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Scene 1

2 happy families are on the stage acting at the same time with the little noise no speech

(father and mother are sitting with their kids)
- father is studying for the older kids.
- mother is playing with the younger kids with toys.

on the other side at the same time with the family number one,
family 2
act as if they are playing in their garden.
- father is playing football with his kids.
- mother is sitting with Grandpa drinking coffee and encouraging in happiness
the dad and the kids who are playing football.

Suddenly, a great noise of an explosion is heard. the two families are scared.
kids are running to their parents (at the same time)

Father1: is opening the window to see What’s going on. looking at the sky outside
explosion fire using fireworks
At the same time
- father and mother are carrying their kids running home
- grandfather is following them with his stick. They help him.
Family2 freeze
Family 1
the father opens the door again to see what’s happening looking at the fire at the
sky (like the father of family number1)
music lower
father1: (returns to his wife who is still hugging the kids.): It’s the war. It’s is the
time to go. I have to go now
(kids are crying)
Mother1: will you leave us? what about me? what about our kids?
father1: (put his hand On her mouth) what about our country? I have to go
(kids are holding their dad. their crying is getting louder) father hugs them saying I
will come back and bring the toys you wanted. kids are quieter
Mother (gesturing) May God protect you.
Father1 opens the door and stop to look at his family as it is the last time to see
them mom and kids are waving. father smiles and go.
Mother hugs her kids and Freeze.

kids are crying mom is scared
grandpa: oh my God what’s going on?
Father: it’s the war father it’s time for duty
Mother: What are you saying? I can’t imagine what will happen to you?
Father: whatever will happen it’s a must
Grandpa: (hiding his tears) let him go dear. Go son (putting his hand on his
shoulder) defeat them with all of your strength.
Father: (hugs his father and the kids look at his wife) take care of the kids
- father hugs his kids strongly and goes
- mother hugs her kids and freeze
Scene two
the two fathers meet each other with some other young men. After shaking hands
they gather around a table with the map. The leader is holding a pen showing
them their roles. they pat each other carrying their guns to fight. They set
agreement to fight.

Scene3 “War scene”

music is getting louder. some fireworks are needed.

The enemies are on a side. the Egyptian soldiers are on the other side
a lot of people are running with their kids and relatives and kids and lonely
1- A woman “Salma” is carrying her baby and running. She was shot. Falls down
moving her hands on the kids face and die. the kid is crying. a soldier “Ziad” is
running to save him but he was late and the kid was shot too by Omar. the soldier
comes back quickly a lot of victims are on the floor.

2- the soldiers”gr8” are trying to help the citizens “an old man, some kids” to reach
the shelter while some people die.

3- a young woman”Terry” is running father1”Ziad” sees an enemy who is about to

be shot. Immediately, he runs to save her. He pushes her on the ground but he got
sot and fell down.
4- father2 “Yassin” (in a very clean position to the audience fighting bravely while
he is refilling his gun he was shot and falls down.
the two teams are still fighting soldiers are carrying father1 and 2 while all the
dead people will stay on the theatre ground.

Scene four
music lower
mother1 and 2 everyone in her home act at the same time
mother1: a Muslim woman holding her Holly Quran reading and raising her hands
up praying without talking (the kids are acting like their mom)

mother2: a Christian woman praying without talking on the Christian Way

grandpa hugs the kids

the soldiers are coming carrying the 2 fathers saying long live Egyp
two families get scared when they hear this noise when they open the doors they
start crying heavily for the dead soldiers.

Then the poem starts while all the people freeze

Students stand up greet all the people in the theatre.

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