب‬ٙ‫ عٍّخ اٍزف‬ٝ‫عل ـ‬٠ ‫ اٍُ ال‬ٚ‫عل أ‬٠ ٍُ‫ لجً ا‬ٝ‫رأر‬
* I don’t want any stamps. ‫علا‬٠ ٍُ‫لا‬
* I didn’t drink any milk. ‫علا‬٠ ‫لاٍُ ال‬
any ً‫ اٌفع‬ٝ‫ ِع ٔف‬some ٝ‫رَزقلَ ٌٕف‬
* I bought some books. * I didn’t buy any books.
* She has some money. * She doesn’t have any money.
: ً‫ ِض‬ٝ‫ إٌف‬ٍٝ‫ ِع اٌىٍّبد اٌلاٌخ ى‬ٝ‫رأر‬
hardly – never – without – refuse – too …… to
* He never had any luck. * We hardly had any money.

indefinite article (a / an) :

ٓ‫عل اٌجبكئ ثؾوؾ ٍبو‬٠ ٜ‫‘ لجً االٍُ اٌّفوك اٌن‬a’ ‫* ٔؼع‬
a pen – a car – a book – a woman – a farm ……… etc.
. ‘y’ ‫ٕطك‬٠ ٕٗ‫ٌى‬ٚ ‘u’ ٚ‫‘ أ‬e’ ‫عل اٌجبكئ ثؾوؾ‬٠ ٜ‫‘ لجً االٍُ اٌّفوك اٌن‬a’ ‫ ٔؼع‬-
a university – a European country – a uniform – a useful thing – a unit
‫اا‬ٚ‫ ل‬ٜ‫‘ أ‬w’ ‫ٕطك‬٠ ٕٗ‫ٌى‬ٚ ‘o’ ‫عل اٌجبكئ ثؾوؾ‬٠ ٜ‫‘ لجً االٍُ اٌّفوك اٌن‬a’ ‫ ٔؼع‬-
a one – way road
(a, e, I, o, u) ‫‘ لجً االٍُ اٌّفوك اٌجبكئ ثؾوؾ ِزؾون‬an’ ‫* ٔؼع‬
an elephant – an apple – an orange – an umbrella – an item – an uncle
: ً‫ٕطٍك ؽوؾ ِزؾون ِض‬٠ ٚ‫ٗ ؽوؾ ِزؾون أ‬١ٍ٠ٚ ‫ٕطك‬٠ ‫ال‬ٚ ٓ‫عل اٌجبكئ ثؾوؾ ٍبو‬٠ ٜ‫‘ لجً االٍُ اٌّفوك اٌن‬an’ ‫ ٔؼع‬-
an hour – an honest man – an x-ray – an heir ‫ش‬٠‫ه‬ٚ
‫ رجلاء ثٗ اٌىٍّخ‬ٞ‫د اٌن‬ٛ‫ اٌظ‬ٍٝ‫ْ ى‬ٛ‫ى‬٠ ‫ي‬١‫اٌزوو‬

34 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

The use is indefinite articles

a / an َ‫رَزقل‬
‫ي ِوح‬ٚ‫نوو االٍُ أل‬٠ ‫ ىٕلِب‬-1
* We have a house with a garden.
‫ىخ‬ّٛ‫ ِغ‬/ ‫اؽل ِٓ ىلك‬ٚ ٌٝ‫و ذ‬١‫ ٌٕش‬-2
* We have got a car. / he’s a player in our football team.
‫ظبئؿ األشقبص‬ٚ ٌٝ‫و ذ‬١‫ ٌٕش‬-3
* He is a teacher. / * My uncle is an engineer.
: ‫ اٌزعغت لجً االٍُ اٌّفوك‬ٍٝ‫ اٌغًّ اٌلاٌخ ى‬ٝ‫ ـ‬an / an َ‫ رَزقل‬-4
* What a clever student!/ * What an exciting film!
: ‫بد‬١ّ‫اٌى‬ٚ ‫اد اٌزغيئخ‬ٚ‫أك‬ٚ ‫اٌَوىخ‬ٚ ّٓ‫اٌض‬ٚ ‫ اٌعلك‬ٍٝ‫واد اٌلاٌخ ى‬١‫ ِع اٌزعج‬an / a َ‫ رَزقل‬-5
A dozen / a couple / a pair / a thousand / a hundred / a cup / an hour / a lot
: ‫ لجً أٍّبء ثعغ األِواع اٌشبئعخ‬-6
a cold / a headache / a toothache / a stomachache
: ‫ىخ ثبٍُ ِفوك‬ٛ‫اٌظفبد اٌّزج‬ٚ ‫بد‬١َٕ‫ لجً اٌغ‬-7
* He is an English boy. * I read an exciting story.
‫خ‬٠ٕٛ‫ال األٍّبء اٌّع‬ٚ ‫ ال رعل‬ٝ‫ األٍّبء اٌز‬ٚ‫ لجً األٍّبء اٌغّع أ‬a / an َ‫ثبٌطجع ال َٔزقل‬ٚ
* Fish is my favourite food.
* I’m wearing black shoes.
The definite article “the”
: ‫خ‬١‫ر‬٢‫ اٌؾبالد ا‬ٝ‫“ ـ‬the” ‫ؿ‬٠‫َٔزقلَ أكاح اٌزعو‬
‫ لٔىوح أطجؼ ِعوـخا‬ٌٝٚ‫ اٌغٍّخ األ‬ٝ‫رُ مووٖ ـ‬ٚ ‫خ‬١ٔ‫ اٌغٍّخ اٌضب‬ٝ‫ رىوه ـ‬ٜ‫ لجً االٍُ اٌن‬-1
* I have got a house with a garden. The house is small, but the garden is huge.
ْٛ‫ اٌى‬ٝ‫لح ـ‬٠‫ ِع األٍّبء اٌفو‬-2
The sun – the moon – the universe – the world – the horizon – the earth – the country
: ٝ‫ر‬٢‫ الؽع ا‬ٝ‫ ىٕلِب ٔمظل اٌفؼبء اٌقبهع‬the َ‫ ال َٔزقل‬space ‫ٌىٓ ِع وٍّخ‬ٚ
* There are millions of stars in space.
* I tried to park my car, but the space was too small.
‫االوزشبـبد‬ٚ ‫ لجً االفزواىبد‬-3
(the telephone – the computer – the television – the plane – the radio …)
‫ؽخ اٌّفوكا‬١‫ ط‬ٝ‫ ثعلٖ اٌفعً ـ‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ٚ‫ع وٍٗ ل‬ٌٕٛ‫ ا‬ٌٝ‫و ذ‬١‫اْ اٌّفوك ٌٕش‬ٛ١‫ لجً اٍُ اٌؾ‬-4
* The camel bears thirst.
‫ًا‬١‫ لاٌزفؼ‬ٜٛ‫ لجً طفبد اٌّمبهٔخ اٌمظ‬-5
* The computer is the most important modern invention.
‫ وٍّب‬...... ‫ اٌّمبهٔخ وٍّب‬ٝ‫ لجً عيئ‬-6
* The more you work, the more you earn.
‫ؽخ اٌغّعا‬١‫ ط‬ٝ‫ ثعل٘ب ـعً ـ‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ٚ‫ اٌغّع ل‬ٚ‫ اٌىً أ‬ٌٝ‫و ذ‬١‫ لجً اٌظفخ ٌٕش‬-7
* The poor = poor people the rich = rich people
(The blind, the young, the old, the dead, the living, the innocent, the brave)
‫و ِؾلكح‬١‫ٌخ ؼ‬٢‫ وبٔذ ا‬ٌٛ a ‫رؼع‬ٚ (play – listen to – learn – teach) ‫خ ثعل‬١‫م‬١ٌٍّٛ‫الد ا‬٢‫ لجً ا‬-8
* Play (the piano, the violin, the drum, the guitar, the lute, the harp …)
: ‫إٌّبؿ‬ٚ ‫األٌمبة‬ٚ ‫إٌّثّبد‬ٚ ‫ئبد‬١ٌٙ‫ّٕب أٍّبء ا‬١ٌَ‫ه ا‬ٚ‫ك‬ٚ ُ‫اٌّطبى‬ٚ ٜ‫اك‬ٌٕٛ‫ا‬ٚ ‫اٌَّبهػ‬ٚ ‫ لجً أٍّبء اٌفٕبكق‬-9
the cinema – the internet – the office – the radio – the theatre – the army – the post office

35 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
‫بهح ِضالا‬٠‫ لٌٍي‬ٍٝ‫ب األٍب‬ٙ‫و ؼوػ‬١‫خ ذما اٍزقلِذ ٌؽ‬١ٌ‫ لجً أٍّبء األِبوٓ اٌزب‬the َ‫ رَزقل‬-10
(School – university – hospital – prison – mosque – church – market)
* My father went to the school to meet the headmaster yesterday. (As a visitor)
* My father went to school yesterday. (As a teacher)
‫اد‬ٕٛ‫اٌم‬ٚ ‫به‬ٙٔ‫األ‬ٚ ‫طبد‬١‫اٌّؾ‬ٚ ‫ لجً أٍّبء اٌجؾبه‬-11
The Mediterranean sea – The Red sea – the pacific ocean – the River Nile – the Suez Canal –

‫اؽبد‬ٌٛ‫ا‬ٚ ٜ‫اٌظؾبه‬ٚ ‫ىبد اٌغيه‬ّٛ‫ِغ‬ٚ ‫واد‬١‫ىبد اٌجؾ‬ّٛ‫ِغ‬ٚ ‫ لجً أٍّبء ٍالًٍ اٌغجبي‬-12
The Alps ‫ – عجيبي االٌيت‬The Himalayas ‫يب‬٠‫ّبال‬ٌٙ‫ – عجيبي ا‬The Andes ‫ – عجيبي االٔيلى‬The Great lakes – The
Caribbean islands ٝ‫ج‬٠‫ – عييه اٌىيبه‬the Bahamas ‫بِيب‬ٙ‫ – عييه اٌج‬the West Indies ‫يخ‬١‫ٕيل اٌؽوث‬ٌٙ‫ – عييه ا‬the
Sahara desert ٜ‫ – اٌظؾواء اٌىجو‬The western / eastern desert – the Siwa oasis.

