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• Life enjoyment

• Influencing others
Universalism vs. Particularism DISADVANTAGES of Individualism
• Little to no Social support networks
- Searchers for what is systematic and tries to
- Collectivist culture is a culture in which the goals
impose the rules, laws, and norms on all of its
of the group take precedence over the goals of
members so that things can run more
the individual
- Members are responsible for the group as a
- Universalistic culture people adhere general
rules, codes, values, obligations; that regardless
- Collectivism in turn decides for the greater good
of circumstance, same rules apply to different
and values what works for the community
undermining personal wants desires
ADVANTAGES of Collectivism
• Selflessness and willingness to help others in
- Tries to treat all people the same
a group
- Everyone’s vote counts
• Accomplishment of collective goals
- The laws apply to everyone, including the
• Supporting to other members of a group
powerful and rich
• Peacefulness in a group
- There is acceptance of people who are
• Stability of a whole group
• Love and unity in a group
- Favors the production for the masses
DISADVANTAGE of Collectivism
Disadvantages • Lack of personal pursuits and goals
- Creates fundamentalism SPECIFIC vs DIFFUSED
• Extreme religious groups Specific
- Deal with emotion as if it were numerical
- People tend to divide their personal and
- Measures everything as if it were linear
professional lives. These cultures don’t see and
- Leads to illogical quantifications
overlap between the two spheres. These
• Measurement of beauty
cultures have a schedule-oriented mindset and
- Creates jurisprudence, more lawyers
communicate in a clear and to-the-point
PARTICULARISM manner. They are more concerned with the
- Particularism searches for what is different, goal than with the relationship.
unique, or exceptional in order to create - Specific culture is about a man who considers
something that is incomparable or of special his work a place where he functions an
quality. individual. He can work effectively and achieve
- Particularistic culture values relationships and his career goals even without maintaining real
that these relationships can be basis of bending relationships with his co-workers
rules and regulation of a business organization.
- Individualistic culture is a culture in which the
goals of the individual take precedence over - People tend to see their personal and
the goals of the group professional lives as interconnected. These
- Members are responsible for themselves and, cultures think that good relationships help them
perhaps, their immediate families
attain their goals. As a result, work colleagues
- Individualistic culture puts emphasis on the
in these cultures socialize more outside of work.
individual’s wants, happiness, fulfilment,
initiative and welfare above those of the These cultures are more respectful and pay
community’s. greater attention to age, status, and
ADVANTAGES of Individualism background.
• Personal freedom - Diffused culture is opposite of the specific, it
• Personal Achievements encourages relationships and camaraderie
• Personal awards for certain among co-workers. He thrives on the collective
• Learning new things
ACHIEVEMENT vs ASCRIPTION desires of the people around him irrespective of
Achievement his own desires.

