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Organization is the framework.

It facilitates proper utilization of men, material and money for the

achievement of goals. When certain goals have to be achieved and when individuals have to come
together and share the work and act with understanding over a period of time, an organization is
formed. Family is a primary unit of organization, where men and women live and work together for
achieving certain goals. Other units of organization are larger, formal and limited objectives.
Organization is an integral and an important part of human life.

According to Tung, & Schoch, (2011) oorganization is a process which integrates different type of
activities to achieve organizational goals and objectives, to achieve these goals there must be
competent management providing them all those factors to perform their job efficiently and
effectively.  Organization is nothing but is a process of integrating and coordinating the efforts of
men and material for the accomplishment of set objectives.

Organisation includes breaking up the entire work into different segments. Different segments of
work are then assigned to different persons for their efficient accomplishment. This brings in
division of labour. It is not that one person cannot carry out many functions but specialization in
different activities is necessary to improve one’s efficiency. Organisation helps in dividing the work
into related activities so that they are assigned to different individuals.

However, an organization without a clear purpose or mission soon begins to drift and become
disorganized. A common purpose unifies employees or members and gives everyone an
understanding of the organization’s direction. Ensuring that the common purpose is effectively
communicated across organizations (particularly large organizations with many moving parts) is a
central task for managers. Managers communicate this purpose by educating all employees on the
general strategy, mission statement, values, and short- and long-term objectives of the organization
(Khalkhali, 2010).

Coordination of various activities is as essential as their division. It helps in integrating and

harmonizing various activities. Coordination also avoids duplications and delays. In-fact, various
functions in an organisation depend upon one another and the performance of one influences the
other. Unless all of them are properly coordinated, the performance of all segments is adversely

Coordinating effort involves working together in a way that maximizes resources. The common
purpose is achieved through the coordinated effort of all individuals and groups within an
organization. The broader group’s diverse skill sets and personalities must be leveraged in a way
that adds value. The act of coordinating organizational effort is perhaps the most important
responsibility of managers because it motivates and distributes human resources to capture value.

Each and every organization has followed some specified norms and standards of behaviour. Such
norms and standards of behaviour force every member of the organization to apply it. The
employees are bound to behave according to these norms and standards. Through this process,
behaviors of the employees are guided by a system of reward and punishment. The desirable
behaviour of the employee is rewarded and undesirable one is punished.

Moreover, division of labour, the separation of a work process into a number of tasks, with each
task performed by a separate person or group of persons. It is most often applied to systems of
mass production and is one of the basic organizing principles of the assembly line.

Further, organisation includes breaking up the entire work into different segments. Different
segments of work are then assigned to different persons for their efficient accomplishment. This
brings in division of labour. It is not that one person cannot carry out many functions but
specialization in different activities is necessary to improve one’s efficiency. Organisation helps in
dividing the work into related activities so that they are assigned to different individuals.. For
example, much like an Art teacher who is specialized in the field of Art by study and practice. Or, a
Mathematician who received a degree in the concentration of Mathematics. Being experts in their
specific field by foremost a specialized study equips teachers with a proprietary lever to assess
student capabilities and characteristics. To which, they will challenge further where the student
requires challenge and advance where the student can advance.

In school as an organisation, authority and responsibility need to be aligned appropriately, with the
person responsible for certain outcomes having the authority to make them happen.

Under organization a chain is established between different posts right from the top to the bottom.
It is clearly specified as to what will be the authority and responsibility of every post. In other
words, every individual working in the organization is given some authority for the efficient work

performance and it is also decided simultaneously as to what will be the responsibility of that
individual in case of unsatisfactory work performance.

Authority refers to the official capacity to make a decision or take an action. For example, a school
manager might have the authority to make a hiring decision, decide to spend a certain amount of
money on something, set deadlines and priorities, or sign a purchase order. A secretary might have
the authority to sign certain documents, schedule meeting rooms, or issue purchase orders for
routine restocking of office supplies. Salespeople might have the authority to offer certain specific
discounts to customers.

