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\ Co rrelat, &Y. 0) Correlation Ve | ¥5i9 7 AT 0F- 22. Pb brvariate & TOulvaride #19 syllabus We've @Dly by vor idle C&L) gree mekheds aie there 10 delve v ') Method of covariance Lhe variance Da tho variables (FY karl pearson cof of Gorleloon = Covariance (£4 ae SOT) xSOY — He of correlation Properties the correlation cof! is always sy Ta mesic fen Geys Gx cof: ia not affected by change in bok a) Ibe correlabion 2 ound Oxigin % scalecaoromon divisor) x Me PRoanmnon P a) Yay = Sev 500 bere h= 100 Hop yoo PP POT E VE Ke maaan’ i Where u-% Yn ve tHe aan’ Covariance athe correlorion Gof ice in Ye anny ba ~VE 3) ub g-Gon't P “Ihe cof: of carrelakion b/s xey is oae * their Govan to 1G FF the variance oP wr’ Is ‘q' is the “oy a. 8 o we VT ee te cord) eg x vx Ty a re a 128 = a ae a NS 3 (0-28) ~ £9Oe, ~ nT =, Br "or the Fol Oni , “at bes the two varalieg ae Galeria alc pe = Mra 4 5 6 @ I WB yYuig ia 10 4 F 3 2 ot? yr | xy, ; alie| 1. [824 [36 ola Shia] ie five [se ie 25 | oo [8% ged 42 40 2 q 3 y {26 alp wa AS plas | 55 | 275 Afr 22 =( Py fn er ea)" a (ors) (U5) 2 (a7) TEN? & [495-9793 ~8oe __ Wes rate (Gee 5 0% fusws-3207 ary — VISSE s PEP oY (25-397) (5655) = <0: 935€ the following dala calculale corre@oten blo Price & Hcular co Troodity dq fer a pan deroa” 19 QS 3s yo YF 2 e 5 BVUYEVOEEEVEBDUYwWwwe ~~ paw | Denne , Pr ra 11 vO 10 Via ie in oF 2b 4 ; al 45 i hae al We a 19.95 | gy , 6 1600 rf 1S | _ | 5 2096 a4 183 1 1q Blyd cz pe tay (ar 224d in (Zt) [meer (FP? 1 6 (168) ~ (Werry 2963 ‘ Cony C129" oT aanaa 4 454 a (ats Rom the Bllowina data “Bleubl tha GoPF of correlation using ‘0’ 05 working oveIog: for puce cad Fo Fr ‘ demand + Price 4 ie IF we 19 20 4 28 QF ! ge 72 7 qa 66 GT OF $3 60 re pos: . 50-03- 2 i~ x: price ys deqarnd: a ff 4 po GE pe le pe me zy) 22 = D3 ‘wy 3 | H so fee |e =o IG a | 2d pe eidaeuea => freee -ey* pew ey . yasa~ to q (aia) 100 [exo (5402 eS fa Ger = (a9 (ASD 4 = - 0184" oo th IL inferraake wD ltsing TE Pull in snect nee +200 zCa-a)(Y10) #50 n= 12. t 9 (ule a g(a-gh 20 aa y the result? Ba. 1-8 Y= BI=1Q aa 7 ee B ci (2-89-19) ~(gxxZy) we =8 &Y=10 sore! ve ZOCDOD 0. aca (9-9) Few Peo Joe feu “3 > 50 50 (so bx oO Creag? + OF 28 Tolerpretakon + y= 0.29 ! t2 = 0078 4 qer/ observation are closely associaled coith two variable ‘xB y! 26) Proms “the following imi maton j Particulars y- series i No? oP observations om fl Mean le Bquaree ceviaton [3e Prom mean ao SD Surreal? of Produck deviahon #| (20 % yRY Srey ' m5 %*29 gris tj ego! 0978 j sou? = 136 BP2(3 ae zon~ EP z(y- U zCat- E)CI~ 9) * 129. _ x)Cu-9 1D Ee sea eeo 186 Tae 2 OOF ESE" 4H go-03-2? “Pind the reallion bey advertisemenk conk » saks oF fer dota given below 5 Ze Ader ana a1 6s 2 70 re re 0 Nn 1900) | up 93 58 8S CP “e rales d - Cin takhy) a4 Xv Ady. cooks a Ralerty yo food Fe Tre33 = 220 | 1633 65 2kogq | 3iut 65 3 5.6 40 age | THO 8? 