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Based on the picture:

- The leptospira appear tightly coiled or

corkscrew appearance, spiral, thin and they
are flexible spirochetes
Leptospirosis - we cannot see them with the naked eye, we
- disease caused by a bacteria must use special equipment called
- very rampant especially in our country microscopes in order to see this bacteria
because we are in the tropics and if there is a visibly because this bacteria sizes from 0.1-6
storm and there is a flood, people will get um to 0.1-2 um.
infected in contaminated flood waters - Aside from their small size, they also have
especially if they have a broken skin or hook at one end or it can also be both ends.
ingested contaminated food or contaminated - What do you think is the significance or
water with this specific type of bacteria. purpose nang hook?
- it can cause a self-limiting influenza-like - The function of this hook is for the
illness or in much more disease and this attachment of the bacteria to the host
leptospirosis is also known as Weil's disease - This specific type of bacteria is best seen in
- the worst thing about this one is that it can dark field microscopy just like in
lead or progress to multi-organ failure with Treponema pallidum.
the potential for death - As you can see here, black yung background
because we use here a dark field microscope.

- caused by a specific type of bacteria called

Leptospira interrogans

Leptospira interrogans
- it is spiral or corkscrew
- the morphology/physical characteristics of
this bacteria is spiral (kaya sya called
leptospira because of its appearance)

- This is the simple illustration of Leptospira

2 clinically significant serovars from this species: - They have two periplasmic subterminal
1. Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola flagella residing between the outer membrane
- from the word "cani", this type of and peptidoglycan layer
serovars it infects dogs - It is also known as periplasmic flagella
2. Leptospira interrogans serovar - Yung PF (periplasmic flagella). The one with
Icterohaemorrhagiae the blue arrow.
- they are the ones that infect rodents
● Periplasmic flagellum for motility
● 2 important pathogenic serovars from this
species are Canicola and
● Reside in alkaline water, alkaline-soil survive
in these area for months or years
○ They survive in this type of
● Also could be found in urine
- What is the significance of this flagella?
- Just like in other bacteria or parasite,
they will aid in the motility for
moving. Either for swimming or for
- So etong mga bacteria na to, they
swim in your blood and they also
- So the morphology and cell structure of
Leptospira are actually unique.
- The outer membrane (OM), wraps around the
protoplasmic cylinder (PC).
- The components of the protoplasmic cylinder
(PC) are the peptidoglycan (PG), inner
- So this is the Leptospira in kidney tissue
membrane (IN), and the cytoplasm (CP).
- The kidney presented are not sure if it is a
- The blue and white arrow indicates the
kidney for human or rodent
rotational direction of the periplasmic flagella
and the protoplasmic cylinder.
- As you can see yung isa counter
clockwise at yung isa naman ay
- This gives the bacteria the spiral
appearance. Para syang paikot or
spiral shape kase the direction of the
periplasmic flagella and and the
protoplasmic cylinder is opposite
direction. So they tend to give the
bacteria a spiral shape. ➔ if we will stain the bacteria using Gram stain,
as you can observe here in the picture.
LEPTOSPIRA INTERROGANS ➔ What can you see? What is the color of the
bacteria? its color red or color pink, so it's
This is the summary of the Leptospira interrogans.
gram negative bacteria. Meaning, the
● A genus of Leptospira
peptidoglycan is, thick or thin? Thin.
● Gram negative obligate aerobe spirochete
○ In order for them to grow, they need
● Finely coiled, thin, motile
○ They are motile because they have a
periplasmic flagella and that flagella is
meant for crawling and swimming.
that's the time that the bacteria can infect a
human being

