HCI Assignment 1 Sareena

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1. Define prototyping and explain all its types with example.

Prototyping is the process of creating a preliminary model or sample of a product, which is used
to test and demonstrate its design, functionality, and other features. The purpose of prototyping
is to identify any issues with the design or functionality of the product early on in the
development process, so that they can be addressed and corrected before the final product is

There are several different types of prototypes, each with its own unique characteristics and
uses. Some of the most common types of prototypes include:

1. Feasibility prototypes: These are often used at the very beginning of the development
process to test the basic concept of the product and to determine whether it is technically
feasible to produce. They are often simple mock-ups made out of inexpensive materials
and are not intended to be functional.

Example: A startup working on a concept of new type of water filter, create a small scale model
of filter with basic design and materials to check if it can filter water effectively or not.

2. Concept prototypes: These prototypes are used to test and demonstrate the design and
functionality of a product, and are typically more detailed and functional than feasibility
prototypes. They are used to evaluate the overall concept and to gather feedback on the
design, usability, and other aspects of the product.

Example: A company working on new mobile phone, create a functional prototype with dummy
parts, to check the design and ergonomics of the phone.

3. User experience prototypes: These prototypes are focused on testing and demonstrating
the usability and user experience of a product. They are often used to evaluate how
easy the product is to use, how intuitive its interface is, and how well it meets the needs
of the target user.

Example: A website developer creating a new e-commerce site, create a user interface mockup
to test the usability, with all basic features, like search, filter, and shopping cart to evaluate user

4. Performance prototypes: These prototypes are used to test and demonstrate the
performance and capabilities of a product, and are typically more advanced and
functional than other types of prototypes. They are often used to evaluate the product's
performance under various conditions and to identify any issues that need to be
addressed before the final product is produced.

Example: A Automotive company working on new electric car, creates a running prototype with
electric motor, battery and other critical components to check the performance and range of the
vehicle under various road conditions.
5. Beta prototypes: These are final stage prototypes, which closely resemble the final
product, but not yet in final form. These prototypes are used for testing and feedback
purposes, typically with a small group of end-users and stakeholders.

Example: A company working on new gaming console, creates a beta prototype with all the
features, but with temporary case and branding, to get feedback from testers and developers
before final release.

Note that these are not the only types of prototypes and different organizations or projects might
have different classifications of prototypes. The above examples just provide a general idea of
each type's characteristics.

2. What do you mean by task decomposition .What are the approaches for task

Task decomposition is the process of breaking down a complex task or project into smaller,
more manageable sub-tasks or subtasks. This is often done as a way of making the overall task
more manageable, by breaking it down into a series of smaller tasks that can be tackled one at
a time. The idea behind task decomposition is that it's often easier to understand and manage a
complex task when it's been broken down into smaller, more manageable parts.

There are several different approaches to task decomposition, depending on the nature of the
task or project, the goals of the project, and the resources available. Some of the most common
approaches to task decomposition include:

1. Functional decomposition: This approach involves breaking down the task into smaller
parts based on the different functions or activities that are required to complete the task.
For example, in the process of developing a software, the task of developing the
software can be broken down into smaller sub-tasks like, requirement gathering, design,
coding, testing, and deployment.
2. Hierarchical decomposition: This approach involves breaking down the task into a series
of levels, with each level representing a smaller and more manageable sub-task. This
approach is often used for tasks that have a clear structure or hierarchy, such as
creating a website with different sections, where sections can be further broken down
into sub sections and sub sections further divided.
3. Object-oriented decomposition: This approach is similar to functional decomposition, but
it is based on the objects or components that make up the task. In software
development, it involves breaking down the task into smaller parts based on the different
objects or components that make up the software.
4. Process-oriented decomposition: This approach involves breaking down the task into a
series of steps or processes that need to be completed in order to achieve the overall
goal. This approach is often used for tasks that have a clear sequence of steps, such as
creating a budget or business plan,
5. Sequential decomposition: this is a simple yet most useful approach of breaking down a
task, which can be done just in time, when the task is assigned. Here a person can
divide the task into small manageable parts and take action, one by one. This approach
can be used in most of the case.

