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Grade 2 comments

Teacher’s Comments: A*
________clearly understands and comprehends a given text with the ability to extract relevant
information when answering questions. She shows profound knowledge and application of
writing conventions such as capitalization and punctuation. _________ can read and analyse
text critically and is able to make connections with prior experiences and background knowledge.
She has strengthened her skills and has made an outstanding progress throughout the term.

_______ has well-developed language skills and is able to extract relevant information skillfully
from passages, showing impressive insight when interpreting what she reads. She strives to use
relevant vocabulary to convey meaning and logical reasoning in her writings. ______ is able to
read with fluency and is coherent in communicating her opinions and ideas. She uses effective
communication skills and strategies to interact with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
_______ has sound understanding of basic language structure. She carries out an in-depth
analysis of a given text by making accurate inferences. ________is an imaginative writer and is
able to convey her thoughts and opinions with clarity and coherence in her written pieces.
____________ is able to read fluently and recognizes a variety of text forms and literary elements
demonstrating a profound understanding of how they help communicate meaning.

_______ is able to comprehend and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic
and informational texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning. She is well aware of the
basic language structure and constructs coherent written pieces. ___________ is a major
contributor in our brainstorming sessions for creative writing. She enjoys reading and is able to
communicate her ideas and thoughts with eloquence and clarity.
Teacher’s Comments: A
__________ is an inquisitive learner and participates in a range of conversations actively with
diverse partners. She uses strategies such as making connections, asking questions about the
text and inferencing to aid her comprehension. _______ conveys her thoughts and ideas
clearly using effective language arts skills that continue to mature, especially in the areas of
creative writing. She is able to read with fluency and has many insightful ideas to share with
the class. ________ has made an excellent progress throughout the term. Well done!
__________ engages in working diligently and conscientiously. She is able to analyse and
comprehend salient features of a given text to locate relevant information demonstrating
cohesive understanding. _______ has sound knowledge of language conventions and her refined
expression is well represented in her written work. She is able to read with fluency and
confidence sharing insightful ideas extracted from the illustrations in the text. I am so proud
of _______’s steady progression throughout the term. Keep it up!
________ is able to interpret and comprehend a given text accurately by identifying key elements
and supporting evidences. She is able to determine what the text says explicitly and makes logical
inferences from it. __________ writes well executed and planned materials that exhibit her
creative and imaginative mind. She is capable of reading a variety of texts with ease and
confidence and is an important member of group discussions. I am so proud of all that ________
has accomplished so far.
English: _
_________ is able to comprehend new materials quickly and is able to demonstrate newly
acquired vocabulary in a practical manner. She can generate, gather, and organise ideas and
information to write for an intended purpose and audience. ______ uses strong descriptive
language while communicating; allowing the audience to clearly visualize what is being
described. She is able to read a variety of complex passages with fluency and confidence.
English: truly has been an asset to the class. Well done!
________ is able to express herself with confidence, using a wide variety of grade-appropriate
vocabulary. She is able to comprehend texts with accuracy and is competent at gathering relevant
information and analysing explicit and implicit clues found in reading material. ______ uses her
creative mind skillfully to produce well executed and precise written materials. She finds great
joy in reading by using her proficient reading comprehension skills efficiently. I am extremely
proud of her achievements so far. Keep it up!
Teacher’s Comments: B
_______ has sound understanding of the basic language structure. She can scrutinize a given text
with confidence and understands the materials being taught in class._______ is able to identify
her strengths in creative writing which is evident in her well executed written materials. She reads
with fluency and expression by using effective reading strategies to comprehend and make
connections with the text. _______ has really made a steady progress throughout the term.

_____ has firm control over the conventions of Standard English. She is becoming skilled at
critically analysing and comprehending complex reading passages. _______‘s written materials
demonstrate a sound understanding of the main elements of a story. She is able to read a grade
level passage and provide answers in depth and detail. I am so glad to have been
________’teacher this year. Good luck!
________ displays a sound understanding of the subject matter being taught in class. She is able
to highlight essential ideas found in literary texts and use prior knowledge to form conclusions.
________ can comprehend any given text with clarity and confidence. She has an imaginative
mind and produces well developed written pieces. ________ is able to read grade appropriate
texts for information and understanding.