accomplishments. People think that you are Typical Sequential-time Cultures

what you do and that this determines your • Germany
worth. Therefore, achievements are highly • The U.K.
valued in these societies, regardless of who • The U.S.
you are.
Typical Synchronic-time Cultures
Ascription • Japan
- The ascription dimension includes people who • Argentina
believe that you should be appreciated for • Mexico
who you are. In ascription cultures, status is
determined by who or what a person is, as
determined by birth, kinship, gender, age, INNER-DIRECTED ORIENTATION vs OUTER-DIRECTED
connections, and school. Even if you disagree ORIENTATION
with a person’s title and the status that comes
with it, you must accept their title and the status
Inner-Directed Orientation
that comes with it in such a society.
- In Inner- Directed Orientation, people thrive on
NEAUTRAL vs AFFECTIVE making a conscious effort of controlling the
Neutral environment they are in. They are allowed to
- People in neutral culture are most likely have a mechanistic view of nature and control
described as controlled ang guarded. They it with skill and precision.
have been thought that way and most of the Outer-Directed Orientation
time, they tend to find or make a way to
conceal their feelings and emotions - In Outer- Directed Orientation, people believe
- Neutral culture, people make an effort to in the domination of nature over mankind. They
conceal their feelings because they have been
look into the challenges of nature, to what the
thought that way.
Affective outside world presents, then use them in
- People in affective culture is often described as making decisions.
people “wear their heart on their sleeves” as
they tend to be quite expressive with their CULTURAL PLURALISM
thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Cultural Pluralism is characterized as the societal
- condition where minority groups inside a
Time Orientation: Sequential vs. Synchronic general public can keep up with cultural
Sequential identities and practices furnished that they are
predictable with the laws and upsides of the
- If you think that there is a time and place for more extensive society. Pluralism is additionally
everything to be done. Follow a strict and characterized as a general public where
particular order in doing things and a change various individuals, gatherings or elements share
in this order will cause uncertainty to you. political power.
The distinction in social pluralism can be seen
between homogenous social orders like Israel,
- You connect the past and the future, but you Japan and South Korea which have just a single
do not focus on one or the order with which predominant culture and subsequently no
the two-take place. You deal with things as compelling reason to oblige different societies
they come, and you think of different ways of and heterogenous social orders like United
achieving your set objectives in numerous and States of America, India, United Kingdom, and
possible combinations of time and order so forth
An example of Pluralism is a general public
where individuals with various social foundations
keep their own practice. An example of
pluralism is the place where worker’s
PURPOSES OF MESSAGES organizations and bosses share in addressing
1. To Inform the requirements of representatives.
2. To entertain
3. To Persuade
Motivation Is the attendance of your
were they required?
Values What are the cultural
1. Media Conglomerates- Abs-cbn, Gma
influences and life
2. Government- The Laws experiences of your
3. Individuals- Message express to the public audience?
What is important to your
1. Have an objective Level of Argument/ Will your audience
2. Consider your audience Attitude oppose you, support you
3. Check the understanding or remain neutral?
Understanding the Audience Beliefs What does your
- Points to Ponder audience accept as
- What made them attend the event or watch correct, true and valid?
the movie? Did they come because they found
something interesting about the event or the SITUATIONAL INFORMATION
Environmental Factors
DEMOGRAPHICS Nature of Event What is the event all about?
Location Where will be the event take
Ethnicity What is the group’s common place?
heritage and cultural conditions? Size of audience How many people are expected
Race What is their commonly to attend the event?
ancestry? Physical What is the physical design of the
What are their common physical arrangement venue?
characteristics? What pat of the room will the
Religion What are their religious beliefs of stage be?
your audience? Where would the technical
What are the traditions of these people be?
beliefs? Technology What technology is available at
Sex and gender Is there a majority of men in your the venue?
audience or do women form the Do you need to bring your own
majority? equipment?
Is the majority of your audience
masculine, feminine, or
androgynous? Temporal Factors
Marital Status Are most of the audience Time of Day Will the event happen in the
married, single, or separated morning, midday, or evening?
Age Are your audience children, Speaking Order How many speakers will there
teenagers, young adults, adults, be?
middle-aged? What is the order of presentation
Group Affiliation What are the common interests of the speaker?
of your audience? Length of How much time was allotted for
Do they belong to specific Speech your part?
Occupational/ Does your audience belong to a
Socioeconomic particular occupational group? CRITICAL READING
Status - Active way of unveiling information and ideas
Regions From what region is your presented by text
4. Monitor Comprehension
- Know the limit when it comes to vocabulary,
understanding the important ideas/s CRITICAL VIEWING
presenting, connecting ideas to form a logical - Entails comprehension, interpretation and
connection. evaluation of the information presented by the
television, film and other visual media.
5. Metacognition
- How we process thinking.
Before Viewing
a. Identify where the difficulty occurs
b. Identify what difficulty is 1. Know your purpose before viewing the films,
c. Restate the difficult sentence in your own television show or video
words 2. If you are viewing a film, predict sequence
d. Look back through the text of events, the point of view of the creator,
e. Look forward in the text for information that etc.
might help you resolve the difficulty.
3. Connect the film or video with other media
like books, blogs etc. that describes a similar
6. Graphic Organizers
- Maps, graphs, frames, and clusters idea
4. Concept map the video topic in a self-
7. Answering Questions selected context
- Explicit to implicit questions 5. Create self-produced guiding questions

