How To Study The Bible in This Year

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How to study

the bible
Unless otherwise noted, scriptures are from the Amplified Bible,
Classic Edition (AMPC). Copyright © 1954, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by the
Lockman Foundation.

Scriptures marked (NKJV) are taken from the New King James Version®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights

Scriptures marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living
Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation.
Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream,
Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scriptures marked (NIV) are taken from the New International Version
(NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973,
1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved

© 2020 Joyce Meyer Ministries

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be
reproduced or used in any amount whatsoever without the express
written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief
quotations in a book review.

Printed in the United States of America.

ISBN 978-1-942854-57-9

Joyce Meyer Ministries

P.O Box 655
Fenton, Missouri 63026
How to study
the bible
Table of


8 12
The Bible Why Should I Study
101 God’s Word?

19 10
How Often, How Long, What Should
How Much I Study?

29 36
Developing the
God Habit

I think many of us at one time or another have sat

down with a Bible in our hands, randomly flipping
through the pages (and there are a lot of them!),
wondering, Where in the world do I begin?

When you first decide to study the Bible, it can be

overwhelming. I have firsthand experience. I used to
be a tremendously complicated person, and it didn’t
take me long to complicate my time with God. I have
plenty of stories to share with you in this book!

I believe there’s also some misconceptions that study-

ing God’s Word is too complicated or too boring. But
it doesn’t have to be that way. You see, God never
intended for us to feel like our time with Him is “a
project” or an obligation. In fact, it’s just the oppo-
site—He intends for time in His Word to be simple,
enjoyable and full of life.

The truth is, taking the time to read and study God’s
Word is one of the greatest investments we’ll ever
make. The Bible is our handbook for living—it has all of
the answers to living a peaceful, successful and enjoy-
able life. God uses His Word to teach us, correct us,
change us...and help us fulfill our destiny here on earth.

There’s no way to accurately describe just how big
of a mess my life was before the Lord began changing
me through His Word. I had so many problems that
I didn’t even know where to begin! But little by little,
God used His Word to transform me from the inside
out and heal me from past hurts and wounds.

Over the past 40 years, the Lord has taught me so

many great lessons about studying the Bible. He’s
helped answer my questions like, Where do I begin?
What should I study? How often? How long? How
much? And the list goes on!

In this little book, I’ve included many great principles—

lessons that took me years to learn—and I’m so excited
to share them all with you. I encourage you to approach
this book with anticipation. Try not to get bogged down
in the dos and don’ts. Remember, it’s meant to be sim-
ple and enjoyable.

Wherever you are in your relationship with God—

whether you’ve been studying His Word for years or
have just opened the Bible for the first time—I believe
this book is for you.

So, are you ready? Are you ready to make your time in
God’s Word easier, simpler, and more enjoyable? If so,
I believe these principles can make all the difference...
and help you to experience the big, full, amazing life
God has for you.

The Bible 101

There is no greater way to get to know the Lord than

by reading and studying His Word. When you spend
time in His Word, you are spending time with Him!

In John 6:63, Jesus says that His words are Spirit and
life.. As we read and study the Bible, God literally trans-
forms who we are and gives us the desire and ability to
be more like Him. Simply put, God’s Word is Truth, and
it’s the Truth that sets us free! (See John 8:32.)

Like I mentioned, God never intended for us to feel

like our time with Him is a hassle or an obligation. He
desires for us to enjoy our time with Him.

If you’re like me, it might help to check your motives.

I used to feel like I was doing God a favor by reading
the Bible. If I read my three chapters a day or spent
enough time studying, I imagined myself getting a
checkmark in heaven for my progress.

It’s important to remember that studying or reading
for a longer duration has nothing to do with how much
God loves us or approves of us. When God helped me
to finally understand that I was reading the Bible for
me and not for Him, it brought tremendous freedom!

Customize Your Experience

In chapter 4, I’ll share some study tips and go a little
more in-depth. But let’s begin with a couple of the
basics to help you get started and customize your

First, I recommend using a Bible translation you can

understand. Many people use the New King James
Version (NKJV) and the New International Version
(NIV) because they are simple and straightforward.
These are both great.

Personally, I use the Amplified Bible Classic Edition

(AMPC) because it takes the original Greek and
Hebrew text and expounds on it in a way that I can
better understand. However, the key is using some-
thing that works for you. Go online and check out
various translations—see which one is right for you.