: ‫ ٘نٖ اٌىٍّبد‬ٜٛ‫ رؾز‬ٝ‫اٌز‬ٚ ‫بد اٌّووجخ‬٠‫ال‬ٌٛ‫ا‬ٚ ‫اإلِبهاد‬ٚ ‫بد‬٠‫ه‬ّٛٙ‫اٌغ‬ٚ ‫ب اٌّّبٌه‬ٙ‫ ث‬ٝ‫ لجً أٍّبء اٌجالك اٌز‬-13
(Kingdom ‫ ٍِّىخ‬/ States ‫خ‬٠‫ال‬ٚ / republic ‫خ‬٠‫ه‬ّٛٙ‫ ع‬/ Union ‫ ارؾبك‬/ emirate ‫ ذِبهح‬/ united ‫لِزؾلح‬
- The United States of America / The USA. ‫خ‬١‫ى‬٠‫بد اٌّزؾلح األِو‬٠‫ال‬ٌٛ‫ا‬

: ‫خ‬١‫ر‬٢‫ت ا‬١‫ ِع أهلبَ اٌزور‬the َ‫رَزقل‬ٚ -14

The only … the last, the first, the second, the third, the fourth …… etc.
Ex. Asmaa was the only girl who attended the lesson.
: ٍُ‫ب ا‬ٙ‫نوو ِع‬٠ ٌُ ٝ‫ ِع األٌمبة اٌز‬-15
The queen / the prince / the king / the president / the professor

: ‫خ‬١‫ر‬٢‫ اٌؾبالد ا‬ٝ‫ ـ‬the َ‫ال رَزقل‬ٚ

َ‫عٗ ىب‬ٛ‫ ؽبٌخ اٌغّع ث‬ٝ‫ رعل ـ‬ٝ‫ ِع األٍّبء اٌز‬-1
Ex : Flowers have nice smell. (Al kinds of flowers)
ْٛ٠‫في‬١ٍ‫ ذما لظلٔب ثواِظ اٌز‬television ً‫ لج‬the ‫ ال ٔؼع‬-2
Ex : I watched a movie on television. * I usually watch TV in the evening.
ْٛ٠‫في‬١ٍ‫بى اٌز‬ٙ‫ ذما لظلٔب ع‬television ً‫ لج‬the ‫ٌىٓ ٔؼع‬ٚ
Ex : He put the glass on the television. * Can you turn off the television, please ?
‫ أٔشئذ ألعٍٗا‬ٜ‫ لاٌن‬ٍٝ‫ب األٍب‬ٙ‫ ؼوػ‬ٝ‫خ ذما اٍزقلِذ ـ‬١ٌ‫ لجً األٍّبء اٌزب‬-3
School – university – hospital – bed – prison – mosque – church – market

‫ اٌغيه اٌّفوكح‬ٚ‫ اٌغجً اٌّفوك أ‬ٚ‫وح اٌّفوكح أ‬١‫ لجً اٍُ اٌجؾ‬-4
Malta island Lake Nasser Mount Everest Mount Sinai ‫ٕبء‬١ٍ ً‫عج‬
‫بد‬ٙ‫ لجً اٌظفبد اٌّشزمخ ِٓ اٌغ‬-5
western – eastern – southern – northern
Ex : I visited southern America.
‫اٌٍؽبد‬ٚ ‫خ‬١ٍ‫اك اٌلها‬ٌّٛ‫ا‬ٚ ‫عجبد‬ٌٛ‫ لجً ا‬-6
dinner – lunch – breakfast – Supper – English – chemistry – French

‫ع‬ٛ‫بَ األٍج‬٠‫أ‬ٚ ‫ي إٌَخ‬ٛ‫ـظ‬ٚ ‫ه‬ٛٙ‫ لجً اٌش‬-7

winter – spring – autumn – summer – January – Saturday – Monday
‫األٔشطخ‬ٚ ‫بد‬١‫بػ‬٠‫اٌو‬ٚ ‫خ‬٠ٕٛ‫ لجً األٍّبء اٌّع‬-8
Democracy – beauty – happiness – love – peace – swimming – reading – football – tennis –
ٍُ‫ىخ ثب‬ٛ‫ لجً االٌمبة اٌّزج‬-9
Queen Elizabeth – professor Magdy Yacoub – King Lear
36 Final Revision
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ُ‫اط‬ٛ‫اٌع‬ٚ ‫اٌمبهاد‬ٚ ‫ي‬ٚ‫اٌل‬ٚ ْ‫ لجً أٍّبء اٌّل‬-11
Cairo – Africa – Tokyo – America – Europe – France
the Netherlands – the Congo – the Yemen) ( ‫ي‬ٛ‫ٌىٓ ٔم‬ٚ
‫ اٌـ‬... ٜ‫أٍّبء أفو‬ٚ ‫خ‬١‫ع‬١‫ا٘و اٌطج‬ٛ‫اٌث‬ٚ َ‫اك اٌقب‬ٌّٛ‫ا‬ٚ ً‫ائ‬ٌَٛ‫ا‬ٚ ‫ ال رعل لاألؽعّخ‬ٝ‫ األٍّبء اٌز‬-11
sugar – meat – bread – flour – water – oil – tea – Iron – wood – plastic – copper – silver – news
(return – go – come – arrive) ‫( فبطخ ِع أـعبي‬bed – work – home) ‫ لجً وٍّخ‬-12
* He returned home late last night.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- Maths ……………… my favourite subject when I was in school.
a) was b) were c) is d) are
2- There is plenty of meat, but there is not ……………… bread.
a) plenty b) many c) much d) a lot
3- Six people ……………… injured in a bus accident yesterday.
a) are b) was c) were d) is
4- How ……………… butter should you use ?
a) many b) few c) much d) little
5- I take a ……………… of honey every morning.
a) jar b) tube c) glass d) spoonful
6- He hasn‟t got ……………… furniture in his house.
a) a lot of b) some c) any d) many
7- There are ……………… books on the shelf. They are not enough.
a) many b) few c) a lot of d) any
8- My brother has ……………… experience, so he didn‟t get the job.
a) a little b) a few c) little d) few
9- Are there ……………… biscuits left ?
a) some b) a c) any d) an
10- He hasn‟t got ……………… luggage.
a) some b) much c) many d) a lot
11- After finishing ………………, he went to Oxford University.
a) school b) a school c) schools d) the school
12- Do you have ……………… sugar in our tea ?
a) a lot b) much c) few d) many
13- We must buy some milk. We hardly have ……………… left.
a) many b) any c) some d) much
14- Can you pass me a ……………… of cake.
a) piece b) cup c) jar d) bottle
15- He looks different because he has had his ……………… cut.
a) hairs b) some hair c) a hair d) hair
16- I‟d like two cups of ………………, please.
a) coffees b) a coffee c) coffee d) much coffee
17- The air in the mountains ……………… always so fresh.
a) are b) be c) were d) is
18- Would you like ……………… sugar with your coffee ?
a) many b) any c) some d) a lot

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19- I want to write a letter. Can I borrow ……………… paper, please ?
a) many b) any c) some d) a
20- During the night, I prefer listening to ……………… music.
a) many b) one c) some d) a
21- Is a thousand pounds too ……………… to spend on a holiday ?
a) many b) a lot c) lot d) much
22- You should be very careful when you drive ……………… car.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
23- They don‟t need ……………… advice from you.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
24- Today, we have one of ……………… best wheelchair tennis players in Egypt.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
25- He decided that he wanted to be ……………… P.E. teacher.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
26- I spent the holiday in ……………… country.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
27- Hard work always leads to ……………… success.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
28- France is ……………… European country on the Mediterranean sea.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
29- ……………… physics is difficult but interesting subject.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
30- I usually like watching ……………… TV in my spare time.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
31- My friend is interested in visiting ……………… United kingdom.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
32- ……………… Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
33- ……………… teachers at my school work very hard.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
34- My brother plays ……………… violin very well.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
35- I think ……………… exams we have next week will be very difficult.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
36- I need ……………… book from the library, but someone else has borrowed it.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
37- ……………… exams are always very stressful .
a) a b) an c) the d) no article

38- I need ……………… advice about how to make new friends.

a) a b) an c) the d) some
39- I finished ……………… homework before I went out.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
40- ……………… school holidays are starting soon.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
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41- I made ……………. new friend recently.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
42- At night, we can see the moon in ……………… sky.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
43- Mahmoud went to a school in Cairo ……………… school was very big.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
44- This is ……………… first time that the tourists have seen the Pyramids.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
45- You must never look at ……………… sun.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
46- Ahmed‟s father is ……………… teacher.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
47- In today‟s programme, we hear about ……………… brave man.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article

The important vocabulary

branch ‫فرع‬ disease ‫مرض‬
shore ‫شاطئ‬ trust ‫ٌثك‬
whistle ‫صافرة‬

Choose the correct word.

1- At the end of the basketball match, the referee blew his ................................
a- blow b- whistle c- whispper d- end
2- If you have a ..............................., you should go to hospital.
a- patience b- ill c- disease d- sick
3- Amira stood on the ............................... and looked at the sea.
a- sure b- ashore c- assure d- shore
4 I ............................... my brother because he always does what he say he will do.
a- trust b- truce c- truck d- truth
5- The bird sat on the ............................... of the tree and sang.
a- branching b- branch c- part d- role

39 Final Revision
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. ‫ٗ اٌّقزٍفخ‬١‫ٍبئً اٌزوـ‬ٚٚ ‫ل‬١‫ُ اٌغ‬١ٍ‫اٌزع‬ٚ ‫خ‬١‫خ اٌظؾ‬٠‫اٌوىب‬ٚ ٝ‫ك األؽفبي ثبٌطعبَ اٌظؾ‬ٚ‫غت أْ ٔي‬٠ -1

1- We must provides children with healthy food, health care, good education and
various means of entertainment.
2- We must provide children with health food, health care, good education and
various means of entertainment.
3- We must provide children with healthy food, healthy care, good education and
various means of entertainment.
4- We must provide children with healthy food, health care, good education and
various means of entertainment.

َُٙ‫ٓ أٔف‬١‫خ ٌٍّزجوى‬١‫ائل اٌظؾ‬ٛ‫ي اٌعبٌُ وّب أْ ٌٗ ثعغ اٌف‬ٛ‫ٓ ؽ‬١‫اٌّظبث‬ٚ ٝ‫ٓ ِٓ اٌّوػ‬١٠‫ ذٔمبم اٌّال‬ٝ‫َبىل ـ‬٠ َ‫ اٌزجوع ثبٌل‬-2
1 - Blood donation helps save millions of sick and injured people around the world,
and it also has some health benefits for the donors themselves.
2 - Blood donate helps save millions of sick and injured people around the world,
and it also has some health benefits for the donors themselves.
3 - Blood donation helps save millions of sick and injury people around the world,
and it also has some health benefits for the donors themselves.
4 - Blood donation helps save millions of sick and injured people around the world,
and it also has some healthy benefits for the donors themselves.

ً ،‫ًب‬١ٌّ‫ه ىب‬ٛٙ‫ الىت ووح اٌملَ اٌّش‬،‫عزجو دمحم طالػ‬٠ -3

. ‫لح‬١ّ‫ األفالق اٌؾ‬ٜ‫ة م‬ٌّٛ٘ٛ‫ِضبال ٌالىت ا‬

1- Mohamed Salah, the world-famous soccer play, is an example of a talented player

with good manners.
2- Mohamed Salah, the world-famous soccer player, an example of a talented
player with good manners.
3- Mohamed Salah, the world-famous soccer player, is an example of a talented
player with good manners.
4- Mohamed Salah, the world-famous soccer player, is an example of a talent player
with good manners.
4- Modern technology plays a vital role in education, so schools are equipped with
computers and modern laboratories.

