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Health Status of Each Family Member

D.1 Medical Nursing History

According to Ms. M her son and live-in partner and son commonly suffers from

cough, fever, and common colds. They treated the said symptoms with over-the-counter

drugs such as paracetamol and pain relievers. They also practice self-medication using

herbal medicine as an alternative medication such as guyabano roots, guava leaves

and ginger. In addition, their 1year old son, suffers from scabies which is an infestation

of the skin by the human itch mite. They wash the scabies with water and soap and

apply Yaki Liniment oil as a treatment since they have observed the effects of the

liniment oil on others, which is not recommended because different persons are affected

differently by the liniment oil. According to Study Material for Pharma Students

Facebook page, In generally, liniments contain medicaments possessing analgesic,

rubefacient, soothing and counter-irritant or stimulating properties. A liniment should not

be applied to broken skin because it may cause excessive irritation.

D.2 Dietary History

They don't obtain all the nutrients they need because of their financial instability,

but they consume the vegetables they planted and are growing around them. They

prefer to eat what they fit in to their budget such as instant noodles and canned goods.

D.3 Family Health Assessment

D.4 Eating Habits and Practices

The family rely on one kitchen. They use woods for cooking their food. The family

sometimes consume processed food such as instant noodles and canned goods.

However, they occasionally eat vegetables because they have a garden that is filled

with fruits, vegetables, and root crops, and Mr. E makes dishes like vegetable soup

(law-oy) in it.

E. Preventive Health Measures

Mr. E make sure to provide his family with food and t their needs. They usually

store their foods in a plate covered on top of the table, they also hang it in a safe and

clean place. Mosquito nets are used every night to protect themselves from mosquito

bites. Their immunization status is also complete and the new born is on-going. The

family doesn't exercise, but Mr. E's occupation as a laborer is considered exercise

because it puts his body to use and causes him to sweat. Ms. M also uses mineral

water for their children to drink and they sleep at least 8-10hours a day

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