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SUDAN AIR FORCES KHARTOUM TRANSPORT AVIATION SCHOOL Aircraft AN-32 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Khartoum 2018 Scanned with ComScanner CONTENTS: Page: 4 List of abbreviations... Lecture Nel. 1. Aircraft EPSS. 1.1. General characteristics of the aircraft EPSS. 1.2. External (airfield) power supplies... Lecture No2. 13. Aircraft 115v EPS... 1.3.1. Characteristics of components and units of the system. 1.3.2. EPSS principle of operation .... Lecture No3. 14. Aircraft 36v EPPSS. .. 1.4.1. Characteristics of components and units of the system. 1.4.2. EPSS principle of operation... Lecture No4. 1.5. Aircraft 27v EPSS..... 1.5.1. Characteristics of components and units of the system. 1.5.2. EPSS principle of operation... Lecture No5. 1.6. Functional purpose of controls and warning indication. . 115V EPSS, 6.2. 36V EPSS. 31 1.6.3. 27V EPSS... 1 Lecture Ns6, 1.7. EPSS operation. 1.7.1. Check and connection of electric power sources. 33 1.7.2, Electric power sources connection before start of main engines. 1.73. In-flight operation of electric power sources... 37 1.74. Typical failures of electric equipment and crew actions to reduce their effect on safety of flight... 37 The purpose of the system, 2.2. The system preflight preparation. 23. In-flight system operation... Lecture N08. 3. The fire-fighting equipment. 31. Purpose and complete set of the equipment. Lecture N9. 4. Tilumination and indicating lights. Internal illumination. Cockpit illumination. 43. External illumination. Scanned with CemScanner An-32 Aircraft Electrical E ment Flight Operation LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS: ‘AAL ~ aircraft acro navigation lights AC — alternate current ACB — automatic circuit breaker AIS — anti-icing system APU — auxiliary power unit AT —airspeed tube CAL ~ central alarm light CDU - central distribution unit DC - direct current EPSS — electric power supply system GDU - ground distribution unit GPU — ground (external) electric supply unit JB — junction box PT - pitot tube Scanned with ComScanner i tion nt Flight Operat An Aireraft Electrical Eaulbe Lecture Hel. 1 Alrerat eS aircraft EPSS. 1.1. General characteristics oveaeeeaeral ti ee ‘The transmission of the electric power to the aircra tran three EPSS (see figure 1): —_ : n1sV petiee ‘AC system, frequency 400 \ertz; = 36V three-phase AC system, frequency 400 h s i is provided in each EPSS, Doubls conan reserve of sources ofthe electric power is ee in each EPSS, therefore at failure of half of the main sources normal power supp! ‘penn Si re source. hiss permitted to make one attempt of repeated turning-on of an inoperative In that case check of parameters of this sources should be made pain oh after its turning-on. If indications of failure of electric power source 7 disconnect it to the end of flight. . be: ‘Switching of systems of electric supply for emergency operation may be: . a) Partial — with failure of main sources of one system (115V, 36V or 27V); b) Full - with failure of main sources of 115V and 27v systems. raft 115V EPSS: For 115V EPSS the main sources of the electric power are generators 4 and I'S with capacity of 12 kilovolt-ampere each. Generators are rotated through reducers. Generators 4 and I'S works simultaneously, each for its own group of bus bar. The bus bar of propellers (or airscrews) heating is connected to generator 4, and with its failure — to generator rs. In case of one generator 4 (or T'S) failure power supply of consumers is provided by the serviceable generator without capacity limitation. Emergency ries Cae power Pi 115V system is the magnetic inverter “EMERGENCY IN otampere, which is controlled by two swit es EMERGENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER /T1O BAP.” cn Aircraft 36V EPSS: Sources of the electric power of 36V are the three inverters; one with capacity of 1 kilovolt-ampere, and an n kilovolt-ampere, The main (reserve) and cmergi each for its group of inverters, With failure of the main inverter the in is ie Teserve invey connected to the bus bar of electri See the main and reserve emergency one with capacity of 0,2 fency inverters work simultaneously, Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Atreraft Electrical Bquipment Fi jnt_Operation Standby 36Y su} Emerg. 36V supply External 27 V supply [ran 7] — cael eee V gpan 1 | 1 Engine starting 20 to 70V oni Tune | 2 as Scanned with CamScanner Figure 1. The block diagram of EPSS. wipment_Fligh ion On cach engine are established two starters-generators, one of which is used for start of the engine and for generation of electric power, the second — only for Starting of the engin Starters-penerators Tl and 1°3 with capacity of 12 kilowatt are the main sources of g direct current of 27V. an auxil jiary source of the system is an APU generator (2) with capacity of 18 kilowatt, which is used on the ground for engine Au-20]| start sand for work for the aircraft network. Emergency DC sources are the three storage batteries with capacity of 28 ampere. hour, With normal work of the system the sources of the electric power generate two ‘{uufonomous channels — left and right. With failure of one starter-generator is made the automatic joining of channels is carried-out without limitation of loading. With failure of both starters-generators the storage batteries provide emergency consumers with a power supply during limited time. Distributive ‘ansmission of the electric central distribution units (dB): + TISV CDU; 115V DU; panel of automatic circuit breaker (ACB); + Left 27V CDU; DU 36V; JB of engine nacelle; ~ Right 27V CDU; DU of accumulators; JB of fuel pumps. Power from sources to consumers is made through the (BCU), group distribution units (DU) and junction box 1.2. External (airfield) power supplies. ‘The power supply from GPU is earried-out through three electric sockets mounted in the right engine nacelle: 7 IMPATI-200J1K - for connection of 115V single-phase AC source; > _UIPATI-SO0K — for connection of 27V DC source; + IIPA-800 ~ for start of engines provision. With GPU the provision of 36V thre -phase AC consumers and protection units is carried-out from aircraft inverters, 13. Aircraft 115V EPSs, 13.1. Character ponents and units of the system. Characteristics of components and units of the system: 1. Generator CI 2 (see figure The generator is a synchronous ex excitation and slip rings. Cooling of the generator on the ground and in-flight is carried-out by ambient air venting. The main specification - Rate voltage. - Current of loading: plicit-polar electric machine with independent Scanned with ComScanner ae At frequency of rotation h = Voltage of a power supply of an excita = Rated current of excitation. 28,5 Ampere Figure 2. Single-phase generator cro-12 general view. T- Single-phase generator CLO-12 2. Single-phase inverter 110-1500 (see figure 3): ‘The single-phase inverter T10-1500 with capacity of 1500 volt-ampere transforms the DC electric power to 115 V single-phase AC with stabilized frequency of 400 ae es vont is used forthe frequency power supply in-flight, but it may also teen the ground for check of consumers with capacity less than 1500 volt- ampere if other power supplies of 115V are not available. Figure 3. The single-phase inverter IIO-1500 general view . ‘Mounted on the magnetic unit body is a control box with start, voltage and RPM regulating elements inside. On the case of the magnetic unit is placed the control box, where the elements of ont vatage snd fegueney of rotation regulation are located. ¢ voltage of an alternating current may be turned i ich i The volage ofan alerting y by the remote resistor, which is ‘The inverter is placed in the left forward electric compartment. The main specifications: - Voltage of power supply ~ Consumed current. 104 Ampere ce Scanned with CamScanner ~ Convent of loading = Output voltages = Capacity (power) « = Brequoney of alterna A. ‘Phe equipment of ret ‘The equipment of regulation, of the electric power and intended for . . ee Remote manual generator conncetion and disconnection; | [Automatic adjustment of the voltage of the generators within given limits; Automatic connection of generators to aircraft circuit at reaching voltage of more than 96V and frequency more than 350 Hertz; | ‘Automatic disconnection of generators at voltage reduction down to a value less than 28V (lor a period of time more than 6 sec.) or reduction of frequency to value less than 320 Hert Automatic switching of bus bar of loading of loading of working generator; ‘Automatic or manual actuation of an emergency source (115 V inverter) with failure of both generators of an alternating current; ‘Automatic disconnection of generators at emergency increase of a voltage on 1500 volt-ampere 00 Hertz ing current, gulation, control and pt control and protection o} and protection: . perates together with sources f failed generator to the bus bars of their output; Possibility of manual change of a voltage of generators within the limits of $10V by means of remote resistors; ‘The indication of generators disconnection and actuation of an emergency source (115 V inverter); 4. Regulator of voltage PH-600 (see figure 4): The regulator of voltage PH-600 is intended for automatic adjustment of a voltage of the allemating current generator within given limits, The regulator operates together with a box of actuation and regulation KBP-2. Figure 4. regulator of voltage PH-600 general The regulator is an electromagnetic devi ignetic device with smooth ch i carbon column included consecutively i ration wading ereat at tn carom ecutively in an excitation winding circuit of the Cooling of regulator is carried-out by ambient air venting x 4 Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight Operation voltage regulators are established under the left and the right fairings of the ce swing section. 5, Box of actuation and regulation KBP-2 (sce figure 5): Fox of actuation and regulation KBP-2 is intended to control the generator of aiternating current. nter Figure 5. Box of actuation and regulation KBP-2 general view. The box provides: _ Remote actuation of excitation of the generator to the aircraft circuit at an increase of its voltage above 95 V; ~ Disconnection of the generator from the aircraft circuit at reduction of its voltage toa value less than 28 V; = Adjustment of an output voltage of the generator within given limits (together with a voltage regulator) in case of change of its loading of rotation frequency; - Control of the indicating lights of the generator. Each generator operates jointly with a regulation box. The both boxes are established in fairings of center wing section between frames 16-17. 