ًِ‫اٌّعب‬ٚ ‫رو‬ٛ١‫يح اٌىّج‬ٙ‫كد اٌّلاهً ثأع‬ٚ‫ ٌنٌه ى‬،ُ١ٍ‫ اٌزع‬ٝ‫ًب ـ‬٠ٛ١‫ها ؽ‬ٚ‫ك‬
ً ‫ب اٌّؾلصخ‬١‫ع‬ٌٕٛٛ‫رٍعت اٌزى‬-1
ًِ‫اٌّعب‬ٚ ‫رو‬ٛ١‫يح اٌىّج‬ٙ‫كد اٌّلاهً ثأع‬ٚ‫ ٌنٌه ى‬،ٍُ‫ اٌزع‬ٝ‫ب ـ‬٠ً ٛ١‫ها ؽ‬ٚ‫ك‬
ً ‫ضخ‬٠‫ب اٌؾل‬١‫ع‬ٌٕٛٛ‫رٍعت اٌزى‬-2
ًِ‫اٌّعب‬ٚ ‫رو‬ٛ١‫يح اٌىّج‬ٙ‫كد اٌّلاهً ثأع‬ٚ‫ ٌنٌه ى‬،ُ١ٍ‫ اٌزع‬ٝ‫ّب ـ‬ِٙ ‫ها‬ٚ‫ك‬
ً ‫ضخ‬٠‫ب اٌؾل‬١‫ع‬ٌٕٛٛ‫رٍعت اٌزى‬-3
ًِ‫اٌّعب‬ٚ ‫رو‬ٛ١‫يح اٌىّج‬ٙ‫كد اٌّلاهً ثأع‬ٚ‫ ٌنٌه ى‬،ُ١ٍ‫ اٌزع‬ٝ‫ب ـ‬٠ً ٛ١‫ها ؽ‬ٚ‫ك‬
ً ‫ضخ‬٠‫ب اٌؾل‬١‫ع‬ٌٕٛٛ‫رٍعت اٌزى‬-4

41 Final Revision
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5-We must reduce the amount of environmental pollution because it represents a
great danger to the lives of humans, plants and animals.
.‫أبد‬ٛ١‫اٌؾ‬ٚ ‫إٌجبربد‬ٚ ‫بح اٌجشو‬١‫ ؽ‬ٍٝ‫وا ى‬١‫وج‬
ً ‫فطوا‬
ً ً‫ّض‬٠ ٗٔ‫ئبد أل‬١‫س اٌج‬ٍٛ‫خ ر‬١ّ‫ً و‬١ٍ‫ٕب رم‬١ٍ‫غت ى‬٠-1
.‫أبد‬ٛ١‫اٌؾ‬ٚ ‫إٌجبربد‬ٚ ‫بح اٌجشو‬١‫ ؽ‬ٍٝ‫فطوا كاّ٘ب ى‬
ً ً‫ّض‬٠ ٗٔ‫ أل‬ٝ‫ئ‬١‫س اٌج‬ٍٛ‫خ اٌز‬١ّ‫ً و‬١ٍ‫ٕب رم‬١ٍ‫غت ى‬٠ ‫ال‬-2
.‫أبد‬ٛ١‫اٌؾ‬ٚ ‫إٌجبربد‬ٚ ‫خ‬٠‫بح اٌجشو‬١‫ ؽ‬ٍٝ‫وا ى‬١‫وج‬
ً ‫فطوا‬
ً ً‫ّض‬٠ ٗٔ‫ أل‬ٝ‫ئ‬١‫س اٌج‬ٍٛ‫خ اٌز‬١ّ‫ً و‬١ٍ‫ٕب رم‬١ٍ‫غت ى‬٠-3
.‫أبد‬ٛ١‫اٌؾ‬ٚ ‫إٌجبربد‬ٚ ‫بح اٌجشو‬١‫ ؽ‬ٍٝ‫وا ى‬١‫وج‬
ً ‫فطوا‬
ً ً‫ّض‬٠ ٗٔ‫ أل‬ٝ‫ئ‬١‫س اٌج‬ٍٛ‫خ اٌز‬١ّ‫ً و‬١ٍ‫ٕب رم‬١ٍ‫غت ى‬٠-4

34- Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

What sort of food are we likely to be eating in the year 2030 ? Most people,
when you ask them a question like that, either say : “There won‟t be any left.” or
“Whatever it is, there won‟t be much taste in it.” Of course there are good reasons for
being pessimistic about the world‟s food supplies in the future.
Nevertheless, not all experts share the general despondency. For one thing,
although the world‟s population is rising fast, food production is keeping pace with it,
even in developing countries. It is therefore argued that the main reason why people
are hungry is not that there is a food shortage, but that methods of cultivation are not
sufficiently advanced in some areas and the food is not fairly distributed to all those
that need it.
Moreover in most industrialized countries, one important cause of trouble is our
conservative preference for meat. After all, we are already in a situation where we feed
animals with grain to produce high-quality beef, even though the grain would feed the
human population.
By the time our grandchildren have grown up, It seems likely that many of these
problems will have resolved. Scientists are already capable of constructing steaks from
vegetable ingredients like Soya beans. However, skeptical we may be about their
claim that they can produce the substance, taste and colour of meat by these means,
the fact is that the most common complaint about such “steaks” is that we will no doubt
have discovered a way of including artificial bones, skin and fat!
Choose the correct answer :
1- There won‟t be food shortage in the future if the food is ……………
a) fairly distributed b) unfairly distributed
c) of high quality d) of low quality
2- The main idea of the passage is ……………
a) the advantages of eating soya beans
b) the causes of food shortage and it solutions.
c) the distribution of food
d) population increasing all over the world
3- The problem of food can be solved if we ……………

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a) use the internet and mass media b) use more water from the sea
c) use advanced methods of cultivation d) purify the river water
4- We feed animals on grain to produce ……………
a) high quantity beef b) skin and vegetables
c) fat and food supplies d) high quality beef
5- Which sentence of the following can best summarise the last paragraph ?
a) Soya beans can change the taste of meat
b) Soya beans, steak and food ingredients
c) Beans, fats and skin
d) Soya beans as a replacement of meat
6- According to the passage, using vegetables ingredients is one of the methods to
overcome the shortage of ……………
a) protein b) fats c) vitamins d) calcium
7- According to the passage, food production is growing …………… the population.
a) as slow as b) as fast as c) faster than d) slower than
8- According to the passage, our diet may be …………… in the future.
a) the same b) difficult c) different d) traditional

Man is a social being. He lives in society. As a gregarious and social being he lives
and interacts with so many people all through his life.
In our interactions with people we make many friends. We enjoy the company of our
friends; in fact that is why they are our friends.
We influence our friends, and likewise our friends influence us. Friendships therefore
have a great bearing on our life. That is why we must be choosy when we make friends,
because we want long lasting true friends whom we may trust and who, in turn, can trust
us. Friendship calls for loyalty. If you cannot be loyal to your friends, you will lose them.
In a real friendship that has matured over time, there are not even any expectations
between two friends. You love your friend whatever may happen, and you love not for any
reason or to get anything in return from your friend. And this is the sentiment shared by
your friend too. Such a friendship is a real friendship and it gives true joy and contentment.
Even troubles and miseries that life may bring seem insignificant when you have such a
friendship to bank on.

42 Final Revision
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app ‫ برنامج‬/ ‫تطبٌك‬ employer ‫صاحب العمل‬

flexible ‫مرن‬ details ‫تفاصٌل‬
smartphone ‫الهاتف الذكى‬ strange ‫غرٌب‬
hack ‫ٌخترق‬ advert ‫إعالن‬
security ‫األمن‬ illegal ‫غٌر لانونى‬
no longer ‫لم ٌعد‬ communication ‫اتصال‬
driverless ‫ذاتٌة المٌادة‬ internet ‫اإلنترنت‬
phishing ‫احتٌال عبراالنترنت‬ account ‫حساب‬
electrical ‫كهربى‬ connected ‫متصل‬
technology ‫التكنولوجٌا‬ malware ‫برمجٌات خبٌثة‬
collect ‫ ٌحضر شخص‬/ ‫ٌجمع‬ cyberbullying ‫التنمراإللكترونى‬
anti-virus ‫مضاد للفٌروسات‬ scam ‫ الغش‬/ ‫احتٌال‬
click ‫ٌضغط على رابط‬ downloading ‫التحمٌل من النت‬
furious ‫شدٌد الغضب‬ uploading ‫ معلومات على النت‬/ ‫رفع ملفات‬
embarrassing ‫ مربن‬/ ‫محرج‬ posting photos ‫نشر الصور‬
credit card ‫بطالة ائتمان‬ major ‫رئٌسى‬
hardware ‫اجزاء التشغٌل‬ software ‫برامج التشغٌل‬

talk to ‫ مع‬/ ‫ٌتحدث إلى‬ a worldwide network ‫شبكة عالمٌة‬

make a decision ‫ٌتخذ لرار‬ embarrassing photos ‫صور محرجة‬
hack into organizations ‫ٌمتحم منظمة‬ ask for ‫ٌطلب‬
Cause security problems ‫ٌسبب مشاكل أمنٌة‬ make comments ‫ٌعلك‬
worried about ‫للك على‬ help … with ‫ فى‬... ‫ٌساعد‬
communicate with )‫ٌتواصل مع (شخص‬ satellite navigation ‫مالحة بالممر الصناعى‬
break into ‫ٌمتحم‬ careful about ‫حرٌص على‬
focus on ‫ٌركز على‬ driverless car ‫سٌارة بال لائد‬
personal details ‫تفاصٌل شخصٌة‬ Stay safe ‫ٌبمى آمن‬
go online ‫ٌدخل على النت‬ find out ‫ٌكتشف‬
click on a link ‫ٌنمر على الرابط‬ spend … with ‫ٌمضى مع‬
Complete a form ‫ٌكمل استمارة‬ steal from ‫ٌسرق من‬
Get … for free ‫ٌحصل على شئ مجاناا‬ Socialize with ‫ٌختلط اجتماعٌا مع‬
- rob + )‫ مكان‬/ ‫ٌسرق (شخص‬ steal + ‫شئ‬ ‫ٌسرق‬
one another ‫شخص اخر‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- I will drive to the school to ……………… the children.
a) correct b) connect c) contact d) collect
2- A ……………… car is driven electronically without a human driver.
a) driving b) driven c) driverless d) drive
3- Communication is no longer about people talking to one ………………
a) else b) other c) others d) another

43 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
4- Speech is the fastest method of ……………… between people.
a) communication b) communicative
c) connection d) communicate
5- You can‟t send any emails unless the computer is ……………… to the internet.
a) communicated b) connected c) constructed d) contacted
6- I have new ……………… on my smartphone which helps me practice foreign
a) caps b) apes c) abs d) apps
7- A uniformed ………… man met them at the gate and asked for their identity cards.
a) priority b) business c) security d) minority
8- We need to bring in a/an ……………… to deal with this problem because it‟s very
a) criminal b) expert c) painter d) employer
9- Modern ……………… are enabling more people to work from home.
a) internet b) hacks c) communications d) contacts
10- Internet Criminals ……………… into organisations like hospitals, airports and
power station.
a) pack b) sack c) hack d) mock
11- Modern ……………… makes transferring money much easier than it used to be.
a) technology b) hack c) experience d) heating
12- A company can ……………… its private information as it is confidential to the
a) protect b) connect c) addict d) communicate
13- The room had a few pieces of ugly furniture. The antonym of the word “ugly” is ………
a) unattractive b) pretty c) quiet d) serious
14- One of the advantages of this job is the working ……………… hours.
a) rough b) tough c) strict d) flexible
15- Parents should teach their children to behave ……………… in public.
a) proper b) property c) preparatory d) properly
16- In dictionaries, children can click ……………… a sentence to hear it read aloud.
a) at b) with c) by d) on
17- The email says I have won a prize, but I don‟t believe it. I think it‟s a ………………
a) scam b) click c) link d) change
18- Somebody hacked ……………… the company‟s central database and knew all
our secret information.
a) onto b) in c) to d) into
19- ……………… software that is intended to damage or disable computers and
computer systems.
a) Programme b) Tableware c) Welfare d) Maleware
20- This room has under floor heating, isn‟t is wonderful ? The antonym of the word
“heating” is ………………
a) warming b) cooling c) signing d) deleting
21- My friend has some ……………… in fashion design. He is a great designer.
a) experiences b) experience c) experiment d) expert