A common question is, “Where do I begin?” Well,

the answer is you can begin reading wherever you
like—there aren’t any rules. However, if you’re reading

the Bible for the first time, I recommend you begin
with the gospel of John or spend some time reading
through the book of Psalms. Why? These books are
easy to read and full of God’s messages of love and

I’ve also found it helpful to read and study the Bible

with a specific need in mind. For instance, if I’m having
a hard time forgiving someone and letting go of anger,
then I will look up all of the scriptures I can find on
those subjects and allow God’s Word to help me walk
through it.

Today, Bible software packages and online search

tools have made studying the Bible easier than ever.
We can instantly find scriptures on any topic. In this
case, I could individually enter in the words “anger”
and “forgiveness” to find any related verses.

As we read scriptures over and over and allow them

to really sink into our hearts, they have the power to
change us from the inside out and bring supernatural
healing in our lives. Proverbs 4:22 says that God’s
Word literally brings life and health to our entire being!

For instance, several years ago I began seeking God

for a greater understanding of His love. For one en-

tire year, I read and meditated on scriptures about love.

I even wrote them all down on paper, one by one.

To this day, I can remember saying, “God loves me”
over and over as I drove down the road in my car.
Many mornings I would look at myself in the mirror
and declare the same thing.

Some of this might sound funny, but the results were

life-changing! Studying these scriptures slowly began
changing me and my perception of God. Little by little,
I gained a revelation concerning His love that contin-
ues to impact my relationship with Him.

Today, I can truly say that I am addicted to God’s

Word—it has become a necessity that I require every
day. Perhaps you are at a point in your life where you
are ready to begin studying the Bible. If so, I want to
encourage you to take a moment right now and ask
God to help you get started.

As you do, you’ll find that the Word of God is one thing
you just can’t live without.

Why Should I Study
God’s Word?
Many people are intimidated by the word “study.”
However, studying God’s Word is simple to do and it’s
extremely valuable for us.

It’s so important to remember that studying the Bible

is not something we have to do to stay on God’s good
side—we’re not doing God a favor when we study
Scripture. The truth is, we’re doing ourselves a favor
because we need this “spiritual food” to make our
spirit strong!

Let’s take a moment and look at the definition of

the word study. This particular definition has been
taken from the Noah Webster 1828 dictionary. It says
that study means to “apply to the mind, examine
closely, fix the mind closely upon a certain subject
or to read and examine for the purpose of having a
deeper understanding.” 1

Simply reading the Bible is a good thing to do and a
great place to begin. However, when we study God’s
Word, we get a “deeper understanding”—we are
allowing His Truth to go down deep into our soul and
spirit. When I teach, I often use the word “revelation.”
I’ll say things like, “As I continued to study scriptures
about God’s grace, I began to receive a revelation in
this area that changed my life.”

What do I mean? When we receive revelation, we

get a deeper understanding—it becomes real to us!
For example, I think most Christians would agree that
God loves them. In fact, it’s one of the first things we
learn, and if you’re like me, you think, Okay, I’m ready
to learn something “deeper.” But God showed me that
we really don’t know something unless we’re doing it...
unless it changes our lives for the better.

For example, in the last chapter I discussed how the

Lord led me to study scriptures about His love for me.
It wasn’t that I didn’t know He loved me, but I didn’t
have a revelation in this area.

However, as I continued to read, study, and think about

the scriptures over and over, the message about God’s
love became more real to me—I really got it! As a result,
it changed the way I viewed God, myself and every-
thing else in my life.

Meditate on God’s Word
I really love Joshua 1:8, which says, This Book of the
Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall
meditate on it day and night, that you may observe
and do according to all that is written in it. For then
you shall make your way prosperous, and then you
shall deal wisely and have good success.

It’s basically saying, “Do you want to have a good life?

Do you want to succeed in all you do? Then meditate
on God’s Word so you can do what it says!”

“Meditate” has come to mean a lot of different things

in the world today. However, meditating on God’s
Word is really very simple. To meditate means to dwell
on a thought or roll it over and over in our mind.

For example, maybe I’m reading God’s Word when

I come across Isaiah 41:10, where the Lord says, Fear
not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you....
Because of some things going on in my life, I realize

this is just what I need to hear...that God is with me.