6. Automatic devices of over-voltage protection A3I11-1CJI (see figure 6): Automatic circuit breakers (ACB) A3IT] and A3II2 are intended for disconnection of 115 V generators at increase of voltage on their output above 126 V. Stringer No34 Figure 6: The over-voltage protection ABIII-1CJI general view. Stringer No35 Frame No24 10 Scanned with ComScanner it_ Flight Operation An-32 Aircrafi Electrical Equipment Flight Operation Both automatic circuit breakers are established on roof between frames NQ3-24, The main specifications: ~ Power supply voltage: * DC... * AC (frequency 350-900 Hertz) ~ Response voltage. ~ Response time: > Atvoltage increase to 140 V.. % Atvoltage inercase to 220 V.. 7. Boxes of frequency cutoff KOMI-1AH (see figure 7) 7 . The boxes of frequency cutoff KOMI and KOU! automat ically disconnect AC ‘generators at reduction of frequency less than 320 Hertz and automatically connect. Benerators to aircraft mains in case of increase of frequency more than 350 Hertz, Stringer No34 Stringer Ne35 Frame No22 ,5-2,5 Bec, ),1-0,3 see, Stringer Ne37 Stringer N38 Frame W223 Figure 7. Boxes of frequency cutoff KOUI- 1AH general view, Boxes of frequency cutoff KOUL-1AH are established on a roof between frames 22. 23, ‘The main specifications: + Rated voltage of a power supply ~ Frequency of signal production, % To tum on the loading current % To switch-off the loading curren 350 Hertz 8. Boxes of fr sate The boxes of led for tion of Power supply of consumers which tion of feauency of so ting current. Boxes provide for sw Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight Oper: sjon of frequency below 350 Hertz and for their repeated turning-on in case of ey more than 380 Hertz. Figure 8. Boxes of frequency cutoff KOUI-1A general view. Both boxes are established on a stack under the seat of the right pilot. ‘The main specifications: . Rated voltage of a power supply ... Frequency at which the signal is given out: 4» To engage loading . + To disengage loading 9. The filter of generator @Y-1A (figure 9): The filter of generator @T-1A is intended for a reduction of electric noise arising in case of operation of the generator CT'O-12. Figure 9. The filter of generator @T-1A general view. Ihe main specifications: “AC power circuit voltage with frequency . ‘DC excitation circuit voltage... it in power circuit it in excitation circuit. The filter is established on a motor of the appropriate engine. 12 Scanned with ComScanner quip ight Operation An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equi am Fis = The filter ge regulator @PH.-600 (see figure 10): - Jothe iter ee DPIT-600 is intended for a reduction of electric nojg, The filter of volta; ising in case of operation of the generator CT'O-12 with the voltage regulator Py. arising in casi Figure 10. The filter of generator ©PH-600 general view. The main specifications: ~ Voltage in circuit of a working winding. ~ Voltage in circuit ofa direct current ~ Current in excitation circuit, ~__ Current in circuit of a working winding, 0,15 Ampere Filters are established in fairings of the center wing section. 1.3.2. EPSS principle of operation. The block diagram of 115V EPSS, 400 Hertz is shown in the figure 11a,b below. Generators are driven from the left and right engines and transform mechanical Kono cette Power of alternating current. Capacity of each generator is 12 Kilovolt-ampere. Frequency of alternating current depends on frequency of rotation of engines: - On ground and in fi 403-410 Hertz; Fen Bound with engines running at ground idle Power— 337-350 Hertz, The inverter with capacity of 1500 volt. i ight with engines running at power higher than ground idle — Distribution units provide for replacement of the connection of the electric power consumers, jhe system is designed as a single-wired, so the fuselage is the second wire. Tnnormal conditions both generators work Separately, each for its group of bus bars and the inverter is switched-off. In that case the left bus bars Nel and No2 and 115v Suetgency bus bar are connected to the left generator, and the right bus bars Nel and Switching equipment, and Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Ain reraft Electrical Equipment Flight Operatio in sv DU ie block diagram of 115V EPSS, 400 Hertz. Scanned with ComScanner i eration An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight O} =) Figure 11b. The block diagram of 115V EPSS, 400 Hertz, <> 15 “TIO — single-phase inverter 110-1500 **IIPATI- GPU socket UIPA-200s1K *“KI-K13 — Contactors and relays Scanned with ComScanner ee eectrical Equipment Flight Operation In case of the left generator failure the left bus bars Nel and Ne2 and also 115V emergency bus bar get automatically connected to the bus bar Nol of the right generator. Servo Motors or machines of the autopilot and the bus bar of the props or airscrews heating get connected to the right generator. Incase of the right generator failure the right bus bars Nel and No2 get automatically connected to bus bas Nol of the left generator. Connected to bus bars Ne2 of both generators is the equipment, sensitive to frequency reduction of alternating current below 350 Hertz. Should one of generators frequency drop down below 350 Hertz its bus bar Ne2 is automatically switched to the bus bar Nel of other generator. If frequency of one of generators reduces below 320 Hertz its bus bars Nel and Ne2 is automatically switched to the bus bar Nel of other generator, In case of in-flight failure of both generators the inverter is automatically (manually) ad to provide power supply from 115v emergency bus bar to vital consumers only. There are three ways of 115V inverter connection to aircraft mains: -To 115V emergency bus bar; - To 115V emergency bus bar and both bus bar Ne2; - To 115V aircraft mains, except bus bar of props or airscrews heating; this mode is used to check equipment, total power of which does not exceed 1500 volt-ampere. Depending on position of switches “EMERGENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER//T1O ABAP.”, the inverter is connected to aircraft mains according to table 1. Note: If emergency single-phase inverter “EMERGENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER/MI10_ABAP.” is _set_in the “GROUND/3EMIJIA” position the inverter runs at idle mode before it gets connected to aircraft mai Table 1. [Type [Position of switches [Inverters connections |Conditions of inverter X0 |“EMERGENCY _ SINGLE- connection PHASE = INVERTERV/TIO |ABAP.” 1 |“AUTO//ABTOHOM” and |To bus bar Ne2 and to |a)Generators failure T4 and “ATR//BO3IYX” Ithe emergency bus bar. |I'5; b)Setting of throttle lever in position 26° and lower, reduction of frequency of generators 14 and TS. below 350 Hertz; c)The nose wheel steering is turned-on and props/airscrews are locked. Fo the emergency bus |Failure of generators P'l, T3, bar 4 and T's. 16 —_ Scanned with ComScanner of generators MANUAL//PYUHC “ATRIMBOBIIYX” bar, - | PA ABTOHOM cand [To bus bar Ne2 and (o a)Disconnection of generators GROUND//EMII” the emergency bus bar, {14 and 1'5. b)Reduction of frequeney _[bclow 350 Hertz, |ANUALI//P: Disconnection of AC GPU, E T¢ 8 rs No | and “GROUND//3EMIIS" _|the emergency bus bar, | Lecture Ni3, 1.4. Aireratt 36V EPSS. 1.4.1, Characteristics of system components and units, Characteristics of system components and unit Thi IC (s Three-phase inverter ITT-10001{C provides transformation of 27V DC to 36V three- Phase AC, with stabilized frequency 400 Hertz, Figure 12. Three-phase inverter IIT-100011C general view. The inverter consists of the following main units: ~ Single-case machine (or motor) unit, which inte i gle- : grates DC electric motor of fixed eeclatiog eo ee three-phase synchronous generator with excitation from a Fae contol box located on the machine unit; main inverter is mounted in the right nose compartment, the si i stand-by Jef nose compartment. A current consumed by the inverter is 60 Ampere. i 2001 re 13) : hase inverter TIT-200L| provides ti i phase AG, wins evi {tansformation of 27V DC to 36V three- v7 Scanned with CamScanner igure 13. Three-phase inverter TIT-2001 general view ‘The inverter consists of the DC electric motor, the synchronous three-phase generator an the control block, placed in a box. Generator is excited by a constant ‘magnet. The emergency inverter is placed in the right nose electric compartment (IIT-2001{ ‘Nod - under the floor of the cargo compartment). ing di ice ATIMI-1A (see figure 1: Figure 14, Device ATIIF-1A general ‘The switching device ATIII-1A is intended for automatic changing of loading bus bars to reserve power supplies in case of following faitures in 36V DC system: - Breakdown of one, two or three phases; : ~ Interphases short circuits; - Emergency rise of voltage. 18 Scanned with ComScanner W Flight Operation Ans22 Aiveraft Electrical Kquipment Might Operation Two (three) d ipctvises voltage gn the b of the len (co-pilot) seat, ‘main bus bar, the second ~on emergeney bus bats (the third on bus ban £10 horizon), Devices are placed on stack under right pilot The main specifications + DCpower supply voltage... ~ Supervised average linear voltage Average lincar voltage of operation: * Alover-voltage. Delay of response time: When starting inverter... © With break of wires or short irc +~0,15-0,85 sec, 4.2. EPSS principle of operation. le The block diagram of 36 V, stabilized frequency 400 Her three-phase AC EPSs is shown in figure 15: Anne Emergency | Emergency alos Left 27V Right 27V. Storage batteries cbu DU Stand-by cbuU Figure 15. The block diagram of 36V EPSS, The designations on the block diagram: > TIT, 11T2—magnetic inverter ITT-100011C; - _JIT3~ magnetic inverter TIT-2001], Aircraft of last modifications as well as thos: system BKK-18 one more inverter IIT-2 emergency one. It supplies power to capta diagram). € re-equipped with the altitude monitor 00L{ Ne2 is mounted in addition to in artificial horizon (not shown on the 19 Scanned with ComScanner i al_ Equipment Flight Operation All inverters of magnetic type transform 27y DC into 36V, 400 Hertz three-phase AC. AMITI, ATIUT2 (ATIN3) ~ ATITI-1A the inverter switching device; KI, K2—contactors; CDU — the central distribution unit; DU - distribution unit; Two (three) switching devices ATI and ATITI2 (ATIII3) are intended for automatic reservation of loading bus bars in case of system failures. 36V DU is provided with the switching and protection equipment, and also with bus bars to which the consumers of the electric power are connected, With normal operation of 36V system two (three) inverters work: inverter ITI provides power supply to consumers of the main bus bar, and inverter ITT3 provides power supply to consumers of the emergency bus bar, magnetic inverter IIT-200L1 X02 also works in the main mode and provides only artificial horizon of the left pilot (captain). Should main inverter fail the switching device ATITII provides for the stand-by inverter start-up and connection to the main bus bar instead of the main inverter. In case of failure of inverter IIT3 the switching device ATIII2 by means of the contactor K2 changes the emergency bus bars to a power supply from the main bus bars. With failure of inverter ITT-2001| Ne2 the left artificial horizon by means of its ATI also changes to power supply from operating main (reserve) inverter. Lecture No4. 