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ROLL NO: [2270206]
Hospital Database Management System
order to make an accurate diagnosis
Abstract-My project Hospital and monitor the patient's health. It
Database Management system enables lower risks of mistakes.
includes registration of patients, A hospital is a place where Patients
storing their come up for general diseases.
disease details into the system. It Hospitals Provide facilities like:
will also contain doctor’s
information and will digitalize the • Consultation by Doctors on
whole billing Diseases.
system. It has the facility to give a • Diagnosis for diseases.
unique id for every patient and • Providing treatment facility.
stores the details of every patient • Facility for admitting Patients
and staff automatically. It includes (providing beds, nursing,
medicines etc.)
a search facility to know the
• Immunization for
current status of each room. User Patients/Children.
can search availability of a doctor Various operational works that are
and the details of a patient using done in a Hospital are:
the id. And the whole process
conducted by Administrator. • Recording information about
the Patients that come.
Keywords- Hospital, • Generating bills.
Administrator, Patients, Doctor, • Recording information related
Diseases, Staff, Treatments, Test, to diagnosis given to Patients.
Lab reports, Schema. • Keeping record of the
1. BACKGROUND Immunization provided to
A Hospital Database Management Children/Patients.
System (HDMS) is a computer or • Keeping information about
web based system that facilities various diseases and
managing the functioning of a medicines available to cure
hospital or any medical set up. This them.
system will help in making the whole These are the various jobs that
functioning paperless. need to be done in a Hospital by the
The hospital database includes all operational staff and Doctors. All
the necessary patient data. The these works are done on papers.
disease history, test results, The work is done as follows:
prescribed treatment can be accessed
by doctors without much delay in
• Information about Patients is 2. IDEAS
done by just writing the The hospital database includes all
Patients name, age, and gender. the necessary patient data. The
Whenever the Patient comes up disease history, lab reports,
his information is stored prescribed treatment can be accessed
freshly. by doctors without much delay in
• Bills are generated by order to make an accurate diagnosis
recording price for each facility and monitor the patient's health. It
provided to Patient on a enables lower risks of mistakes.
separate sheet and at last they
 The project maintains two levels
all are summed up.
• Diagnosis information to  of users:
• Administrator.
patients is generally recorded • User Level-Data Entry
on the document, which Operator.
contains Patients information.  Now, I discuss the main facilities
It is destroyed after some time
 in this project are:
period to decrease the paper • Maintaining records of
load in the office. indoor/outdoor patients.
• Immunization records of the • Maintaining patient’s test
children are maintained in pre- and examinations details.
formatted sheets, which are • Providing different test
kept in a file. facilities to a Doctor for doctor
• Information about various for diagnosis of a patients.
diseases is not kept as any • Maintaining patient’s
document. Doctors themselves prescription, medicine and
do this job by diet advice details.
remembering various
• Providing billing details for
medicines indoor/outdoor patients.
All this work is done manually by • Results of tests, prescription,
the receptionist and other precautions and diet advice
operational staff and lot of papers will be automatically updated
are needed to be handled and in the database.
taken care of. Doctors have to • In this project collection of
remember data in form different
various medicines available for pathology labs.
diagnosis and sometimes miss • Related test reports, patient’s
better alternatives as they can’t details report, billing reports
remember them at that time.
• User or administrator can Administrator manage & maintain
search a patient’s record by the whole system.
his id. • Manage Doctor
• Hospital Database Management This table will be used for
System Design: storing and managing the Doctor
information and login account.
The Hospital database • Manage Laboratory
management system design is a
This table will be used for
database design use for managing storing and managing the
hospital functions and events. It Laboratory transaction.
enables the admin to register a • Manage Inpatient
patient for the hospital, stores This table will be used for
their disease details into the storing and managing the
database. Any of the staff inpatient information and
members, doctor & admin is able diagnosis.
to add, view, edit, update or delete • Manage Outpatient
data. This table will be used for
 Purpose of Hospital Database storing and managing the
inpatient information and
 Management System: diagnosis.
The purpose of the Hospital
Management System database • Manage Room
Design is to make a secure and This table will be used for
easy way of storing information of storing and managing the
the patient, doctors, inpatient, room information and
outpatient, Rooms, and Bill assigning of patient in every
 payment.
 Features of the Hospital Database • Manage Bills
The billing table will be used
 Management System: for managing the statement
There are seven (8) common of accounts per patient and
features of Hospital Management
for the collection of bills.
 System Database Design such as • Manage Staff
Managing Administrator, Doctors,
laboratory, Inpatient, Outpatient, This table will be used for
storing and managing the
 Rooms, and Hospital Bills Staff information.
• Administrator
This table of ER Diagram Hospital
Management System will be used
for storing and managing the
administrator information.
 ER Diagram of Hospital Database 2. Doctor Table:
Management System Relations
Fields Data Type hips