➔ How about this one? For this one, we used a

➔ For example, a leptospira interrogans infects a
silver stain of leptospira interrogans and as
rodent especially the serovar
you can observe there are hooks at both ends
icterohaemorrhagiae, it will reside to the
of this bacteria and this specific type of
kidneys or it will colonize the renal specifically
serotype is icterohaemorrhagiae
the renal proximal tubules of the rat or the
➔ Again, this is obligate aerobes and it is called
icterohaemorrhagiae or interrogans because
➔ When the rat urinates, live bacteria will also be
you can see the question mark. The
excreted into the urine contaminating the
appearance of the bacteria is just like a
question mark.
➔ Now for example, a human host has a broken
MAIN MODES OF TRANSMISSION skin or scrapes or wounds on the feet and it
● Infection is acquired from contact through skin, contacts it has a contact with the contaminated
mucosa/conjunctiva with water or soil water or soil, that's the time that the bacteria
contaminated with the urine of rodents, carriers or will invade the human body
diseased animals in the environment.
➔ How are humans infected by this bacteria? So
the infection is acquired from different routes. It
can be direct or through indirect contact of the
bacteria. Direct contact through skin or mucosa
or conjunctiva with water or soil contaminated
with the urine of rodent carriers or disease
animals in the environment because the most
common carrier are the rodents, especially the
common rat which is called rattus norvegicus.
● Ingestion of contaminated water may also cause
infection. There is no documentation of human to
human transmission..
➔ Next, ingestion of contaminated water may also
cause infect infection but there is no
➔ So aside from that RODENTS, there are also
documentation of human to human
other animals that this bacteria infects such as
transmission. So, meaning if the infected human
domestic animals like dog pig or even cow
host urinates his or her urine cannot be able to
➔ So if these animals urinate, they can contaminate
infect other human it's very rare so once that the
the soil, the water, or the mud and this
skin of a human or the mucosa is contaminated
leptospirosis can survive in alkaline water or
or infected with a contaminated soil or water,
even in fresh water for up to 16 days and in soil
for almost 24 days meaning almost a month.
➔ And if you are not careful, you will be infected. ● Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that
For example if a human host aside from a cut or affects both humans and animals. The early
scratch in the skin these leptospirosis will stages of the disease may include high fever,
penetrate the wound. severe headache, muscle pain, chills, redness
in the eyes, abdominal pain, jaundice,
haemorrhages in skin and mucous
● For example, if you are not careful of what you membranes (including pulmonary bleeding),
drink, if the water is contaminated with the vomiting, diarrhea and rash.
urine of infected domestic animals it can lead ➔ If you experience this kind of
to leptospirosis. symptoms, if a family member
● Especially here in the Philippines, there are experience this kind of symptoms you
times in which we have typhoons or floods may consult a doctor.
during the rainy month June or August. LEPTOSPIROSIS SYMPTOMS
● Last year when the typhoon Maring, went
through our land, in a nearby barangay, there
was a barangay captain (not sure) who died
because of leptospirosis because he got
infected when he was trying to save the
residents in their barangay. According to the
news he has a broken skin but although he
has a broken skin because of his duties and
responsibilities as barangay official, he still ● Once that bacteria entered the human body of
want to save his residence, he went through course there still a way of our body to fight
the blood without any extra protection but these organisms. So this bacteria will go into
the consequence of that, he was infected by the lymphatics and then into our bloodstream
leptospira interrogans. and from our bloodstream, the infection can
● Even in gardening since this bacteria can spread to the entire body but tends to settle in
infect the soils, be careful when you are the liver and the kidneys .
gardening and you have scrape or cut in your ● This leptospirosis tends to settle or
hands. Make sure to wear gloves, thick gloves. decolonize in the kidneys and in the liver and
Because you’ll never know if there are usually it takes around 1- 2 weeks for the
bacterias present. infected person to begin to show symptoms.
● Even swimming in an infected area. What if ● The incubation period of this bacteria is
you will never know, you have drink the 10-14 days
contaminated water, that can lead to ● For example if you are infected today, he
leptospirosis ingested a contaminated water, after 2 weeks
HOW LEPTOSPIROSIS IS SPREAD? that is the only time that he/she experience
the signs and symptoms of the disease.