Task decomposition is a vital part of project management, as it helps to identify and organize the
different parts of a project, making it easier to understand, plan and execute, resulting in better
results and outcomes. However, it's important to keep in mind that the approach you choose will
depend on the specific task or project you are working on, and the goals and objectives you are
trying to achieve.

3.Differentiate between naturalistic observation and focus group.

Naturalistic observation is a research method in which scientists observe and record the
behavior of subjects in their natural environment without interference. The goal of naturalistic
observation is to study behavior as it occurs naturally, without the influence of experimental
manipulation. This method can be used to study a wide range of behaviors and subjects,
including animal behavior, child development, and social interactions.

A focus group, on the other hand, is a research method in which a small, diverse group of
individuals are brought together to discuss and provide feedback on a particular topic or
product. The group is typically moderated by a trained facilitator, who guides the discussion and
encourages participation from all members. Focus groups are often used in market research,
product development, and social science research to gather qualitative data about attitudes,
opinions, and perceptions.

Both methods have their own strength and limitations; Naturalistic observation provides
researchers a deeper understanding of how people behave in natural settings, but it has limited
control over the environment, and the researcher may observe something that not relevant or
not exist in other cases. Focus groups provide researchers a way to gather qualitative data,
such as attitudes and perceptions, but they are typically conducted in artificial settings and may
be influenced by the presence of other group members.

4..What are the main goals of evaluation?

Evaluation is a process of assessing the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of a program,

product, or initiative. The main goals of evaluation are to provide stakeholders with information
that can be used to make informed decisions about the program, product, or initiative, and to
improve its performance over time. Some of the main goals of evaluation include:
1. Accountability: Evaluation is used to demonstrate accountability for the resources
invested in the program, product, or initiative. It helps to ensure that the program is
achieving its intended outcomes, and provides information that can be used to justify
continued funding or investment.
2. Program improvement: Evaluation provides feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency
of the program, product, or initiative. It helps identify areas for improvement, and
provides information that can be used to make changes and adjustments to increase the
program's impact.
3. Evidence-based decision making: Evaluation generates reliable, valid, and generalizable
evidence of the program's effectiveness, efficiency, and impact. It can help
decision-makers understand the outcomes of the program and make informed decisions
about the program's continuation, expansion, or replication.
4. Learning: Evaluation can help organizations and individual understand the process and
context of the program, product, or initiative, and the results it produces, which can help
in learning and in continuing to improve the program, product, or initiative.
5. Compliance and adherence: Evaluation can help ensure that a program, product, or
initiative is in compliance with laws, regulations, and standards, and that it adheres to
best practices or guidelines.
6. Research and dissemination: Evaluation research can be used to contribute to a field of
knowledge, the results of evaluation can be disseminated to the practitioners,
decision-makers, and researchers, who can use the results to improve their own practice
and contribute to the field of knowledge.

5.Explain any 5 golden rule of design for HCI.

The field of human-computer interaction (HCI) is concerned with the design and use of
technology in a way that is easy, efficient, and enjoyable for people. To achieve this goal, HCI
designers follow a set of principles and guidelines, known as the "golden rules" of design. Here
are five golden rules of design for HCI:

1. Visibility: The design should make it easy for users to see what actions are available and
what the current system status is. This can be achieved by providing clear, visible
feedback, and by using visual cues to indicate the status of different elements.
2. Feedback: The design should provide users with clear and timely feedback about the
system's state and their actions. Feedback can be in the form of visual cues, sounds, or
other forms of feedback, such as haptic feedback.
3. Consistency: The design should be consistent in terms of its layout, navigation, and
interactions. This will make it easier for users to learn how to use the system, and will
help them to predict how the system will respond to their actions.
4. Simplicity: The design should be as simple as possible, avoiding unnecessary
complexity or extraneous features. This will help to minimize errors and improve the
overall user experience.
5. Flexibility and adaptability: The design should allow users to customize the system to
suit their needs, and be able to adapt to different users or different contexts. This can
include features such as user profiles or preferences settings, or the ability to customize
the layout or navigation of the system.

It's important to note that these are not the only principles in design for HCI and the more
context specific factors are always play important role in making design decisions.

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