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Quality and Safety Walk-rounds - Toolkit and Case Study

Step by Step Guide to Quality and Safety Walk-rounds

● Demonstrate senior managers’ commitment to quality and safety for service users, staff and the public;
● Increase staff engagement and develop a culture of open communication;
● Identify, acknowledge and share good practice;
● Support a proactive approach to minimising risk, timely reporting and feedback; and
● Strengthen commitment and accountability for quality and safety.

● S
 et up Steering Group/Project Group Terms of Reference Steering Group
Step 1 ● Identify coordinator (Resource 1)
Establish Teams ● Identify leadership team (Visiting) Contact Information (Resource 2)
● Identify unit teams (Participating)

Step 2 ● Identify training needs Walk-rounds Process (Resource 3)

Opening and Closing Statements
DevelopTraining ● D
 evelop training programme / workshops
● R
 eview available tools and templates
(Resource 4)
Programme /Refine
Customised Questions (Resource 5)
Tools ● C
 ustomise and test tools
Transcription Template (Resources 6)
● A
 gree measures of improvement

Notification E-mail (Resource 7)

Step 3 ● D
 evelop a communication plan
Notice (Resource 8)
Communicate ● C
 reate schedule for year
Leaflet (Resource 9)
Schedule ● N
 otify staff Schedule (Resource 2)
● R
 emind leadership and unit teams

● M
 eet unit team Transcription Template
Step 4 ● M
 eet service uers/family (Resource 6)
Walk-rounds ● D
 iscuss quality and safety topics

● R
 ecord agreed actions
Transcription Template
Step 5 ● C
 irculate to team in draft
(Resource 6) or
Agree Action Plans Action Plan (Resource 10)
● C
 onfirm actions Communication After Walk-round
(Resource 11 & 12)

● U
 pdate central records/database
Step 6 ● Identify trends
Transcription Template
(Resource 6)
Track and Report
● R
 eport on progress to relevant committees Action Plan Template
on Trends
● C
 lose the loop on actions (Resource 10)
Database (Resource 13)

Step 7 ● R
 eview effectiveness of process Database
Database(Resource 13)
After Action13)
Evaluate, Spread ● A
 nalyse outcomes and measures of improvement (Resource
(Resource 14)
and Sustain ● Identify further training needs After Action Review
● S
 hare learning with staff and service users locally (Resource 14)
and nationally

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