________ has firm control of the basic language structure. She can critically analyse and
comprehend a given text and is learning to make connections to prior experiences and
background knowledge. _________ is able to communicate her essential understandings of what
she has read both verbally and in her written expression. She has well developed reading skills
and endeavours to improve steadily. __________ has made great progress this term. Keep it up!
Teacher’s Comments: C
________ is capable of analysing and comprehending grade-level reading materials. However, it
is recommended that she learns to make inferences, draw conclusions and make generalizations
based on the information found in the text. ________ is encouraged to further refine her written
expression by using strategies to enhance her creativity and imagination. Extensive reading is
recommended in order to help her improve language, comprehension and writing skills.

_______ is learning to use comprehension strategies effectively to improve her understanding of
the text. She is encouraged to choose words, information and the format of her answers carefully
in order to express herself with greater clarity and purpose. Consistent writing would further
refine ___________’s creative skills. It is recommended that she reads rigorously and
conscientiously in order to increase fluency.

__________ has a fair understanding of the subject. She is encouraged to make an effort to
analyse a given text critically, using context clues and reading strategies to develop logical
conclusions. ________ is recommended to apply all the elements of writing conventions to
improve the clarity of her written expression. It is suggested that she reads a variety of texts to
meet the various demands of the language components at hand.
_________ has the ability to recognise and decode a given text by summarizing the key elements
and supporting evidences. However, it is recommended that she learns to make inferences, draw
conclusions and make generalizations based on the information found in the text. ______ is
encouraged to be more creative in her written expression and produce cohesive and well executed
materials. Extensive reading is suggested which would help her become more fluent and precise.
Teacher’s Comments: N
__________ is gradually learning to develop and refine her comprehension skills. However, it is
recommended that she makes an effort to avoid inconsistencies by making inquiries and using
secondary sources to further enhance her understanding of the language components at hand.
________ is encouraged to apply and assimilate the content knowledge in her written material
effectively. Extensive reading is suggested in order to enhance her ability to scan and analyse
texts with a degree of insight.

_________ has shown a great deal of interest in improving her comprehension skills. However, it

is recommended that she practises reading closely to determine what the text says explicitly and
makes logical inferences from it. __________ is encouraged to be more creative in her writings
and express her ideas and thoughts clearly in order to allow the audience to clearly visualize
what is being written. She is advised to cultivate a regular reading habit in order to be more fluent
and precise.
__________ is learning to develop an ability to comprehend and assimilate some of the literary
and informational texts. However, she is encouraged to make brief explanatory notes while
reading the text in order to clarify her ideas and concepts. It is suggested that ___________ uses
descriptive language correctly in her writings to allow the audience clearly visualize what is
being written .She is recommended to develop a habit of reading a variety of texts extensively to
enhance her fluency and precision.
___________ is learning to assimilate and comprehend a given text with ease and accuracy.
However, she is encouraged to use effective reading and comprehension strategies to decode and
highlight important details of the text._________ is recommended to apply the knowledge of
writing conventions correctly such as capitalization and punctuation in her written material.
Extensive reading is suggested in order to help her become more fluent and articulate.

A and A*

Demonstrates thorough understanding of the core concepts of science. Asks relevant questions in
class and makes thoughtful comments. Accurately collects and analyses information. Loves to
share ideas and work hard during experiments and activities. Has a refreshingly analytic mind for
science concepts that is reflected in his grades. Keep up the great work.

is a proficient learner and has shown analytical approach towards the subject. has successfully
mastered the core concepts of science. Has diverse ideas to

bring to class discussions which reflect his creative skills. Works enthusiastically when doing
hands on activities. Is advised to continue doing research and stay updated with latest

Has an analytic mind for science concepts and particularly enjoys hands on activities. Has a
naturally investigative nature and is quite proficient in all science vocabulary and concepts.
Demonstrates good critical thinking skills and puts them to good use. Has shown effective
problem solving skills throughout and can Communicate his/her novel ideas through writing. It
has been a pleasure teaching him/her.

Has a naturally investigative nature and asks meaningful questions during class discussions. Has
a refreshingly analytic mind for science concepts and has demonstrated incredible transformation
of his/her skills and strategy application in the subject. Makes great effort and ia very inquisitive.
However, it is advised to keep putting in the effort to master the subject .

effectively makes connections between science concepts, and can apply those concepts in novel
situations.formulates predictions and participates

actively in lab activities and also works collaboratively with peers. communicates her/his ideas
clearly and concisely through her/his writing

in science class. strikes the balance between completeness and conciseness. However, he/she has
great potential and can improve further in the subject.