Four types of question

a. Questions found right in the text During Viewing
b. Questions based on the recall of facts that are
directly found in the text
c. Questions where you can make use of what
After Viewing
you already know against what you have
1. Retell what happened
learned from the text
2. Summarize main idea
8. Hiygh 3. Recall own thinking and/or emotions during
video (metacognition)
9. Summarizing 4. Infer social context with respect to total views or
- Getting the main idea of the text social shares
5. Separate explicit and implicit ideas
- Logical process of scrutinizing what you listened
to. It involves analyzing, interpreting and

a. Be attentive
b. Avoid interrupting the speaker and
imposing your ideas
c. Wait for the speaker to pause before you
can ask clarifying questions
d. Pay attention to non-verbal cues and look
beyond the spoken messages
e. Keep an open mind and be emphatic
f. Listen and try to visualize what the speaker
is saying
g. Give the speaker regular feedback
7. Evidence
- Business letters are also used to maintain
A letter is price of conversation by post. It is the most documentary evidence. Letters can be
important means of written communication. Every preserved for future references.
organization has to maintain contacts with its
8. To Inquire
customers, suppliers and Government Departments
- A business concern not only sends messages but
For such type of communication, the media used by also receive information from the outside. To run
the organization is a letter. This letter is known as the business any firm, need different types of
business letter information from outside. Through business
letters firms can inquire regarding necessary
H.A. MURPHY matters.
“The medium used most often for written messages to 9. Placing Order
persons outside your organization is the business letter”
- It is very common to purpose for using business
letter. Both trading and manufacturing
“Business letter is the process of accomplishing business
concerns need to place orders for finished
transaction in written form”
goods or raw materials to run the business.
10. Problem Solving
- In the course of business, disputes and
1. Convey Information
misunderstand may arise. Business letters play
- Information can be transmitted through
vital role in solving such misunderstandings.
business letter to customers, suppliers, debtors,
government authorities, and any other parties
2. Conclude Transaction LETTER
- This is one of specific purposes of business letter. Business letters are an important part of any business or
To conclude in completed transactions profession. They are written to different persons with
business letters are frequently used. different motives. Letter writing is basically an art. The
3. Creation of Demand writer can cultivate a good style thru constant and
- Business letters especially circular letters used to regular practice.
create demand for new products. Circular
letters can communicate many people in the 1. Clarity
same time. - A letter must have clarity. The purpose of
4. Creation of Goodwill communication should be made clear.
- In this electronic era messages can be sent Whether it is to inform, invite. Reiterate,
within few seconds through electronic media, emphasize, remind, announce, seek
but a well decorated business letter has its own participation or clarity, and correct the earlier
importance in creation positive image of the messages, the purpose should clearly be stated.
company. Lack of clarity affects the intend purpose of the
5. Expansion of Business letter.
- Through Goodwill messages and through 2. Impact
circular letters existing market can be - The letter should create necessary impact.
expanded. Behind every letter there is an objective, and the
6. Establishment of Relationship letter should have a clear purpose. The purpose
- Another important purpose of business letter is, of writing a letter is not just to reach out to the
it helps to establish mutual relationship with the customer. Every letter has an intend impact
customers, suppliers and with the other which must be felt.
interested parties. 3. To create the desired impact- It is often
necessary to lay emphasis. Emphasis can be laid
in many ways. It can be done by proper
positioning or placing them in an important
position. It can be done by repetition.
