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Interview’s Experiences

System’s class 2021

September 4, 2020

1 A
Domain : Mechatronics

1.1 Experience:
Pieas places a lot of importance on interview. As I was the last candidate for the interview portion
of Islamabad, I was equally nervous. For the interview you will have to be patient as it is dependent
on the teachers how much time they will spend on a candidate. So, being the last candidate I had
to wait about 6 hours before my turn came up. By that time I was tired and due to being nervous
didn’t perform well in the technical portion of the interview. At least that was what I thought at
that time but thanks to ALLAH, I passed my interview. Thus other than the guidelines and tips
for the interview also pray to ALLAH about it and believe in him. If you are destined for it you
will get it.

1.2 Important points especially for PIEAS

For the interview there will be 2 parts a general interview and a technical interview. Some tips for
both the interviews are:
ˆ Dress Properly (For males suit is compulsory).
ˆ When asked a question turn and face the person who asked the question and give him the
ˆ Answer should be in the language the question is asked. If asked in English you should also
reply in English.
ˆ If you don’t know something clearly tell them that you don’t remember at that point. Don’t
try to come up with some answer.
ˆ On the other hand if you are sure of an answer then stay determined on it. The teachers may
try to confuse you by saying otherwise.important

1.3 General Interview:

In the general interview they can ask about anything like the GDP of Pakistan, Current events of
Pakistan or the World. They almost always ask about your family, their background, what they
currently do etc. There will be a psychiatrist present which will ask questions and judge you.
Remember to reply in the language that the question is asked in and look at the questionnaire
while replying. Don’t laugh during the interview or try to joke with them. In doing so will present
a negative impression to the psychiatrist. They will also ask if you are comfortable in moving to
another city or not and what difficulty you might face. The basic questions of your strengths and
weaknesses and questions related to Islam may also be asked.

1.4 Technical Interview (Mechatronics):
In the technical interview they will ask questions from every related field. For the mechatronics
students they will ask you to draw the root locus of a transfer function, model a spring damper
system, and solve a differential question using any method including Laplace approach. They may
ask about your final year project and what improvements could be done on it. They will also ask
about the elective subjects that you have studied. The questions could be:
ˆ Types of fluid motion (laminar, transitional, turbulent).
ˆ Difference between spark ignition engine and compression ignition engine.
ˆ Can State space model be used to model nonlinear systems?
ˆ Types of sensor. How to use thermocouple, strain gage etc.
For the people who have worked they will ask questions about the work they did, what are the
problems and complications in it and why they left it.

2 B
Domain : Electronics

2.1 Genral Guidelines:

Basically they are checking your confidence, family background, IQ and the way you respond to
their questions. Get prepared both emotionally and intellectually.
You should portray your real personality and show learning attitude.

2.2 Technical Interview:

There were 2 persons. One was asking from all core courses of Electronics while other one was
sticked to Electrical Machines. Don’t feel embarrassed if you don’t know the answer and show
learning attitude. The most important thing u should know is ”kindly listen to them carefully,
if u dont know the answer simply confess that”.
Some of the questions were:
1. Your favourite subject? (personal advise is, never tell them any one subject. You
will regret telling that and you will soon realize that you know nothing about that
subject. Name two or three subjects which you feel comfortable with)
2. What is PID. Write equation for PID controller and explain each of the terms. Pros and cons
of using proportional, integral and derivatve part.
3. One spring mass system was given. Write its differential equation. (Diffeerntial equations are
too important)
4. What will be the output if a short duration pulse is given as input to a transformer? (Precau-
tion from the interviwer: If you answer this question you are selected and if not, then don’t worry
this is just a bonus question for you).
5. Configuration of 4 bit full adder.
6. An opamp ckt was given. Can you name the ckt? explain its operation.
7. There was a question related to address decoding of microprocessor.
8. Active low and active high output
9. What is Source and sink configuration? Draw a configuration to turn ON or OFF an LED in
both source and sink configuration.

10. There is a dc series motor. What happens if we try to excite this motor with an AC?
11. There were some questions regarding RLC ckts and their behavior w.r.t frequency. Also
write their differential equations.

2.3 Important Topics/Sunjects:

ˆ Electrical Circuits (All analysis tools like mesh, kcl kvl, superposition, reciprocity etc, phasors,
power triangle, resonanace, Ac fundamentals)
ˆ Basic Electronics
ˆ Oscillators and Multivibratos
ˆ Electrical Machines (DC/AC motor, universal motor, transformer)
ˆ Control Systems
ˆ Opamp circuits
ˆ Microprocessor and DLD
ˆ Registors/Counters/Flilpflops
ˆ Final Year Project.

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