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TEST I: Multiple Choice

1. What is materials development?

a. Materials development is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the
foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
b. Materials development is a practical undertaking involving the production,
evaluation, adaptation and exploitation of materials intended to facilitate language
acquisition and development.
c. It is the process by which people learn a second language.
d. It is the scientific discipline devoted to studying the process of language learning.
2. What are materials?
a. Materials are anything which can be used to facilitate the learning of a language.
b. It is the scientific discipline devoted to studying the process of language learning.
c. Materials is both a field of study and a practical undertaking.
d. It is the supplying of information about the experience of language to promote
language learning.
3. Who should develop materials?
a. Fictional authors, novelists, teachers
b. School administrators, publishers, language teachers
c. Professional writers, publishers, teachers
d. Teachers, content creators, students
4. He is considered to be one of the world's leading experts on materials development for
language learning.
a. Louis Tomlinson
b. Louis Vuitton
c. Brian Tomlinson
d. Brian McKnight
5. What is meant by authentic materials?
a. Authentic materials are any materials designed intended for learning and teaching
b. Authentic materials are any material which is not designed for learning and
teaching purposes.
c. It is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system
of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
d. It is any physical learning material which people can learn a second language.
6. The following are examples of authentic materials, except?
a. Magazines
b. Newspapers and TV broadcasts
c. Recorded real telephone conversations
d. Textbooks
7. What is meant by artificial or non-authentic materials?
a. Authentic materials are any materials designed intended for learning and teaching
b. Authentic materials are any material which is not designed for learning and
teaching purposes.
c. It is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system
of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
d. It is any physical learning material which people can learn a second language.
8. The following are examples of authentic materials, except?
a. Dictionaries or websters
b. Instructional CDs for listening
c. Recorded real telephone conversations
d. Textbooks
9. Materials can be:
a. Engaging
b. Exploratory
c. Exciting
d. Experimental
10. Why is materials development important?
a. Material development play such a central role in EFL learning because they
effectively mediate between the course content, the teacher and pupils.
b. It made the important point that good teachers are always adapting the materials
they are using to the context in which they are using them in order to achieve
communicative competence.
c. Materials development is important because it is commonly accepted that in most
language classrooms throughout the world, most lessons are still based on
d. None of the above.
11. The following are current trends and issues in materials development, except?
a. Change in Teaching Content and Test Design
b. Curriculum Design
c. Strategic Teaching and Learning
d. Teachers as Life-long Learners
12. It refers to a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of
belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
a. Procedure
b. Proposition
c. Principle
d. Philosophy
13. What is SLA?
a. It is otherwise referred to as L2 (language 2) acquisition, is the process by which
people learn a second language.
b. It is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and
comprehend language.
c. It is the process of gaining the ability to be aware of language and to understand
d. It is the process of producing and using words and sentences to communicate.
14. How can language learners benefit from noticing salient features of the input?
a. By using an experiential approach in which the learners are first of all provided
with an experience which engages them holistically.
b. By making sure that the learners are exposed to sufficient samples of language in
authentic use.
c. By prioritizing the potential for engagement.
d. By ensuring opportunities for feedback.
15. All of these are procedures in Principles of Language Acquisition 6, except?
a. Provide many opportunities for the learners.
b. Make sure that the output activities are fully contextualized.
c. Make use of activities which get learners to visualize and/or use inner speech
before during and after using language themselves.
d. Try to ensure that opportunities for feedback.
16. What exactly does the Principle of Language Acquisition 6 entails?
a. A pre-requisite for language acquisition is that the learners are exposed to a rich,
meaningful and comprehensible input of language in use.
b. Learners need opportunities to use language to try to achieve communicative
c. Language learners can benefit from noticing salient features of the input.
d. None of the above.
17. What is the 4th Principle of Language Acquisition?
a. Language learners who achieve positive affect are much more likely to achieve
communicative competence than those who do not
b. Language learners can benefit from noticing salient features of the input.
c. L2 language learners can benefit from using those mental resources which they
typically utilize when acquiring and using their L1.
d. None of the above.
18. In order to acquire the ability to use the language effectively the learners need a lot of
experience of the language being used in a variety of different ways for a variety of
purposes. They need to be able to understand enough of this input to gain positive access
to it and it needs to be meaningful to them. What principle of language acquisition is
a. PLA 1: A pre-requisite for language acquisition is that the learners are exposed to
a rich, meaningful, and comprehensible input of language in use.
b. PLA 2: In order for the learners to maximize their exposure to language in use
they need to be engaged both affectively and cognitively in the language
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above.
19. Prof. Melinda asked her pupils t get them to record their views on a topic before, whilst,
and after viewing a video clip which focuses on different attitudes towards a particular
topic. What principle of language acquisition is depicted?
a. PLA 1: A pre-requisite for language acquisition is that the learners are exposed to
a rich, meaningful, and comprehensible input of language in use.
b. PLA 2: In order for the learners to maximize their exposure to language in use
they need to be engaged both affectively and cognitively in the language
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above.
20. Teacher Marites wants her students to communicate in the target language that will allow
them to gain feedback on the hypotheses they have developed. She provided them
activities for real communication with real people (e.g. letters to the press, phone calls to
companies, or discussion groups in the self-access center). What principle of language
acquisition is shown?
a. PLA 3: Language learners who achieve positive affect are much more likely to
achieve communicative competence than those who do not
b. PLA 4: L2 language learners can benefit from using those mental resources which
they typically utilize when acquiring and using their L1.
c. PLA 5: Language learners can benefit from noticing salient features of the input.
d. PLA 6: Learners need opportunities to use language to try to achieve
communicative purposes.

TEST II: True or False?

21. For the learners to maximize their exposure to language in use, they need to be engaged both
effectively and competently in the language experience.

True or False?

22. Language instructors should make use of activities which get learners to visualize and/or use
outer speech before and after experiencing a written or spoken text.

True or False?
23. Language learners who achieve positive affect are much more likely to achieve
communicative competence than those who do not.

True or False?

24. Language learners cannot benefit from noticing salient features of the input.

True or False?

25. No need to make use of activities which help the learners to reflect on their mental activity
during a task and then to try to make more use of mental strategies in a similar task.

True or False?

26. Use an experiential approach Rather than drawing the learners’ attention to a particular
feature of a text and then providing explicit information.

True or False?

27. Make use of activities which get learners to visualize and/or use inner speech before during
and after using language themselves.

True or False?

28. Principle of Language Acquisition 2 discusses a pre-requisite for language acquisition that
learners should be exposed to a rich, meaningful and comprehensible input of language in use.

True or False?

29. Principle of Language Acquisition 4 asserts that L2 language learners can benefit from using
those mental resources which they typically utilise when acquiring and using their L1.

True or False?
Test III. Enumeration (2pts each)

30-31. Explain the Principle in Language Acquisition 1

32-33. Explain the Principle in Language Acquisition 2

34-35. Explain the Principle in Language Acquisition 3

36-37. Explain the Principle in Language Acquisition 4

38-39. Explain the Principle in Language Acquisition 5

40. Explain the Principle in Language Acquisition 6

Test IV. Essay (5pts each)

1. As a Future Teacher of English language, how is it important to study the Principles of

Language Acquisition?
2. Elaborate what have you learned from this subject.

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