If I decide to meditate on this scripture, it means I

choose to continue thinking about it. Maybe I write
it on a sticky note and place it on my bedroom mirror
or refrigerator. Or perhaps I think about it while I’m
driving to work: Right now, God is with me. I don’t have
to be afraid because He is with me. God Himself will
be with me every moment of this day.

Meditating on God’s Word like this is so incredibly
powerful, and it reaps tremendous dividends in our
lives. Look with me at Mark 4:24—it’s one of my favorite
verses. It says, ...The measure [of thought and study]
you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure
[of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you....

In other words, the more you study and meditate on

God’s Word, the more you’ll get out of it and truly
understand what it means.

My husband, Dave, has always been a great influence

on me when it comes to meditating on the Word. I’ll
address this more in the next chapter, but it’s really
better to go for quality over quantity.

For instance, I remember a time several years back

when Dave studied and meditated on Psalm 91 for
about a month. He just felt like the Lord really wanted
Him to get something special out of it. By the end of
that month, Dave had such a greater understanding
of Psalm 91 and God’s love and protection. The Lord
gave Dave a revelation that would forever change the
way he saw things.

The bottom line is that it’s really up to us—we decide

how deep we want to go with God. Jeremiah 29:13
contains an amazing promise. The Lord says to us,
Then you will...find Me when you search for Me with
all your heart.

“Alive and Full of Power”
Hebrews 4:12 is one of the most amazing scriptures.
Just look at what it says...

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power
[making it active, operative, energizing, and effective];
it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating
to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and
[the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the
deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and
analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes
of the heart.

The Bible isn’t just a “good book” to read or merely a

place to go for advice. The Word of God is alive and
it has the ability to change us from the inside out as
we spend time reading and studying it.

John 1:14 tells us that Jesus is “the Word made flesh.”

When we spend time in the Word, we are spending
time with God! And look what happens when we do

this. Second Corinthians 3:18 says:

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] con-

tinued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror
the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfig-
ured into His very own image in ever increasing splen-
dor and from one degree of glory to another....

When we read and study the Word, we change...
we become more and more like Jesus Christ.

I can honestly tell you that without studying God’s

Word, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would still be
struggling with all of the same issues I had more than
40 years ago, stuck in that same place. You see, we
can want to change, but willpower will only bring us
so far. Only God and His Word can change us and
make us everything He created us to be!

Here are just a few of the benefits of God’s Word:

• It reveals God’s thoughts and renews our mind
so we have the mind of Christ.

• It teaches us wisdom we can practically apply to our

lives so we know how to handle every situation we face.

• It’s a book of comfort that brings healing to our spirit,

soul and body.

• It shows us truth and helps us to see changes in our

lives that would otherwise be impossible.

• When we know the truth of God’s Word, it helps

us to recognize the lies of our enemy, Satan, who
attempts to deceive us.

I am so excited for you because as you begin to read
and study, you’ll discover that the Bible is no ordinary
book. The words within its pages are like medicine to
your soul. It has the power to change your life be-
cause there is life in the Word!

God’s Word is alive and full of power. It has the ability

to show us truth about ourselves, correct us, guide us,
counsel us, and help us mature in Christ. It gives us
the power we need to fulfill our destinies and show the
world what God is really like.

1. Taken from American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster 1828
(The Foundation for American Christian Education; San Francisco, CA, 2000).

How Often, How Long,
How Much
It’s natural to have questions like, How often should I
study God’s Word? and How long should I study?

Well, the Bible never tells us how long to study—it just

says we’ll be extremely blessed as we regularly study
and meditate on the Word. But I think it’s helpful to
compare studying the Bible—our “spiritual food”—
to the way we provide our bodies with natural food.

Just as our bodies absolutely require food to live,

we also regularly require God’s Word to grow, mature,
enjoy our lives and have success. Growing in our rela-
tionship with God is one of the most important things
we can do.

Generally, I encourage others to set aside some time

every day to read and study God’s Word. Again, this
isn’t a rule, but it’s important to put “first things first”
and get into a good routine. (In chapter 5, I teach
about developing “The God Habit” of the most
important lessons the Lord has ever taught me.)

I personally spend most of my time with the Lord
in the morning. This is when my mind is the clearest
and I feel the freshest. For you, your best time may
be right before you go to bed, or it may be at lunch.
I think the important thing is to give God your best
and set aside time when you know you’ll be awake
and alert.