1.5. Aircraft 27V EPSS. 1.5.1. Characteristics of system components and units. Characteristics of system components and units: 1. Starter-generator CTT-12TMO (see figure 16): 2 3 Figure 16. Starter-generator CTT- 12TMO general view: 1- Starter-generator CTT-12TMO; 2+ Starter-generator CIT-12TMO collar (composed ftom 2 pieces; 3- Bolt; 4- Locking washer. Structurally CTI-12TMO is a collector DC electric machine of the mixed excitation, with free-wheel clutch and a reduction gear, : Free-wheel clutch provides automatic transition of machine into generator mode after of the aircraft engine, in starter mode the rotating moment is transferred to the turbine of the engine through a reduction gear. 20 Scanned with CamScanner is compulsory. In flight cooling is carried-out by relative wind, penetrating into the machine under effect of dynamic pressure. On ground cooling is provided by the fan, sct on a shaft of the anchor. The main specifications: a) Starter mode: ~ Voltage of power supply .. ~ Consumed (root-mean-square) current. = Rotation frequency (at the moment of switching-off) = Operation mode b) Generator mode: = Rated voltage = Current of loading in-flight: ¢ Fora long tim + Less than I min. *& Less than 10 min. .......-00-- = Current of loading on ground... - RPM... = Mode of operation > Inflight... “ On ground (with load current up to 200 Ampere). + On ground (without loading). 2. Generator 'C-24A (see figure 17) ‘When working as a starter the generator PC-24A provides for APU start-up, as a generator — engine start-up and DC centralized power supply. 1} [2 s}L4] |s Cooling of the mach -20-60V, 10 Ampere 3200 mint .tepeatedly short-time 28,5 V 410 Ampere 600 Ampere -800 Ampere 00 Ampere 4200-9000 mint for along time up to 20 min, for a long time 16 wv] fa) [as Figure 17. the generator 'C-24A general view. 2 Scanned with CamScanner dditonal “+” windings reo (0 figul vw gi excitation shunt winding, coil; . 5- armature; 6-irive end frame; jadaitional ; taxing 9 main “1"s 10> drive cond frame from collector side; 1 1-brushes-holders shes; 13+flexible driven shan; 14- armature hollow shaft; 15-connector; 16- siructurally 'C-24A is a collector DC electric machine of the mixed excitation. ‘The main specifications: When starting up the APU: Voltage of power supply. AV © Consumed current 560 Ampere 7 RPM 1800 min" = Operation mode. starts in 20 sec. by When starting the aircraft engin ~ Output voltage .. .20-60 V = Current of loading. 1300 Ampere = RPM... (000-7000 min” starts in 70 sec. with 2 min. interval between starts = Operation mode. ) When feeding the aircray mains: - Rated voltage = Load current . - RPM. = Operation mode 3. Storage battery 12¢ 1,5 hours continuously -28 (see figure 18): Figure 18. The lead-acid storage batteries 12CAM-28 located in the storage batteries compartment general view. [acid storage battery 12CAM-28 is an electro-chemical source of the es of a direct current in which electric energy at a charge turns into ‘and chemical energy at the discharge — in electric. 22 Scanned with ComScanner AnM Alternat Klecttlent qu niterafl is provided with thte 8 for convenience of dismount and Provide for thermal insulation fo temperatures, ‘The main specification ~ Rated voltage ., > Capacity at temperature 25°C: & During the half-year of opetation.... & During the 2" halfyenr of operation Daring the 2" y, 1 oF operation. Re of operation temperatures: Flight Operatio They are placed inthe spe lation of the battery. ‘They aiey © al negative environment Thi vee AY pers 10 voltage 21V and electrolyte 8 Ampere-hour 28 Ampere-hour 28 Ampere-hour .+50°C from -50°C to +40°C 28,5 kg Figure 19. Voltage regulator PH-180M general view. Voltage regulator PH-180M is intended for automatic stabilization of a voltage of the starter-generator CTT'-121MO and for proportional distribution of loading of the generators at parallel operation with the generator ['C-24A. ‘The regulator is an electromagnetic device with smooth change of resistance of the carbon column connected sequentially with an excitation winding of the generator. Regulators are installed in the fairings of the center wing section. 5. Voltage regulator PH-120Y (see figure20; Voitage regulator PH-120Y is intended for automatic stabilization of a voltage of the generator ['C-24A and for proportional distribution of loading at its parallel operation with the main generators, ; The regulator is an electromagnetic device with smooth change of resistance of the 2B Scanned with ComScanner Re raft Electrical Equipment Flight Operation carbon column connected sequentially with an excitation winding of the generator. Regulators are installed in the right engine nacelle. Figure 20. Voltage regulator PH-1209 general view. 6. Automatic device of over-voltage protection A3II-A1 (see figure 21): Automatic device of over-voltage protection A3II-A1 is intended for protection of DC circuit against emergency increase of voltage and against magnetic reversal of any parallel working the starter-generators CTT-12TMO and generator P'C-24A. The contactor button to return automatic unit into initial position after its response is located on the device cover. Figure 21. Automatic device of over-voltage protection A3II-Al general view. The main specifications: - Voltage of response... - Time of response at increase of voltag Upto37V. # Upto60V, ii aati’: Cai Locat ihe frames Nel and N01? are starter-generators CTT IMO wees wile the generator 'C-24A circuit breaker is installed on the starboard nacelle. 1,5+0,5 V ,17 — 0,50 sec. 24 Scanned with CamScanner ip ight_Operatio, ircraft Electrical Equil ment Flight 1c n ae MP-400T (sce figure 22): ifferen' Pieroni minimum relay JU capacity of 12 kilowatt. mur M4007 is intended to control DC generator With Figure 22. Differential minimum relay J[MP-400T general view : i oti generator from the aircraft mains reverse current Dae eking of reverse polarity of the generator to aircraft mains, Differential minimum relays J{MP-400T are placed in the left (for generator Nel) and the right side (for generator Ne3) 27V CDU. The main specifications: - Rated current of switching: ++34:400 Ampere ~ Generator to aircraft mains connection voltag When voltage in aircraft mains is not available . Jess than 24 V % When generator voltage exceeds that of a/c mains. less than 1 V % Reverse current of generator switching-off.. 5-35 Ampere minimum relay JMP-600T (see TB ety PMP-600T is intended to control DC generator 'C-24A with capacity of 18 kilowatt. Differential minimum relay JIMP-600T is intended to: 7 Remote actuation and de-actuation of the generator TC-24A; ~ Generator automatic disconnection from the aircraft mains with reverse current Passing along differental-minimal caused by generator T'C-24A malfunction or clectric wiring damage; ~ Blocking of connection of the generator [0-244 with reverse Polarity to the aircraft mains, 5 Scanned with CamScanner An-32 Alreraft Electrical Kquipment Might Operation Figure 232, Installation of differential minirnum relay JIMP- GOT of generator J DAN. J-control wiring, terminal studs 2- power bus bar; 3- power bus bar nut; 4-relay attaching | Differential minimum r 600; 6- power bus bar; 7- power bus bar nut; 8- relay attachment plate. i ial Figure 23b. Differentia eenimum relay JIMP-600T acelle junction .d in the engine ™ 600 Ampere j nection Vi Jess than 24 | - Generato ¢ sis not ava ess thal I 4% When voltage ! ids that 0! “77"20-50 Ampere & When generator VO ae r switching-o' %& Reverse current of 2o™ 6 t rl Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight O) eration ame Aireratt Hectrical Equipment Flight Operation 1 . EPSS principle of operati EPSS principle of operation (sce figure 24): -fe-----4 Figure 24. The main block diagram of 27V EPSS, The designation of diagram: -T1 and 13 ~ starters-generators CTT-12TMO; - 12 — generator P'C-24A; - AKK1, AKK2, AKK3- storage batteries 12CAM-28; ~ LUPATI — GPU socket UIPAIT-500k; 7 Scanned with ComScanner light Operation Aircraft Electrical Equil ment _Flis An-32 ple of oper: 5.2. EPSS prince ra PSS prince ‘of operation (see figure 24); El P jon. Tc seh 21V 000 Figure 24. The main block diagram of 27V EPSS, The designation of diagram: ~T1 and 3 ~ starters-generators CTT-12TMO; - 12 generator 'C-24A; > AKK1, AKK2, AKK3- storage batteries 12CAM-28; ~ IUPAII — GPU socket IIIPATI-S00k; 27 Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Aircraft Electri An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight Operation _K1.--K22— contactors 5 ment Flight Oper The left 27V CDU and the right 27V ferent} . ~ Horage batteries DU - storage MiG atin ee “ACB panel - automatic circuit breakers panel; : “Engine nacelle JB — junction box of Engine nacelle; Fuel pumps JB — junction box of fuel pumps; * ee ae a ene i Starter-generator P1 and 13 with eapacity of 12 ; cl ¢ left and right aircraft engines. On cach aircraft a ieee wgines. On each aircrat engine the! yne more similar starter-generator, however they arc not used in a generator mode. Generator [2 with capacity of 18 kilowatt is installed on APU, when working in starter mode/regime it provides for the start of this unit, in generator mode ~ a power supply of aircraft mains and start of aircraft engines. a a Sears ae and AKK3 with capacity of 28 Ampere-hours of a direct current. it start of APU , if 27V GPU is not available. eee ‘The GPU socket provides for connection of 27V GPU to aircraft mains. Transmission of electric power from sources to consumers is provided through the following central and group distribution units: = Left.27V CDU , with the main and emergency bus bars; ~ Right 27V CDU, with the main and emergency bus bars; = Storage batteries DU, with two emergency bus bars: AKK1, AKK2 and AKK3; ~ Engine nacelle JB, with one bus bar of external equipment; Fuel pumps JB, with two main bus bars: left and right; > ACB panel with the left and right main bus bars, the leR and the right emergency ‘bus bars. “The EPSS is designed as a single-wire with a fuselage as a minus wire, ‘At normal work of the electric power sources the system is provided with two independent DC subsystems: the left one includes the starter-generator Nel and the storage battery Nel, and the right one includes the starter-generator Ns3 and the storage batteries Xo2 and X23. In this mode both bus bars of the left CDU are arse ed to the left 27V subsystem as wel asthe Ieft bus bars of the ‘ACB panel sau fuel pumps TB. Tn that case the contactors K9 and K? are disconnected. tor fails the contactor K9 responses and interconnects the Should one starter-genera f TE andl the refjjmain bus! bara'gf 27V CU, Ta:thit eos both subsystems are ides power supply to all connected and the operating starter-generator provi ‘consumers. Tf both starter-generators fail the contactor K12 responses, and contactors KI and KB get disconnected. It provides separation of emergency and main bus bars and changing of emergency circuit to power supply from the storage batteries. Lecture NS. ¢ of controls and warning indication. ional purpos 1,6, Functional purpot og indication of EPSS are shown in the Controls - means of supervision and w' figure 25 below. 