● Fever
➔ Since our body or white blood cells
will try to combat this bacteria
● Intense headache
● Muscle pain or myalgia
➔ Muscles are very painful and severely
★ These symptoms are very useful for the
doctors in differentiating leptospirosis from
other diseases causing fever
● Conjunctival suffusion/Redness of the eyes
● Pulmonary manifestations (cough and
chest pain) Jaundice
- Excessive bilirubin in the liver, it will be
SPECTRUM OF ILLNESS stored on the mucosal area of our body.
● This leptospirosis can present in 2 distinct - Nagyeyellow ang mata, skin
clinical syndromes - Because leptospirus colonize in the liver

(Weil’s Disease)

-It is the milder form -It is the severe form of

of disease disease.
-Patients have fever, -Same symptoms with
myalgia but do not anicteric but
have jaundice. characterized by
-Almost 90% of jaundice and is usually
patients have this associated with
type of illness involvement of other
organs. (mas systemic Kidney Failure
na sya, it can lead to - Colonize the kidney
hemorrhage in which
patients may have
spontaneous superficial
bleeding such as
petechiae or purpura )
Petechiae / purpura
- Type of bleeding in the skin
- Or even in GIT
- Leptospires colonizes in GIT or in the liver

- The most common syndrome is ANICTERIC
LEPTOSPIROSIS in which the patient has a
high fever and severe headache that last 3-7
days followed by the immune stage
- Symptoms associated with immune stage
coincides with the appearance of IgM.
Scleral icterus - Once there is an immune stage, there will be a
- Conjunctival suffusion in the presence of production at plasma cells which produce IgM
scleral icterus in order to combat the bacteria.
- Presence of red or bleeding sa may sclera ng - Always remember that the hallmark of the
mata immune stage of leptospirosis is aseptic
meningitis in which the brain is infected by ● And they will also interact with
the bacteria receptors on the phagocyte and also
initiate phagocytosis
- Most severe. ● Another host defense mechanism is through
- Leads to lethal pulmonary hemorrhage. complement mediated lysis, by the use of
- Death can occur in up to 10 % of cases.
classical complement activation.
How does our body defend or how does our
● Remember, the classical complement
immune system respond to this disease?
activation with IgM and IgG, so if there is a
antigen to antibody complex, the C1 complex
will combine the FC portion of the antibody.
- ● Now, when that happens, the classical
- Adoptive immunity-plays a significant role. pathway will begin from C1, QRS, then
- 1. B cell activation with the help of Th cells becomes C3 convertase, to C5 convertase,
through L. interrogans proteins which will clevege C5to C5B and then the C5B
- Primary host defense mechanisms: will initiate MAC or membrane attack
❖ Opsonin- mediated phagocytosis : C3b complex
fragment and IgG antibodies bind to
the Leptospires cell surface, interact ● what is the end result of classical
with receptors on the phagocyte and complement activation? CELL LYSIS
phagocytosis. So those are the two defense mechanism in adaptive
❖ complement mediated lysis : classical immunity.
complement activation with Ig M and
IgG First by the use of activation of B-cells that will
● 2. Role of cellular immunity – is controversial. differentiate into plasma cells and this plasma cell
Experimental mice depleted of T cells have will secrete IgG antibodies and aside from that, once
more severe lung and kidney damage in the complements are activated it will lead to cell lysis.
response to infection.

