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Kholoud Alharbi

Q1) Watch the video below and answer the following questions:

It was a very informative and interesting video for me. In Jag Chopra's words, he states,
"after twenty years of technology, automation has caught his attention as one of the key
technologies", and "The goal of our company is to win great customer service while
keeping operational costs low" It was very nice to hear those words.

a. Why is IDP out?

The goal is to find solutions faster and save time by utilizing existing capabilities
rather than preparing new solutions from scratch, to provide innovative solutions and
make it easier to prepare and integrate operations, and to raise operational
efficiencies while reducing errors, all of which are not available in IDP due to its
outdated nature and inability to meet customer needs.

b. When was The Loan Store established?

Established in 2019, The Loan Store is a Wholesale Mortgage Lender headquartered

in Tucson and lends in 26 States, The Loan Store (TLS) was created with the
understanding that mortgage loans are a commodity product

c. What are the 3 waves of Mortgage Processing?

• WAVE 1: Digital Workers & Artificial Intelligence.

• WAVE 2: Domain-centric Offshoring at scale.

• WAVE 3: Generic Outsourcing & Offshoring.

d. How did The Loan Store benefit from Automation? List 4 ways.

Q2) Using A360, write a simple bot to find the length of the following string and display in
message box:

I like learning RPA.

Q3) Answer the question: Why is A360 better than the older versions of Automation Anywhere
(i.e. v10 or v11)

• Bot Agent:

The Bot Agent is what runs locally on a development machine and a bot runner (attended or unattended)
establishes a connection between the local machine and the Control Room.
Beyond the Bot Agent is a lightweight application for running bots, what really makes this a top 5 feature is
the ability for Coe leads or system administrators to automatically (or manually) update the bot agent all
from the Control Room.

• Human-Bot Collaboration:

AARI (Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface) introduces the capability for humans and bots to
collaborate in new ways.
While you may be familiar with running bots through scheduling or triggers - AARI enables users to kick
off tasks that can be sent to a bot and also enables an interface for the bot to communicate back with users
Great for situations like call centers where bots can do research in support of human efforts, or for front
office use cases where users may want to kick off a task to a bot while they go and work on other things.

• Cloud:

Cloud is a key product differentiator - the Automation Success Platform is Cloud-Native, not just cloud
Built from the ground up to run on Cloud infrastructure, Automation 360 offers a scalable, highly reliable
RPA experience If you've ever had any experience managing the architecture, failover, and high
availability of on-prem enterprise software, you'll recognize how big of a benefit it can be to offset that to a
cloud provider that can handle that infrastructure for you.

• Custom Packages:

With the introduction of the Automation, Success Platform came to the Automation Success Platform
Package SDK - enabling developers to create and modify their own custom packages that can be installed
and used in Automation 360 just like the packages that come built into the product.
The flexibility of package development means that organizations that have custom in-house apps, services,
or interfaces that they want their bots to work with - can create customized packages built to the specific
needs of those target apps, this also means that developers can share custom-built packages with other
developers through Automation Anywhere's Bot Store.

• Modular Design:

The Modular Design of the Automation Success Platform enables expanded bot resiliency when platform
upgrades or package updates occur.

Q1) Watch the video below on Exporting Bots from A360 Control Room and write a summary of
what you learned.

Exporting a Bot from the Automation 360 Control Room


1- You must have permission to Export

▪ "Export Bots" defined in your role

▪ Access to Bots you wish to export in the public directory

2- The bot must be in the Public Directory

▪ You can't export directly from the Private Directory

3- You must be using Automation 360

▪ Export functionality doesn't exist for Community Edition

workspace scope work:

The private workspace is granted to each developer who has a Bot Creator license
(everyone participating in the Bottom). Any content created in this private workspace
will be visible only to its creator and would not be able to be directly shared with others.

Public workspace access is granted to those who have identified that they formed a team,
as well as granted to all developers for the last week of the Botton.

Q2) Using A360, write a simple bot to find which number is greater and display in message box:

17 and 24

Q3) Answer the question: How does IQ Bot process Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data?

“IQ Bot” – a cognitive software robot that digests semi-structured or unstructured data by learning from
human behavior – marks an important step towards minimizing required human intervention in automation
processes while expanding the scope of AA’s applicability.

IQ Bots deploy machine learning in three steps:

First, through computer vision, natural language processing, and unsupervised learning techniques, IQ Bot
can extract specific information from unstructured data in the form of images, emails, videos, and scanned
Second, IQ Bot trains itself to make business decisions about this data by observing how humans have
interpreted similar data in the past.
Finally, by receiving human feedback on the quality of its outputs, IQ Bot undergoes immediate and
constant self-improvement that refines its algorithms for identifying data more accurately and processing it
to achieve the most optimal outcome.

Q4) BONUS QUESTION– Using A360, write a simple bot to display various Date time
a) Current date and time

b) Current year

c) Current Month

d) Current Day


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