28 Scanned with CamScanner An-32 Aiveral [cre ELECT (erent we) 0 0 WY, MTU a ink iY te & " 1 en ‘ | ee uae SY - mt Scanned with ComScanner Figure 25. Controls and indicators of EPSS. 29 An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight eration Zea Fw] (et7earT Pwr ALTERUATORS UTR Q VOLTAGE sth va ser ( ia ine ats N nt mS Ras] ora Tal 1 the | A el "h AAT |B m q] WS we ri” Sine ‘TER ANVERTERS fe Bie Am Q@ wt OF OF OFF a Q HAs} [at a) (EA mT) UAT! BAT BATTS yay pat ne Of ogo HON OF OF AWE ‘MANUAL GROUND or Figure 25. Controls and indicators of EPSS, 29 Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight Operation “ 1.6.1. 115V EPSS. ‘The switch “ 115V GPUM/ASP. 115B” — GPU connection to bus bars of the jtched-off generator or to all aircraft mains, if both generators are switched-off. ‘he annunciator “ 115V GPU connected///A9P. 115B BKIJI.” - indication of GPU connection to the aircraft mains. Theswitches “LEFT GENERATOR / CPO JIEB.” and “RIGHT GENERATOR CTO TIPAB.” — putting into a working condition of the left and right generators without their connection to the aircraft mains. The buttons “LEFT GENERATOR TO MAINS /// CTO JIEB. HA CETb” and “RIGHT GENERATOR TO MAINS /// CTO TIPAB. HA CETb” — connection of generators to the aircraft mains. The annunciator “LEFT GENERATOR DISCONNECTED /// CO JIEB.” and “RIGHT GENERATOR /// CPO TIPAB. OTKII.” - the warning indication of erators disconnection. The adjustment knob “VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT///PEDYJIMP.HATIP SDK.” — adjustment of generators output voltage. ‘The selector switch “EMERGENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER(/TIO. ‘ABAP.” with positions: “AUTO-DISCONNECTED-MANUAL /// ABTOM.- OTKJL-PYUHOE” control of the inverter actuation. ‘The selector switch “EMERGENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER///IIO. ABAP.” with positions: “AIR-GROUND /// BO3][YX-3EMJL1” — control of inverter connection to aircraft mains (types of inverter connection to the aircraft mains, depending to position of switches “EMERGENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER//TIO. ABAP.”, are given in the table 1). ‘The annunciator “EMERGENCY 115V CONNECTED /// ABAP. 115B BKJI” — the warming indication of 115V the inverter connection to the emergency bus bar only. The selector-switch “VOLTAGE /// HATIPSDKEHHE” — measurement of voltage with positions: + “EXTERNAL SOURCE /// ASP” — of GPU; - “LEFT GENERATOR /// CIO JIEB.” ~at the output of the left generator; - “RIGHT GENERATOR /// CTO IIPAB.” ~at the output of the right generator; = “PROPS HEATING ///OBOIPEB. BHHTOB” -on the bus bar of the props heating: - “BUS BAR Nel OF LEFT GENERATOR /// LIMHA Nel JIEB. CTO” — on the bus bar Ne] of the left generator; - “BUS BAR Ne2 OF LEFT GENERATOR /// LUIMHA No2 JIEB. CPO” — on the bus bar No2 of the left generator; “BUS BAR Nol OF RIGHT GENERATOR // IIIMHA Nel TIPAB. CTO” — on the bus bar Nel of the right generator; “BUS BAR M2. OF RIGHT GENERATOR // ILIMHA Ne2 TIPAB. CPO” — on the bus bar No2 of the right generator; “EMERGENCY /// ABAP.” — on the 115V bus bar. 30 Scanned with ComScanner -32 Aircraft Electrical Ko — 1.6.2. J6V EPSS. 7 na ‘The switch “MAIN INVERTER JUEY OCH." = start and connection OF the mai inverter to the aircraft mains. 7 om The switch “STAND-BY INVERTER ///1U0 PL a reserve (stand-by) inverter to the airerafl mains of the main tn ; The switch “EMERGENCY INVERTER /// [IT ABAD.” ~ start and connection of the emergency inverter to the aireraft mains, om OCT oitene The annune for "MAIN INVERTER DISCONNECTED /11T OCH, OTK) — the warning indication of the main inverter disconnection, any The annunciator “STANDBY INVERTER CONNECTED /// PESEPBIL IY BK” — the warming indication of the standby inverter connection, The annunciator IERGENCY INVERTER = DISCONNECTED /// IIT ABAP. OTKIJI.” ~ the warning indication of the emergency inverter disconnection. The switch “VOLTAGE /// HATIPSDKEHHE” — measurement of a voltage with positions: ae - “MAIN BUS BAR: AB - BC - CA /// OCHOBH. IIHHA: AB ~ BC = CA" ~ at the main bus bar; - “EMERGENCY BUS BAR : AB - BC - CA/// ABAP., LIIMHA: AB = BC. CA” —at the emergency bus bars; SAUL" start and connection the 1.6.3. 27V EPSS. The switch “27V GPU /// ASP. 27B”— connection of GPU to aircraft network if the main generators and APU generator are switched-off, The annunciator “27V GPU CONNECTED /// ADP. 27B BKJI.” — the warning indication of GPU connection to aircraft mains, The switch “ APU GENERATOR /// TEHEPATOP TI” — connection of the APU generator to aircraft mains. ‘The annunciator “APU GENERATOR ACTUATED /// PEHEP. TT BIJI."— the warning indication of APU generator actuation. The switches: “STORAGE BATTERY Nel /// AKK1”, “STORAGE BATTERY N:2// AKK2”, “STORAGE BATTERY N23 /// AKK3” = connection of the storage batteries to the aircraft mains. The annunciator “STORAGE BATTERY Nal DISCONNECTED /// AKKL OTKIL” , “STORAGE BATTERY Ni2 DISCONNECTED/// AKK2 OTKIL", “STORAGE BATTERY N:3 DISCONNECTED/// AKK3 OTKJL” ~ the warning indication of storage batteries disconnection. The selector-switch “CURRENT///TOK” — measurement of discharge or charge current . positions: - “STORAGE BATTERY Nal /// AKK1” - the Storage battery Nel; - Ppa BATTERIES N2 AND N3 /// AKK2-3” the storage batteries The ‘switches “STARTER-GENERATOR Nil// CITI" and “STARTER: SENERATOR, N3/// CTT3” — connection of generators T1 and 13 to aircraft a1 Scanned with CamScanner An-32 Aireratt Electrical Rquipment Flight Operation ‘The adjustment knobs “VOLTAGE, ADJUSTMENT//PELYJIAP. HAT PAK.” — adjustment of output voltage of generators P1 and 13. tthe adjustment knobs “APU GENERATOR VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT /i/ TEHED, TT PECYJIMP. HATIPSDK.” — adjustment of output voltage of APU generator 12. The button “DISCONNECTION OF RESERVING /// OTKIHOUEHAE PESEPBUPOBALIMSI” ~ provides for separate operation of two channels with power supply from one generator (it is used on ground at maintenance). The annunciator “RESERVING CONNECTED// PE3EPB. BK” ~ the indication of parallel opcration of two channels, : ‘The emergency sclector-switch of storage battcrics — connection of storage batteries, if 27V GPU is switched-off, with positions: = “STORAGE BATTERY TO AIRCRAFT MAINS/// AKK HA OBLYIO CETb” - to whole 27V aircraft circuit; “STORAGE BATTERY TO EMERGENCY CIRCUIT/// AKK HA ABP. CET” - to whole 27V emergency circuit; The selector-switch “VOLTAGE ///HAIIPSDKEHME” - measurement of a voltage by the current voltmeter. Positions: - “EXTERNAL SOURCE/// ASP.” - of GPU; - “STORAGE BATTERY Nol /// AKK1” — the storage battery Nel; - “STORAGE BATTERY N22 /// AKK2” — the storage battery Ne2; - “STORAGE BATTERY N33 /// AKK3” — the storage battery No3; - “APU GENERATOR /// TEHEPATOP TI” — on output of APU generator; - “STARTER-GENERATOR Nel // CTT” — at output of the left generator; “STARTER-GENERATOR i3/// C13” - at output of the right generator, “CDU LEFT// LIPY JIEB.” — at main bus bar of the left 27V CDU; - “CDU RIGHT /// LIPY TIPAB.” —at main bus bar of the right 27V CDU; - “EMERGENCY LEFT /// ABP. JIEB.” on the left emergency bus bar of ACB; - “EMERGENCY RIGHT/// ABP. [IPAB.” on the right emergency bus bar of ACB. The annunciator “CHECK ELECTRIC SUPPLY/// SJIEKTPOCHAB)KEHME, TIPOBEPHTB” — the warning indication of any source failure (AC generator, starter- generator, 36v inverter, storage battery), connection of 115V inverter only to the emergency bus bar, turning-on of the selector-switch of storage batteries into position “STORAGE BATTERY TO AIRCRAFT MAINS/// AKK HA OBLL[YIO CETL”, The annunciator “POWER SUPPLY FROM STORAGE BATTERIES/// TIMTAHME OT AKKYM.” - shines when both starter-generators get disconnected. Indication of emergency circuit power supply from the storage batteries. Lecture No6. 1.7, EPSS operation. Before connecting any of electric power source to the aircraft mains check initial Positions of controls: 32 Scanned with ComScanner quip! t_ Flight Operation 1-32 Aircraft Electrical Ki uipmen! a oor one ms should be switched-off; a) Electric power consumers of all aircraft syste b) On the electric power control panel: _ . Switches and selector-switches of electric power sources — in the switched-off sition; The selector switch “EMERGENCY SINGLE PHASE INVERTER/ tig ABAD.” — in position “ATR//BO3)[YX"5 . 7 The selector switches “VOLTAGE//HATPSDKEHHE” and “CURRENT/// in any position; The storage batteries sclector-switch — is closed by a cap and scaled up. 1.7.1. Check and connection of electric power sources, Check up and connection of storage batteries: . . > Set the selector-switch “VOLTAGE//HAIIPSDKEHHE” in to position “STORAGE BATTERY Nel /// AKK1”; Set the switch “STORAGE BATTERY Nil /// AKK1” in to upper position; Tur-on the reserve illumination and 36V emergency inverter; - Check up the voltage of “STORAGE BATTERY Nel /// AKK1”; ~ Ifvoltage less than 24V replace the storage battery; Tum-on the switch “STORAGE BATTERY N22 /// AKK2” and switch-off the “STORAGE BATTERY Nil /// AKK1”; Check up similarly voltage of the “STORAGE BATTERY N22 /// AKK2”; Tum-on the switch “STORAGE BATTERY Ni3 /// AKK3” and switch-off “STORAGE BATTERY N22 /// AKK2”; Check up similarly voltage of the “STORAGE BATTERY N33 /// AKK3”; = Disconnect reserve illumination and 36V inverter; Tum-on the switches: “STORAGE BATTERY Nl /// AKK1”, “STORAGE BATTERY N22 /// AKK2”. The annunciators “STORAGE BATTERY Nil DISCONNECTED/// AKK1 OTKJI.” and “STORAGE BATTERY 2 DISCONNECTED/// AKK2 OTKII.” Will go out. GPU connection: = Give a command to connect 27V GPU; Set the selector switch of 27V voltmeter in position “EXTERNAL SOURCE! A9P.” — voltage should be within the limits of 28-29V; - Tum-on the switch “27V GPU /// ASP. 27B”, in that case the annunciator “27V GPU CONNECTED/// A3P. 278 BKJI.” and the light indicator at the 27V GPU socket should shine; Check voltage with 27V voltmeter selector-switch positions: “CDU LEFT/// UPK JIEB.”, “CDU RIGHT /// [PK TIPAB.”, “EMERGENCY LEFT /// ABP. JIEB.”, “EMERGENCY RIGHT/// ABP. TIPAB.” - voltage should be within the limits of 28-29V. Check of 115V inverter work: ~ Set the selector-switch “EMERGENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER /// [IO ABAP.” in position “AUTO/// ABTOM.” — the second selector switch “EMERGENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER /// TIO ABAP.” in position 33 Scanned with CamScanner An-32 Aircraft Electri Equipment Flight Operation “AIRI//BO31YX”; - Set the sclector-switch “VOLTAGE///HALIPSDKEHHE” consistently in peetioae BUG] BAR Nil OF LEFT GENERATOR /// LIMHA Nol JIEB. re 7 102 OF LEFT GENERATOR // ILIMHA N:2 JIEB. CTO”, sare AR jel OF RIGHT GENERATOR /i/ IIMHA Nel TIPAB. cro”, a 2 OF RIGHT GENERATOR /// IIMHA No2 TIPAB. CTO”, “EMERGENCY /// ABAP.” and make sure by a voltmeter, that at positions EMERGENCY /// ABAP.”, “BUS BAR 2 OF LEFT GENERATOR /// IIMHA N22 JIEB. CTO”, “BUS BAR §2 OF RIGHT GENERATOR // IIMHA