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THE ROBIN HOOD ROBBER: I would have to agree with Kant and Aquinas, and say I would give the
man in to the police. Robbing should not be considered a moral action, whatever the
circumstances. I think the man did have good intentions, but maybe went about them in a
wrong way. If he wanted to give to the charity, he could've given money himself, or asked other
people to. He did not need to rob to get the money for the orphanage. The man had no idea
who he was robbing from, what if he was robbing from someone who really needed the money
also? What if the man robbed the money from a family's pension fund? Or a college fund? The
pleasure and pain caused can vary, considering the circumstances. It also matters how much
money he stole.

THE UNFAITHFUL WIFE: I’d save the man The probability of saving your wife is so low that there is
a huge potential that both individual would end up dead. In this scenario you have only a few
options: Definitely save one person (the man), potentially save one person (Wife) or let them
both die. This case in scenario you have a larger chance of saving the man than your wife,
therefore it would be in the best interest in the urgency of life to save one individual than
potentially having two dies. I would shelve my feelings on the cheating until after I'd done my
best to save both of them, however. Given the chance, I wouldn't let someone lose their life
because they did something stupid/insensitive

THE SICK PATIENTS: Firstly, they are already dying, a person not saved by a doctor is not a
person killed by him. Furthermore, I have no right to decide their fate or to alter their future,
except the case in which I was doing my job as a doctor. I have an oath to keep! Naturally, I
would just wait for them to get to the top on the donor lists. We're all equal, so we should all
be treated equally.

THE PLAGIARIZED REPORTS: I'll tell her to redo the work using her own words. Based on the
information given, it should be noted that the girl may not be aware that plagiarism is
an offense. In this case, I'll tell her about plagiarism and how it's bad. Then, I don’t want to be in
a situation whereby I'll endanger her future by reporting her, therefore, I'll tell her to redo the
work by using her own words. This is vital for her future. This will also help her to understand
that plagiarism is bad

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