I will say this again later, but it’s worth repeating: If

you’re not sure where to start, just start somewhere.
Even if you begin by simply taking five or 10 minutes
each morning, it all counts...and you are giving your-
self something to build on.

Quality, Not Quantity

This was a difficult one for me. I’m a “doer”—I like to
accomplish things and feel like I’ve gotten a lot done.
However, when it comes to studying God’s Word, the
quality of our study time is so much more important
than the quantity of how many pages or chapters we
can read.

You see, you and I can take in a lot of information but

not truly comprehend and understand it. It goes back
to what I discussed in the last chapter. If we want
revelation, then we need to take the time to properly
study and meditate on the Word.

For instance, I remember years ago when I was a
part of a group who committed to reading through
the entire Bible in a year. I needed to read about six
chapters a day in order to accomplish this goal. I even
had a checklist that hung on my refrigerator. After
reading my six chapters, I would walk over and check
off another box.

Well, I’m sure you can see where this is going. I got
really caught up in the program and became much
more interested in “making progress” than anything
else. I felt so spiritual because I was reading the Bible
through in a year. I was so proud when my friends
came over and saw all of my boxes checked.

I’ll never forget what happened next. Somehow, I’d got-

ten behind by about 36 chapters, and I was determined
to catch up...all in one day. So, I decided to read as fast
as I could. By the end of the day, I was still behind, but
I had made tremendous progress.

At that moment—as I was finishing up for the day,

so proud of myself—I clearly heard the Lord speak
to my heart. He asked me, “So, what did you learn
today, Joyce?”

Not getting the point, I said, “Well, ah, I read this much
in Proverbs, this much in Psalms, this much in the Old

Testament and this much in the New Testament.”
The Lord replied, “No, no, no—what did you learn?”

Sadly, I couldn’t remember anything I had read that

day. But I did learn this lesson: The Lord said, “Joyce,
I would rather you meditate on just one scripture until
you really get it than read a lot of chapters just to feel
good about yourself.”

Now, I’m not saying it’s wrong to read through the

Bible in a year. If God leads you to do so, then it can
be a great thing. But it’s important to make sure we’re
not just trying to fill a quota—it’s important to do it for
the right reasons if we’re going to get the most out of
our experience.

I encourage you to take your time and really focus your

attention on what you’re reading. Remind yourself often
that it’s about the quality, not the quantity. As you do,
this will give your mind a chance to absorb the riches
of God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to specifically

apply the Scriptures to your life.

What Should
I Study?
When you first decide to study the Bible, it can be
overwhelming. If you’re like me, you’ve wondered,
Where in the world do I begin?

As I mentioned in chapter 1, books like the gospel of

John or the Psalms are great places to start because
they’re easy to read and full of God’s love and en-

However, I think it’s helpful to answer questions like:

“What do you need help with the most?” and “In what
areas of your life are you having problems?”

For instance, do you struggle with being impatient?

Do you need to make a decision about something?
Are you having trouble with anger? Well, the thing to
do is find specific scriptures dealing with the specific
areas where you need help.

Years ago, God gave me some practical examples to
help me understand how we should view His Word.
He put it to me this way:

“If you have a headache, do you go to the medicine

cabinet and pull out Vaseline and rub it on your head?
If you cut your hand, do you take high blood pressure
medicine to stop the bleeding?”

Of course not. We would probably pray and then use

the appropriate medicine for the specific ailment we
have. I believe we need to do the same thing with our
spiritual ailments.

God’s Medicine Chest

Proverbs 4:20-22 says, My son, attend to my words;
consent and submit to my sayings. Let them not de-
part from your sight; keep them in the center of your
heart. For they are life to those who find them, healing
and health to all their flesh.

God’s Word is literally medicine for our lives. That’s

why I like to call it our “spiritual medicine chest.” Just
like we would go to our medicine cabinet at home to

get a bandage or ointment for a physical need, we

can open up God’s medicine chest—His Word—and
receive help with all of our spiritual needs.

Let me give you an example. Over the years, I have
sought God’s help many times when it comes to my
mouth and the things I say. I have a Type A personali-
ty, and I can be pretty direct and to-the-point. Before
the Lord began to change me, I needed some seri-
ous help in this area! I was critical and judgmental. I
talked too much, and I talked about things I probably
shouldn’t have.