44 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
22- There is a 25% discount on all ……………… goods until the end of the week.
a) electrifying b) electrician c) electrical d) electricity
23- A ……………… is a personal website diary for other people to read.
a) blog b) block c) bulk d) bulb
24- A car park ……………… camera captured the attack.
a) priority b) business c) security d) obesity
25- He was punished for ……………… bad comments on the referee.
a) making b) doing c) playing d) taking
26- Scientists are doing their best to develop cheaper communication ………………
a) devises b) advices c) advises d) devices
27- The boy only speaks Chinese, so he cannot ……………… with the other children
in the class.
a) correct b) connect c) communicate d) contact
28- My ……………… point of view is that we shouldn‟t offer him the job.
a) person b) personal c) personality d) personal
29- Someone broke ……………… my car and stole my laptop.
a) into b) onto c) from d) at
30- My decision to leave school when I was only 15 was the worst mistake I ever …………
a) put b) gave c) made d) did
31- Do you remember any funny stories about work ? The word “funny” is the
antonym of ………
a) comical b) serious c) humorous d) attractive
32- Don‟t go near the edge as it isn‟t safe. The antonym of the word “safe” is
a) clear b) advance c) administer d) insecure
33- His mother was ……………… with him for leaving the baby alone in the house.
a) careful b) funny c) excited d) furious
34- Lock the door when you leave. The verb “lock” is the synonym of ………………
a) open b) mix c) shut d) shire
35- You need to update your ……………… software regularly to look for and remove
viruses on your computer.
a) malware b) antivirus c) antibiotic d) antibodies
36- Teenagers are not always careful about ……………… their personal details.
a) downloading b) loading c) uploading d) overloading
37- When I use the internet, I find advertisement asking for personal details. It is a …………
a) scan b) scar c) scam d) span
38- ……………… is an attempt to trick someone who has an internet bank account to
take money out of their account.
a) Downloading b) Phishing c) Locking d) Uploading
39- You should use a strong ……………… which can‟t be discovered easily.
a) password b) passport c) pass way d) keyword
40- Choose the image you want by ……………… twice on it.
a) clicking b) downloading c) uploading d) selecting

45 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
41- ……………… is sending messages online to frighten or worry someone.
a) Downloading b) Clicking c) Uploading d) Cyberbullying
42- The Sunday papers are full of ……………… for cars.
a) advertisements b) experiences c) accounts d) novels
43- I am ashamed because she has put me in an ……………… situation.
a) excited b) embarrassing c) possible d) scary
45- I read people‟s blogs and make ……………… on what they write.
a) contacts b) connections c) comments d) commands
46- We all ……………… our colleague Adel to overcome his serious disease.
a) support b) fallow c) give d) let

‫ؾ‬١َ‫ ىِٓ اٌَّزمجً اٌج‬-1
Form ٓ٠ٛ‫ اٌزى‬-1
will (’ll) + ing ِٓ ‫ؾ‬١َ‫ْ اٌَّزمجً اٌج‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
* The party will start at two o’clock.
* He will travel to London tomorrow.
: ٓ‫و ى‬١‫ؾ ٌٍزعج‬١َ‫َٔزقلَ اٌَّزمجً اٌج‬ Usage َ‫ االٍزقلا‬-2
E.g. I am 18 years old. Next year, I will be 19 years old. Future facts ‫خ لاٌعّوا‬١ٍ‫ ؽمبئك َِزمج‬-1
E.g. Your bag looks heavy. I will help you carry it. Offering help ‫ ىوع َِبىلح‬-2
E.g. Will you help me do my homework, please ? Asking for help ‫ ؽٍت َِبىلح‬-3
E.g. I think it will rain tomorrow. Prediction ‫ًا‬١ٌ‫ْ ك‬ٚ‫ اٌزٕجؤ لثل‬-4
E.g. Someone is knocking on the door. I’ll see who is there Quick decision : ‫ع‬٠‫ اٌمواه اٌَو‬-5
* I will buy you a new computer when you pass the exam. Promise ‫ىل‬ٌٛ‫ ا‬-6
E.g. I will call the police if you do that again. Threat ‫ل‬٠‫ل‬ٙ‫ اٌز‬-7
E.g. Take your umbrella with you or you will get wet. Warning ‫و‬٠‫ اٌزؾن‬-8
* You sweep the floor and I will cook the dinner. ٓ١‫اه لث‬ٚ‫األك‬ٚ َ‫ب‬ٌّٙ‫ا‬ٚ ‫ظبئؿ‬ٌٛ‫ع ا‬٠‫ى‬ٛ‫ ر‬-9
* You do the typing and I will check it later. ‫ٓا‬٠‫أـواك آفو‬ٚ ‫اٌّزؾلس‬
* Look at these clouds. It will probably rain. ً‫ؾ ِض‬ٚ‫ك ظو‬ٛ‫ع‬ٚ ‫ً ؽبػو ِع‬١ٌ‫ ِع ك‬-11
Definitely / certainly / probably

46 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

: ‫خ‬١‫ر‬٢‫اثؾ ا‬ٚ‫َزقلَ ثعل اٌو‬٠

After / As soon as / When / ‫ؾ‬١َ‫ِؼبهع ث‬ ً‫َِزمج‬
Before / By the time َ‫ ِؼبهع رب‬ٚ‫أ‬ Will + inf
ً‫ ـبى‬+ will (won’t) + ‫ِظله‬ Till / until ‫ؾ‬١َ‫ِؼبهع ث‬
‫ \ ِظله‬don’t ‫ِظله‬ َ‫ ِؼبهع رب‬ٚ‫أ‬
Ex : As soon as \ When Ali gets home, he will have dinner.
* He won’t leave until his sister arrives / has arrived.
Key words ‫اٌىٍّبد اٌلاٌخ‬
: ‫خ‬١‫ر‬٢‫واد ا‬١‫اٌزعج‬ٚ ‫ؾ‬ٚ‫اٌثو‬ٚ ‫ ثعل األـعبي‬will َ‫َٔزقل‬
predict – expect – hope – think – believe – promise – wonder – suppose ‫أـعبي‬
probably – possibly – certainly – perhaps – maybe ‫ؾ‬ٚ‫ظو‬
Be sure – be afraid – it is probable – it’s certain – it’s possible – I don’t think ‫واد‬١‫رعج‬
tomorrow – next (week \ month \ year) – in ‫وٍّبد‬
the future – soon – in 2030

(be) going to + inf َ‫ اٌَّزمجً ثبٍزقلا‬-2

Form ٓ٠ٛ‫ اٌزى‬-1

: ِٓ ً‫ْ اٌَّزمج‬ٛ‫زى‬٠ : ٝ‫إٌف‬ٚ ‫ ؽبٌخ اإلصجبد‬ٝ‫ ـ‬-1
I am (not)
He, She, It is (not) + (going to) + ً‫ِظله اٌفع‬
We, You, They are (not)
Ex: They are going to visit an ancient site.
Usage َ‫ االٍزقلا‬-2
‫ت ٌٗا‬١‫ ِٓ اٌزور‬ٝٙ‫ اٌَّزمجً لٌُ ٕٔز‬ٝ‫ اٌمواه اٌَّجك ٌؾلس ـ‬ٚ‫خ أ‬١ٌٕ‫ ا‬ٚ‫ؾ أ‬١‫َزقلَ ىٕل اٌزقط‬٠ -1
E.g. 1- I’m going to buy a new car, I intend to do that. (Intention)
2- We’re going to stay with relatives this weekend. (We have decided this already)
‫ ِيع‬ٚ‫س أ‬ٚ‫شيه اٌؾيل‬ٚ ٝ‫ شيئ ىٍي‬ٚ‫ أ‬think \ believe ‫ َٔيّعٗ ِيع وٍّيبد‬ٚ‫ ٔعوـيٗ أ‬ٚ‫ً لٔيواٖ أ‬١ٌ‫ك ك‬ٛ‫ع‬ٛ‫َزقلَ ىٕل اٌزٕجؤ ث‬٠ -2
take care \ look! \ watch out! \ lookout! ٗ١‫ اٌزٕج‬ٚ‫و أ‬٠‫وٍّبد اٌزؾن‬
E.g. 1- Look at this reckless driver! He is going to crash into the car in front.
: ً‫ ِض‬Will ‫س اٌفعً ـٕأفن‬ٚ‫ ؽل‬ٍٝ‫ال ى‬١ٌ‫ٌ ك‬١ٌ ْ‫بهاد ٌإلَٔب‬ٌّٙ‫ا‬ٚ ‫ٌىٓ اٌظفبد اٌضبثزخ‬ٚ
E.g. 1- Messi is a clever player. I think he will score a goal the next match.
‫اػؾخ‬ٚ ‫الؿ اٌّؤلزخ رعزجو أكٌخ‬ٌّٛ‫ٌىٓ الؽع ا‬ٚ
* My brother is revising well. I think he’s going to pass the test.
(intend \ intention \ plan \ decide \ made decision \ made up … mind) ‫ك وٍّبد‬ٛ‫ع‬ٚ ‫َزقلَ ىٕل‬٠ -3
Ex : A : What are your plans for the next weekend ?
B : I’m going to play computer games.

47 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

‫ اٌَّزمجً ثبٍزقلاَ اٌّؼبهع اٌَّزّو‬-3

Form ٓ٠ٛ‫ اٌزى‬-1
: ً‫ مٌه وٍّبد ِض‬ٍٝ‫لي ى‬٠ٚ ،‫جبد َِجمخ‬١‫ك رور‬ٛ‫ع‬ٚ ‫ ؽبٌخ‬ٝ‫و ىٓ اٌَّزمجً ـ‬١‫َزقلَ اٌّؼبهع اٌَّزّو ٌٍزعج‬٠ -1
arranged \ made arrangements / prepared \ booked \ packed \ reserved \ got \ bought
e.g. * He has arranged everything. He’s spending his holiday in Paris.

َ‫و٘ييب رَييزٍي‬١‫ؼ‬ٚ ‫خ‬١‫ييل شقظيي‬١‫اى‬ِٛٚ ‫ييبهاد‬٠‫ى‬ٚ ‫ٍييفو‬ٚ ‫اط‬ٚ‫اٌييي‬ٚ ‫الك‬١‫ييبك ِيي‬١‫أى‬ٚ ‫ييخ ِييٓ ؽفييالد‬١‫َييزقلَ ِييع إٌّبٍييجبد االعزّبى‬٠ -2
e.g. * He’s getting married next Friday.

‫جبد‬١‫ رٍَزيَ رور‬ٝ‫َزقلَ اٌّؼبهع اٌَّزّو ِع ٘نٖ األـعبي اٌز‬٠ -3

(go \ come \ visit = see \ meet \ travel \ see \ stay \ fly \ arrive \ leave \ (have \ give) ُ١‫م‬٠ a party
* I’m meeting them on Saturday.
* I’m doing a test next Monday. Our class is visiting a museum tomorrow.

‫ت ٌفعً ؽلس آفو‬١‫غخ ٌٍزور‬١‫ اٌَّزمجً ٔز‬ٝ‫َزقلَ ِع ىلَ ِملهح ـعً شئ ـ‬٠ -4
* Nadia can’t visit you on Saturday. She is helping her mother to prepare for a family party.