Ne2 TIPAB. CPO” ~ the voltage is equal to 110-120V and at other positions it is absent. Check and connection of 115V GPU: = Give a command to connect 115V GPU: = Set the selector-switch “VOLTAGE//HAIIPSDKEHME” —in_ position ae RNAL SOURCE// AP.” — voltage should be within the limits of 115- - Set the switch “115V GPU/// 115B A9P.” in the upper position, at that the annunciator “EMERGENCY 115V CONNECTED/// ABAP. 115B_ BKIL.” Goes-out, the annunciator “115V GPU CONNECTED /// 115B A9P. BKIL” and the light indicator at 115V GPU socket shines; = Set the selector-switch “VOLTAGE///HAIIPSDKEHHE” in positions: “BUS BAR Nel OF LEFT GENERATOR /// LIMHA Nol JIEB. CPO”, “BUS BAR 92 OF LEFT GENERATOR /// IIMHA Ne2. JIEB. CTO”, “BUS BAR Nel OF RIGHT GENERATOR /// IIMA Nel TIPAB. CTO”, “BUS BAR Ni2 OF RIGHT GENERATOR // IIIMHA ¥:2 TIPAB. CIO”, “EMERGENCY /// ‘ABAP.” and check up by the voltmeter the voltage which should be within the limits of 115-120V. Actuation and check of 36V inverters: When at least one of DC generators or 27V GPU is connected to aircraft mains make check for 36V inverters. For this purpose: «Set the switch “EMERGENCY THREE-PHASE INVERTER/ TIT ABAP.” in upper position and the annunciator “EMERGENCY THREE-PHASE INVERTER DISCONNECTED/// TIT ABAP. OTKII.” Will go out; - Set the switch “VOLTAGE//HATIPSDKEHME” in position “EMERGENCY BUS BAR: AB-BC—CA/// ABAP. IIIMHA: AB -BC— CA” and by voltmeter check voltage, which should be within the limits of 34-38V; Sethe swith “STANDBY ‘THREE-PHASE INVERTER/ IIT PE3EPBH.” in position “AUTO//ABTOM.” , the annunciator “STANDBY | THREE- PHASE INVERTER ACTUATED// IIT PE3EPBH. BKJL” will shine; Set the selector-switch “VOLTAGE///HATIPSDKEHHE in position “MAIN BUS BAR : AB - BC - CA/// OCHOBH. Te AB ead Pe and by ‘hich should be within the limits of 34-38%; : Soa caer oN THREE-PHASE INVERTER’// [IT OCH.” in upper position, in that case the standby inverter will be disconnected and annunciator 34 Scanned with CamScanner octrical_ Fgh tion DBY ‘THREK-PHASE INVERTER ACTUATED ITT PE3EPRR, will go out and the main inverter will be connected the annunciane: “MAIN THREE-PHASE INVERTER DE-ACTUATED/IT? OCH. OTK» will go ou oe = Set ihe scloctorswitch “VOLTAGE///ATPSDKENHE” in position “MATy BUS BAR : AB ~ BC - CA/// OCHOBH. HIMHA: AB ~ BC = CA” and the ‘Voltage, which should be within the limits of 34-38) chee! ctuation of API ators APU start is possible from the following power supplies: > DC GPU through socket THPATT-SOOK ~ in this ease power supply of electric Starter and the aireraft mains is provided by this source; = From three storage batteries i power supply of electric starter and an aircraft mains is provided by storage batteries working in parallel; > Start up APU after turning-on the storage batteries or 27V GPU (APU start is also possible from one or two starter-generators working in parallel with storage batteries); > After APU start to set the selector-switch “VOLTAGE///HATIPSDKEHHE” in position “ APU GENERATOR /// TEHEPATOP TT” and the voltage, which should be within the limits of 28-29V, Ifnecessary tune the voltage by means of adjustment knob APU GENERATOR VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT) TEHEPATOP ‘TT PEPYJIMP. HATIPSDK.” ; ~ Set the switch “ APU GENERATOR /// TEHEPATOP TT in the Upper Position and the annunciator APU GENERATOR ACTUATED. /// IEPATOP TT BKJI" should shine; ~ Set the sclector-switch “VOLTAGE//HAUIPDKEHME in positions: “CDU LEFT// PY JIEB.”, “CDU RIGHT /// LIPY TIPAB.”, “EI M1 ABP. JIEB.”, “EMERGENCY RIGHT// ABP. TIPAB.” and check up by the voltmeter the vollage, which should be within the limits of 28-29V, 1.7.2. Electric power sources connection before start of main engines, Power supply for engines start, Start of the engine Au-2071 is possible from the following sourees of power supply: - External sources of power supply such as GPU ATIA-50 — in this case power supply of engine electric starters is provided through socket IIPA-800 with smooth change of voltage from 20 to 70V, and power supply of the aireraft mains ~ through socket IIIPATT-S00K; ~ APU generator — in this case the power supply of engine clectric starters is provided from this generator with smooth change of voltage from 20 to 70V, and Power supply of the aireraft mains ~ from three storage batteries working in parallel, Preparation of electric equipment for ines start: 1. Connect external or aircraft electric sources. Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight Operation Note: When starting up from aircraft sources set the selector-switches “ITO ABAP// EME ENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER” in position “AUTOMABTOM.” and “GROUND//BEMIISA” respectively. 2. Sct the sclector-switches: “VOLTAGE, 27V_ ///, HATIPSDKE “VOLTAGE 36V_/// TIATIPSDKEHHE 36B",VOLTAG! HATIPSOKEHME. 1158” respectively in positions: “EMERGENCY LEFT Ji MAIN BUS BAR /// OCHOBH. [IIMIA” and “EMERGENCY 3. Start up the engine: ~ During the start check DC voltage on bus bars of the aircrafl mains and the voltage should not reduce below 16V; Check and connection of main engines generators. ‘When both engines reach the ground idle pow = Check up voltage of starters-gencrators, having set the selector-switch “VOLTAGE//HATIPSDKENHE” sequentially in positions: “STARTER- GENERATOR Nai/i/ CTT Nel” and “STARTER-GENERATOR 3/// CTT Ne3”, the voltage, which should be within the limits of 28-29V. if necessary ‘adjust voltage by means of the adjustment knobs “VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT i) PEVYJIMP. HATIPSDKEHHE”; _ Tum-on the switches: “STARTER-GENERATOR Nel TO AIRCRAFT MAINS/// CI Nel HA CETb” and “STARTER-GENERATOR N23 TO AIRCRAFT MAINS /// CIT Ns3 HA CETb”, and the annunciators: “STARTER-GENERATOR Nil DISCONNECTED// CTT Nel OTKJL.” “STARTER-GENERATOR N3 DISCONNECTED /// CTT N23 OTKIL”, “2TV GPUI/27B._ADP.” Will go out; = Check up a vollage, having set the selector-switch HAMIPSDKEHHE” in the positions: “CDU LEFT// LiPY JIEB.” JI PY TIPAB.”, “EMERGENCY LEFT // ABP. JIEB.”, RIGHT// ABP. TIPAB.” and check up by the voltmeter the voltage, which should be within the limits of 28-29; = Set the switches “GENERATOR LEFT// CIO JIEB.” and “GENERATOR RIGHT/ CFO TIPAB.” in the upper positions; = Check up the voltage of generators, having set the selector-switch “VOLTAGE//HATPSDKEHME” sequentially in positions “GENERATOR LEFT// CFO JIEB.” and “GENERATOR RIGHT// CVO TIPAB.”, and the voltage should be within the limits of 115-120V. if necessary adjust voltage by meang of the adjustment knobs “VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT /// PEDYJIMP. HATIPSDKEHME”; _ Press buttons “GENERATOR LEFT TO AIRCRAFT MAINS /// CPO JIEB. HA CETb” and “GENERATOR RIGHT TO AIRCRAFT MAINS /// CLO TPAB. HA CETS”, and the annunciators: “115V GPU CONNECTED// 115B ADP. BK", "GENERATOR LEFT DISCONNECTED// ClO JIEB. OTKIL" and “GENERATOR RIGHT DISCONNECTED /// CTO TIPAB. OTK.” will go out; “VOLTAGE /i/ “CDU RIGHT 36 Scanned with ComScanner And? Alreratt Mleetelent iat Ht OF up the voltage, having — nel the select AGH//MATIDSDKLETEL” wutially in positions: VEATING// OKOLPED, MELLO 4 BAR Ni OV SENERATOR /// IIMA Not JIN, CLO", “BUS BAR M2 OF SENERATOR ///TIMITA No2 JEL, CLO" FOR V/A Nol UPAR. CI r ATOR ///MILLA No LIPAR, CLO", UABAP.” an, check up by tho voltmeter the voltage which should be within the limits of [14 120V; Set the position "DISCONNECT D/O! > Vstarting tiom the APU generator PEREPA TOP ‘T > ByIN el the switch “ APU GENERATOR // ion “DISCONNECTED// OTKJI” and stop the APU IRCOM give the command to disconnect cables of GPU, flight operation of ivic power soure: “STORAGE BATTERY Nel /// AKKI", BATTERY M2 /// AKK2” , “STORAGE BATTERY NB /i/ AKK3", r ERATOR Nit TO AIRCRAFT MAINS// CIT Nal TA RTER-GENERATOR NB TO AIRCRAFT MAINS /// CIT RATOR LEFT// CVO JIEB.” and “GENERATOR “MAIN INVERTER /// ITT OCH.”, “STAND-BY BH.”, “EMERGENCY INVERTER // ITT ABAD.” RIGHT// CPO TPA, INVERTER /// II'T PI are in the upper positi ~ The sclector-switch “EMERGENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER// [10 ABAP." in positions: “AUTO/// ABTOM” and “AIR/// BO3J[YX” when the nose wheel steering control is actuated; > The — selector-switch “VOLTAGE//t: TATIPSDKEHHE” in Positions: “EMERGENCY LEFT /// ABP. JIEB. “EMERGENCY /// ABP.” and “EMERGENCY BUS BAR /// ABAP. ILIMHA” — systems of power supply of 27V, 115V and 36V accordingly; = The annunciators do not shin In flight make check periodically; = Voltage on bus bar of aircraft mains; + Voltage between phases of 36V bus bars; ~ Change current of storage batteries, 1.7.4, Typical failures of electric equipment and crew actions to reduce their effect on safety of fligh Typical failures of electric equipment and crew actions to reduce their effect on safety of flight, mentioned in the table 2 below: 37 Scanned with CamScanner An-32.A Aircraft Electrical Equi EECA Electrical Equipment Flight Operation rouble descripiion annunciator LEFT/// Cro TIPAB.” shine or illuminate. ELECTRIC Rareian Determine failure by means of warning | WIEKTPOCHABK, 7 tion of the clectric system pancl. TIPOBEPHTb” shines or illuminates I The anmunciators: “G NERATOR RIGHT/// Cro. CTO TIPAB.”. Sequentially make sure in ability of 115V voltage on bus bars: MEATING!// — OBOTPEB. BUHTOB", “BUS BAR Nel OF LEFT GENERATOR /// IMMA Nel JIEB. CTO”, “BUS BAR Ni2 OF LEFT GENERATOR, JAMIA Ne2 SEB. CTO", “BUS BAR Nal OF RIGHT GENERATOR /// ILIMHA Nel IIPAB. CPO”, “BUS BAR §o2 OF RIGHT GENERATOR /// LIMHA N:2 TIPAB. ClO”, “EMERGENCY /// ABAP.”. JIEB. OTKII.” “GENERATOR OTKJL” shine or illuminate. 3 | The annunciators: “GENERATOR, LEFT DISCONNECTED/// CO RIGHT DISCONNECTED /// CFO TIPAB. Make sure in availability of 115v voltage on bus bars: “BUS BAR N2 OF LEFT GENERATOR /// IIIMHA Ne2 JIEB. CTO" “BUS BAR 2 OF RIGHT GENERATOR /// LIMHA Ne TIPAB. CTO”. If the voltage is not available, set the selector-switch “EMERGENCY SINGLE- PHASE INVERTER /// 10 ABAP." to position “MANUAL // PYUHOE”. Make sure that the voltage on the emergency bus bar is available and voltage on other 115V bus bars is not available. The annunciator “EMERGENCY 115V/i/ ABAP. 115B” should shine. Set-off __switches: “GENERATOR LEFT/// CTO JIEB.”, “GENERATOR RIGHT/// CPO TIPAB.” then again sequentially switch them on and check up the voltage. Switch-on the generator with voltage equal to 115-120V, make sure in availability of 115V on bus bars and “PROPS -HEATING/// — OBOTPEB. BUHTOB", “BUS BAR Nel OF LEFT 38 Scanned with ComScanner NEI Nal : ous BAR §2 OF LEFT GENERATOR JMIMHA X22. JIEB. CLO", “BUS BAR Na} OF RIGHT GENERATOR /// IIMIIA No TIPAB. CPO”, “BUS BAR N22 OF RIGHT GENERATOR /// IIMHA Ne2 TPAR Cro", “EMERGENCY /// ABAP.” and set the sclector-switch MERGENCY SINGLE-PHASE INVERTER ///_ [19 ABAD." to position “AUTOM ABTOM.” ‘The annunciator “EMERGENCY 115V/// ABAD. 115B” should go out. Disconnect the switch of inoperative generator “GENERATOR LEFT/// ClO JIEB.” or “GENERATOR RIGHT/// CO [IPAB.” to | the end of flight. 