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Give the 4 characteristics of Law

Correct answers:
 Rule of conduct
1. This law or body of rules deals with the nature  Obligatory
and sources of obligations and the rights and  Promulgated by legitimate authority
duties arising from agreements and the particular  Common observance and benefit
Law on obligations and contracts
6. What does Supremacy of the Constitution
2. Which of the following statement is true about
law If a law or contract violates a norm of the
constitution, it will become null or invalid
whether it is promulgated by the legislative or
A. It refers to any rule of action only. executive branch.
B. A system of uniformity and not a rule of
Correct answers:
C. It refers to any rule of action or a system
of uniformity If a law or contract violates any norm of the
D. It is neither a rule of action or a system constitution that law or contract whether
of uniformity. promulgated by the legislative authority or
executive branch or entered by private
ANSWER: C persons for private purposes is null and void
and without force and effect.

3. Give at least 4 sources of law.

Correct answers:

 1987 Philippine Constitution

 Judicial decisions and Jurisprudence
 Custom
 Executive and Administrative issuances
 Legislation

4. When is the effectivity of the Civil Code?*

A. December 7, 188 *
B. August 30, 1950
C. June 18, 1949

QUIZ 2 Correct Answer: Yes, because contract is not
the sole source of an obligation, the law
1. What are the 2 classifications of Quasi- provides for other sources wherein agreement
contract? of the parties are not necessary in order to
bind the parties.
Correct answer: The 2 major classifications
of Quasi-contracts are: Negotiorium Gestio
4. A entered into a contract of sale with B who
and Solutio Indebiti paid the price of a car. A did not deliver the car.
Identify the essential requisites of the obligation
2. Identify the source and the essential requisites in this example.
of the obligation in this example. A lease
B - Active subject,
agreement entered into by A and B. A as the
A - passive subject,
lessee and B as the lessor for the rent of an object: real obligation to give,
apartment. source: contract of sale,
juridical tie: agreement that A will deliver the
Source is contract. A is the active subject or car.
creditor. B is the passive subject or debtor. The
lease agreement is the juridical tie that binds A
and B together. B has a real obligation to Correct answers: The essential requisites of the
provide access to the apartment to B. obligation based from the above-mentioned
example are the following: 1) A - is the
Correct answers: passive subject as he has the one who became
 Source: Contract of lease bound to perform the obligation, in view of
 Passive subject - A/B B's payment; 2) B- is the active subject, he
 Active subject A/B has the right to demand fulfillment of the
 Prestation: Payment of rents, allowing obligation; 3) the delivery of car is the object
the lease or presentation; and 4) juridical tie is the
 Juridical tie: Contract of lease contract of sale.

3. May a person incur obligations even without 5. A ordered food via grab and paid it through
entering into any contract or voluntary Gcash. Subsequently, the food was erroneously
agreement? Explain. delivered to B. Is A entitled to reimbursement?
If so, from whom and what is the source of the
Yes, a person may incur obligation even without
entering into any contract or agreement because
there are other sources of obligation aside from
that. If you cause someone damage through A is entitled to reimbursement from B. The
negligence or crime, a person will have an source of the obligation is called quasi-
obligation to compensate for the damages. contracts. Under solutio indebti, it states that
Another source is by the law wherein we have when something is received when there is no
basic obligations like paying taxes that we are right to demand to and it was unduly delivered
obliged to follow. Quasi contract as another through mistake, it should be returned. It is
source is in fact not based on any agreement but under the principle of unjust enrichment that we
we are obliged to follow based on what the law should return what we gain unjustly or in other
tells us to do. words, no person shall unjustly enriched himself
at the expense of others.
Correct Answer: Yes, A is entitled to app provider and per the driver’s agreement
reimbursement. A may demand with the APP provider, the driver is liable for
reimbursement either from B, based on a the damage he had caused by virtue of his
quasi-contract, or from a grab driver based negligence.
on a contract. The driver is a partner of the

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