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Based on any educational topic, you need to design an educational game courseware using an appropriate methodology. The group must

1. Present using power point slide and a video showing the flow of the courseware (submit the video link/upoad in the google doc.
2. Submit report consisting
1. Introduction & Problem statement
2. Learning theory/theories that is/are implemented in the courseware in the analysis phase. Give justification.
3. Learning strategy which is used in the analysis phase. Give justification.
4. All the phases from analysis to design  including game play and game mechanic

Each group will present their design. Every member in the group should present. Mark will be given for the report and presentation.

Elements Marks

9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2

Introduction & Introduction is well Introduction is well Introduction is Introduction is Only Introduction or
Problem written and problem written and problem moderately written written poorly problem statement
Statement statement is clearly statement is and problem problem statement and it is badly written
defined. moderately defined or statement is is not clearly
Introduction is moderately defined defined.
moderately written and
but problem statement
is clearly defined.

Analysis phase  Objectives are  Objectives are  Objectives are  Objectives are  Only provide 1 or 2
clearly written and clearly written and written but not written but not of the below
explicit, suitable explicit, but not explicit or suitable explicit and not elements
with the topic. suitable with the with the topic. suitable with the  Objective
 Students’ analysis topic.  Students’ analysis topic.  Students’ analysis
are detailed –age,  Students’ analysis only briefly –age,  Students’  Content analysis-
gender, prior are adequate –age, gender, prior analysis are  use-case and
knowledge gender, prior knowledge incomplete activity diagrams
 Content analysis- knowledge  Content analysis-  Content  learning theory and
can achieve the  Content analysis- can either achieve analysis- cannot learning strategu
objectives and can achieve the the objectives or achieve the
suitable with objectives but not suitable with objectives and
learners. suitable with learners. not suitable with
 Learning theory and learners.  Either Learning learners.
strategy used are  Learning theory and theory or strategy  Either Learning
suitable for the strategy used are is mentioned and theory or
courseware and well suitable for the justified. strategy is
justified. courseware but mentioned and
justification is not justified.
moderately justified

Design phase  Idea is very creative  Idea is creative and  Idea is creative but  Idea is not  Idea is not creative
and suitable with suitable with the not suitable with creative but and not suitable
the learners’ learners’ cognitive the learners’ suitable with the with the learners’
cognitive level. level. cognitive level. learners’ cognitive level.
 Game activities are  Game activities are  Game activities are cognitive level.  No game activities
aligning with the moderately aligned aligned either with  Game activities strategy.
objectives and with the objectives the objectives or do not align with  No interface
learning strategy. and learning learning strategy the objectives design.
 Interface design is strategy. only. and learning  No explanation of
appropriate and  Interface design is  Interface design is strategy. the game mechanic
creative. appropriate and but neither appropriate  Interface design and game play.
 Explain game not creative. nor creative. is very poor.
mechanic and game  Explain game  Only briefly explain  Only explain
play in detailed mechanic and game game mechanic and game mechanic
play adequately. game play. or game play
Presentation Able to present very Able to present Not able to present in Presenter reads Presenter reads from
confident and confident and fair confident and fair from the slide and the slide and has no
knowledgeable in the knowledgeable in the knowledgeable in the has very little of knowledgeable about
topic. Slides are very topic. Slides are quite topic. Slides are knowledge about the topic. Slides are
readable, attractive readable, attractive readable, but not the topic. Slides are not readable nor
and creative and creative attractive and creative quite readable, but creative
not attractive and

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