‫ؾ‬١َ‫ اٌَّزمجً ثبٍزقلاَ اٌّؼبهع اٌج‬-4

‫اٌّلهٍيخ‬ٚ ‫ّٕب‬١‫اٌَي‬ٚ ‫اٌَّيوػ‬ٚ ‫اطيالد‬ٌّٛ‫ٍيبئً ا‬ٛ‫ ث‬: ‫يل اٌضبثزيخ‬١‫اى‬ٌّٛ‫ي ا‬ٚ‫و ىيٓ اٌَّيزمجً لثغيلا‬١‫ؾ ٌٍزعج‬١َ‫َزقلَ اٌّؼبهع اٌج‬٠
‫ اٌـ‬... ‫االِزؾبٔبد‬ٚ ‫اٌؾظض‬ٚ
e.g. * Your train leaves at 6 am tomorrow.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- Hany ……………… in the hospital where I applied for the training post.
a) am probably working b) will probably work
c) am probably going to work d) am probably work
2- A lot of people are waiting for the museum to open. It ………… busy there today.
a) is being b) was c) is going to be d) has been
3- It is very hot in the house. I ……………… on the air conditioner.
a) Am turning b) turn c) am going to turn d) will turn
4- We cannot use classroom five tomorrow because they ……………… the walls.
a) paint b) will have painted c) are painting d) will paint

5- Your bags look heavy. I ……………… you to carry them.

a) will be helped b) am helping c) help d) will help

48 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
6- The teacher says that we ……………… relative clauses next week.
a) going b) study c) are studying d) studying
7- My grandfather ……………… 70 on his next birthday!
a) is being b) will be
c) is going to be d) will have been
8- The plan ……………… at 4 o‟clock .
a) is leaving b) is going to leave c) will leave d) leaves
9- They ……………… a party next week. Everything is arranged.
a) have b) are having
c) are going to have d) have had
10- The twins ………… seventeen next week. What presents shall we buy for them ?
a) turning b) turns c) is going to turn d) will turn
11- There are a lot of people in the room. It ……………… difficult to find a chair.
a) is b) will be
c) is going to be d) will have been
12- Look, there‟s a sandstorm. I ……………… the windows.
a) will close b) close
c) am going to close d) am closing
13- There are no clouds in the sky today. I think that it ……………… very hot.
a) is going to be b) will be c) is being d) is
14- I feel terrible with a severe stomach. I think I ……………… be sick.
a) should b) am going to c) am to d) will
15- We ……………… married next month. Would you like to come to the wedding ?
a) will have got b) are getting c) will get d) got
16- I think it ……………… be hot tomorrow.
a) is b) is going to c) will be d) going to
17- The school year ……………… next month on April .
a) is finishing b) is going to finish c) will finish d) finishes
18- She ……………… an engineer when she leaves university. That is her plan.
a) is going to become b) has become c) will become d) becomes
19- Someone‟s at the door. I ……………… who it is.
a) am seeing b) am going to see c) will see d) see
21- There‟s a book club meeting after school and everyone ……………… there.
a) is going to go b) are going to go c) will go d) goes
22- The boy is sharpening his pencil, he ……………… his homework.
a) is going to write b) will probably write c) will write d) is writing
23- We ……………… a family party on Saturday. Would you like to come ?
a) will have b) going to have c) are having d) have
24- Take your umbrella with you or you ……………… wet.
a) get b) will get c) are getting d) would get
25- He hasn‟t studied hard. I think he ……………… this exam.
a) is going to fail b) will fail c) will fail d) failed
26- I expect Ahmed ……………… through his exams.
a) is getting b) is going to get c) will get d) would get

49 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
27- Go and see that film. I‟m sure that you ……………… it.
a) will enjoy b) are going to enjoy
c) are enjoying d) enjoy
28- There‟s a good film on TV tonight. It ……………… at ten o‟clock.
a) will finish b) finishes c) has finished d) is finishing
29- Don‟t be late, the bus ……………… at exactly ten o‟clock.
a) leaves b) going to leave c) has left d) left
30- Our lesson ……………… at two o‟clock this afternoon.
a) going to finish b) is finishing c) will finish d) finishes
31- I will inform you as soon as I ……………… home tomorrow.
a) arrived b) had arrived c) will arrive d) arrive
32- Do you think that Soha ……………… the full mark in the exam ?
a) will get b) is going to get c) would get d) is getting
33- He is filling his bucket with water. He ……………… the car.
a) is going to wash b) has washed c) will wash d) washes
34- There is too little petrol left. The car ………………
a) is going to stop b) stop c) is stopping d) will stop

The important vocabulary

crazy ‫مجنون‬ leader ‫لائد‬
sail ‫شراع – ٌبحر‬ fight ‫ٌماتل‬
Kneel down ‫ٌركع‬ spade ‫جاروف‬

Choose the correct word.

1- The person who controls other people is the................................
a- leader b- leadership c- leading d- lead
2- ……….is to hit, kick or fire guns at other people
a- fighter b- fight c- fighting d- tight
3- unwell in your mind is ………………….
a- crazy b- selfish c- selfie d- wise
4 a piece of material used to control wind power on a ship or a boat is ,…………..
a- tail b- sail c- fail d- mail
5- The best meaning of „knelt down‟ is
a- to show surprise and pain b- to show respect and need for help
c- to get everything and run away d- to get everything and escape

51 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

Studies show that if large groups of children watch violent programmes, they will
behave more aggressively. Especially during teenage years, viewing lots of violence
on television is associated with actual increases in aggression against others. It is little
wonder that a large group of medical expert recently concluded that media violence is
a serious threat to public health.
It is fair to say, then, that violence programmes cause aggression in viewers,
especially children. They can make aggression more likely, but it doesn‟t invariably
“cause” it to occur for any child. Many other factors affect the chances that unpleasant
thoughts will be turned into actions. Among children, one such factor is the extent to
which a child identifies with aggressive characters. That‟s why it is so sad to find TV
heroes behaving aggressively, as well as villains.
Children who believe that aggression is an acceptable way to solve problems,
who believe that TV violence is realistic, and who identify with TV characters are more
likely to copy television aggression. In view of such findings, it is understandable that
many countries have restricted the amount of violence on television. Should all
countries do the same ?
invariably ‫ دائما‬realistic ‫ والعى‬restricted ‫ ٌحد من‬/ ‫ٌملل‬
findings ‫ نتائج أبحاث‬aggression ‫ عنف‬/ ‫ عدوان‬identify ‫ٌتعرف على‬
Choose the correct answer :
1- What is the main idea of the passage ?
a) reducing violence on media. b) identifying with good heroes.
c) television aggression. d) identifying with evil characters.
2- The underlined word “villains” refers to ……………
a) experts b) evil characters c) TV characters d) teenagers
3- Which of the following best summarizes the second paragraph ?
a) Once children see violence they copy it.
b) unpleasant thoughts make us more aggressive.
c) TV character affect children‟s behaviours.
d) most villains are hateful to children.
4- What is an antonym of “realistic” ?
a) material b) fictional c) factual d) actual
5- What solution do you suggest best help with controlling children‟s aggression ?
a) punishing a bully in front of them.
51 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

b) identifying aggressive characters.

c) showing much cartoon on TV.
d) giving rewards for good deeds.
6- What reason supports the sadness the writer feels ?
a) children‟s heroes give bad examples.
b) violence is a threat to public health.
c) Countries must control violence.
d) children watch too much violence on TV.
7- The last paragraph concludes that ……………
a) Children are violent by nature.
b) All countries must reduce violence on TV.
c) Violence on TV has less effect way to solve problems.
d) Aggression is an acceptable way to solve problems.
8- Te underlined pronoun they refer to ……………
a) children b) viewers
c) media violence d) violence programmes

Online classes are not just a way to use technology in the education system; they are
also a way to teach younger people knowledge, values, and skills. The arrival of online
classes has completely changed the scenario of the traditional education system.
Online classes have provided lots of advantages to students. Students who take online
classes don't have to make plans to go to class, drive to school, and be physically present.
Now students can easily look back at the information whenever they want. This saves the
time of traveling and gives students more time to focus on study. However, online classes
also have some disadvantages. Most of what students need to do to grow as people can
be done only in traditional classes. Students use mobile phones, tablets, laptops, or
computers to take online classes which can majorly affect their health.
Online classes are now a great way to learn instead of going to a traditional classroom.
It doesn't mean we should forget about physical education or the old way of teaching. The
arrival of online classes can't fully replace how people get to interact and learn together.

52 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

hay ‫ تبن‬/ ‫لش‬ hop ‫ٌحجل‬

plot ‫لطعة أرض‬ pirates ‫لراصنة‬
dig ‫ ٌنمب‬/ ‫ٌحفر‬ discussion ‫منالشة‬
gravel ‫حصى‬ consider ‫ٌفكر‬
currant row )‫صف من العنب (المجفف‬ path ‫ممر‬
rhythm ‫الوزن الشعرى‬ poet ‫شاعر‬
describe ‫ٌصف‬ poetry ‫شعر‬
flexible ‫مرن‬ poem ‫لصٌدة‬
electric ‫كهربى‬ novel ‫رواٌة‬
repeated ‫مكرر‬ lock ‫ٌغلك‬
verse ‫بٌت شعر‬ rhyme ‫لافٌة (الشعر) ٌتناغم‬
suppose ‫ٌفترض‬ literature ‫األدب‬
kidnap ‫ٌخطف‬ author ‫مؤلف‬
popular ‫ شعبى‬/ ‫محبوب‬ adventure ‫مغامرة‬
gardener ‫بستانى‬ publish ‫ٌنشر‬
serious ‫ خطٌر‬/ ‫جاد‬ particular ‫خاص‬
treasure ‫كنز‬ candle ‫شمعة‬
queue ‫طابور‬ row ‫صف‬

at the age of ‫فى سن‬ put something away ‫ٌضع شئ ما فى مكانه‬

decide to ‫ٌمرر أن‬ keep the gravel walk ‫ٌلزم الطرٌك المفروش بالحصى‬
improve his health ‫ٌحسن صحته‬ on his way home ‫فى طرٌمه للمنزل‬
best known for ‫مشهور بـ‬ mix with ‫ٌختلط بـ‬
be made into a film ‫حولت إلى فٌلم‬ do a favour ‫ٌمدم معروف‬
as well as ‫باإلضافة إلى‬ hear about ‫ٌسمع عن‬
no one else but ‫ال أحد باستثناء‬ popular with ‫محبوب لدى‬
stay on the path ‫ٌبمى على الطرٌك‬ in the street ‫فى الشارع‬
a line of ‫صف من‬ in different seasons ‫فى الفصول المختلفة‬
different from ‫مختلف عن‬ have fun ‫ٌستمتع‬
make a preparation for ‫ ٌستعد لـ‬/ ‫ٌجهز‬ have rhythm ‫ذو إٌماع‬
quite the other way ‫على العكس تماما‬ feel differently ‫لدٌه شعور مختلف‬
break up ‫ٌفتت‬ a tool for ‫اداة ل‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- Children love ……………… in the sand on the beach.
a) dogging b) knocking c) drilling d) digging
2- In winter, farmers sometimes give their sheep ……………… to eat.
a) meat b) hay c) fruits d) pizza
3- We spent much time in the street as he ……………… the door and lost the keys.
a) looked b) locked c) lacked d) leaked
4- Gold, silver and money hidden in a place ………………
a) pleasure b) treasure c) pressure d) measure

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5- My grandfather always has lots of carrots from his vegetable ………………
a) blog b) spot c) block d) plot
6- A ……………… row is a line of plants that have small fruits.
a) current b) currant c) carrot d) curl
7- ……………… is small stones, used to make a surface for paths, roads, etc.
a) Marvel b) Gravel c) Bravery d) Rock
8- Stevenson is best known for his ……………… like kidnapped and treasure island.
a) poems b) poetry c) plays d) novels
9- A ……………… is someone who writes poems.
a) journalist b) poet c) novelist d) playwright
10- On her ……………… home, Heba met her friends yesterday.
a) road b) street c) away d) way
11- Could you ……………… me a favour and tell Ali about the problem ?
a) make b) give c) take d) do
12- The light was off, he used a ……………… to see.
a) candle b) bulb c) glasses d) wire
13- People were waiting in a ……………… to book their tickets.
a) clue b) row c) blow d) queue
14- I don‟t like this music. It doesn‟t have any ………………
a) verse b) rhyme c) rhythm d) poem
15- For homework, we have to write the first ……………… of the poem.
a) poets b) poetry c) verse d) chapter
16- Novels, poems and plays are different forms of ………………
a) literacy b) literary c) literature d) illiteracy
17- Can you ……………… on your left leg like me ?
a) hope b) hop c) please d) dig
18- I warned my little son not to mix ……………… bad friends.
a) by b) to c) of d) with
19- The ……………… is the person who looks after plants in a garden.
a) partner b) gardener c) porter d) lawyer
20- A daughter of a rich man was ……………… for money.
a) lost b) stole c) hijacked d) kidnapped
21- When she saw the snake on the wall, she ……………… frightened.
a) fell b) felt c) filled d) failed
22- My health finally began to ……………… when I changed to a less stressful job.
a) approve b) improve c) prove d) remove
23- I‟ve read one of her books, but I can‟t remember the ………………
a) dress b) address c) headline d) title
24- A ……………… a long written story in which the characters and events are
usually imaginary.
a) hay b) verse c) line d) novel
25- The novel which was published last year was a ………………
a) successful b)successfully c) success d) succeed