Sure, there were many areas of my life that needed

help, but this is one that really required some special
focus. As a result, I needed to find out what the Bible
has to say about the words of my mouth.

If I was beginning my study today, I would first use a

concordance to find every instance the Bible refer-
ences the “mouth,” or “words,” or the “tongue.” Many
Bibles have a concordance printed in the back. You
can also buy a concordance at the bookstore (Strong’s
Exhaustive Concordance has traditionally been my
favorite), or you can reference any number of concor-
dances online.

Once I have these references, I can then begin to look

up every instance where the Bible mentions this topic.
For me, if I’m dealing with an issue like my mouth, it’s
even helpful to write out these scriptures in a note-
book or type them all out in a computer file to really

get them planted deep on the inside. Then, I can
always go back and reread them if I need some quick
help in that area.

If there’s a specific scripture that is really helping you,

you may even try memorizing it. Again, the more you
meditate on the Word—the more you think about it
and roll it over and over in your mind—the more un-
derstanding and help you will receive in your life.

Defining Your Study

I’ve found that having a dictionary handy—whether
a physical dictionary or an online version—is also tre-
mendously helpful. I’ll be honest, during my first few
years of reading and studying the Bible, I wasn’t even
sure what a lot of words meant.

But in addition to this, when we look at the defini-

tions, we receive the full meaning of the word. I
can’t tell you how many times the Lord has taught
me a great lesson this way.

I’m going to give you a little homework—I really want

you to try this. Using a dictionary, look up the following

words: grace, mercy, patience, self-control, redemption,

adoption, and repentance. Read the various definitions
for each one. How do these definitions add to your
understanding of what the Bible says? Do any of these
definitions surprise you? I think you’ll be amazed!

We Want to Help!
In recent years, the Lord has placed such a passion in
my heart to help others learn how to study His Word.
As a result, I have put together some great online
Bible studies to help you dive deeper into the Bible.

They are all available for free, and you can access
them anytime at

I also encourage you to sign up for our “30-30 Chal-

lenge.” To date, hundreds of thousands have taken
this challenge to study the Word of God for 30 min-
utes a day for 30 days. I’m confident that it will help
you develop a habit of studying the Bible...and help
you discover the impact it can make in your life.

One of the things I love the most about the 30-30

Challenge is that we’re with you every step of the way.
You can choose to receive daily or weekly emails with
encouragement and study tips. I’ll send you videos of
some of my favorite teaching moments on the subject,
along with special audio downloads to help you in
your study.

This is really just the beginning of what we make

available to you, and there’s so much more to see and
experience for free at

I wouldn’t trade anything for what the Lord has taught
me over the years from His Word. It is truly priceless. I
can honestly say that studying the Bible has changed
my life—it has set me free, and it’s allowed me to be
everything God created me to be.

I so desperately want the same for you. As you begin

to dive deep into the Bible—as you discover what
is says about you and the issues you deal with on a
daily basis—God’s Word will teach you, encourage
you, heal you...and transform your life in ways you
can’t imagine.

Developing the
God Habit
The Lord has helped me understand that so much
of what we do every single day is the result of habits
that we have formed over time.

And when it comes to establishing healthy, new pat-

terns in our lives, studying God’s Word and spending
time with Him is one of the most important and reward-
ing habits we can ever develop.

God is the Author of all true success and everything

that is good—without Him, we can do nothing of true
value (see John 15:5). Spending time with God through
prayer and His Word is a prerequisite for having a
great life and fulfilling your purpose.

Now, it’s true that we can improve ourselves through

discipline and even have some success, but willpower
will only bring us so far. The truth is that nothing can
really take the place of having a healthy relationship
with God.

I absolutely love Hebrews 11:6. It says that God …is
a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (NKJV).
When we draw near to Him, He fills our lives with His
strength, peace, joy, provision, and favor…and blesses
us in ways we can’t even imagine.

Spending time with God doesn’t just change things—it

changes us. If we are diligent in seeking Him and His
Word, slowly and surely we become better people.

Seek and Find

I was a Christian for several years before I under-
stood that enjoying true peace and fulfillment is the
most important thing in life. It’s something that goes
far beyond happiness to a deeper joy, regardless
of our circumstances. And no matter what we own,
where we go, or what we do, only one thing can give
us this true satisfaction—God.