36V ELECTRIC SUPPLY POWER The annunciator “MAIN THREE- PHASE INVERTER _DE- ACTUATED// TIT OCH. OTKJI.” shines. Make sure that the annunciator “RESERVE | OR STANDBY _THREE-PHASE, INVERTER ACTATED /// PESEPBH. IIT BKJL” shines. Disconnect the switch | “MAIN THREE-PHASE INVERTER ///| IIT OCH”. make sure that 36V voltage on | the main and emergency bus bars is available. 27V ELECTRIC SUPPLY POWER The annunciators: “STORAGE BATTERY Nel DISCONNECTED // AKK1 OTKIL”, “STORAGE BATTERY Ne2 DISCONNECTED /// AKK2 OTKIL”, “STORAGE BATTERY 3 DISCONNECTED /// AKK3 OTKIL” shine. Set the switch of storage battery in position “DISCONNECTED /// OTKJIOWEHO” and check up its voltage without loading. If voltage is not less than 25V, switch it on. The annunciator “STARTER- GENERATOR Nel /i/ CIT] OTKL” or ~— “STARTER- GENERATOR N33 /// CIT3 OTKII.” shines. Disconnect the inoperative starter-generator. Make sure that the annunciator “RESERVE or STANDBY CONNECTED/// PE3EPB. BEAL” lights up and 27v voltage on bus bars: “EMERGENCY LEET /// ABP. JIEB.”, “EMERGENCY RIGHT/// ABP. TIPAB.”, “CDU LEFT/LIPY JIEB.”, “CDU RIGHT _ JH PY TIPAB.” is available. The annunciator “SUPPLY FROM |Make sure that the _ annunciators: STORAGE BATTERIES ///| “STORAGE BATTERY Nl TIMTAHME OT AKKYM.” shines. | DISCONNECTED _/// AKK1_OTKJL”.) 39 Scanned with ComScanner DISCONNECTED i AKK2 — OTKII.”, “STORAGE BATTERY M3 DISCONNECTED /// AKK3 OTKII.” light up, the voltage on bus bats: “EMERGENCY LEFT i// ABP, JIEB.”, “EMERGENCY RIGHT/// ABP. [IPAB.” is equal 24v and on bus bars: “CDU LEFT/// LPY JIEB.”, “CDU RIGHT // IIPY TIPAB.” the voltage wailable. Check up the work of sources of 36V and 115V. disconnect the switches: “STARTER-GENERATOR Nel TO AIRCRAFT MAINS// CTT Nol HA CETb” and “STARTER-GENERATOR 3 TO AIRCRAFT MAINS /// CIT X03 HA CETB”, check up the voltage of starters- generators, re-engage starter-gencrator with voltage equal to 28-2V, and make sure that voltage on bus bars: “CDU LEFT/// UpY JIEB.”, “CDU RIGHT /// [PY TIPAB.” the voltage is available. Emergency consumers of the electric power. gine systems: = Engine air restart; = APU start; = Ignition units; = Shut-down valve; - Fuel shut-off valves; = Units of props or airscrews control; - Feathering of props; 5 |= Forward pump of the right half-wing service group; = Transfer and re-fueling valves; - Minimal oil pressure warning indication; + Fuel pressure indication; ni = Fuel remaining of 580 kg warning indication, - Indicators; - Fire fighting equipment; ~ Fuel quantity gauge; - Torque meters. Radio-electronic equipme! | = Metric waves or microwaves radio station Nel; ~ Radio compass Nol; + Tape recorder; 40 Scanned with ComScanner = Radio altimeter; = Identification equipment; = Navigation and landing Nel equipment; ~ Aircraft INTERCOM; Aviation equipme! = 36V inverter; = 115V inverter; - Electric supply sources indication; ~ Standby artificial horizon; ~ Switch of standby artificial horizon slaving; = Compass system; - Artificial horizon doubler of left pilot (captain) — J1A-30; = Electric mechanism of aileron trim; - Electric mechanism of rudder trim; ~ Flaps control valve; = Indicator and warning indication of flaps position; - Flaps automatic retraction; = Indication of landing gear position; ~ Nose wheel steering wheel control valve; ~ Wing and tail unit or empennage anti-icing system control; = Inlet guide vane or IGV assembly and air intakes anti-icing system control; ~ Props or airscrews and spinners or propeller domes anti-icing system control; - Heating of pilots airspeed tubes; ~ Heating of navigation and flight recorder pitot tubes; - Left icing warning indicator; - Engine-to-cockpit air bleeding valves; = Cabin emergency de-compression valves; - Altitude warning indicator; - Tactical and emergency control of the ramp door; + Suspended cargo tactical and emergency drop; ~ Hydraulic system pressure indicators; ~ Flight data registrar; - Illumination of the cockpit, instrument boards and the workplace of the navigator; ~ Reserve or standby illumination; ~ Aero navigation lights; - Landing-taxing lights; - Automatic system of warming indication; Signal flares. Lecture N27. 2. Anti-icing system. 2.1. Purpose of system, ‘The anti-icing system (AIS) provides protection of the aireraft against icing down to air temperature -20°C, a Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight Operatio Ane Atcraft Electrical Equipment Flight Operation o ANTI ~ ICING eine LEFT ENGINE Font PROPS AND SPInNCAS EAT L R © © Ary ast mrs a n QR rans Ao ane and ta OFF ey star ex ue ar rr eam iz "6-3 luswuat + arora | e oF Ca au w/sniguo wirer —[F W/SEE HEAT Riis AS % Cape : Saree eWore st MODE AFTER 5 MIN 3 (OPERATION AT *LO" MODE, GLOSED Figure 26, Anti-icing systems controls and indicators. a2 Scanned with ComScanner 2. ANTI ~ ICING ° icine LEFT BIGINE RlgHT 1 goa wane aren sal ur TRATION AY HOE sew MODE AFTER 5 WOH OPERATION AT "LO" WODE CLOSED OPENmm — Figure 26, Anti-icing, systems controls and indicators. Scanned with ComScanner The aircraft AIS con 1, Wing and empennage or tail unit AIS; _ 2. AIS of air intakes and cngines inlet guide vane assembly; 3. Heating of props and spinners or propellers domes; ; 4. Heating of air speed tube, pitot tube and angle of attack vane; 5. Heating of windshields; 6. Blister AIS; 7. Ice warning indicator; ; ; 8. Wing and cmpennage or tail unit AIS is air-thermal and provides for heating of leading edges of slats, center wing section, fin and stabilizer; 9. AIS of air intakes and engine inlet guide vane assembly is air-thermal and provides for heating of leading edges of air-intakes, vanes of engines inlet guide vane assembly and leading edges of oil coolers air intakes; 10.AIS of props or airscrews and spinners or propellers domes is clectro-thermal and provides for heating of props or airscrews and spinners or propellers domes; 11 Heating of air speed tube, pitot tube and angle of attack vane is electro-thermal and provides for heating of air speed tube, pitot tube and angle of attack vane; 12.Heating of windshields is clectro-thermal and provides for heating of windshields; 13.Blister AIS is liquid and provides blister protection against surface with spirit; 14.[ce warning indicators CO-121BM are intended for automatic actuation of the annunciator “ICING/// OBJIEEHEHME”, wing and empennage or tail unit AIS, AIS of air intakes and engines inlet guide vane assembly; 15.Ice warning indicators CO-4AM are intended for the indication of the beginning of air intakes and engine inlet guide vanes assembly icing, Displacement of AIS controls and indicators in the cockpit, is shown in the figure 26 and its functional purpose indicated in the table 3 below. ing by wetting its Table3. Functional purpose of controls and indicators: The middle vertical panel of the right board Light indicators “ENGINE ICING __///] Shine in case of icing of air intakes OBJIENEHEHME JIBHT.”, “LEFT /// JIEB.”,| and inlet guide vane assembly of “RIGHT /// TIPAB.”. (left, right) engine on a signal of CO-4A. Light indicators “PROPS AND SPINNERS | Shinc in case of engaged heating of| HEATING/// OBOPPEB BHHTOB H KOKOB”, “LEFT /// JIEB.”, “RIGHT /// TIPAB. the left and the right props and spinners. The —amperemeter “PROPS HEATING CURRENT/// TOK OBOFPEB. BAHTOB”. Check up the current value given to heating of props and spinners. The switch “PROPS AND SPINNERS// BMT! KOKH”; Control of heating of props and spinners: 43 Scanned with ComScanner Al Aircraft et Eq ment Flight Operation ‘Actuation of props and spinners =MATN// OCHOBH.”; heating from the main switchboard; [Disconnection of heating of “DISCONNECTED/// OTKIL” props and spinners; ‘Actuation of heating of props ~ “EMERGENCY/// ABAP.”. AND INLET Switches “ATR INTAKES Ml GUIDE VANE — ASSEMBLY and spinners from emergency switchboard. Control of AIS of air intakes and engines (left, right) inlet guide vane assembly: = Automatic actuation by signal BO3YXO3AB. H BHA” with positions: ~ “AUTO/// ABTOM.”. of CO-121BM; > Disconnection of AIS of air “DISCONNECTED/// OTK.” intakes and inlet guide vane assembly; ‘Manual turning-on. Control of wing and empennage or > “MANUAL// PY4H.”. “INTAKE TO WING AND EMPANNAGE OR TAIL UNIT ATS /i/ OTBOP HA [OC KPbUIA Mi OFEPEHHA”, “LEFT // JIEB.”, “RIGHT /// IPAB.”: ‘Switches tail unit AIS: Automatic actuation by signal “AUTO// ABTOM.”. of CO-121BM; Disconnection of AIS of air —=pISCONNECTED/// OTK.” intakes and inlet guide vane assembly; ‘Manual tuming-on of the wing ~ “MANUAL// PY4H.”. and empennage or tail unit. Shines when the wing and >The annunciator " LEFT VALVE OPENED i “RIGHT VALVE JIEB. KPAH OTKPBIT”, KPAH OTKPDIT”. empennage or tail unit AIS shutter (left, right) is open. Teing warning turning on/off. OPENED // TIPAB. SIGING INDICATOR//CO” 8 |The switches 0 “LEFT //JIEB.”, “RIGHT /// TIPAB.” OR TEST /// heck of serviceability of the right The buttons “ICING INDICATOR KOHTPOJIb CO”, “LEFT /// JIEB.", ‘RIGHT and left icing indicators CO- 121BM. pressing buttons Shines when JWTIPAB.” =SERVICEABLE!/ The light _ indicators 10 ICATOR TEST /// » SLEFT /// MICIIPAB.”. a Scanned with CamScanner An-32 Aircraft WINDSHIELD = HEATIN' TIPAB. CTEKIJIA” with positions: “DISCONNECTED/// OTKIL"; = Switching-off; “LOW MODE// OCJIABIL"S “HIGH MODE/// HHTE! ~ Turning-on of the low mode; = Turing-on of an high mode. The button panel of the over ‘head panel The annunciator “ICING/// OBJIEEHEHHE”, Shines in case of icing conditions and when the —CO-121BM serviceability is being checked. The annunciator of airspeed tube — “NO HEATING /// HET OBOIPEBA”. Indication’ of heating disconnection. ‘The annunciator “AIS DISCONNECTED/// MOC HE BKJIIONEHA” Shines with the CO-121BM being | engaged if at least one of wing and empennage AIS valves or that of air intakes and inlet guide vane assembly is not open. The horizontal panel of the right panel The switches: “LEFT AIRSPEED TUBE// JIEB. IIBJI” and “RIGHT ATRSPEED TUBE/// TIPAB. IB” Turning-on and switching-off of heating of left and right airspeed | tube. Switch “ANGLE-OF-ATTACK VANE OR SENSOR/// JIYA” with positions: Control of heating of angle-oF attack indicator: The upper; |= “DISCONNECTED/// OTIC”; “Tum-on of heating of angle-oF- | attack vane or sensor; Switching-off of heating of angle-of-attack vane or sensor; “TEST// KOHTPOJIb”. ‘Angle-of-attack vane or sensor heating element check; Switch “PITOT TUBE// TIT” with positions: Pitot tube and static pressure receivers KB-I] heating tumning- on. - Top; In the top position, the control of serviceability of heating of static pressure receivers of KB- i; ~ “DISCONNECTED// OTKIL”: =_ Switched-off “STATIC HEATING TEST KB-11/// KOHTP. OBOFP. CTAT. KB-11” Tn position “STATIC] HEATING TEST KB-11ii/ KOHTP. OBOFP. CTAT. KB- uu”. Three annunciators “NO HEATING /// HET OBOFPEBA”. The indication of disconnection of heating of left and right air speed tube and pitot tube. 45 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner aT SERVIGE SRT ——— F]ihe annunciator “LEFT” SERVICEABLE// | The indication of serviceability oF ICIIPAB. and “RIGHT | heating of KB-I1. n Shines in case of checking ATTACK — VANE OR _ SENSOR | serviceability of heating of angle SERVICEABLE /// OBOrP. YA VCIIPAB.”