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Know All Men By These Presents:

This contract of lease is executed and entered into this _____ day of _______ 2021 in
Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines by and between:


DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a corporation organized and
existing by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with
address at 230 CAVDEAL Bldg., EDSA Extension, Brgy. San Rafael,
Pasay City, represented by its Authorized Representative,
LAMBERTO L LEE., hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR;


SAGA BUILD DEVELOPMENT CORP. a corporation organized

and existing by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines,
with its principal business address at Block 1 Lot 7, Asten Street,
Milflora Villas, Sabang, Baliwag, Bulacan, herein represented by its
authorized representative MARK MIRINDA hereinafter referred to as


WHEREAS, LESSOR and the LESSEE may hereafter be referred to individually as a

“Party” or collectively as the “Parties.”

WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the owner of bunkhouses known as Masaki Yard

located at Tuktukan, Bulacan and currently vacant and ready for use and lease

WHEREAS, LESSEE desires to lease such bunkhouses of the abovementioned

property consisting of two barracks/buildings ; hereinafter referred to as the

WHEREFORE; the LESSOR agreed to lease the above described space to the
LESSEE under the following terms and conditions:

1. PERIOD AND RENTAL AND DEPOSITS: the terms of this lease is for One (1)
year commencing from March 18, 2021 to February 18, 2022 during which period
the lessee shall be bound to pay the LESSOR at his/her above address a monthly
rental Forty Thousand Pesos (P40,000.00) plus VAT for a maximum workers of 50
people. If the number of people exceed the maximum allowable, the LESSEE shall
pay an additional P800 per person. Failure to renew this agreement upon expiration
of the Lease the LESSOR allows the LESSEE to continue to occupy the Leased
Premises such continued occupation shall be on a monthly lease subject to the terms
and conditions contained in the agreement.
2. USE AND PURPOSE: That the Leased Premises shall be used exclusively for
latter’s workers as sleeping area and cannot be converted into a COVID19 recovery
facility area.

The LESSOR expressly warrants that the premises being leased to the LESSOR
complies with all government and municipal laws and regulations.

3. DEFAULT PAYMENT:  In case of default by the LESSEE in the payment of the

rent, such as when the checks are dishonored, the LESSOR at its option may
terminate this contract and eject the LESSEE. The LESSOR has the right to padlock
the premises when the LESSEE is in default of payment for One (1) month and may
forfeit whatever rental deposit or advances have been given by the LESSEE.

4. RIGHTS OF LEASE NON-TRANSFERABLE: the LESSEE shall not directly or

indirectly sublease. Assign, sell, transfer or otherwise encumber him right of lease
over the leased premises or any portion thereof under any circumstance whatsoever,
and, any such contract made in innovation of this clause shall be null and void;


have terminated for any reason whatsoever, if the LESSEE continues to occupy the
premises with the consent of the LESSOR, such extension of lease shall be deemed
only tolerated as running from month to month under same terms and conditions,
herein stipulated, and may be terminated by either party by means of a written notice
served upon the other party at leased thirty (30) days in advance;

6. REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS: the LESSEE hereby acknowledge expressly

that the leased premises are in good and tenantable for which purpose him binds
himself to undertake repairs and renovation necessary to maintain the same in such
condition. It is expressly agreed and understood, however that the LESSEE shall not
commence or proceed with any repair work nor in any case introduce improvements
or make any alteration in the released premises without the prior written consent of

7. WATER, ELECTRICITY, TELEPHONE: (if any), etc. Charges for water

consumption, electricity, telephone (if any) and other utility services in the premises
as well as for the repairs thereof shall be for the exclusive account of the LESSEE.


alteration or changes in electric plumbing installation or any other improvements
installed within the leased premises, without prior written consent of the LESSOR.


make any and all law, ordinance, regulation or order promulgated proper government
authorities arising from or regarding the use, occupation and sanitation of the leased
premises, and non-compliance therewith shall be at the exclusive risk and expense of
10. FIRE HAZARD: the LESSEE shall not bring or store in the leased premises any
flammable or explosive goods or articles expose the leased premises of the building to
fire or increase the hazards.

11. INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES: the LESSOR or this duly authorized

representative shall have the right the leased the leased premises at any reasonable
hour of the day.

12. INSOLVENCY OF LESSEE: if the rental stipulated shall be in arrears for

unpaid or if the LESSEE shall at any time fails or neglected to perform or comply
with any of the covenant, condition, agreements, or restriction stipulated, or if the
LESSEE shall become insolvent, in any such above cases this contract shall
automatically be terminated and cancelled and the said premises shall be vacated
peacefully by the LESSEE for the LESSOR to take over the possession thereof, in
which event it shall be the LESSEE for the latter or any of his duly authorized
representative to enter into and upon the leased and padlock the same as through the
term of the contract of lease and whose granted by law:


expiration of the terms of this lease or upon cancellation thereof as herein provided,
the LESSEE shall promptly surrender the premises to the LESSOR in as good and
tenantable condition as when, devoid of all occupants, furniture, articles and effect of
any kind: provided, however, that noncompliance on the part of the LESSEE with the
term of this clause will give the LESSOR the right and his option to refuse to accept
the delivery of the premises to compel the LESSEE to pay rent therefore at the same
fate of rental as herein provided, plus fifty percent (50%) additional in the form of
penalty until the LESSEE shall refuse to leave the lease premises after his right has
expired or terminated for any reason what so ever.

14. SUFFICIENCY OF NOTICE TO VACATE: Deposit in the leased of a notice

to the LESSEE. Upon termination of the term of his lease or earlier thereof as above
provided, the LESSEE hereby expressly authorizes in advance the LESSOR to enter
upon the leased premises, remove all personal property that may be found therein and
deposit the same in a bodega, transfer and storage thereof;

15. PREVIOUS AGREEMENT SUPERSEDED: this contract of lease supersedes

and renders void and any all agreements and undertaking, oral and or written,
previously entered into by the parties covering the leased property. This contract any
not hereafter be modified or altered except by another instrument in writing duly
signed by the parties hereto.


the LESSOR to insist upon a strict performance of any of the terms, conditions and
covenants hereof shall not be deemed a relinquishment of waiver of any right or
remedy that the said LESSOR may have, nor shall it be construed as a waiver of any
subsequent breach or default of terms conditions and covenant herein, which shall be
deemed in full force and effect. No waiver by the LESSOR shall be deemed to have
made unless expressed in writing and signed by the LESSOR.
17. DEPOSIT REQUIREMENT: Upon the signing of this contract, the LESSEE
shall pay unto the LESSOR an amount equivalent to two month’s deposit and
two months advance as rental the same to be applied in payment of expresses and
charges, other utility services then remaining unpaid. The same shall also be applied
against expenses of repairs left undone by the LESSEE in the premises. Rental in
arrears shall always be the liability of the LESSEE to the LESSOR. The LESSEE
shall issue 10 post dated checks for the duration of the entire lease agreement in the
amount of P40,000.00 plus VAT per month.


18a. The LESSEE shall be responsible at all times for the act done by his agents,
employees, family members and other person entering the leased premises in so far as
the enforcement of the provisions of this contract is concerned.

Any damages or injury to the leased premises due to the fault of the LESSEE, his
agents, employees, family members and or servant of other third persons who may
have gained access to the leased premises shall be repaid promptly by the LESSEE at
the exclusive expense. The LESSOR shall not be responsible for any loss or damages
which the LESSEE may sustain in the premises due to any cause whatsoever.