Typically, the demands or wants of the people determines the strategies and goals of an
organization. What are the needs in the market and how an organization can bring new and
needy products to the market create an interaction between the organization and the environment.
Without interaction, organization cannot fulfill required products or services to the users groups.
This way, an organization is an open system, without which it cannot survive (Vicente Roca-Puig,
Furthermore, without goal or set of goals, organization is useless. There is nothing for the
organization to do. Therefore, the major characteristic of any organization is its goal. Type of
people or technology is adopted so that the set goal can be achieved. The goal gives line of action;
acquire required type of people and uses type of technology so that the goal is achieved in an
anticipated time point. Without goal, organization cannot be formed. For instance, a school can set
goals to achieve good performance among learners.

furthermore, people are capable of generating ideas, solving problems, making decisions, and
generating learning that improve the organization. People create the other elements of a high-
performing organization and achieve its' Mission through the application of their capabilities as
individuals and teams. As the organization involves people, and the people generate different
needs, they can leave the organization or some may die too. This does not affect the organization to
stop or decrease in size. Hence, it is said that every organization has its own continuity. For
example A good head teacher can leave but other better man can take over the charge of the
organization (Handy,1990).

Similarly, people are the main performers in any organization. In other world, all the elements of
any school are the same except the people. Even with the same age, qualification, experience and

facilities, the output of the people may vary, simply because the needs and wants of all people are
not the same. What makes them work by heart and head is the one that differentiate organizations
from one to others.

Wright, & McMahan, (2011) state that, technology is the means of doing works. There are various
kinds of doing works. As an organization consists of more people, its performance procedure
should be of a fixed type so that each individual in the organization can exercise them well. This is
how technology initiates. Technology eases the work and shortens the time. Technology originates
a certain policy necessary to keep organizational beliefs in doings of the various people at different
structural level. This saves the integrity of the people in achieving goals. For example, It reduces
the chances of homework getting lost between school and home. It reduces the need for students to
carry heavy textbooks. It enables students to easily access information from any device connected
to the internet. It enables quick and easy access to the teacher through live chat options.

The school process should be flexible so that any change can be incorporated easily. It ensures the
ability to adapt and adjust the activities in response to the change taking place in the external
environment. The programs, policies and strategies can be changed as and when required if the
provision for flexibility is made in the organizing process. For example, a school with
strong Flexibility will easily adapt to a change in the curiculum routine.

Steven, (2007) states that, coordination is the function of management which ensures that different
departments and groups work in sync. The important features of coordination are: It is essential for
group efforts and not for individual efforts. It is a continuous and dynamic
process. Coordination emphasizes the unity of efforts. For example, the coordination between
department heads, or supervisors, or co-workers. Coordination is important because it balances
inequalities and restores teamwork. Individual differences create imbalances, thereby making it
difficult to accomplish organizational goals. Through coordination we enforce teamwork
in organizations. Team work balances unequal factors and achieves organizational goals.

In conclusion, without well run organization, our standard of living, our level of culture and our

democratic life could not be maintained. We are born in organization, educated by organizations

and most of us spend much of our time working for organizations.” Also Andrew Carnegie



Khalkhali, A. (2010). Presenting a model for edtablishing management of healthy classroom.

Journal of educational psychology of Islamic Azad university, first year, Tonekabon , 2, 60-

Mesrabadi, J., Badri, R., & Vahedi, S. (2010). Examining the extent of lack of discipline within
students in the conditions of exerting different resources of teacher's authority. science-research
journal of psychology Tabriz University.

Steven Pool, B. P. (2007). A management development. Journal of Management Development,


Tung, A., Baird, K., & Schoch, H. P. (2011). Factors influencing the effectiveness of performance
measurement systems. International Journal of Operations, 1287-1310.

Vicente Roca-Puig, I. B.-M. (2011). Combined effect of human capital, temporary employment
and organizational size on firm performance. Personnel Review,, 41, 4 – 22.

Wright, P. M., & McMahan, G. C. (2011). Exploring human capital: putting human back into
strategic human resource management. Human Resource Management Journal, 93–104.

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