. | of-attack vane or sensor. 2.2, The system preflight preparation. Before energizing the aircraft mains check up initial position of controls: ~ Switches: “AIR INTAKES AND INLET GUIDE VANE ASSEMBLY /// BO3/[YXO3AB. M BHA”; “PROPS AND SPINNERS /// BHHTbI 1M KOKH”; “AIR BLEED TO WING AND EMPANNEGE OR TAIL UNIT AIS/// oTsoP_ HA TIOC KPbIJIA A OMEPEHHA”; “PITOT TUBE/// TIT"; “ANGLE-OF-ATTACK VANE OR = SENSOR/// J[YA"; “LEFT WINDSHIELD HEATING /// OBOTPEB. JIEB. CTEKJIA”; “RIGHT WINDSHIELD HEATING /// OBOTPEB. TIPAB. CTEKJIA” are in off position; = Switches: “ICING INDICATOR///CO” “LEFT /// JIEB.", “RIGHT /// TIPAB.”; “LEFT AIRSPEED TUBE/// JIEB. TIBI” ; “RIGHT ATRSPEED TUBE/// TIPAB. IIBJ{”; “BLISTER ATS/// TIOC BJIMCTEPA” are in off position; Aireraft mains 1. Serviceability of flight-signal annunciators. The air speed tube annunciator “NO HEATING /// HET OBOPPEBA” should shine when aircraft mains are energized; 2. Serviceability of heating of air speed tube and pitot tube, and heads of KB-11. Set switches the “LEFT AIRSPEED TUBE/// JIEB. IIB” ; “RIGHT ATRSPEED TUBE// IIPAB. IIB” and switch “PITOT TUBE// ITI” in the upper position. The annunciators “NO HEATING i] HET OBOTPEBA” and “NO HEATING ON AIRSPEED TUBE/// HET OBOPPEBA TIBJI” should go out. Set the switches in position “DISCONNECTED/// OTKIL.” — the annunciators should shine again. 3. Serviceability of angle-of-attack vane or sensor heating. Set the switch “ANGLE-OF-ATTACK VANE OR SENSOR! HIYA” in position “CONTROL/// KOHTPOJIb”. The board “HEATING OF ANGLE-OF- ATTACK VANE OR SENSOR SERVICEABLE /i/ OBOrP. JIYA HCIIPAB.” should light up. Set the switch “ANGLE-OF-ATTACK VANE OR SENSORI// Jy A” in position “DISCONNECTED!// OTIS”. The annunciator “HEATING OF ANGLE-OF-ATTACK VANE OR SENSOR SERVICEABLE /// OBOT?P. J[¥A MICIIPAB.” should go-out. 4. Serviceability of windshields heating. Set the switches “LEFT WINDSHIELD HEATING /// OBOPPEB. JIEB. CTEKWJIA”; “RIGHT WINDSHIELD HEATING /// OBOTPEB. IPAB. CTEKJIA” in position “LOW MODE/// OCIIABIL”. In 2 minutes touch the windshields to make sure its being heated 46 Scanned with ComScanner CTEKIIA™ in position will be disconnected. ae 1° and above the heating sy Note: With air temperature of 30 and a ete etn tos of ii is automat y disconnected by winded sree not required. li “ 1 CO” “LEFT i it Set the “ICING INDICATOR// LEF INDICATOR CONTROL/!// KOLTPOJTb CO” pLaELL TEE "RIGHT // TIPAB.”, The annunciator will light up, in 82 seconds the annunciator SICING/!/ OBJIE[IEHEHME” will go-out, in 40411 seconds the light indicators “SERVICEABLE /// HCIIPAB.” will shine. Sct the switches “ICING INDICATOR//CO” “LEFT /// JIEB.”, “RIGHT /// TIPAB.” in the “DISCONNECTED/// OTKJL” position. The light indicators “SERVICEABLE // HICIIPAB.” will go-out. After start of engines check up: | a 1. Actuation of AIS of the aircraft and engines. Set the switches “ICING INDICATOR///CO” “LEFT /// JIEB.”, “RIGHT /// [IPAB.” in the top position, tnd swichcs “INTAKE TO WING AND EMPANNAGE OR TAIL UNIT AIS /// OTBOP HA TIOC KPbIJIA H ONEPEHMS1” and “AIR INTAKES AND INLET GUIDE VANE ASSEMBLY /i/ BO3J[YXO3AB. H BHA” in position “AUTO// ABTOM.” and press the button “ICING INDICATOR CONTROL/// KOHTPOJIb CO” “LEFT /// JIEB.”, “RIGHT /// TIPAB.” for 2 seconds. Sequentially the following annunciators shine: ~ “ICING/// OBJIEJJEHEHME” — for 82 seconds; “ LEFT VALVE OPENED /// JIEB. KPAH OTKPBIT”, “ RIGHT VALVE OPENED // TIPAB. KPAH OTKPBIT”; “LEFT ENGINE HEATING// OBOFPEB. JIEB. BVI.” and “RIGHT ENGINE HEATING/// OBOPEB. [IPAB. JIBHT.”. Set the switches “ICING INDICATOR//CO” “LEFT /// JIEB.”, “RIGHT /i/ TIPAB.” and switches “INTAKE TO WING AND EMPANNAGE OR TAIL UNIT AIS /// OTOP HA TIOC KPBIIA VM OMEPEHMA” and “AIR INTAKES AND INLET GUIDE VANE ASSEMBLY /// BO3]IYXO3AB. M BHA” in position “DISCONNECTED/// OTKIJI.”. The annunciators “ LEFT VALVE OPENED MH SIEB. KPAH OTKPbIT” and “ RIGHT VALVE OPENED /// TIPAB. KPAH OTKPBIT”, “LEFT ENGINE HEATING/// OBOTPEB. JIEB. JIBUI.” and “RIGHT ENGINE HEATING/// OBOTPEB. IIPAB. JIBHI.” will go-out. ATTENTION: TIME OF CHECK SHOULD NOT EXCEED 40 SECONDS. - Turn-on the props and spinners heating. Set the switches “PROPS AND SPINNERS// BUHTbI H KOKH? in position “MATN/// OCHOBH.”. The light indicators of heating of props and spinners “LEFT /// JIEB.” and “RIGHT /// TIPAB.” should sequentially light up in 25 seconds and the pointer of the a7 Scanned with CamScanner INT//! TOK OBOLPEB. BAHTOB” switch “PROPS AND SPINNERS/// NNECTED/// OTKJL”. The light indicators of heating of props and spinners “LEFT /// JIEB.” and “RIGHT ii TIPAB.” Will go-out and the pointer of the ampermeter “PROPS HEATING CURRENT/// TOK OBOLPEB. BHHTOB" is to be set on value “0”, Similarly check up heating of props and spinners from the emergency switchboard. ampermeter “PROPS II is tobe set on valuc 51-57 Ampere. Set t BHHTbI KOKI” in position 2.3, _ In-flight system operation. In cach flight irrespective of air temperature one should turn-on: = Heating of airspeed tube, pitot tube, angle-of-attack vane or sensor and windshields; = Tee waming indicators; ~ Wing and empennage or tail unit AIS in automatic mode; AIS of air intake and inlet guide vane assembly of engines should be engaged: = In automatic mode if the air temperature is above 5°C; - In manual mode if the air temperature is 5°C below. Lecture Nes. 3. The fire-fighting equipment. 3.1. Purpose and the complete set of the equipment. The fire-fighting equipment of aircraft consists of the stationary fire-extinguishing, equipment and portable fire extinguishers. The stationary fire-prevention equipment of aircraft consists of: = The fire-prevention equipment of engines nacelles, APU compartment and compartments of the wing, which consists of extinguishing system and the fire warning indication system; - The fire-prevention equipment of engines, which consists of extinguishing system and fire warning indication system. ‘The extinguishing system in engines nacelles, APU compartment and compartments of a wing consists of four fire extinguishers operating in two lines (two fire extinguishers in each line), the unit of electro-magnetic distributive valves, pipelines and spray collectors. The fire warning indication system CIIII-2A consists of executive units and the fire warning indicators placed in fire-dangerous compartments, The extinguishing system of cach engine consists of the fire extinguisher and pipelines. The fire indication system CIITI-7 consists of executive unit two fire warning indicators placed in the engine. Two handheld fire extinguishers are established in the cargo cabin on portside., between frames 8-9. Controls and indicators of the stationary fire equipment are shown in the figure 27 below and indicated in the table 4. The first line of fire extinguishers of airframe compartments is actuated automatically from the fire warning indication system or manually by appropriate 48 Scanned with ComScanner ment Flight Operation An-32 Aireraft Electrical E lamp-button, the second line of fire extinguishers — only manually by the but “SECOND LINE EXTINGUISHERS// OTHETYL. 2 OWEPEJIM”. ey Be Ee ° Figure 27. Controls and indications of the stationary fire equipment. 49 Scanned with ComScanner ‘An-32 Aireraft Electrical Equipment Flight Operation © of fire extinguishers — only manually by the button, Jamp-button, the second es aS “SECOND LINE EXTINGUISHERS// OT HETYUL 2 OSEPEMA". EARTRIOEE Figure 27. Controls and indications of the stationary fire equipment. 49 Scanned with ComScanner AHOLO. BHVATEIT, WAEEVIIL BUY TPH JIEBOFO (BPA TEST" orl ted only manually by buttons GINE//) OPHETYI. BHYTPH LEFT ENGINE// Table 4. Aalwation of the stationary fire equipment for operation or check and its disconnection. nororouy, JIEB. JB. “RIG | MOTOYOHL WING ON HPAB. JU REI HOKAP. HPAB. Indication of fire displacement and distribution valves open position with the first line automatic actuation. Aircraf compartments fire extinguishers manual actuation, Wai of operation of fire extinguishers squibs. ‘Warming indication of fire inside the engines. BHYTPH TIPAB. JIB.” INSIDE. RIGHT BILYTPH HPAB. JIB." F [Butlon under cap “SECOND ‘Manual actuation of the second line PINGUISHERS//— OFHETYII. 2 fire extinguishers into ue __ compartments of the airframe. @ [Bulions under caps: “EXTINGUISHERS |The manual actuation of fire INSIDE LEFT ENGINE/// OT HETYLIL | extinguishers to supplies fire inside BHYTPH JIEB, 1lB.", “EXTINGUISHERS | engines. INSIDE RIGHT ENGINE//! OFHETYL. The top panel of the overh ead panel. The gang switch “FIRE-PROTECTION EQUIPMENT INDICATORS AND VALVES TEST// KOHTP. JATYMKOB H KPAHOB m3”, To switch on fire warming indicators groups and distribution valves while making check. TIPBOPKE HA2KMH”. The button “PRESS AT CHECK/// [IPM To engage indication when checking fire waming indicators groups and distribution valves. The middle panel of the instrument board. Two red blinking _annunciators “FIRE/// Fire warning indication. TIOKAP.”, 50 ‘Scanned with CamScanner An.32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight Operation The bottom panel of the overhead panel. ~ E: V] To indicate stationery fires 1c Ww jator “FIRE-PROTECTIO: Y fire. EQUIPMENT. DISCONNECTED)! TIHI3. HE | equipment disconnection BKJTIOUEHA™. Troubles shooting and rem i a Fire is deleted visually in engine nacelle and wing, | Press the appropriate lamp 5x. the first line failed to get actuated automatically. aa ie ae firs light indicators should s Tn 15 seconds open the cap andjao~ the button “SECOND thy; EXTINGUISHERS, OTHETYILL 2 OYEPE I, The first line fire extinguishers and the green light indicators of squibs failed to operate, the lamp- button of compartment on fire being pressed. Lecture ¥:9, 4, Illumination and indicating lights. 4.1. Internal illumination, The devices of internal illumination: ~The lamps of general, stand-by and through-pass illumination of cabins; - The lamps of local illumination of workplaces of crew members and local illumination of cargo cabin see figure 28 below); The lamps of main and reserve illumination of instrument boards, control panels and dashboards; ~ Illumination of a cargo cabin: The cargo cabin is provided with the lamps, which provide general and standby lighting by white light, and also illumination by da blue light. The switch “GENERAL TELL-TALE LIGHT /// OBIE TEXKYPHOE” is located right of the entrance door on the frame 7, and the switch “BLUE LIGHT — SWITCHED-OFF// CHHIIi CBET — OTKIL” On frame 34 on the starboard side. Local illumination in cargo cabin is carried out by means of a portable headlight and portable lamps. 42. Cockpit illumination, ‘The general illumination of the cockpit (see figures 29a,b below) is carried-out of white and red light and is turned-on by the switch “ RED LIGHT-SWITCHED- OFF -WHITE LIGHT/// KPACH. CBET — OTKII. -BEJI. CBET” located of the canopy (or all crew cabin glasses) framework. The through-pass illumination of the cockpit is also provided by the switch “THROUGH PASS ILLUMINATION. COCKPIT ILLUMINATION- SWITCHED-OFF/// TIPOXOJHOE OCBELEHHEIO OCBEUJEHHE KAB. SKUIL. ~ OTKII.”, located of the canopy framework. For illumination of the entrance door to the cockpit the switch “THROUGH PASS ILLUMINATION. COCKPIT ILLUMINATION- SWITCHED-OFF!