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There are different phases that I usually cycle through on a regular basis when it comes to my

personal appearance. The first one is where I put a lot of thought into my outfits and my
appearance. This is when I would consult my friends about what would look good on me, what
hairstyle works and which shoes would suit the outfit the best. This phase usually comes around
important occasions like important meetings, birthdays, or meeting someone for the first time.
The second phase is when I put in less effort in getting validation from others and focus on what
I think looks good. This is usually when I am going out with friends and am not planning on
anything major to take place. The final phase is when I put no thought into my appearance and
usually end up wearing the first clothes that I see in my wardrobe. This phase comes in when I
am physically exhausted and just need to go out to get some tasks done. I think appearance
really matters as the first thing you notice when you meet someone new is their appearance.
The way people present themselves can tell you a lot about their personality. For example, if I
go to a networking event without paying attention to my appearance, I will be seen as someone
who is lazy or is not interested in being at the event and is only there as a formality. This way
the panelists will pay less attention to me and concentrate more on other candidates who seem
more interested.

I believe there is a double standard when it comes to acceptable work attire for women. Women
have a wide range of options for work clothes and different companies have different ideas on
what they think is acceptable. HR advising women on what to wear is actually sexist as they
imply that women wearing clothes that are not as conservative will distract employees. HR
should rather focus on hiring employees that know how to work with women who choose to
dress however they want without being distracted.

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