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26- My wife was very angry when she heard …………… my decision to work abroad.
a) from b) about c) of d) that
27- Coffee is probably the most popular drink in the world. The synonym of the word
“popular” is ………………
a) fruitful b) remote c) favoured d) safe
28- I don‟t go to movies or watch much television, so my knowledge of ………………
culture is somewhat limited.
a) similar b) infamous c) popular d) unknown
29- Language is a/an ……………… for communicating.
a) tool b) equipment c) instrument d) machine
30- The police asked her to…………. the two men who stole her bag.
a) scribe b) ascribe c) prescribe d) describe
31- The footballer had to ……………… after his injury in his right leg in the match.
a) hope b) crawl c) run d) hop

to + inf. ‫ ثعل٘ب‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ ‫ أـعبي‬-1

agree ‫اـك‬ٛ٠ want ‫ل‬٠‫و‬٠
choose ‫قزبه‬٠ refuse ‫وـغ‬٠
decide ‫موه‬٠ offer ‫عوع‬٠
expect ‫لع‬ٛ‫ز‬٠ plan ‫قطؾ‬٠
hope ًِ‫أ‬٠ promise ‫عل‬٠
learn ٍُ‫زع‬٠ Would like ‫ك‬ٛ٠
Ex : * Everyone agreed to meet at the airport.
* Ali has decided to study science at university.

ing ٌٗ ‫ ثعل٘ب ـعً ِؼبؾ‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ ‫ أـعبي‬-2

keep ‫ؾبـع‬٠ finish ٕٝٙ٠
avoid ‫زغٕت‬٠ practise ً‫ّبه‬٠
dislike ٖ‫ىو‬٠ suggest ‫مزوػ‬٠
enjoy ‫َزّزع‬٠ deny ‫ٕىو‬٠
admit ‫عزوؾ ثـ‬٠ spend ٝ‫مؼ‬٠
mind ‫ّبٔع‬٠ recommend ٝ‫ط‬ٛ٠
Ex : * He admitted borrowing my pen without asking me.
* He enjoys playing with her grandchildren.

ٕٝ‫ اٌّع‬ٝ‫ْ افزالؾ ـ‬ٚ‫ ثل‬ing ٌٗ ‫ ـعً ِؼبؾ‬ٚ‫ أ‬to + inf. ‫ ثعل٘ب‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ ‫ أـعبي‬-3
Begin = start ‫جلأ‬٠ continue ‫َزّو‬٠

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like / love ‫ؾت‬٠ prefer ً‫فؼ‬٠

Ex : * My brother began to work / working as a teacher 5 years ago.
to + inf. ‫ ثعل٘ب‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ ٗٔ ‫( ـ‬like / love / prefer) ‫ لجً األـعبي‬would ‫ذما اٍزقلِٕب‬
Ex : * I’d like to finish my work early today.
* I’d prefer to drink coffee.
ٕٝ‫ اٌّع‬ٝ‫ك افزالؾ ـ‬ٛ‫ع‬ٚ ‫( ِع‬v. + ing) ٚ‫( أ‬to + inf.) ‫ ثعل٘ب‬ٝ‫أر‬٠ ‫ أـعبي‬-4
ُ‫يز‬٠ ُ‫ أْ اٌؾيلس ٌي‬ٝ‫( ـزيلي ىٍي‬to + inf.) ‫ أِيب ذما عيبء ثعيل٘ب‬ٝ‫ي‬ٙ‫ أْ اٌؾلس لل أز‬ٍٝ‫( رلي ى‬Gerund) ‫٘نٖ األـعبي ذما عبء ثعل٘ب‬
remember + (to + inf.) ‫ٌتذكر أن ٌفعل شٌئاا ما ثم ٌفعله‬
remember + (v. + ing) ‫ٌتذكر أنه لد فعل شٌئ اا ما فى الماضى‬
Ex : * When I was young, I remember visiting my grandmother every week.
* I love my grandmother. I remember to visit her every week.
stop + (to + inf.) )‫ٌتولف لغرض (لكى ٌفعل شئ ما‬
stop + (v. + ing) ‫ٌتولف عن فعل شئ لفترة لصٌرة أو بصفة دائمة‬
Ex : * He stopped to listen to music. = He stopped what he was doing to listen
to music.
* He stopped listening to music. = He didn‟t listen to music any more.
forget + (to + inf.) )‫ٌنسى أن ٌفعل شئ ما (أى لم ٌفعل الشئ‬
forget + (v. + ing) )‫ٌنسى أنه فعل شئ ما (أى أنه فعل الشئ‬
Ex : * He forget to lock the door. = He didn‟t lock it.
* He forgot locking the door. = He locked it but couldn‟t remember.
try + (to + inf.) ‫ٌحاول (ٌبذل مجهود لكى ٌفعل شئ ما) ال ٌصل‬
try + (v. + ing) ‫ وسٌرى ما سوف ٌحدث‬،‫ٌجرب شئ ما‬
Ex : * I tried to buy some medicine, but the chemist was closed.
* I had headache, so I tried taking some medicine.
regret + (to + inf.) ‫ٌأسف أنه مضطر أن ٌفعل شئ ما أو ٌمول خبر غٌر سار‬
regret + (v. + ing) ‫ٌندم على شئ فعله فى الماضى‬
Ex : * He regretted to tell you the bad news.
= He was sorry that it was necessary to tell you the bad news.
* He regretted selling his car. = He was sorry that he had to sell it.

‫واد‬١‫ ٘نح اٌزعج‬ٝ‫ ـ‬to ‫ ثعل‬v + ing َ‫ اٍزقلا‬-5

take to ٍٝ‫عزبك ى‬٠ object to ‫عزوع‬٠
be used to ‫ ِعزبك‬look forward to ٌٝ‫زطٍع ذ‬٠
be accustomed to ‫ ِعزبك‬due to ‫ثَجت‬

56 Final Revision
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get used to ٍٝ‫عزبك ى‬٠ in addition to ٌٝ‫ثبإلػبـخ ذ‬

owing to ‫ ثَجت‬thanks to ً‫ثفؼ‬
Ex : * He is used to getting up early.
* I look forward to / am used to spending the holidays in Sharm.

‫واد‬١‫ ثعل ٘نٖ اٌزعج‬ing ٌٗ ‫ اٍزقلاَ ـعً ِؼبؾ‬-6

be busy ‫ي‬ٛ‫ ِشؽ‬Be worth ‫َزؾك‬٠
have difficulty (in) ٝ‫ثخ ـ‬ٛ‫غل طع‬٠ How / what about ٝ‫ه ـ‬٠‫ِب هأ‬
It’s no good = It’s no use ِٓ ‫ ال ـبئلح‬It’s a waste of time ‫لذ‬ٌٍٛ ‫عخ‬١‫ِؼ‬
Can’t stand ًّ‫ؾز‬٠ ‫ ال‬Feel like ‫ل‬٠‫و‬٠ / ‫ك‬ٛ٠
Ex : * It’s no good / no use wasting time.
* I feel like / can’t help eating sweets.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- I expect ……………… my driving test when I take it next year.
a) pass b) to pass c) passing d) to passing
2- I was always encouraged ……………… well before exams.
a) revise b) to revise c) revising d) to revising
3- My friend suggested ……………… for a picnic in the park.
a) go b) to go c) going d) goes
4- We‟re planning ……………… to Europe for our holiday next year.
a) flying b) to fly c) fly d) to flying
5- Thousands of people enjoy ……………… at the sculptures.
a) looking b) look c) to look d) looks
6- I am looking forward ……………… a well known club when I grow up.
a) to join b) for joining c) to have joined d) to joining
7- I really want ……………… one of these festivals.
a) seeing b) see c) sees d) to see
8- I forgot ……………… my friend last week. I shouldn‟t have done this.
a) phoned b) to phone c) to phoning d) phone
9- When the children stopped ………………, everyone clapped.
a) to sing b) sing c) to singing d) singing
10- They expect thousands of people ……………… Sapporo for the Snow Festival.
a) visit b) would visit c) to visit d) visiting
11- My teacher promised ……………… me.
a) visit b) would visit c) to visit d) visiting
12-I regret………………you that Nabil will not be joining the team. I know you wanted
him with us.
a) telling b) to tell c) have told d) am telling
13- I really want ……………… to Hong Kong for the Chinese New Year.
a) go b) to go c) going d) to going
14- I‟ve arranged ……………… to the theatre with my family.
a) go b) to go c) going d) to going

57 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
15- Suddenly everyone stopped ……………… there was silence.
a) talk b) talking c) to talk d) talked
16- He admitted ……………… that mistake.
a) making b) make c) made d) to make
17- I stopped ……………… a newspaper. I stopped in order to do that.
a) buying b) to buy c) be bought d) buy
18- It‟s no good ……………… time.
a) wasting b) to waste c) waste d) wasted
19- I can‟t help ……………… sweets.
a) eat b) eating c) to eat d) eats
20- I am used to ……………… the holidays in Sharm.
a) spend b) spent c) spending d) spends
21- I regret ……………… to the cinema. It was not a very good film.
a) to go b) to be gone c) gone d) going
22- How about ……………… at that festival for our project ?
a) look b) to look c) looking d) looked
23- If I were you, I‟d avoid ……………… into the city during the festival.
a) travel b) to travel c) travels d) travelling
24- On my first day at school, I remember ……………… into the classroom and
seeing my teacher.
a) to go b) to going c) gone d) going
25- I tried ……………… some medicine, but the chemist was closed.
a) to buy b) buying c) to buying d) buy
26- I had a headache, so I tried ……………… some medicine.
a) to take b) taking c) to talking d) takes
27- He found the film quite frightening, so he stopped ……………… it.
a) to watch b) watched c) watch d) watching
28- We don‟t have any bread because Ali forgot ……………… some from the baker‟s.
a) buying b) to buy c) buy d) to buying
29- Shaimaa stopped ……… children‟s books when she went to secondary school.
a) reading b) to read c) read d) to reading
30- Do you remember ……………… at that hotel ? It was very comfortable.
a) staying b) to stay c) to staying d) stay

The important vocabulary

cannon ‫مدفع‬ get to ‫ٌصل الى‬ adventure ‫مغامرة‬
contact ‫تواصل‬ defended ‫دافع‬ supplies ‫ لوازم‬- ‫مؤن‬

Choose the correct word from the table.

1. We need to go to the supermarket to get ............................. for the party. We need

plenty of food.
2. The soldiers fought bravely and ............................. the castle.
4. I usually ............................. my grandparents by phone and email.
5. Luckily, we were able to ............................. the station and catch the train; we
arrived there in time.
6. Tourism has a lot of good sides; it has many ............................. s to make use of.
58 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

. ‫وح‬١‫خ طؽ‬٠‫ لو‬ٌٝ‫ي اٌعبٌُ ذ‬ٛ‫اطالد رؾ‬ٌّٛ‫ا‬ٚ ‫ٍبئً االرظبالد‬ٚ ٝ‫بئً ـ‬ٌٙ‫ ثفؼً اٌزملَ ا‬-1
1 - Thanks for the tremendous progress in the means of communication and
transportation, the world has turned into a small village.
2 - Thanks to the tremendous progressive in the means of communication and
transportation, the world has turned into a small village.
3 - Thanks to the tremendous progress in the means of communication and
transportation, the world has become into a small village.
4 - Thanks to the tremendous progress in the means of communication and
transportation, the world has turned into a small village.