Has strong analytic and problem solving skills and applies them effectively to science activities
and assignment. Is inquisitive and highly interested in learning new science concept. howeve, it
is advised that he/she should prepare and study diligently for science tests in order to improve
his/her grade.

is a frequent and active participant in science class, raising his/her hand often to share his/her
ideas, make connections, or answer questions. shows enthusiasm, curiosity and engagement.
works well on any team or with any partner, and she sets an example for his/her peers as a
collaborative teammate.

has an enquiring mind and is developing good exploratory techniques.

thinks critically and is able to redesign experiments when necessary. enjoys the challenge of
practical problems and uses skill and knowledge effectively to overcome them. has shown solid
understanding of science concepts and effective communication of his/her ideas. It was an
absolute pleasure teaching him/her and listening to his/her novel ideas.
Inquiry Program

___________ exhibited her thinking skills by interpreting and analyzing evidence from a variety
of different sources to make informed choices on healthy living. She was an effective
communicator during class and group discussions, leading to an interesting array of questions and
dialogue with her peers. _____________ demonstrated eagerness to listen to others and
contributed ideas reflecting interpersonal skills. She was dedicated to her own learning,
persevering and showing self-discipline and responsibility throughout the unit.

Faizan is an exemplary student who articulates thoughts and ideas effectively and collaborates
with diverse teams to accomplish a common goal. ____________ demonstrates an excellent
understanding of the central idea, he is an enthusiastic learner who is able to generate original
ideas and strategies in completing the given tasks.
He thinks independently and is an inquisitive learner. Faizan has strong analytical skills which
help him to contribute effectively during collaborative discussions bringing new ideas to the
class which was was evident during the unfolding of the theme “Where we are in place and

Haleema is an open-minded learner.. Haleema has contributed to class discussions and has
enriched the lessons with her creativity. She has shown proficient communication skills during
the presentations of the theme “Where we are in place and time”. Haleema applies the 21st
Century approach confidently to different situations in order to authenticate the learning
engagements. She is a self-directed learner and takes initiative to learn new skills.

Aariz has diverse ideas to bring to class discussions which reflect his creative skills. He listens to
instructions attentively and is passionate about learning and inquiring. Aariz interacts well with
peers and participates in all aspects of the lesson. He is able to make informed choices while
making a decision. Aariz is an enthusiastic learner who recognizes the value of interacting and
collaborating with peers. His most favourite theme was “Where we are in place and time”, where
students learnt about occurrence of natural phenomenon.

Abdullah has displayed curiosity during our theme “How we express ourselves”. He made
valuable contributions to the collaborative discussions in class. Abdullah is a dedicated learner
who takes initiative learning new skills. Strong communication skills have helped him to make
his presentations interesting and inspirational. He has diverse ideas to bring to class discussions
which reflect his creative skills.

Affan demonstrated the ability to analyze data critically to draw authentic conclusions. He is able
to communicate and collaborate confidently using the 21stcentury learning approach
proficiently. Affan enjoys opportunities for paired work, and contributes to the discussions
involved. He shared his prior knowledge with the class during team work sessions for the theme
“How we express ourselves”. Affan uses a creative approach to make learning more authentic.

Rahim makes an effort to apply his understanding and knowledge with accuracy and precision.
He has strong teamwork qualities which were exhibited in the collaborative sessions for the
theme “How we express ourselves”. Rahim is a communicator who he can clearly express his
feelings and emotions. He must work on research-based tasks to further enhance his creativity.
Rahim takes active part in learning and listens attentively to instructions.

A Hoorab Adil is a diligent and conscientious student who has a thorough command
over her language skills. She is able to associate prior knowledge with the text. She can
express herself in a precise manner in class as well using vocabulary that is suitable for
her grade level. Well-done!

Hoorain is a brilliant student and has performed exceptionally well this term, has a
thorough command over his language skills. She is able to associate prior knowledge
with the text at hand to make logical inferences. Hoorain is learning to identify and use
figurative language in his creative writing. She can express herself in a precise
articulate manner using vocabulary suitable for her grade level. Well done!