Doctor_id int(5) Key
me Varchar(15) Not Null
Dept Varchar(15) Not Null

a_id Int(5) Key

3. Staff Table:

Fields Data Type ps

s_name Varchar(15) Not Null

The proposed ER diagram for
Hospital DBMS with relationship Primary
s_id Int(5) Key
shows the entity of the proposed
Hospital Management system
database, which is presented by NID Int(12) Not Null
tables; the tables are made to meet
the required specification of the salary Int(5) Not Null
system and provide much more
specific details of each entity within a_id Int(5) Foreign Key
the system.
Data Tables:
1. Administrator Table:
Fields Data Type Relationships

a_id int(5) Primary Key

a_name Varchar(20) Not Null
gender Varchar(10) Not Null
4. Lab table: lab_no int(5) Key
Relations Foreign
Fields Data Type hips Doctor_id Int(5) Key

Primary disease Varchar(20) Not Null

lab_no int(5) Key 6.
Patient_id int(5) Not Null Outpatient
weight int Not Null Table:
Foreign Data Relations
Doctor_id int(5) Key Fields Type hips

Date/Time[ Primary
date 6] Not Null Patient_id int(5) Key
category Varchar(15) Not Null
patient_ty date ime Not Null
pe Varchar(15) Not Null Foreign
amount Int(10) Not Null lab_no int(5) Key

7. Room
5. Inpatient Table: Table:
Fields Data Type hips Data Relations
Fields Type hips
Patient_id int(5) Key Primary
name Varchar(20) Not Null room_no Int(5) Key
gender Varchar(10) Not Null room_typ Varchar(10
address Varchar(20) Not Null e ) Not Null
room_no int(5) Not Null
date_of_ad Date/Ti Varchar(10
mit me[ 6] Not Null status ) Not Null
date_of_di Date/Time[ Patient_id Int(5) Key
scharge 6] Not Null
advance Int(10) Not Null
8. Bill Table:
• Hospital DBMS SQL Server
Fields Data Type ps Database Schema Diagram
bill_no int(50) Primary Key

Patient_id int(5) Foreign Key

patient_type Varchar(10) Allow Null

ge int Not Null
arge int Not Null
Insert data into all Tables:
Now, we can use insert statement
room_charg for Insert (add) data or record into
e int Not Null tables.
operation_c • For Administrator table:
harge int Allow Null The statement below enters 2
number_of_ records or rows into patient Table:
days int Allow Null

rge int Allow Null
advance int Allow Null table:
health_card Varchar(50) Allow Null
lab_charge int Allow Null

bill int Not Null • For doctor table:

Snapshot: The statement below enters 2
records or rows into doctor
• Hospital DBMS Tables list
in SQL Database Server
records or rows into room table:
• For lab Table:
The statement below enters 2
records or rows into lab table

Note: We will store this kind of

record or information by using
above process.
 Search a patient’s record by
• For inpatient table:  his id:
The statement below enters 2 To see patient’s record, we
records or rows into inpatient will use select statement.
table: 
I would like to see how much
bill, doctor charge, medicine
charge, room charge, operation
charge, nursing charge are
Table: came and how much advance
given the first patient's
• For outpatient table:
The statement below enters 2
records or rows into outpatient

• For room table:
The statement below enters 2
3. Conclusion
The project Hospital Data
Management System
(MDBS) is for
computerizing the working
in a hospital. It takes care
of all the requirements of
an average hospital and is
capable to provide easy
and effective storage of
information related to
patients that come up to
the hospital. It generates
test reports,
provide medicines
prescribed to patient and
doctor. It also provides
billing facility on the basis
of patient’s status
whether it is an indoor or
outdoor patient. The
system also provide the
facility of backup as per
the requirement.
[1] https://www.academia.e

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