/ MPOXOMHOE OCBEIEHHEIO OCBELIEHME KAB. 3KMII. — OTKIL” is arranged right of the entrance door on frame 7. Si ‘Scanned with CamSeanner YY Figure 28. White and blue dome lights in cargo c ent. Tyworcoas meas |G hehe ® HT tue arte © Bhat | H, l§ > o os Or H g : arr a2 ee o¥ Bone); ees: LIGHT INng INSTRUMENTS: & y; © Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Aiveraft Electrical kquiy Hight Operation Lo = 4 OS. _\— ih Illumination of instrument boards, control panels and dashboards is provided by red light and is divided into the main and reserve ones, Preparation for flight. Before energizing the aircraft mains make sure that all the adjustment knobs of variable resistors and transformers are in the extreme or switched-off position. With power supply engaged check up serviceability of internal illumination in the cockpit. To check general illumination: = Set the switch “ RED LIGHT-SWITCHED-OFF -WHITE LIGHT/// KPACH. CBET - OTKJI. -BEJI. CBET” in position “ RED LIGHT-/!/ KPACH. CBET” and two dome lights of the red light should light u = Set the switch “ RED LIGHT-SWITCHED-OFF -WHITE LIGHT// KPACH. CBET - OTKJI. -BEJI. CBET” in position “SWITCHED-OFF/// OTKAJI.” and two dome lights of the red light should go out; = Set the switch “ RED LIGHT-SWITCHED-OFF -WHITE LIGHTI// KPACH. CBET — OTKJI. -BEJI. CBET” in position “WHITE LIGHT. /// BEI CBET” and two dome lights of the white light on the right board should light up. To check through-pass main illumination: = Set the THROUGH PASS ILLUMINATION. COCKPIT ILLUMINATION: SWITCHED-OFF// [IPOXOJHOE OCBEIEHHEIO OCBELUEHHE KAY. SEMI. — OTKIL” in position THROUGH PASS ILLUMINATI COCKPIT ILLUMINATION /// TIPOXOJLIOE — OCBELUEL 54 Scanned with CamScanner ft Electrical Equipment Flight Operation An-32 Aireraft Electrical Eau ner . ome light of white light o, OCRENWHME KAB. OKHIL” And the dome Tig the board should Heht w ion by white light on the Left and right boards mecca nie nt_boards, control The check main_illumination_of instrument_boards, aes ayy cee ich “CAPTAIN ILLUMINA’ ON. = OCBEINEHME JER. JIBTUHKA = OTIC" in EHHE JIEB. JIETUHKA"; ULUMINATION /// OCBE WKAT - bynniny the adjustment knobs of transformers “DEVICE OFF/// TIPHBOPHI OTKII", “BOARDS — SWITCHED-OF CL", “ENGINE, INSTRUMENTS SWITCHED-OFF/Uipyjo, Pe a *, “BOARDS ILLUMINATION SWITCHED-opp OCBEULENHE ITKOB OKA, ” clockwise, make sure the lamps chang, brightness depending on position of adjustment knobs; ~ Disconnect the illumination by turning the adjustment knobs of transformer counter-clockwise until the stop; ~ Set the switch “CAPTAIN ILLUMINATION ~ SWITCHED-oFF)) OCBENIEHME JIEB. JIETYHKA ~ OTKJI.” in position “SWITCHED-OFF;, OTKIL”. To_check_the illumination of instrument boards, control_boards ang dashboard: By tuming the adjustment knobs of rheostats of the “LEFT PANEL/I/ Ep, TYJIbT™, “RIGHT PANEL/// TIPAB. TIYJIbT”, “STANDBY SWITCHED. OFFI) PESEPBHOE OTKIJI.” clockwise, make sure of change of lamps brightness of illumination of instrument panels and control panels; ~ Disconnect the illumination by turning the adjustment knobs of heostts counter-clockwise until the stop. 43. External illumination. Devices of external illumination are: 1. Landing-taxing lights ITP®-4M (sce figure 30); 2. Headlight of stabilizer illumination, Figure 30. Landing- taxing lights [IP®-4M 55 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner pment inding-taxing lights are intended for illumi t_ Operation ion of the runway and taxiways, The Ia Fetional purpose of external illumination controls The switch TUAT Pores TUATED -RETRACTION// BBITIYCK “OTKIL — YBOPKA” to select the sion and eration decries Tmechaniony Mode oF Fanding-taxing lights ch “TAKE-OFF — LANDING — ae p3IIET — MOCAJKA — OTKIL. ~ PYIENME? eee ~ TAXIING/// Janding-taxing lights; operation mode of Spring-loaded switch “STABIL CTAB.” on the frame 33 on the port jilumination headlight. exte RR ILLUMINATION///_ TOJICBET. le, to turn-on and switch-off the stabilizer Preparation for flight. Before connection of power supply make sure that the switch it of headlights are in the switched-off positions. “chand sclesiorswithes {with power supply being connected check up the se ceability of external & Set the switch “EXTENSION - DEACTUATED -RETRACTION/ ae NII BBIITYCK ~ OTK. ~ YBOPKA" in position “EXTENSION // BIITYCK” and lights should be extended; 7, Set the switch “TAKE-OFF — LANDING ~ DEACTUATED ~ TAXIING!// BNET — MOCAJIKA — OTKJI — PYJIEHHE” in position “TAXTING// PYJIEHME” and landing lights should light up ina taxi mode; 8, Set the switch “TAKE-OFF — LANDING ~ DEACTUATED ~ TAXIING!!/ B3VIET — IIOCAJIKA — OTKIL. - PYJIBHME” in position “DEACTUATED// OTKIL” and lights should go-out; 9, Set the switch “TAKE-OFF - LANDING - DEACTUATED ~ TAXIING/// BUT — TIOCAJIKA ~ OTKIL ~ PYJIEHHE” in position “TAKE-OFF // B3JIET” and lights should light up in high beam-mode; ATTENTION: OPERATING TIME OF LIGHTS IN THE HIGH-BEAM MODE SHOULD NOT EXCEED 5 MINUTES. 10 Set the switch “TAKE-OFF - LANDING ~ DEACTUATED — TAXIING/! BUILT _ TIOCAJIKA — OTKII. ~ PYJIEHMEE” in position “DEACTUATED!! OTKIL” and lights should go-out; 11.Set the switch “EXTENSION - DEACTUATED ~ RETRACTION/// BBITIVCK — OTKJL — YBOPKA” in position “RETRACTION // YBOPKA’ and lights should be retracted; ” 12.Set the switch “EXTENSION — DEACTUATED ~ | Ee Ce BBINYCK — OTKII. - YBOPKA” in position in position “DEA\ si OTKIL” and lights should g0-OUls | Check of the stabilizer illumination hea A 7 13.Press the switch “STABILIZER ILLUMINATION! IOC the headlight should light ups ET. CTAB.” and 56 Scanned with CamScanner ‘An-32 Aircraft Electrics Operation 14.Release the switch “STABILIZER ILLUMINATION/ TION(CBET, CTR» And the head light will go-out. 7 44, The extemal visual signal ground and in flight. Devices of the external 1. Acro navigation lights; 2. Flashing beacons or anti-collision lights. _ ‘Acro navigation lights comprises the aircraft wing tip aero navigation lights(Aqy (sce figures 31a,b) and tail light (see figures 32a,b). Left AL has a red optical fit, . Tight — green, fail light — white, All three lights are turned by one switch, J Figures 32 a,b, Aero navigation (tail ) light XC-2A 7 Scanned with ComScanner sneairraftis provided with two flashing beacons (sce fires 735. on lights OCC-61 is turned on by its ov switch. Red optical fess of olision light give flashes of red light, 6) Figure 33a, b. The two flashing beacons or anti-collision lights OCC-61. Functional purpose of the external lighting equipment controls: = Switch “AERO NAVIGATION LIGHTS/// AHO” — control of aero navigation lights; Switches “ BEACONS OR ANTI-COLLISION LIGHTS — LOWER BEAM. — UPPER BEAM/// MASIKH- H/DKH.-BEPXH” — control of flashing beacons or anti-collision lights. Preparation for flight. Before turing-on the power supply make sure that switches are in the switched-off position. With power supply being connected check up the work of the external lighting equipment. Check of aero navigation lights: = Set the switch “AERO NAVIGATION LIGHTS!// AHO” in the top position and lights should light up; - Set the “AERO NAVIGATION LIGHTS/// AHO” in the “SWITCHED- OFF/// OTKJL.” position and lights should go-out; Check of flashing beacons or anti-collision lights: Set the switch of the bottom beacon in the top position and the bottom beacon should work in flashing mode; ~ Set the positon “SWITCHED-OFF/// OTKIL” position and bottom beacon should go-out; Set the switch of the top beacon in the top position and the top beacon should work in flashing mode; Set the switch in positon “SWITCHED-OFF/// OTKIJL” position and top beacon should go-out. 58 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner The internal visual signaling is intended to inform the crew members about conditions of aircraft systems and units with the help of light and sound signals, a) CAC system blocks location scheme. b) CAC-4 system controls scheme. Figures 34a,b . CAC-4 system. The main part of the internal visual signaling in the emergency, waming and notifying indication system CAC-4 (sce figures 34a,b), that gives out the following signals: - emergency ~ the red annuneiators are blinking and the “buzzer” sound signal is sent to INTERCOM; - Warning — the yellow annunciators shine continuously and the central alarm light (CAL) is blinking simultaneously; ~ Warning — the yellow annunciators shine continuously (CAL does not operate); ~_ Notifying — the green annunciators shine continuously. Functional purposes of CAC-4 controls: ~ Button “CAC TEST/i/ KOHTPOJIb CAC” — to check serviceability of indicating annunciators system as well as aircraft systems indicator lights; ~ Button “EMERGENCY FLASH LIGHT SWITCHING-OFF/// OTKIL TIPOBJIECKA ABAP. CHTHAJI3.” — switching of red emergency boards in the mode of continuous illumination, disengagement of audio signal and INTERCOM; = Lamp-button “1{CO” — warning about failures of systems and units; ~ The adjustment knob “BRIGHTNESS// PKOCTH” — regulation of brightness of light indicators “ICO”. 59 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ‘after connection the power supply part of light ' ower supply being connected check up the Cac oceans Nght-up/ with Pov yess the button “CONTROL KOHIPOIIb” — red haere for this purpose: nd green ones 10 operate in continuous light mod shoul blink, yellow imterupted “oz” sound signal should be heard; (NTPRCOM the Press and release the button “EMERGENCY FLA ; OFF! OTKIL IIPOBJIECKA ABAP. CHT AA a ETCHING. OM fched into in continous light mode, a sound in INTERCOM sreal fe disconnected and CAL should blink; pn choad) Tum into max positions the adjustment knob sable res TARIGHTNESS " INDICATION/ CHTHAIIBALUES ArKoCh rightness of light of aboard and CAL should change from minimal t maximal ‘Adjust the necessary brightness of light. . Press and release the lamp-button “T{CO” - central alarm should go out; Release the button “CONTROL /!// KOHTPOIIB” ~ the board should go out In-flight operation. .d interrupted signal sound in INTERCOM estimate the the button “EMERGENCY FLASH LIGRT TIPOBJIECKA ABAP. CHIHAJIN3.” And the the continuous light mode, sound signal Should red board blink ani situation , press and release SWITCHING-OFF/// OTKJI. board should be re-switched into disconnected. Should CAL blink and the appropriate yellow board illuminate » estimate the situation, press and release lamp-button “LjCO” — indication light should go out. Scanned with ComScanner An-32 Aircraft Electrical Equipment Flight Operatic Used literature: 1. Aircraft An-32 flight manual, issued 1986; 2. Aircraft An-32 maintenance manual, 2003; 3. Aircraft An-32 illustrated part catalogue. Redacted by: Florea Victoria. Scanned with CamScanner

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