18b The LESSEE shall not permit or give consent to any other person or entity to
advertise as said person or entity to advertise as if said person or entity uses, holds
office of are otherwise established at the premises leased or any part thereof,

18c In case of violation or infringement of any of the foregoing terms and condition,
the LESSOR reserves the right to terminate immediately this lease and the LESSEE
agrees to vacate, however that if for any valid reason it shall become necessary for the
LESSOR to institute appropriate court action for the enforcement of his right under
this contract, for in the lieu of attorney’s fee and cost of suit, the sum of not less than
forty thousand pesos (P40,000.00).

18d In the same context of paragraph 15 hereof, should the LESSOR be deprived of
ownership of possession of the property leased or any portion thereof that affects this
lease contract, by virtue of an order of condemnation, expropriation or final court
decision, said contract shall likewise be automatically terminated and the LESSEE’S
right there in shall be deemed annulled and unenforceable against the LESSOR.

18e The LESSOR warrants the structural soundness of the Leased Property. The
LESSOR shall not make any major/minor structural changes, alterations, or
improvements in the LEASED PREMISES that may affect the operations of the
LESSEE without the prior written consent of the latter.

LESSOR hereby warrants that it has absolute title to the property and undertakes to
defend said title against any claim. LESSOR likewise guarantees the peaceful
possession and use of the property by the LESSEE. The LESSEE on the other hand
hereby expressly recognizes the absolute right of the LESSOR to sell or mortgage the
property. In the event that the leased premise is sold or mortgage by the LESSOR,
this contract shall be respected by the new owner and the LESSOR shall cause the
annotation of this contract on the title of the property. In the event that the peaceful
possession and use of the property by the LESSEE is interrupted due to factors
outside of the LESSEE’s control, such as but not limited to the foreclosure of the
leased premises, the LESSOR shall pay the LESSEE damages.

The Lessor further warrants that:

a. The Lessee shall have the right to introduce renovations and improvements on the
leased premises.

b. They are the absolute/registered owners of the leased property and such is not
subject to any right or claim of any person that may directly or indirectly impair the
Lessee’s possession and enjoyment and the Lessee shall peacefully and adequately
use and enjoy the premises for its business for the entire term of this lease.

c. The Lessor has not entered into any undertaking, agreement or contract in favor of
any person granting ownership, use or possession, or any other right to the Leased
Premises and has not been exposed for sale or sold at public or private auction for an
obligation to any person or the government.
d. Documentary Stamp Taxes shall be paid by the Lessor. Real estate taxes on the
premises have been fully paid as of the signing of this contract and future Real Estate
Taxes on the premises and leasehold improvements shall be regularly paid as they fall
due. The Lessor shall not delay the Lessee’s construction and business operation by
reason of unpaid real estate taxes.

e. The Lessor shall turn over the premises free and clear of any occupant, tenant,
possessor and structures that would impede free ingress and egress over the property.

f. The Lessor has obtained clearances from government offices that it has complied
with laws, rules and regulations required to operate its leasing business.

g. The LESSOR hereby grants the LESSEE a privilege to use the parking areas.

17f. If ever the LESSEE wishes to vacate the area, before expiration of the contract
the LESSOR shall charge 1 month rental as penalty and it would be deductive from
the two month deposit subject to the mutual agreement of the parties, this contract of
lease may be renewed, provided that each renewal or extension of the, there shall be
increase of 15% of the existing rental to be paid by the LESSEE.

IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, the parties here to have affixed their signature this
____________________, 2021_______ at _________________________Philippines.






BEFORE ME a. Notary Public and for and in _______This _________ Day of

____________, 2021 _____ personally appeared:



Lamberto L. Lee

Mark Miranda

Both know to me to be same person whom executed the foregoing Contract of Lease,
consisting four (4) pages, including this page on which acknowledgement is written
signed by both parties, together with the instrument witness, on all pages, and they
acknowledged to me that the same their free, voluntarily act and deed.

Witness my hand and seal.

Doc. No. _____________;

Page No._____________;
Book No. ____________;
Series 2021 __________:

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