4. Relevant Information address, trademark, telephone number, telexes
- The letter should provide the relevant details number, ethics-mail address etc.
forming part of message. Facts, figures, 1. Reference number
illustrations, and other such information, which – the number which the receiver refers in all
are accurate and reliable, as well as relevant future correspondence id called reference
to the context of the communication, should number. It is usually printed below the date is
be incorporated in the letter written to right margin. The purpose of
5. Brevity- Any good communication oral or references number is to enable replies to be
written should necessarily incorporate this linked with the previous correspondence and to
essential feature. Brevity is a very important send replies to these to proper official or
attribute for any business letter. For everyone department.
connected with business, time is of essence. 2. Date- the date consists of day, month, year. The
6. The time- One can allot for reading business date finds its place either at the starting of left
letter is certainly limited. The receiver does not margin or at the closing of right margin as the
have unlimited time to spare towards reading style adopted. Date enabled quick references
and re-reading the letter and drawing out the in future and helps in prompt action and orderly
messages in its entirely filling.
7. Simplicity- Is the hallmark if any good 3. Inside Address- the inside address contains the
communication. Simplicity refers to the ease of name and address of the organization or the
understanding. Simple writing is the opposite of individual to whom the letter is written. It is
complex and involves writing. written below the reference time starting from
8. Timeliness- business letters, to be effective, the left margin the inside address makes a
should have proper timing. Letters should be record on the copy which helps in identification
written and dispatched on time. Letters which for filing purpose.
carry such messaged should reflect the 4. Attention line- is placed below the attention
associated urgency. time and above the salutation and is
9. Language- is an extremely important facet of underlined. It indicates the name of those of
business communication. First and foremost, it is whom the letter is meant.
necessary to ensure that the language used is 5. Salutation
appropriate, i..e.,. The language with which the - Mean to greet the addressee. It is the
reader is at ease. Public sector organizations complementary greeting with which writer
such as banks follow the three- language begins his letter. It is written below the inside
formula. address or attention line leaving some space. It
10. Appeal- A good letter should appeal to the starts from the left side margin. It may or may not
reader’s sensibilities. It should go beyond the end with comma depending upon the style of
message it conveys and make good a good the letter.
impression. It should have elegance, which 6. Subject line
means taste, beauty and decency. - subject line tells what the correspondence is
about. It is placed just below the salutation line.
COMPONENTS OF A BUSINESS LETTER It is usually begins at the left margin and may
The components of a letter constitute the different also begin from the subject any specific
parts of a letter. The following parts usually constitute identification material i.e. Date of previous
the structure of a business letter. letter, invoice number etc.
7. Body of the letter
1. Heading
- it is that part of the letter which contains the
- Which is also known as ”head address” or
message to be converged. It is the most
“letter head” contains information relating to
important part of the letter and usually consist of
the name of the organization and its address.
three to four paragraphs.
It is the usually given at the top Centre or top
right side of the paper. Following information’s
are provided in the heading. The firm’s name,
It is written below the last paragraph of the body of the 8. Formal Close
letter, either at the left side or at the right side, - It also known as subscription. It is merely a polite
depending on the style of letter. The subscription should way of ending a letter.
be corresponding to the situation.
LESSON 5: Tools of technology for communication

