Set 2 Yanni Ly

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Name : ……………………………………………………. Room : Spanish / English

Grade : 7 Subject : Mathematics

Teachers : R. Solórzano, P Pachas, S. Velásquez Date : 03 / ___ / 2 020


1. Write in List form:

A = {x2 + 1 / x  Z  -3< x  4}
A = { _____________________ }

Find the sum of the elements: ________________________

2. Let:
A = {6; 0; 21; 13; 20; 4}
B = {21; 13; 4; 11; 6; 0; 5}
I. A ¿ B = __________________________ II. A ¿ B = _________________

III. A – B = _________________________ IV. B – A =


3. Open answer
If : A  B = {1; 2; 3; 4; 5; . . .; 30}
A  B = {3; 6; 9; . . . . ; 24}
Find: n (A - B) _________

4. Let:
A= {3, 1, 2, -1, -2} y B = {-1, 2, 6, 4, 5}
Find: n[(B  A)(AB)] = ______________________________

5. Let: U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 
B = {3, 6, 9}
C = {5, 10}
Find: (B U C) l = ________________________________

6. If: n(A ¿ B) = 20, n(A)= 12 and n(B)= 15

Find n(A ¿ B) = _______________________________

7. If: n(AB) = 16 ; n(AB) = 5; n(BA)=8

Find: n(A) + n(B) = __________________________

To solve each problem, draw a Venn diagram to show your work.

1. In a group of 40 people:
 21 eat chicken
 30 eat fish
 13 eat both chicken and fish
How many people do not eat any of these foods?

2. In a group of 210 people. 40 practice rafting and 135 practice paragliding;

and 15 practice both sports. How many people don´t practice any of the

3. In a group of 40 people:
 21 eat beans.
 30 eat veggies.
 13 eat both beans and veggies.
How many people do not eat veggies?

4. Throughout the month of October, a student was preparing in Arithmetic and

Algebra. 20 days he studied Arithmetic and 16 days Algebra. If October 1
was Sunday and he rested every Sunday. How many days does he study
both subjects?

5. In a classroom of 50 students. 30 students passed Math; 30 passed

Physics, 35 passed Spanish. 18 passed both Mathematics and Physics. 19
passed both Physics and Spanish. 20 passed both Mathematics and
Spanish. 10 passed the three courses. How many did not pass any of the
three courses?

6. In a group of 35 people:
 18 read “El Comercio”.
 24 read “La República”
 9 only read “El Comercio”.
How many people do not read “El Comercio” nor “La República”?

7. In a classroom of 43 people; 5 are women studying biology, 28 are men,

and the number of men not studying biology double the number of women
not studying biology. How many people study biology?

8. Carlos should have chicken or fish (or both) for lunch at his lunch each day
in March. If there was chicken in your lunch for 20 days and there was fish
for 25 days, then the number of days you ate chicken and fish is:

9. In a group of students. 27 will study law and 11 will study both careers law
and engineering. How many will study only law?

10. How many elements does the following set have?
          A = {5; 7; 9; 11; 13; ...; 83}

11. In a group of 25 athletes there are: 16 play basketball 14 play soccer, 11

play tennis. 6 athletes play the three sports. 2 athletes play soccer and
basketball, but not tennis. 1 student play basketball and tennis, but not
soccer. 3 athletes play only tennis. How many students do only one sport?

12. In a group of 40 people. 15 do not study nor work, 10 study, 3 study and
work, how many people only do one of the two activities?

13. En un aula hay 60 alumnos de los cuales a 7 no les gusta ni geometría ni
aritmética y a 35 les gusta solo aritmética ¿cuántos les gusta solo
geometría, si a los que les gusta ambos cursos son 10?

14. In a classroom of 60 students. 7 do not like geometry nor arithmetic and 35

only like arithmetic. How many like only geometry, if there are 10 who like

Challenging Task:

1. There are 100 people on an airplane. 50 do not smoke and 30 do not drink.
How many people do both, smoke and drink, knowing that there are 20
people who only smoke?

2. If 30 passengers travel among Peruvians and foreigners on a bus. There

are 9 female foreigners, 6 foreign boys, 8 male foreigners, 10 boys, 4
foreign girls, 8 ladies and 7 men. How many Peruvian girls are there on the
Hint: use the following chart to answer:

Peruvians Foreigners





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