Psalm 27:4 has become one of the foundational scrip-

tures of my life. It says, One thing have I asked of
the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently]
require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in

His presence] all the days of my life, to behold and

gaze upon the beauty [the sweet attractiveness and
the delightful loveliness] of the Lord and to meditate,
consider, and inquire in His temple.

Seek is a strong word. It means “to crave, pursue,
and go after something with all of your might.” Many
people want a greater relationship with God, but they
don’t crave and pursue Him or lay aside other things
in order to have it.

I love Psalm 16:11. It says, You will show me the path

of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right
hand there are pleasures forevermore.

The Lord desires for us to live with His joy—to be per-

manently, consistently satisfied. This all comes from
spending quality time with God...from reading and
studying His Word, talking to Him in prayer, or simply
sitting quietly in His presence.

The truth is, everything we need to live a joyful, success-

ful life is waiting for us in His presence. The choice is up
to us…

Make God a Priority

The Lord says in Psalm 27:8, Seek My face [inquire
for and require My presence as your vital need]....
In Jeremiah 29:13 He promises, Then you will seek Me,
inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and
find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

I love these scriptures! They tell us that we should
require God as a vital necessity in life…something
we can’t live without. I’ll never forget the example
He gave me several years ago:

My uncle, who is now home with the Lord, had a

pacemaker in his heart that had to be charged on a
regular basis. One Saturday, my husband, Dave, and
I invited my aunt and uncle out for dinner, but they
couldn’t go because my uncle had to charge his pace-
maker that day.

At first, I didn’t understand why they couldn’t go. I

asked my aunt, “Well, can’t he just charge his pace-
maker tomorrow?”

She said, “Joyce, he won’t be here tomorrow if he

doesn’t charge his pacemaker today.”

If my uncle didn’t take time to charge his pacemaker,

his heart would stop beating. It was a vital necessity
for him to keep his appointment. This is the way we
should view our time with God! The quality of our life

is greatly affected by the time we spend with Him,

and it should have a place of priority in our schedule.

Adjust Your Schedule Accordingly

Years ago, I would only seek God when I was “des-
perate.” But one day the Lord spoke to my heart and

said, “Joyce, if you would always seek Me like you
were desperate, then you wouldn’t have so many
desperate situations.”

You see, for years I tried to work God into my sched-

ule, but it seemed like I never found time. I had good
intentions, but procrastination got the best of me. I
was always going to spend time with God later on…or
after the “one more thing” I was going to do.

The result? Not much was working right in my life or in

my ministry. I was frustrated most of the time and felt
like I was barely making progress. I am grateful to say
that God finally got through to me! I have learned how
to work my schedule around God, Who is first, rather
than trying to work Him into my schedule.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, Come to Me, all you who

labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and
I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and
refresh your souls.]

The answer to my problem (and yours) is simple:

Come to Jesus!

I encourage you to think of your time with God as a vi-

tal necessity. Don’t just seek Him when it’s convenient
or when life gets rough, but make this time a regular

part of your day. If need be, put it on your calendar
and treat it like an appointment you simply can’t miss.

As you do, you’ll reap a harvest of peace, joy and true

satisfaction…and begin to see changes in your life that
will simply amaze you.

Take Baby Steps

Several years ago, my then 10-year-old granddaugh-
ter came to me and said, “Grandma, I want you to
tell me how to spend more time with God because
I’m so busy.” I thought that was cute. I thought,
Honey, if you think you’re busy now, you just wait!

I told her what I’m about to tell you: Just start some-
where. So many people never start at all because they
think they need a huge chunk of time to begin. Or
they end up doing nothing if they feel like they can’t
do everything.

Here’s what I recommend: Start by taking some time

in the morning to talk with God in prayer and read
and study His Word—even if it’s just five or 10 minutes.

If you plan on spending your time with Him later in

the day, then I encourage you to take at least a few
moments in the morning to get started with God on
your mind. Acknowledge Him and ask for His help.

It can be as simple as saying, “God, I love You, and
I appreciate everything You do for me. I really need
Your help with my day.”

Sometimes we are defeated because we try to begin

where we should be finishing, or we try to do what
someone else is doing. The truth is that God will meet
you where you are right now. As you take a step of faith,
He will give you the grace and strength you need!

