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Chapter 5: Free time

1. free time waktu lapang

2. Monday Isnin
3. Tuesday Selasa
4. Wednesday Rabu
5. Thursday Khamis
6. Friday Jumaat
7. Saturday Sabtu
8. Sunday Ahad
9. football bola sepak
10. match pertandingan/perlawanan
11. trip perjalanan/rombongan
12. lake tasik
13. play bermain
14. swim(ing) berenang
15. listen dengar
16. look lihat/tengok
17. say sebut
18. chant sebut berulang kali
19. busy sibuk
20. week minggu
21. computer games permainan komputer
22. play ball bermain bola
23. sing menyanyi
24. hide-and-seek sembunyi dan cari (sorok-
25. picture(s) gambar (gambar-gambar)
26. question soalan
27. lake tasik
28. lost sesat
29. wait and see tunggu dan lihat
30. watch out jaga-jaga/hati-hati
31. sentence ayat
32. correct betul
33. choose pilih
34. come datang/hadir
35. find cari
36. mud lumpur
37. school sekolah
38. teacher cikgu/guru
39. brother abang
40. friend(s) kawan (kawan-kawan)
41. bike/bicycle basikal
42. toy(s) mainan (mainan-mainan)
43. sleep tidur
44. perfect lengkap/sempurna
45. poem syair
46. healthy sihat
47. life kehidupan
48. important penting
49. fun seronok
50. keep fit jaga kesihatan
51. do sport bersukan
52. learn new things belajar sesuatu yang baru
53. survey tinjauan
54. show tunjuk
55. act out lakonkan
56. again semula/sekali lagi
57. cover tutup/lindung
Chapter 6: The old house

1. old house rumah lama

bathroom bilik mandi
bedroom bilik tidur
living room ruang tamu
hall (area in front the door or dewan/kawasan di hadapan
rooms) pintu sebelum masuk ke bilik
dining room ruang makan
kitchen dapur

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