Ateneo de Zamboanga Som - Application

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

School of Medicine
Zamboanga City


1. Application Fee O.R. No. ______________________

2. Accomplished Application Form ______________________

3. Transcript of Record (photocopy) ______________________

4. Certificate of Graduation (photocopy) ______________________

5. NMAT Report at least 40% (photocopy) ______________________

6. Certificate of Good Moral Character (photocopy) ______________________

7. Four copies of 2 x 2 Pictures (white background) ______________________

8. Birth Certificate (Photocopy) ______________________

Provide three (3) sets of the admission requirements and submit to the SOM Registrar office.
Bring the original copy of the documents.

Ateneo de Zamboanga University
School of Medicine

Application for Admission

(All information will be held confidential)


Name _________________________________________________________ Nickname ______________

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Date of Birth ________ Place of Birth ___________________ Email Address ______________________
Sex _____ Civil Status ________ Religion ___________ Citizenship _________ Ethnicity____________
If married: Name of Spouse __________________________________________ No. of Children ______

Address in Zamboanga City: Home Address:

_____________________________________ _______________________________________
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Tel. No: ________ Mobile No: ___________ Tel. No: ________ Mobile No: _____________

Father’s Name ____________________________________ Living? _____________ Age ___________

Educational Attainment ____________________________ Occupation ___________________________
Mother’s Name ___________________________________ Living? ______________ Age ___________
Educational Attainment ____________________________ Occupation ___________________________
Combined monthly income of parents _____________________
Number of Siblings _________________ Age of Eldest _________________ Age of Youngest _________

Name Educational Attainment

________________________________________ _______________________________________
________________________________________ _______________________________________
________________________________________ _______________________________________
________________________________________ _______________________________________

Language/Dialects Spoken at Home ________________________________________________________

In Case of Emergency, Person to be notified:

Name _______________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________ Tel. No: ____________________

School Year Attended
Elementary ___________________________________________ _________________________
High School ___________________________________________ _________________________
College ___________________________________________ _________________________
Degree_______________________ Major ______________
Degree ______________________ Major ______________
List other College Courses taken but not completed:
Honors/Awards received in college _______________________________________________________
Extra and co-curriculum activities in college
Have you ever held a job? Describe what you did
If you are presently employed, what will you do about your job?
Do you have any experience of Community/Church Service or Involvement? ___________________
In what organization (s)? Give also the position (s) you held/continue to hold in each

In a short paragraph, describe yourself and your social life.
Describe briefly any hobbies, sports and special skill that you engage in and how involved you are with
Please check where appropriate:
Do you smoke? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Do you drink? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Have you ever been accused of substance abuse? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Have you ever been seriously ill in the past? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Have you ever been in an accident? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Do you or any member of your family have
History of mental illness? ( ) Yes ( ) No

From whom did you learn about Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine?
( ) Newspaper ( ) Friend/Classmate ( ) Family Member
( ) Former Teacher ( ) Others __________________

What motivates you to pursue a medical career?

Are there members of your family or relatives who are in the medical profession?
( ) Yes Who? _________________________________________________________
( ) No

Did they influence your own career choice? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Who will support you through your medical education?
( ) Parents ( ) Relatives ( ) Scholarship ( ) Grant
Describe briefly any experience/training related to medicine you have had. Example: Red Cross
Volunteer Work, CPR, etc.

Give a brief statement of whether you would or you would not enjoy staying in a rural community as a
student-doctor of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine
Describe briefly your idea of a good doctor
Do you expect to pursue further specialization in a certain field of medicine? Why?

Applicants Signature

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