Remember, don’t allow yourself to do nothing simply

because you can’t do a lot. If you want to form a habit
of spending time with God, then start small and go
from there.

As you take these baby steps and commit to regularly

seeking God and spending time in His Word, I believe
you’ll feel like I do—that it’s one of the greatest invest-
ments you have ever made.


Purposely set aside time. Make an appointment with God

each day. If mornings don’t work for you, then find a time that
does. Just start somewhere!

Make preparation for your Bible study. Choose a comfort-

able place to study where you can be alone and away from

Have all your materials available. Along with your Bible, bring

any study tools you may want to use, such as a concordance
or a dictionary. Be prepared with a notepad or computer in
case you want to record scriptures or other notes.

Prepare your heart. Begin with prayer and ask the Holy Spirit
to teach you as you read and study.

Slow down: Remember, more isn’t necessarily better—it’s about

quality, not quantity!

If you are struggling with something in your life, study scrip-

tures that address the issue. If something in particular strikes
a chord while you are studying, take time the next day to dig
deeper into that topic.

Determine to be focused. If you are easily distracted, silence

your phone and wait until you are finished to respond to emails
and texts. If other important things come to mind, jot down things
in your notebook or on your computer so you can keep your focus.

Stick with it! Consistency is key!


The First
Great Bible
The first step toward knowing God and His Word
more intimately is to fully turn your life over to
Jesus. It’s the foundational element on which you can
build everything else. The moment you realize your
deep need for God, you begin an amazing journey into
His plan for your life.

Romans 3:23 (NIV) says it this way: for all have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God. 

Knowing Jesus is simply acknowledging your need for

Him, believing what He did for you and accepting His
amazing gift. You recognize that you can’t live this life
on your own—that you’ve sinned and are in need of a
Savior. And the good news about knowing Jesus, about
being saved, is the beautiful exchange that happens in
that moment. 

You give Him all the wrong and sinful things you’ve
done, and in return, God gives you everything He has
for you. Whether you know it or not yet, His plan for
your life is amazing, and this is the first step on that

to start your own, personal journey with Jesus or
perhaps want to get to know Him in a deeper way, visit: 
Joyce Meyer is one of the world’s leading practical
Bible teachers. She is a New York Times bestselling
author, and her books have helped millions of people
find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ.
Through Joyce Meyer Ministries, Joyce teaches on
a number of topics with a particular focus on how
the Word of God applies to our everyday lives. Her
candid communication style allows her to share
openly and practically about her experiences so
others can apply what she has learned to their lives.
Sharing Christ­—Loving People
Joyce Meyer Ministries is called to share the Gospel
and extend the love of Christ. Through media we
teach people how to apply biblical truth to every
aspect of their lives and encourage God’s people
to serve the world around them.

Through our missions arm, Hand of Hope, we provide

global humanitarian aid, feed the hungry, clothe the
poor, minister to the elderly, widows and orphans,
visit prisoners and reach out to people of all ages
and in all walks of life.

Joyce Meyer Ministries is built on a foundation of

faith, integrity and dedicated supporters who share
this call.

To view additional resources from Joyce Meyer Ministries,

to watch our most current Enjoying Everyday Life show,
or to receive information about our missions outreach Hand
of Hope, please visit
For Best Results,
Try This…

How to Study the Bible


Studying the Bible is one of the greatest

investments you will ever make! In this DVD,
Joyce shares practical tips on how to make
the most of your time in God’s Word.
It’s Your Manual for Life
Have you ever opened the Bible and wondered, Where do I
start? If so, you’re not alone! Studying the Bible can feel over-
whelming, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You see, God never
intended for us to feel like our time with Him is “a project” or an
obligation. In fact, it’s just the opposite—He wants to teach us,
guide us and transform us!

In this book, Joyce teaches:

• How to develop a personal study plan that’s right for you
• How to receive God’s help and direction for your daily needs
• Keys to approaching the Bible in a simple, straightforward way
• How to make time for God’s Word in the midst of your busy

Taking the time to read and study God’s Word is one of the
greatest investments you’ll ever make! And whether you’ve been
studying it for years or have just opened the Bible for the first
time, this book will help you to experience God’s Word in a fresh
new way.

ISBN 978-1-942854-57-9

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