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Name: Ayman Mohamed Mohamed Bakeer

Section: 4
ID: 202016575
- Mandible:
It is largest bone in the human skull holds the lower teeth in place and it is the only
mobile bone in the skull that articulate with other bone via synovial joint called TMJ
(temporomandibular joint).
The mandible consists of two main parts: a body and two rami.

• Changes within age in

- Bone density
- Angle of the mandible
- Position of Mental foramen

Changes in bone density,

- At Childhood, Bone density is at its lowest with more cancellous bone present and is more
- At Adulthood, Bone density shows marked difference from childhood with increase in
compact bone all over the mandible.
- At old ages, compact bone and bone density reach their Maximum at this age.
the body of the bone is a mere shell,ctaning the sockets deciduous teeth,imperfectly
partitioned off fromone another
The rami(the future condyle and coronoid):condylar
cartilage appears at 14 MIU (endochondral ossification)-
act as active centre till 20 years
Coronoid cartilage:growth of cartilage centre(4th-6th
Condyloid process in line wity the body
Coronoid process is in large size and projects above the level of the condyle
The mandibular canalis of large size and runs near the lower border of the mandible
The mental foramen opens beneaththe socketof the first dicidous molartooth
The manfibular angle is obtuse 175°

At chilhood
The two segments of the bone become joined at
the symphysis, from below upward, in the first
year; but a trace of separation may be visible in the
beginning of the second year, near the alveolar
margin. The body becomes elongated in its whole
length, but more especially behind the mental
foramen, to provide space for the three additional
teeth developed in this part. The depth of the body increases owing to increased growth of
the alveolar part, to afford room for the roots of the teeth, and by thickening of the subdental
portion but the alveolar portion is the deeper of the two, and, consequently, the chief part of
the body lies above the oblique line.
At adult
The body has almost equal the alveolar and subdental portions
The mandibular canal runs nearly parallel wity the mylohyoid line .
The mental foramen:: opens midway between the
upper and lower bordes of the mandible

At old age
The body becomes greatly reduced in size wity the loss of teeth, tye alvealar
process is absorbed -reduce in the hight of the mandible.
The mandibular canal of the mental foramen are both close to the alveolar border.
The mandibular angle:the ramus is oblique in direction and the angle becomes -
measures about 140°. Bone density increased with age.

Growth of mandible
Presence of teeth increase the vertical dimension of
mandible due to increase of alveolar process

Ramus height, mandibular body height, and mandibular body length decreased
significantly with age for both genders, whereas the mandibular angle increased
significantly for both genders with increasing age.

- Gray, Henry. 1918. Anatomy of the Human Body, 20th ed.
- Anatomy of Orofacial structures; Richard W. Brand and Donald E. Isselhard, 2013.

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