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Background of the study:

Skin care is an essential aspect of overall health and wellness, involving the
maintenance of the integrity and vitality of the skin. The COVID-19 pandemic has
led to an increase in the usage of skin care products. This research aims to explore
the potential benefits of using papaya and tomatoes as natural ingredients in a
soothing gel for the skin. The main objective is to develop a product that
effectively reduces irritation and inflammation on the skin, while also providing
hydration and nourishment. Additionally, we will be evaluating the effectiveness
of the product in comparison to commercial soothing gels currently available in
the market, to determine its suitability as an alternative. Through this research,
we hope to provide an effective and natural alternative to traditional chemical-
based skin care products.

The first ingredient is tomato. Tomatoes are a plant from the nightshade
(Solanaceae) family. They are a good source of Vitamin C, Potassium, and Vitamin
K, as well as other nutrients such as lycopene and beta-carotene. researchers use
tomatoes because they have astringent properties, which can tighten and tone
the skin. They can also help to reduce the production of oil on the skin, making
them beneficial for those with oily or acne-prone skin.

The other ingredient is Papaya. it is also rich vitamin A, which is essential for
healthy skin cell growth and repair. The researcher hope to use papaya’s similar
to the tomatoes, to further boost the benefits of the soothing gel.
It has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to
reduce redness and irritation on the skin. Papaya also contains an enzyme called
papain, which can help to break down proteins and remove impurities from the
skin. This can lead to a clearer and more even skin tone. By incorporating papaya
into our soothing gel, we hope to enhance the overall effectiveness of the product
in improving the health and appearance of the skin.

Review of related literature

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study is to determine if papaya and tomatoes, when
combined, make an effective soothing gel. The main focus of this study is to
identify the soothing properties of the combination of papaya and tomatoes.


1.) Will the natural soothing gel made from papaya and tomato extracts will be
effective in reducing skin irritation and inflammation in individuals?

2.) Will the papaya and tomato soothing gel be more effective in reducing skin
irritation and inflammation than commercial synthetic gels?

3.) Will this soothing be costed less than average commercial soothing gels?

General Objective:
 to determine if a natural soothing gel made from papaya and tomato
extracts is effective in reducing skin irritation and inflammation in
this study aims to answer the following questions:

1.) Can it help reduce the inflammation of the skin?

2.) Is it more cost effective than commercial soothing gels in the community?

3.) Can it help relieve the irritation of the skin in a long period of time?

Significance of the study

The significance of this study is to make normal people pay more than what they
bargained for on commercial soothing gels and to make future researcher invest
more time into this topic

The community now has a wider range of options when it comes to soothing gels
for minor injuries. With the availability of different kinds of gels, people can
choose the one that best fits their needs and preferences.

Parents no longer have to pay that much for their children's skin irritations. they
can also make their own soothing gel using readily available ingredients from local
markets. Not only is this a budget-friendly option, it also utilizes natural
ingredients and allows for customization to fit the specific needs of their child's

The students may be inspired by this research to explore the use of other
ingredients in soothing gels. They may also use the soothing gels as a way to
relieve stress during school.


The teachers may share this idea to the students leading to the students into
expanding this topic further and making it better.

Scope and Limitations:


1.) The research, experiments and the finalization of the product will be done
at the researchers house, at the school laboratory and at the researchers

2.) The period of the experimentation and study will be July 2022 until March


1.) The researchers are only given format and guidelines by the teacher

2.) The researchers will make 4 products, two will be tested 1 will be given to
the subject teacher and 1 were left for future use
3.) The researchers limited themselves with cheap materials and ingredients

4.) the product has olive oil, if a person who is allergic to it gets exposed, wash
directly with water and soap to prevent allergic reactions

5.) the product should be made a month before final exams

Definition of terms

Global Scale
In relation to the entire world.

An area of economic activity by which the exchange of commodities is

Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)

It is the rate of return that would be required for an investment to grow from
its beginning balance to its ending balance.

United State Dollar (USD)

Official currency of the United States

The use of creams and special products to look after your skin.
Skin conditions
Any medical condition that affects the integumentary system.

The layer of living tissue just below the epidermis in human skin that
contains blood vessels, nerve endings, sweat glands and other structures.

One of the very small holes in your skin that sweat can pass through.

Dead Skin Cells

Dead skin cells are a byproduct of your skin’s natural repair and renewal

UV Rays
Vitamin C
Vitamin K
High end
Soothing Gels
Vitamin A
Cost Effective

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