Huzaifa is a responsible student who has developed a keen interest in the Urdu subject
and is able to express his ideas with considerable effectiveness. He is advised to
develop his writing skills by expanding the variety and complexity of his reading
choices. Huzaifa is encouraged to support her ideas with evidence from the text in
order to add substance to her responses. Keep up the good work!

B Abdullah has a thorough command over his language skills. He is able to associate
prior knowledge with the text at hand to make logical inferences. Abdullah is learning
to identify and use figurative language in his creative writing. He can express himself
in a precise articulate manner using vocabulary suitable for his grade level. Well done!

Hashir handles reading tasks exceptionally well. He is enthusiastic in applying

grammatical conventions in both spoken and written form. Hashir articulates her
opinions in a well-organized manner during her session using appropriate vocabulary
and figures of speech. He thoroughly analyzes both explicit and implicit details found
in the text. Well done!

Mohyamin has well-developed language skills. He is able to make connections

between the text and his prior knowledge to make inferences about reading material.
Mohyamin articulates his opinions in a well-organized manner using appropriate
vocabulary and figures of speech. He thoroughly analyzes both explicit and implicit
details found in the text. Well done!

C Hajra is capable of analyzing complex reading materials. However, she must learn to
infer ideas, make conclusions and generalizations based on information implicitly and
explicitly stated in the text. Hajra should read regularly in order to improve the clarity
of written expression and vocabulary. It will also help her build confidence in sessions.
Moosa is capable of analyzing complex reading materials. However, He must learn to
infer ideas, make conclusions and generalizations based on information implicitly and
explicitly stated in the text. Moosa should read regularly in order to improve the clarity
of written expression and vocabulary. It will also help him build confidence in
Social studies
A Arhaan has shown a highly analytical approach towards learning about our planet, its
continents and oceans. He has gained a sound understanding of the key concepts and
topics studied during this term. Arhaan displays remarkable use of thinking skills
when assessing prior knowledge and always shows keen interest in learning. He has
done an excellent job of following through on his completion of assignments,
research, and other independent activities. Keep up the great work!

Faizan is a student with excellent observational skills. He not only observes but can
also compare and communicate his knowledge about the different types of planets and
their landforms. Faizan is a proactive student who enjoys learning about the different
types of planets. It’s been a pleasure watching him discover how there are stars of
different colours and how the blue stars are the hottest and not the coldest.

Haleema is an inquisitive learner, who has enjoyed exploring the topic “the Solar
System”. She was intrigued to learn about the different planets and their attributes.
Haleema has produced immaculate work which reflects her keen interest in the
subject. She contributes actively during our class discussions which has benefitted her
understanding of the concepts. Haleema engages herself in acquisition of knowledge
of the world and analyzes it to make authentic conclusions.

B Faateh is a conscientious learner who has worked with diligence and enthusiasm this
term. He has particularly enjoyed exploring the topic “How solar system began”.
Faateh has contributed well to class discussions. He is a motivated student who enjoys
applying 21st century methodologies to his research. Faateh is encouraged to further
explore our planets and the Solar System to consolidate his learning.

Hamza is a proficient learner and has shown an analytical approach towards learning
about our planet Earth, its continents, and oceans. He has improved significantly and
gained a sound understanding of the key concepts and topics studied this term. Hamza
exhibits an inquiring mind and engages himself in conducting research independently.
He did an excellent job of following through on his completion of assignments, and
other independent activities, such as class presentations.

Naml is an independent and diligent learner. She has achieved considerable

understanding of the concepts taught this term. Naml has not only learned about
different planets but was also able to highlight the similarities and differences between
them. She demonstrates an eagerness to learn and understand how our world began
and participated in class discussions efficiently. Naml has developed admirable work
habits and is encouraged to continue working hard to achieve excellence in the
subject. . Keep up the great work!
C Sarim is an enthusiastic learner who has performed considerably well during this term.
He takes initiative to ask questions in class and was ecstatic to explore the various
planets of the solar system, and learn about the landforms of the different continents,
during the past term. Sarim is recommended to reinforce his learning daily in order to
achieve excellence in the next term.

Mustafa has a sound conceptual knowledge of the subject and has the ability to extract
relevant information from the text. He can compare how different planets are similar.
Mustafa is an attentive listener and actively participates during class discussions
which reflect his strong communication skills. He contributes confidently using his
prior knowledge effectively during collaborative discussions.