So, what is the first thing that will happen if the 2. The role of cellular immunity is controversial.
T-helper cell will recognize the pathogenic Experimental mice depleted of Tcells have more
microorganism which is the leptospira interogans severe lung and kidney damage in response to
proteins? infection.
● So hindi pa masyadong clear according
The T-helper will present the antigen to the
immunity, but for now we have to focus on the
adaptive immunity of our host.
Now, yung mga B-cells na yun will become
activated and they will differentiate into
what? What type of cell?--- they will be DIAGNOSIS
activated and differentiate and become
plasma cells Difficult to diagnose clinically; laboratory support is
What is the role of plasma cells? indispensable.
● They will secrete antibodies (IgM,IgG)
this antibodies they will bind to the Supportive
leptospira cell surface
● Leptospira agglutination titer of > 200 but < - Include serovars icterohaemorrhagiae and
800 by Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) canicola
in one or more serum specimens, or - Interpretation: less than 100 NEGATIVE;
● Demonstration of anti-Leptospina antibodies less than 800 POSITIVE (suggested of
in a clinical specimen by indirect previous infection); greater than 1,600
immunofluorescence, or RECENT INFECTION (in the absent of
● Demonstration of Leptospira in a clinical vaccination)
specimen by dark-field microscopy, or
● Detection of IgM antibodies against ● ELISA
Leptospira in an in acute phase serum - The most commonly used method
specimen. - Detect IgM antibodies against leptospires
- Detectable during 1st week of illness
because during the incubation, our
Now how are we going to diagnose the patient, what body/plasma cells will secrete
are the serologic test in order to diagnose the patient antibodies. The first one to fight will
if he/she is suffering from disease. be IgM antibodies
- Genus specific
So here, the laboratory testsor serological tests that - In-house ELISA: dilution titers
can be done. - Testing in-house ELISA with formalin,
● First, is the use of MAT or microscopic treated and ___ bacteria from the
agglutination test in which titer of greater intermediate species leptospira as an
200, but less than 800 in one or more serum antigen to detect leptospira specific
specimen. IgM antibodies
● So the specimen for MAT is serum.
● What else?
● Demonstration of anti-leptospira antibidoies
in a clinical specimens by indirect
immunofluorescence or by detection of
antibodies, what else?
● Demonstration of leptospira in a clinical
specimen by dark field microscopy or by
detection of IgM antibodies against leptospira
in a acute phase serum specimen.

LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS - Well is coated with leptospira antigens

Serological Tests → add sample to the sample diluent
Both are restricted to well equipped expert labs → incubate 30 mins 37 C
→ if antibodies are present it will bind to
- Gold or reference standard → wash then add enzyme conjugate
- Requires panels of locally representative → incubate 30 mins 37 C
serovars → wash to remove unbound antibodies
- May provide indication for infecting → add TMB substrate A+B
serogroup → incubate 10 mins at RT
- Detects antibodies to specific serovars using → using special equipment to count the titer
live leptospiral antigens of antibodies present in the serum
- Specimen: serum
➔ One step colloidal gold
immunoassay to detect antibodies
specific for Leptospira antigens
using a nitrocellulose platform.
➔ A mobile detection reagent consisting ➔ In the photo below, we use 10 microliters of
of red, colloidal gold particles onto the sample and the add 2-3 drops of the
which anti-IgM-antibodies have buffer and wait for 15 mins.
been bound serves to capture the IgM
antibodies in the patient’s sample
(blood or serum). All the patient’s IgM
antibodies present in the clinical
sample will be captured by the
colloidal gold particles and migrate
toward the test zone, which contains
immobilized Leptospira antigens.
When the complexes reach the test
zone, only those complexes that have ● LEPTO DRI DOT AGGLUTINATION
antibodies specific for complexes will ➔ Once there is an agglutination that is
continue to migrate to the control site, observed, it means it is positive. If
where they will be immobilized. This there is none, it is negative or
control site detects the (anti-IgM-IgM) non-reactive.
complexes. ➔ An agglutination test that uses
colored latex particles activated
with Leptospira antigen to detect
antibodies specific for the antigen.
➔ In the presence of specific antibodies,
a fine granular agglutination is
➔ In the absence of specific antibodies (
a negative sample) the blue
suspension remains homogeneous.
➔ Standard method for diagnosis of
➔ In this test kit (photo above), present in the leptospirosis is the microscopic
conjugate area the: agglutination test (MAT)
- gold antibody (if this antibody is ➔ MAT is laborious and time-consuming,
present, it will bind to the gold interpretation of results is subjective.
antibody) ➔ Principle:
- In the test line we have the antigens - Leptotek Dri Dot assay:
of Leptospira. colored latex particles
- And this complex (yung may red dot sa activated with broadly
pic ) will be trap or captured in the reactive Lesptospira antigen
test line. The excess conjugate will died onton an agglutination
bind to the control line. That gives a card
positive reaction.
- Assay based on binding of
antibodies, present in serum
sample, to Leptospira antigen
causing a fine granular
agglutination at edge of

● Penicillin G -> drug of choice -> 6 million
units daily I/V
● Other drugs -> Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, and
● In more severe cases -> Cefotaxime or
● Glucose and salt solution infusions
● Dialysis in serious cases
● Organ specific care and treatment are
essential in cases of renal, liver, or heart

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