Creating a multimodal Text

10. Signature block/shot - It means the production of spoken, written or
- Is the assent of the writer to the subject matter texts in print or digital forms
of the letter and is practical necessity. It is - It is the business of making meaning with the use
usually handwritten and contains the writer’s of technology
name, status, department, firm etc. Signature is - It is the ways by which students communicate
put just below the complementary close. which has extended to the utilization of images,
animation, gestures, music, spoken and written
11. Enclosures
- Sometimes some documents like price catalogue etc. - Indeed, digital communication technologies
are attached with the letter, Enclosure mentions the and the choice of mode with which to create a
documents which are enclosed or attached with the course output have changed by leaps and
letter. The enclosure usually finds their place at the bounds
bottom left margin.
12. Postscript 1. PAPER
• Books, comics, posters and the like meant to
- It is commonly known as is something written after the be read and understood while holding or
letter is closed. It is usually done when the writer forgets looking at them
to put in some information or message in the main part. 2. DIGITAL
It should be very precise and to the point. • Slide presentation, blogs or vlogs, web
pages, short films, videos, media
13. C’C or Carbon Copy notation
campaigns, or anything that capitalizes on
- When copies of the letter are meant to be sent to digital technology
more than one person it is mentioned under “C”C or 3. Live
Carbon copy notation • Which means that it can be performed
through interpretative dance, a
14. Reference initial monologue, or a role play, among other
ways that are executed Infront of an
- When typed initials are put it refers to the reference audience
initials. These are useful for office checking. They are 4. Transmedia
type adjacent to the left margin. • Where messages are conveyed thru a
combination of multimedia platforms. Ex: A
media campaign can be performed line on
stages, uploaded to social media,
broadcasted live over the radio and printed
on the school paper as well

- Refers to environmental and architectural
spaces, proximity, direction, and over-all
organization of objects in a given space
• How to get good selfie lighting at home
• The bigger, the better
1. Purpose- means that you want to achieve with • Keep eyes ate eye-level
your text such as to inform, to inspire or to elicit • Consider your background
action • Camera quality matters
2. Message- is contained in the actual text you • Face your light source
compose • Take advantage of natural light
3. Reader- means fellow students, parents, •
teachers or whoever you think will appreciate
your message
4. Viewers- for which the form of your live
presentation or video should appeal to Understanding Informative, Persuasive and
5. Listeners- for which the form of song or jingle is Argumentative Communication
aimed at/target
sharing something you know about anything under the sun
To educate readers

1. WRITTEN/LINGUISTIC Should not be opinionated nor should it be persuasive

- Refers to spoken and written language through
vocabulary, structure, and grammar. 5 structures in writing informative communication
Examples of ADVERTISMENT that got consumer
attention because of their catchy titles: 1. Cause and effect
• The secret of making people like you 2. Comparison and contrast
• The child who won the heart of all 3. Order or sequence
• How to win friends and influence people 4. Problem-solution
• Who else wants a screen star figure
5. Definition
- Refers to music, sound, effect, noises or silences PURSUASUVE COMMUNICATION
and the element of pitch, volume, and rhythm The process of convincing people to change their
Example: TRACK recommended for advertisement use
attitude towards an issue and believe your ideas
• Sleep Bank- Wolftooth
• Upscotch- Jean-Thomas Cloutier
3 modes of Persuasion
• Beautiful Life- BeepCode
• Edge- Denis Woods
1. Ethos
• Elements of Love- Chillout Tunes
- The appeal to ethics. Focuses in using the
credibility of the writer to convince the
- Refers to moving or still images with the
utilization of colors, layouts, screen formats,
symbols, shot framing, distance, angle, camera 2. Pathos
movement and subject movement - The appeal to emotion. Human emotion such as
Example: “THE MOST POWERFUL IMAGES OF ALL TIME” sympathy, outrage and sadness can be used to
• Oscar Selfie, 2014 motivates readers
• Muhammad Ali Vs. Sonny Liston, 1965 3. Logos
• The Pillow Fight, 1964
- The appeal to logic and reason. It aims to be
• Guerillo Heroico, 1960
factual in its approach
- Refers to body movement, hands and eyes,
facial expressions, demeanors, speed, stillness,
and angles
• Peace sign
• Two-finger salute
• V-sign/ Heart gestures/sign
ARGUMENTATIVE COMMUNICATION - Is a way of making your ideas public- of sharing them
Genre of writing that requires the student to investigate with other people and of influencing other people.
a topic; collect, generate and evaluate evidence,
and establish a position on the topic in a concise
When presenting arguments do not include the 1. Public speaking is more highly structured.
following statements:
1. stop being stupid 2. Public speaking requires more formal language.
2. It is a common knowledge that your sister was 3. Public speaking requires a different method of
a flop in acting, but I expected you to be better delivery.
3. Let's check if you did it right this time
4. This easy for most people, but I do understand SPEECH
that it is not easy for you
5. Oh well, he did it right this time and I thought • is a term used to refer to the body spoken
you were hopeless expressions of information and ideas. A speech
Types of speeches according to purpose
• may be delivered in any of the following modes: read
Speech to inform from a manuscript, memorized, and delivered
- the most common type of speech • extemporaneous or impromptu.. The choice of mode
- you need to educate or expose your of speech delivery is determined by factors such as
audience to things or information they are not
• length of preparation, complexity of message,
aware or they need to know more about
purpose, and occasion
Speech to entertain Reading from a Manuscript
• is appropriate when the speech is long and when
- is usually short just to give the audience an details are complicated and important such as they
enjoyable and relaxing experience need to be given completely.
- can use humorous stories and anecdotes • Reading is also appropriate when one is asked to
relevant to the occasion deliver a prepared speech on behalf of another
Speech to persuade
Memorized Speech
- aims to influence the thinking or behavior of
• requires a speaker to commit everything to memory.
the audience
• This method is excellent for short messages although
- it is most challenging speech to write and it is also used for long pieces in oratorical,
deliver because you need to make that it is declamation and other literary contests.
acceptable and not forcing or threatening
audience Extemporaneous Speaking