A Faizan has good numerical skills and can use them in a variety of contexts. He uses
knowledge of place to accurately compare three-digit numbers. Faizan displays distinctive
problem-solving and critical thinking skills in solving two-step word problems by providing
written justification of the thinking process and presents evidence to prove that the answer
derived is correct. He manages to stay focused during lessons and employs his numerical
skills readily and pertinently. It has been an absolute pleasure teaching him!

Haleema has consistently shown a keen interest in learning the varied mathematical
concepts discussed during this term and is able to adopt the necessary computational skills
with confidence. She can employ her mental math skills promptly and accurately. Haleema
has shown an interest in playing educational games and has been an active part of online
quizzes. She always provides her valuable input with clarity. It has been an absolute pleasure
teaching her!

Hoorain has demonstrated a commitment to learning routines and has a positive attitude to
feedback and uses it to improve her work. She is becoming more confident in her ability to
complete word problems involving addition and subtraction. Hoorain is able to relate her
mathematical learning to her surrounding and has particularly enjoyed hands-on math
activities. However, she is advised to practice multiplication facts and division.

B Arhaan demonstrates a thorough understanding of all math concepts taught during the first
term and communicates with considerable clarity and justification of reasoning. He has a
clear understanding of the concepts of addition and subtraction with and without regrouping
and can apply his knowledge to solving complex word problems. Arhaan takes responsibility
for the completion and submission of his assignments in a timely manner.

Faateh is able to apply steps of a problem-solving process with considerable effectiveness

and uses the concept of addition with regrouping with clarity and effectiveness while solving
complex word problems. He is able to use a considerable range of strategies to approach
problem sums. Faateh is increasing his ability to calculate and perform computational tasks
and is confident in his ability to do so.

Hassan effectively maintained his in-class behavior and work habits. He has a clear
understanding of the concept of place value involving whole numbers up to 3-digit numbers.
Hassan enjoys math manipulatives and uses them during various hands-on activities. He has
gained a deeper understanding of the topic of Addition with regrouping through inquiry and
practical activity. Hassan has been an active participant in class discussions and always
provides his valuable input.

C Muhammad has developed confidence for sharing his ideas in a class discussion. He is
becoming confident in calculating and performing computational tasks. Muhammad is
encouraged to revise mental math strategies on a regular basis to gain proficiency at solving
word problems involving subtraction and addition with and without regrouping. He is
advised to work on learning multiplication facts and division.
General comments

______________ is a caring and principled student who always acts with integrity and honesty,
advocating a strong sense of fairness and respect for the dignity of individuals, groups, and
communities. She is always willing to help her classmates. ___________ shows empathy and
compassion towards the needs and feelings of others. She uses interpersonal, and conflict
resolution skills in order to show care towards others. _____________ shares ideas clearly and
confidently and reflects on the process of achievement and values the achievement of others.

_____________ expresses ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one
language and in a variety of modes of communication. She works effectively and willingly in
collaboration with others and adopts a variety of group roles with ease. ____________ values
interacting, playing and learning with others, setting goals for group interactions. She shares ideas
clearly and confidently and reflects on the process of achievement and values the achievement of
others. ____________ shows empathy and compassion towards the needs and feelings of others.
She uses cooperation, interpersonal, and conflict resolution skills to show care for others.

______________ is reflective and always engages himself in acquisition of knowledge,

comprehension of concepts taught and non-verbal communication. He is good at analysing his
strengths and weaknesses which shows the quality of a self-determined learner. ______________
understands and recognizes that actions have consequences and, therefore, makes informed
decisions and choices. He has emerged as an inquirer and shows great interest in exploring,
wondering, investigating and digging deeper. _____________ loves to ask questions and uses
various sources of information and mediums to find answers. He demonstrates a positive belief in
his abilities and strives to reach his goals by perseverance.

General Comment:
______________ is making great strides in her academic standings, and has consistently shown
improvement in all subject areas. She understands the importance of collaboration and works well
in a group setting.____________ is courteous and displays empathy and good manners in the
classroom. She tackles her written assignments in an organised manner and is able to work both
independently and as a team.

General Comment:
______ volunteers frequently and makes substantial contributions to the class discussions. She
takes immense pride in all her work and continues to exhibit willingness to improve in all the
subject areas.__________ is an asset to the class and conducts herself with maturity earning
respect of her teachers and peers.

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