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Microbiology Case Study

The patient discussed in this case study has been infected by two pathogens that have

resulted to the diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis and Histoplas-mosis. Jane Griffin is a thirty three

year old single mother of two living in Kentucky along the Ohio River. She lives with her cat

and they both like meat. This can be the main cause of the Toxoplasma gondii parasite found in

the patients tests. Having a cat could aid the transmission of the parasite. As an individual that

loves beef, it is equally possible that she might have consumed undercooked meat. Jane has an

history of a weak immune system because she had measles as a child.

Jane recently quit smoking and drinking which she has reported to have gone on for

about ten years. Living along the Ohio River, Histoplasmosis is a common disease (Caceres

246). This has been caused by Histoplasma; pathogens released by bird and bat droppings that

are a common scene in the area. Jane is not pregnant or undergoing any medical procedures. She

rarely travels out of Kentucky and is not under any medication from a professional.

The patient has reported a number of symptoms including headaches, fever, swollen

lymph glands, muscle aches, inflamed lungs and heart muscle, chest pains and severe cough

(Dubey 6). Jane has reported that the coughing has been persistent and she has had light coughs

for about three years prior to treatment. To determine the patient was suffering from
Student’s Name 2

Toxoplasmosis we measured the immunoglobulin G and the results confirmed the diagnosis. A

blood sample was also sent to the laboratory where the isolation of H. capsulatum determined the

patient was infected by a fungus called Histoplasma.

Work Cited:

Dubey, Jitender P. "Outbreaks of clinical toxoplasmosis in humans: five decades of personal

experience, perspectives and lessons learned." Parasites & vectors 14.1 (2021): 1-12.

Caceres, Diego H., et al. "The manaus declaration: current situation of histoplasmosis in the

Americas, Report of the II regional meeting of the international histoplasmosis advocacy

group." Current Fungal Infection Reports 13.4 (2019): 244-249.

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