. ‫خ‬١ّٕ‫ن فطؾ اٌز‬١‫اٌشعت ٌزٕف‬ٚ ‫ِخ‬ٛ‫ٓ اٌؾى‬١‫ْ اٌّضّو ث‬ٚ‫ْ اٌزعب‬ٚ‫ٌخ ِزملِخ ثل‬ٚ‫ ٌٓ رظجؼ ِظو ك‬-2
1 -Egypt will not become a developed country without fruitful cooperation between
the government and the people to implement development plans.
2 -Egypt will not become a develop country without fruitful cooperation between the
government and the people to implement development plans.
3 -Egypt will not became a developed country without fruitful cooperation between
the government and the people to implement development plans.
4 -Egypt will not become a developed country without fruitful cooperated between
the government and the people to implement development plans.

3- Egyptian schools should be provided with all modern appliances and facilities so
that the new educational system succeeds and reaps its fruits.
.ٖ‫ صّبه‬ٟٕ‫غ‬٠ٚ ‫ل‬٠‫ اٌغل‬ّٟ١ٍ‫ٕغؼ إٌثبَ اٌزع‬٠ ٝ‫ضخ ؽز‬٠‫اٌّواـك اٌؾل‬ٚ ‫يح‬ٙ‫خ ثىبـخ األع‬٠‫ك اٌّلاهً اٌّظو‬ٚ‫غت اْ ري‬٠-1
.ٖ‫ صّبه‬ٟٕ‫غ‬٠ٚ ‫ل‬٠‫ اٌغل‬ّٟ١ٍ‫ٕغؼ إٌثبَ اٌزع‬٠ ٝ‫ضخ ؽز‬٠‫اٌّواـك اٌؾل‬ٚ ‫يح‬ٙ‫ ِٓ األع‬ٞ‫خ ثب‬٠‫ك اٌّلاهً اٌّظو‬ٚ‫غت االٔي‬٠-1
.ٗ‫ز‬ٙ‫ ـبو‬ٟٕ‫غ‬٠ٚ ‫ل‬٠‫ اٌغل‬ّٟ١ٍ‫ٕغؼ إٌثبَ اٌزع‬٠ ٝ‫ضخ ؽز‬٠‫اٌّواـك اٌؾل‬ٚ ‫يح‬ٙ‫خ ثىبـخ األع‬٠‫ل اٌّلاهً اٌّظو‬٠ٚ‫غت ري‬٠-1
.ٗ‫ز‬ٙ‫ ـبو‬ٟٕ‫غ‬٠ٚ ‫ل‬٠‫ اٌغل‬ّٟ١ٍ‫ٕغؼ إٌثبَ اٌزع‬٠ ٝ‫ضخ ؽز‬٠‫اد اٌؾل‬ٚ‫االك‬ٚ ‫يح‬ٙ‫خ ثىبـخ األع‬٠‫ل اٌّلاهً اٌّظو‬٠ٚ‫غت ري‬٠-1

4- The spread of social networking sites has changed every person‟s ways of
socializing and communicating with friends and acquaintances.
‫اطييً ِييع األطييللبء‬ٛ‫اٌز‬ٚ ٟ‫اطييً االعزّييبى‬ٛ‫ اٌز‬ٟ‫ت وييً شييقض ـيي‬١ٌ‫ييو أٍييب‬١١‫ رؽ‬ٝ‫ ذٌيي‬ٟ‫اطييً االعزّييبى‬ٛ‫الييع اٌز‬ِٛ ‫ أزشييبه‬ٜ‫ أك‬-1
‫اطييً ِييع األطييللبء‬ٛ‫اٌز‬ٚ ٟ‫اطييً االعزّييبى‬ٛ‫ اٌز‬ٟ‫ييو ؽييوق وييً شييقض ـيي‬١١‫ رؽ‬ٝ‫ ذٌيي‬ٟ‫اطييً االعزّييبى‬ٛ‫الييع اٌز‬ِٛ ‫اكد ٍييوىخ‬-2
‫اطييً ِييع األطييللبء‬ٛ‫اٌز‬ٚ ٟ‫ً االعزّييبى‬١‫طيي‬ٛ‫ اٌز‬ٟ‫ت وييً شييقض ـيي‬١ٌ‫ييو أٍييب‬١١‫ رؽ‬ٝ‫ ذٌيي‬ٟ‫اطييً االعزّييبى‬ٛ‫الييع اٌز‬ِٛ ‫ أزشييبه‬ٜ‫أك‬-3
‫اطييً ِييع األطييللبء‬ٛ‫اٌز‬ٚ ٟ‫اطييً االعزّ يبى‬ٛ‫ اٌز‬ٟ‫ت وييً شييقض ـيي‬١ٌ‫ييو أٍييب‬١١‫ رؽ‬ٝ‫ ذٌيي‬ٟ‫اطييً االعزّييبى‬ٛ‫الييع اٌز‬ِٛ ‫ أزشييبه‬ٜ‫ أك‬-4

59 Final Revision
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Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

Handshaking has become a thing of the past and increasingly dangerous, too.
Risks associated with handshaking have become more threatening than the mere
passing of germs from one person to another. It is true that diseases such as hepatitis
can‟t be passed from one person to another through a simple handshake. But what
about cold viruses and coronavirus ?
Hand-shaking is believed to promote harmony and friendship. But researchers
have found it‟s a significant way to spread disease. Hand-shaking can transmit viruses
like the cold or flu, bacteria and the most dangerous coronavirus. Someone who has a
cold could wipe their dripping nose, leaving liquid on that person‟s hand. When you
shake hands with them and then touch your eyes, you can catch that infection.
Still eager to shake hand ?! One reliable way to prevent the spread of disease,
including through handshakes, is to wash your hands with warm water and soap on a
regular basis. But many people simply don‟t bother : In on observational study, only
two thirds of men washed their hands after using a public restroom. Which might make
you ask yourself : Do I actually want to shake hands with the next stranger I meet ? A
recent study proposed banning handshakes from healthcare settings altogether.
Hospitals could be made into hand-shake free zones, for example. As more people
come to understand the link between the handshake and the spread of disease, the
“anti-handshake” movement even seems to be gaining momentum. But what could
replace the glorious gesture ?
Choose the correct answer :
1- According to the writer, we …………… get cold viruses by handshaking.
a) should b) can never
c) could d) should never
2- “Hospitals could be made into hand-shake free cones” means that hospital should
…………… shake hands.
a) support b) prevent c) back d) fund
3- We should follow …………… to protect ourselves from the spread of diseases.
a) hygiene b) customs c) traditions d) approaching
4- The underlined word “promote” in the first paragraph means ……………
a) reduction b) shrinkage c) decrease d) encourage
5- “Anti-handshake” movement earns people …………… the danger of shake hands.
a) from b) against c) for d) in
6- ……… of diseases can be passed from one person to another through a simple handshake.
a) All b) None c) Some d) Neither
7- Why do you think people shake hands when they meet ?
a) To greet each other b) To spread disease
c) To replace the glorious gesture d)To prevent the spread of disease
8- In what way could the “Anti-handshake” movement grow bigger ?
a) When all disease can spread by handshaking.
b) When people find other ways of greetings.
c) When risks with hand shaking have stopped.
d) When more people come to understand the link between the handshake and

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1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL

‫ٌّؾبد ىٓ وزبثخ اٌّمبي‬

ْ‫ك ا‬ٛٔ ‫جبد ٌنا‬١‫روو‬ٚ ‫ِفوكاد‬ٚ ‫اىل اٌٍؽخ‬ٛ‫ب وً ِبرعٍّذ ِٓ ل‬ٙ‫ رؼع ث‬ٟ‫رمخ اٌز‬ٛ‫ب رعزجو اٌج‬ٙٔ‫بهاد ال‬ٌّٙ‫رعل وزبثخ اٌّمبي ِٓ اُ٘ ا‬
‫بِخ‬ٌٙ‫ ثعغ إٌمبؽ ا‬ٍٝ‫ٕٔجٗ ى‬
ًّ‫ٓ ع‬٠ٛ‫ رى‬ٍٝ‫ رَبىلن ى‬ٟ‫ع ٌى‬ٛ‫ػ‬ٌّٛ‫ػع اـىبه ىٓ ا‬ٚ ِٓ ‫ الثل‬-2 ‫فبرّخ‬ٚ ‫ع‬ٛ‫ػ‬ِٛٚ ‫ ِملِخ‬ٌٝ‫ؾزبط ا‬٠ ‫ اٌّمبي‬-1
‫ع‬ٛ‫ػ‬ٌّٛ‫خ ِٓ اـىبهن رٕبٍت ا‬١‫ اٌجلء ثّملِخ اثلاى‬-4 ًّ‫الثل ِٓ ِواىبٖ اىِٕخ اٌغ‬-3
A) Writing an essay
‫ىبد ٔبـعخ‬ٛ‫ػ‬ٌّٛ ‫خ رظٍؼ‬١‫عًّ اـززبؽ‬
: ‫ع‬ٛ‫ػ‬ٌّٛ‫ ىجبهح رّضً ا‬ٚ‫واد وٍّخ ا‬١‫ ٘نٖ اٌزعج‬ٟ‫ك ـ‬ٛ‫ع‬ٌّٛ‫ اٌفواغ ا‬ٟ‫ ٔؼع ـ‬: ‫ظخ‬ٛ‫ٍِؾ‬
1. I don't know from where to begin because this matter occupies my attention. No
one can deny that...‫الموضوع‬.......plays an important and vital role in our life
‫ ال احد ٌنكر ان ( اسم الموضوع ) ٌلعب دور هام و حٌوى‬. ‫ ال اعرف من اٌن ابدء فهذا الموضوع ٌشغل اهتمامى هذه األٌام‬
‫فً حٌاتنا‬
2. We all agree that …………… is one of the most important things in our life and has
it is vital role nowadays .
.‫ واحد من أهم األشٌاء فً حٌاتنا وله دورا حٌوٌا هذه االٌام‬.......................... ‫ نتفك جمٌعا أن‬
3. We all admit the importance and necessity of ……………….... in our life.
‫ فً حٌاتنا‬.......................... ‫ كلنا نمر باهمٌة وضرورة‬
4. No wonder if we say that ……. has (have) its good and positive effects on us.
.‫ له أثار طٌبة واٌجابٌة علٌنا جمٌعا‬.......................... ‫ ال عجب إذا للنا أن‬
5. We all agree that …. is very necessary and plays an important part in our life.
. ‫ ضروري جدا وٌلعب دورا هاما فً حٌاتنا‬.......................... ‫ كلنا نتفك أن‬
6. We should put into consideration that ……………… has (have) become one of the
most important things in everyone's life.
.‫ لد أصبح واحدا من أهم االشٌاء فً حٌاة كل شخص‬.......................... ‫ ٌجب أن نضع فً االعتبار ان‬
7. In my opinion, ………………. is really important and necessary nowadays. It may
have good and positive effects on all of us. I think so because ……… may bring all
the good to our society.
ً‫ هو حما مهم وضروري هذه االٌام ولد ٌكون له االثر الطٌب واالٌجابً علٌنا جمٌعا وانن‬.......................... ًٌ‫ فً رأ‬
.‫ لد ٌعود بالنفع علً مجتمعنا‬.......................... ‫اعتمد ذلن الن‬
8. We should put into our consideration that ……….. has become very important in our life
‫البد ان نضع فً االعتبار ان الموضوع اصبح مهم جدا فً حٌاتنا‬ 
9. The progress of any nations depends on …………………
‫تمدم اي امة ٌعتمد على‬ 
10. We should do our best to …………….
ً‫علٌنا ان نبذل لصارى جهدنا لك‬ 
11. In my opinion , …. Has a great effect on the society
‫ له تأثٌر كبٌر على المجتمع‬.... ‫من رأي ان‬ 
12. On the other hand
‫من ناحٌة اخرى‬ 
13. …..is very useful as it helps us to ….
14. With the help of ……..we can achieve useful things
‫جمل وتعبٌرات تصلح ممدمات لموضوعات ضارة أو مشاكل‬
1. I see that ........................... stands for an obstacle in the way of our progress so our state
spares no effort to put an end to it.
.‫ ٌمثل عمبة فً طرٌك تمدمنا ومن ثم فدولتنا ال تدخر جهدا لكً تضع حدا له‬.......................... ‫ اننً اري ان‬
2. In my point of view, ……………..... is really serious and harmful nowadays. It may have bad
and negative effects on all of us. I think so because ............ may bring all the evil to our
. ‫ هو فعال خطٌر وضار هذه االٌام ولد ٌكون له اثار سٌئة وسلبٌة علٌنا جمٌعا‬.......................... ‫ من وجهة نظري‬
.‫ لد ٌجلب الشرور إلً مجتمعنا‬.......................... ‫واننً اعتمد ذلن الن‬
61 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
3. There is no doubt that ………….... is one of the most dangerous phenomena in our life and
has its bad and negative effects nowadays.
.‫ هً واحدة من أخطر الظواهر فً حٌاتنا وكذلن له اثاره السٌئة والسلبٌة فً ولتنا هذا‬.......................... ‫ مما الشن فٌه أن‬
4. Frankly Speaking, ………………... is one of the worst things in our life. Thus, our state
spares no effort to fight it.
‫ وعلً هذا فان دولتنا ال تدخر جهدا لكً تكافح‬. ‫ واحدا من أسوأ األشٌاء فً حٌاتنا‬.......................... ‫ بصراحة المول‬
5. We should exert more effort to solve this problem

