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The Business Vision
and Mission


After studying this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Describe the nature and role of vision 4. Discuss how clear vision and
and mission statements in strategic mission statements can benefit other
management. strategic-management activities.
2. Discuss why the process of developing a 5. Evaluate mission statements of
mission statement is as important as the different organizations.
resulting document.
6. Write good vision and mission
3. Identify the components of mission statements.

Assurance of Learning Exercise

Evaluating Mission Statements
A business mission statement is an integral part of strategic management. It provides direction for
formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategic activities. This exercise will give you practice
evaluating mission statements, a skill that is a prerequisite to writing a good mission statement.

Step 1 On a clean sheet of paper, prepare a 9  3 matrix. Place the nine mission statement components
down the left column and the following three companies across the top of your paper.
Step 2 Write Yes or No in each cell of your matrix to indicate whether you feel the particular mission
statement includes the respective component.
Step 3 Turn-in your output in our Google classroom for a classwork grade.

Mission Statements
General Motors
Our mission is to be the world leader in transportation products and related services. We aim to
maintain this position through enlightened customer enthusiasm and continuous improvement
driven by integrity, teamwork, innovation and individual respect and responsibility of our
North Carolina Zoo
Our mission is to encourage understanding of and commitment to the conservation of the world’s
wildlife and wild places through recognition of the interdependence of people and nature. We will
do this by creating a sense of enjoyment, wonder and discovery throughout the Park and in our
outreach programs.
Our mission is to be the leader in the travel industry. Samsonite’s ambition is to provide unparalleled
durability, security and dependability in all of its products, through leading edge functionality,
features, innovation, technology, contemporary aesthetics and design. In order to fill every niche in
the travel market, Samsonite will seek to create strategic alliances, combining our strengths with
other partners in our brands.

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