Steps in writing and delivering an entertaining speech: • may have a short or a long preparation.
• The speaker may use an outline to guide him through
1. Choose a light topic his speech to achieve better organization and to
Do not delve into sensitive issues like politics, avoid leaving out details.
gender, or religion.
2. Enjoy the moment Impromptu
Be confident about your story and try to adjust your
speech accordingly. • means speaking at the spur of the moment.
3. Visualize the story in your head. • Since there is very little or no time for preparation
use vivid words given for impromptu, the content and organization
4. Surprise your audience. may suffer.
Add some twists in your story before ending

The Snail also true to its name is the one who drags his
COMMUNICATION AIDS AND speech seemingly endless manner. He tends to discuss
STRATEGIES USING TOOL OF each item thoroughly as if every detail can affect the
whole message. Because of too much detail, he would
TECHNOLOGY not notice the time consumed for each discussion
- A communication aid helps an individual to THE GADGETEER
communicate more effectively with people The Gadgeteer is the person who uses every gimmick
around them and technique in the presentation. With too much visual
Communication aids are also referred to as AAC aid, the speaker may lose sight of his message. Or the
audience may find the gadgets and other material
AAC refers to: presented to be too informative they would not want to
Augmentative and Alternative Communication which listen anymore.
is defined as, …
a huge range of techniques that support or replace GENERAL RULES IN GIVING A PRESENTATION
spoken communication. These include gestures, Come prepared.
signing, symbols, word boards, communication boards,
and books, as well as Voice Output Communication Get the set upright.
Aids (VOCs)
Know your audience & adjust content accordingly.
Go easy on fonts, logos, and colors.
It is a stand alone presentation that includes
information, presented with slides, video or digital
Make eye contact.
presentation and includes sound
Presenting your ideas is like selling yourself. When others
are convinced to accept your ideas, it is like they Be kind to folks in the back.
accept you and from there you build a connection in
Design slides for distance.
terms of friendships, affiliation partnership, and
community Turn off cellphones.
HOW DO WE MAKE A GOOD PRESENTATION? Do not go crazy with the laser point/the pointer.
The Audience, The Speaker, and The Situation.
ORAL PRESENTATION Do not cram too much on each side.
The most common and readily available type of
presentation and that most people resort to Do not read from notes or from your slides.
Do not spew jargon.
The Entertainer is the one who makes use of anecdotes
or hilarious stories in delivering their messages across.
Do not demean audience members.
The downside of it however is the tendency to entertain
the audience too much and forget their essence of
Do not turn your back.
The Academic is the speaker who keeps an eye on the Include video, PowerPoint Presentations,& Computer
precision of his presentation. These types of speakers Graphic
usually follow an organized outline and deliver it as
planned. But at times the audience can find it boring VIDEO
and irrelevant.
The Reader, as obvious in its name is the one who reads 1. Tell a story
his script word for word. This could be a product of 2. Visualize
thorough preparation but can be technical, boring,
3. Turn up the sound
and difficult to understand.
4., Spread the word
5. If in doubt, as an expert
Although many would claim that PowerPoint
presentation is outdated, survey would say that it
continues to be the most accessible and utilized by
many both in the academe and business fields