‫ودي فٌها بتلخص الموضوع فً جملتٌن كدة فٌهم التراح او حل للمشكلة او نصٌحة دلولتً هالولن على كم جملة تستخدمهم‬
‫وتضٌف علٌهم افكارن‬

‫كٌف اربط بٌن أفكار وجمل الموضوع ؟‬

-: ‫ هنان بعض الروابط والكلمات والمصطلحات التً تكتب مع بداٌة كل فكرة جدٌدة وتستخدم لربط الموضوع مثل‬: ‫خامسا‬

On one hand ‫ من ناحية‬One the other hand ‫من ناحية أخري‬

In addition to that ‫ باالضافة إل ذلن‬Moreover = further more ‫عالو عل ذلن‬
Above all ‫ وفوق بل ذلن‬Thus ‫وبناء عل ذلن‬
Hence ‫ ومن ثم‬At the same time ‫ف نفس الولت‬
And as a result ‫ ونتيجة لذلن‬More than that ‫ابثر من ذلن‬
Over and above ‫ مضافا إل ذلن‬Consequently ‫نتيجة لذلن‬

‫ كٌف أختم موضوع التعبٌر‬: ‫ ثم ننهً الموضوع باحدي هذه العبارات‬: ‫سادسا‬
 Finally , it is quite clear that …….)‫… (الموضوع‬.. Is really……)‫(صفة‬..
 In brief, I think that ……….… is really ………………
 To sum up , one can say that ……… is really ……………

‫موضوعات هامة لالطالع واخذ االفكار ولٌست للحفظ‬

1. How we can help to protect and improve the environment
I don't know from where to begin because this matter occupies my attention. No one
can deny that It‟s necessary to protect and improve the environment so that we could live
in a clean environment free of pollution and to feel healthy.
Environmental pollution ‫ التلوو البيئو‬is a very serious problem nowadays. This pollution
causes great damage ‫ أضورار ببيور‬to the environment and all living things. There are a lot of
things we can do to preserve ‫ يحافظ علو‬the environment. Factories should be moved to land
outside cities. A great number of trees should be planted along the sides of the roads.
Trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, so they help to clean the air.
The government should pass laws to reduce the number of cars on the roads. We have to
spread awareness ‫ ينشور الووع‬among ordinary people of the importance of preserving the
environment. We must teach young children how to keep the environment clean. If we
succeed in preserving (conserving) the environment, our children and grandchildren can
enjoy the world we live in. Preserving the environment has become a very important issue
‫ مسألة هامة‬in the modern world.

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1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
2. Value of reading
I don't know from where to begin because this matter occupies my attention No one
can deny that it plays an important and vital role in our life. Reading is very important. On
the other hand It is the food of the mind. Through it, we benefit from ‫ يسووتفيم موون‬the
experience ‫ خبر‬of other people. Reading has a good effect on our behaviour ‫سلون‬.
It is very useful as it helps us to acquire good qualities ‫صوفات‬. It enables us to understand
the world that we live in. It helps us to solve our problems in life. Through reading, we get
a lot of information about the progress in science and technology. By reading, we never
feel lonely ‫يشو ر بالوحوم‬. In fact, books are the best friends. Reading helps us to develop our
characters ‫ شخصوويات‬and widen our horizons ‫آفوواق‬. the schools should hold reading
competitions to encourage students to read. We should go to libraries from time to time
and read in all fields.
3. The value of sports ‫أهمٌة الرٌاضة‬
We should put into consideration that sports have become one of the most important
things in everyone's life and no wonder if we say that sports have its good and positive
effects on us.
Would you like to live a longer life? To live longer, you must keep your body healthy, so
you should do regular exercise. You should exercise every day. You should join a club to
practice any kind of sports .You might jog or lift weights to keep your body healthy and
active.as Sound mind, sound body. By keeping your body healthy now while you are
young, you could live longer, and you might enjoy life more.
Sports reinforce values important to society, like honest competition and teamwork.
"There is no I in TEAM" is a good sports saying. It teaches us that success is achieved by
putting the group above individual glory.Sports protect youth from many psychiatric and
social disorders.
4. Tourism ‫السٌاحة‬
I don't know from where to begin because this matter occupies my attention nowadays.
No one can deny that tourism is one of the most important things in Egypt. Because it has
great role in its economy. The importance of tourism lies in providing hard currency for
Egypt. It also provides job opportunities for all people.
Tourists spend a lot of hard currency during their stay in Egypt. Tourists like to visit Egypt
to enjoy the sun shine, and the wonderful historic places. They like to visit the Citadel, the
Pyramids, Luxor and Aswan.
From here the government should pay great attention to this field. We must do our best to
attract more tourists to Egypt. It can build new hotels with all means of facilities. We as
citizens have a role; we must treat tourists in a friendly way and make them love Egypt to
come again. Finally we can sum up by saying that tourism for Egypt is like water and air, so
we must do our best to benefit from it

5. (Computers)
I don't know from where to begin because this matter occupies my attention and we
can't imagine life in the absence of the computer. No one can deny that it plays an important
and vital role in our life.
The computer is the most important invention in the twentieth century. Children enjoy using
computers. They help communicate with people in other countries very quickly. Computers
store a lot of information. You can work from home if you have a computer. Computers are
now used in all fields. We can now use computers to learn a new language. Doctors use
computers to help them diagnose diseases and treat patients. Banks cannot do without
computers. Teachers use computers in schools so that students can learn better and faster.
But computers have some disadvantages. Computers are different. Some of them are
difficult to use. A lot of computer games are violent . Some children spend too much time
indoors playing computer games. Using computers for too long can harm our eyes.

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6. A Famous Egyptian scientist – Ahmed Zewail)
I don't know from where to begin because this matter occupies my attention and we
can't imagine life in the absence of the scientists. No one can deny that they play an
important and vital role in our life. I am going to talk about Ahmed Zewail
Ahmed Zewail is a worldwide famous Egyptian scientist. He was educated at Alexandria
University. After his graduation, he went to the United Sates of America to continue his
education. There he worked very hard and outdid ً‫ تفوق عل‬everyone else.
In 1998, he won the Franklin Institute‫ معهد‬Award after he had discovered the smallest unit of
time. This award is usually given to famous scientists and inventors. Dr. Zewail also uses
very fast lasers to find out more about the chemicals. His work helps scientists to produce
new and better drugs for curing diseases. In, fact Ahmed Zewail is a very good example that
all Egyptian young men should follow.

7. Pollution ‫التلوث‬
There is no doubt that pollution is one of the most dangerous phenomena in our life
and has its bad and negative effects nowadays.
Pollution is a difficult problem in modern life. There are different kinds of pollution. Air
Pollution is caused by car fumes‫ عادم السٌارات‬which contain very harmful substances. ‫مواد ضارة‬
These substances have a bad effect on health and can cause many diseases. The sea is
polluted by the chemical waste ‫ النفاٌات الكٌمٌائٌة‬thrown into it by factories and ships. The soil is
also polluted by the chemicals we use such as insecticides ‫المبٌدات‬.
All these kinds of pollution affect not only man‟s life but animal life and plant life as well.
The world is making great efforts to fight ‫ نحارب‬pollution. Ordinary people have to cooperate
with ‫ ٌتعاونوا مع‬the government and scientists to get rid of ‫ ٌتخلص من‬pollution. If pollution
continues to increase, life on earth will be in great danger. Even ordinary people can help to
eliminate ‫ ٌتخلص من‬/ ‫ ٌزٌل‬pollution.
8. “ The best qualities of a good friend ‫“ سمات الصميك الجيم‬ .
In the following lines I‟m going to write about the best qualities of a good friend. Indeed it
is one of the most important topics that deserves to be discussed. In fact man can't live
alone. He needs to live with the others, the human is naturally sociable.
But we should be very careful when we choose our friends . A true friend help his friend in
times of need because "A friend in need is a friend indeed". A good friend should also be
truthful and honest .He should keep his friend‟s secrets and never tell lies. Good friends
should have common interests and mutual understanding. Faithfulness and loyalty are the
bases of true friendship. you shoul be tolerant with your friends and cooperate with them.
Finally I‟d like to say that good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to
9. “ Spare time / Free time/ Leisure ‫“ ولت الفراغ‬
In the following lines I‟m going to write about my free time. Indeed it is one of the most
important topic that deserves to be discussed. Firstly, I‟d like to say that time lost never
comes back so our spare time should be spent wisely. Other than reading, we can do
interesting things to enjoy it. We can go to the cinema which is a source of amusement and
culture. The theatre too furnishes us with valuable instruction. Playing games is another
way for enjoying our spare time. Games and sports strengthen our bodies and build our
characters. In our spare time we can practice our favourite hobbies, taking photographs,
playing music, painting or growing flowers are all good and useful hobbies. However, spare
time may lead to the ruin of one‟s character if it is misused. A great number of our youth
may spend it wondering idly here and there doing nothing. They may spend it at cafes or in
wicked surroundings. This affects them badly, physically, morally, and psychologically. We
have to save our youth form committing follies by establishing youth centers and camps. To
sum up, a successful person is the one who can always make the best of his spare time.
10. the importance of cleanliness
I don't know from where to begin because this matter occupies my attention .No one
can deny that the cleanliness plays an important and vital role in our life it may have good
and positive effects on our life. and we can't imagine life in the absence of it

64 Final Revision
1st Secondary Year 2022 PROFESSIONAL
cleanliness consist of ‫ تتكون من‬hygiene and sanitation . Many infections of the stomach
pass from one person to another because of bad sanitation and hygieneThese are some of
the rules of hygiene. You should always wash your hands before a meal. You should bathe
more often in hot weather or when you have been running or been to the gym.
You should also be very careful about the food you eat and the water you drink. Make sure
that flies and other insects do not land on your food. Insects eat dirt and there are germs in
dirt. If insects land on your food, they may pass their germs on to you. You must not leave
pieces of food or dirty dishes lying around, because they will attract flies,You can protect
food from flies and germs by covering it. You should always boil tap water before you
drink it .

65 Final Revision

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