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Checklist of Eligibility/Technical Requirements for Supply of Goods

Project :
Bidder :

The documents for each component should be arranged as per this Checklist. Kindly provide guides or dividers
with appropriate labels.

Please provide a sealed hardcopy and a password encrypted softcopy.

Note: any discrepancy between the two copies will result to technical disqualification.


1. Certified true copy of PhilGEPS Registration Certificate (Platinum Membership).

2. Certified true copy of SEC/DTI Registration Certificate, Articles of Incorporation/Cooperation/Partnership

and By-Laws.

3. Certified true copy of the valid and current Mayor’s/Business Permits issued by the city or municipality
where the principal place of business of the prospective bidder is located, or equivalent document for
Exclusive Economic Zones or Area.

In cases of recently expired Mayor’s/Business Permits, it shall be accepted together with the official
receipt as proof that the bidder has applied for renewal within the period prescribed by the concerned
local government unit: Provided, that the renewed permit shall be submitted as a post-qualification
requirement in accordance with Section 34.2 of this IRR.

4. Certified true copy of the current Tax Clearance issued by BIR Collection Enforcement Division, Head
Office in Quezon City attesting that the taxpayer has no outstanding Final Assessment Notice and/or
delinquent account per Executive Order 398, Series of 2005.


5. Duly notarized Secretary’s Certificate attesting that the signatory is the duly authorized representative of
the prospective bidder, and granted full power and authority to do, execute and perform any and all
acts necessary and/or to represent the prospective bidder in the bidding, if the prospective bidder is a
corporation, partnership, cooperative, or joint venture.

6. Duly notarized Omnibus Sworn Statement.

7. Statement of the prospective bidder of all its ongoing and completed government and private
contracts within the last two (2) years, where applicable, including contracts awarded but not yet
started, if any. This statement shall state for each contract whether said contract is:

a. On-going, completed or awarded but not yet started: within the relevant period, where applicable.
This statement shall include, for each contract, the following:
i. The name of the contract
ii. Date of the contract
iii. Kinds of goods sold
iv. Amount of contract and value of outstanding contracts
v. Date of delivery
vi. End-user’s acceptance, if completed
vii. Specification whether prospective bidder is a manufacturer, supplier or distributor.
b. Similar in nature and complexity to the contract to be bid. We require the use of GPPB Standard
Form Number SF-GOOD-13a and SF-GOOD 13b.


8. Certified true copy of the Audited Financial Statements for the current year duly stamped “RECEIVED”
by BIR or its duly accredited and authorized institutions, showing, among others, the prospective
bidder’s total and current assets and liabilities.
9. Bidder’s computation of its Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC) at least equal to the approved
budget or the applicable contact to be bid, computed as flows:
NFCC= [(Current assets minus current liabilities) (15)] minus the value of all outstanding or uncompleted
portions of the projects under ongoing contracts, including awarded contracts yet to be started,
coinciding with the contract to be bid.

in lieu of the NFCC described above, bidders must submit either of the following modes:

➢ Commitment from a licensed Bank to extend a credit line if awarded the contract to be bid. We
require the use of GPPB Standard Form Number SF-GOOD-15; or
➢ Cash deposit certificate in an amount at least equal to ten 10 (10%) of the approved budget for
the contract to be bid. We require the use of GPPB Standard Form Number SF-GOOD-16,


10. Valid Joint Venture agreement, in case of joint venture. Please submit the original document.


11. Appropriate Bid Security. (Cash, Surety Bond or Bid Securing Declaration)

12. Specifications with conformity of bidder. (If applicable)

13. Technical/Shop Drawings with conformity of bidder. (If applicable)


NOTE: The bidder may submit the following documents within Five (5) calendar days after the receipt of the
Notice of Lowest Calculated Bid or Highest Rated Bid (refer to sec. 34.2 of the IRR)

14. Certified true copy of the Value Added Tax or percentage tax returns covering the last two (2) recent
quarters of the year filed thru Electronic Filing and Payment System. For those establishments with less
than six (6) months of operations, this refers to the monthly business tax returns.

If the EFPS was down on the date of the filing and the tax return was filed manually, appropriate
memorandum from the BIR re unavailability of the system shall be submitted together with the manually-
filed tax return.

15. Certified true copy of the Income Tax return for the Tax of current year filed thru Electronic Filing and
Payment System (EFPS). For new establishment which, therefore, have no annual ITR yet, it shall refer to
the most recent quarter’s ITR.

If the EFPS was down on the date of filing and the tax return was filed manually, appropriate
Memorandum from BIR on the unavailability of the system is required to be submitted together with the
manually-file tax return.


16. Duly filled out Financial Bid Form signed by the bidder’s authorized representative.

17. Duly filled out Schedule of Requirements signed by the bidder’s authorized representative.

Any missing documents in the above-mentioned checklist is a ground for outright rejection of the bid


( ) Eligible

( ) Ineligible

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