1. Keep it simple
2. Limit bullet points & text
3. Limit transitions & builds (animation)
4. Use high- quality graphics
5. Have a visual theme, but avoid using PPT templates
6. Use appropriate charts
7. Use color well
8. Choose fonts well
9. Use video or audio when appropriate
10. Spend time in slide sorter
Victoria State Government (2018) defines MULTIMODAL
TEXT as texts communicated through combinations of
two or more modes including written language, spoken
language and patterns of meaning that are visual,
audio, gestural, tactile, and spatial

picture books, textbooks, graphic novels, comics,

film, animation, slide shows, e-posters, digital stories,
and web pages

dance, performance, and oral storytelling
We are committed to providing you with the best
dining experience possible, so we welcome your
comments. Please fill out this questionnaire and place
it in the box in our lobby. Thank you.

Please rate the quality of the service you received

from your host.
1 2 3 4 5

Disappointing Exceptional

Please rate the quality of the service you received

from your server.
1 2 3 4 5

Disappointing Exceptional

Was your server…

Courteous?  Yes |  No
Informative?  Yes |  No
Prompt and efficient?  Yes |  No

Please rate the quality of your entree.

1 2 3 4 5

Disappointing Exceptional

Please rate the quality of your beverage.

1 2 3 4 5

Disappointing Exceptional

Was our restaurant clean?

1 2 3 4 5

Disappointing Exceptional
accomplishments. People think that you are
Please rate your overall dining experience. what
st dining experience possible, so we welcome
1 2 3 4 5
your comments. Please fill out this questionnaire
Disappointing Exceptional and place it in the box in our lobby. Thank you.

How frequently do you visit our restaurant? Please rate the quality of the service you received
 3-5 times per month  1-2 times per month from your host.
1 2 3 4 5
 Once every 2 months  Other
Disappointing Exceptional

Please rate the quality of the service you received

from your server.
1 2 3 4 5
Disappointing Exceptional

Was your server…

Courteous?  Yes |  No
Informative?  Yes |  No
Prompt and efficient?  Yes |  No

Please rate the quality of your entree.

1 2 3 4 5

Disappointing Exceptional

Please rate the quality of your beverage.

1 2 3 4 5

Disappointing Exceptional

Was our restaurant clean?

1 2 3 4 5

Disappointing Exceptional

Please rate your overall dining experience.

1 2 3 4 5

Disappointing Exceptional

How frequently do you visit our restaurant?

 3-5 times per month  1-2 times per month

 Once every 2 months  Other

[Company Name] [Company Name]

Continued Continued

Do you plan to return to our restaurant? Do you plan to return to our restaurant?
 Yes |  No  Yes |  No

Would you recommend our restaurant to a friend? Would you recommend our restaurant to a friend?

 Yes |  No  Yes |  No

Why, or why not? Why, or why not?

If your visit was to celebrate a special occasion, how If your visit was to celebrate a special occasion, how
might we have made it more memorable? might we have made it more memorable?

What dish did you order? What dish did you order?

What dishes would you like added to our menu? What dishes would you like added to our menu?

Please share any additional comments or suggestions. Please share any additional comments or suggestions.

[Company Name] [Company Name]

[Address] [Address]
City, ST ZIP Code City, ST ZIP Code
[Phone] [Phone]
[Website] [Website]

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