4627p 2 iy 45 pgavy | 165% as ee | equa 48 Bee) oe co 34 eelescem| a | 951046 | 650 “ey 10 (45645) ~ (6501 640) ———, lo(sene ) ~(G60)" 10( 4648) -(650F Vier oe) aid x a7 60 aay jana fra CIT) = or t103 ay) 3G =e fiom the following ‘table Calculate Probable errox of “¢ 2 In k e Yqou ££ #8 F & ax G BB ‘the mean oF x & Y Serie tes pec hvely9 bb x oye é x 6 : 2 6trtlotark -¢ qanretatt oe ‘a k 790 BEL Yo oct Kk . le = ¥ a5 Bt ut xy 6 se C«d 8 is 8 rai | 23 lo 6y 2850 , 4 Yd Boe? 32, 2 25 |e 5G 30 220 |57O Py me Ey (ZXREY) v = Z , fnew ey ner ey _ (oy) = (2289) (SCI 20* 150219)" -i (14 Co 5 =OrseSs¢ OU? Probable ertor (8) Staredand ror peer) 1 SEC =6Gis * [ett e va MOA 22 weary : (6085) - (38 x10) e@rrsy- (iasP fet Tei aon ame forave) (4 a5) = -a7ts PECK = G65 «I Ya 2 Oroagy ed from tbe Full dale cikew A B c DE F Density * 20° 500 4oo Wo 60 300 Pop. 30 10 go. 42 FAR ay Cin rod) nor of dealt + 3000 tyyd 5G B40 Jose BIZ tect the samiFieance OF carregation cf q ‘deolb ole? . bigy cen tty ao » fot Sa" de nok densty op Pop.” sy’ demote death rte = NOL AG, 00/90 49/00/90 5e-00/80 »3q a JW SS ®) “ [702-22 S be. Mezey ~ (ee zy) Ieee 8 —— u Yn- Txt apt Yn ay? ~ (7Y* a X% G (56,660) — (2700 © 167 ) 9 Yq (12% 00,60)- (7 160)? fe CMF 95)— casey)? = 112)020 8 eating eee Ooo oat 9 (02469 (196 65) 05-042 32 D peca-ouoe 9 SxsEd = 353 ee re Bq) RC Bw ete mot st9Gron! ae luc! gg Ibe Following debe tealle the prizes “and eupply oF OPH dluring a period of W yeaNs: Test the sianiFiconce of. Corredakion be Price w suppl lg? > Price + foe ee! oe of | Supply Pe te Ce ile aie B Cin toorg) 1 an 2 price supply (yy ee. > ' Vet 275 | 490 c 294 a 636 14%0 ’ Qise > RTO ) BZUGC BlsZ ’ Lexy (2EXXZY) : ’ re” p-ECI) 7 nw ey? Vo rp 1zy* 2 meme —Es)? zy (zy ooo hes Mm ! oo a] = OC FS x (IH O59 Peer 1 (R990) ~(126)* \F (a3H0) ED ee z = O-07683 3 (ess) (5200 0925 " 05-04-21 >To best the dI9nificance of Gorreeation we've to Find SECH) S-E(t) = 0103683 Gx SECK) = oi cixcece 01a > 022098 6x 0-03683 = 0 :Qa098 a ve ts significant Regression andysis .- Fsi'makion of one vatiabie depend ' Is Known as “rearession” Avg recahion bles 90 One vanable depend op ma I) Regresion (Regs) cv of and we R= b> bats UE ew 2 bop) oF = byx Cx-X) eq yon x 2) Re 9: (y- 9) yny variable" 9 on anolber variable y (X" w is ‘roulipe regreuron” 5 4) sets) SEY) Y peg. cob of > ony ' ge core. oF “YOR bux + Re er(Z (% ) Propetttas oF "89° Gor E® ‘Req: coff’s are syronaehic = Varionce FY) be> ats y Q)Both the rege” gsion Lines % 1F and only IF varionee CX) ve inencciog I BK Ce, a) re oh tba poor CD 2 Yg3)te ove OF the legiessOD CPF 94 then other reg- Y conf <4 ) Pe asia > #£ by 94 =) Bayt ) C bay * bat = ei: corr OF delerm (nah cn) > 5 yp dbe geo mete! teoD oF two regression Goft!s 15 alipys jhe correlation oP: yecnal_t0 the ama ) here ‘ req’ cope /é -are bay Bye hey ts + Byxby ne : + babs ' 3 2 -~ > at (=. 08-0422 5)1F One oP Fe COP: >I &otber 1e9- cop. o4 vo 6) reqs 3) Both the rege COf: are of the same sign I-c-y IF bry: te & byx= HVE ol) viceversa, ad +) 3F both the 'e9- corF-ts are tVe then ‘t' is +ve w Vice verse 9) Ibe arithematic ream of two regression oo!s 16 alanys greoien than or earo0 fo coriegaton aofh icy beytbyyx 5 ¥ “aC Problems on tegressiop linep a from the Following aa's idenkfy -lbich ts the tegressioe gine of Comd *& ‘ylon oxt+gy =8 Las) poet syslo 3) WV gx = 10-59 | ax 5(a7 VY » 7 . Lomas 4eh ug assure tha) 1) 18 antaye® Qn 2 grBy x= $B 4d fe oF Y m= & bay = CoF a gtsyslo 3g SY = 10-3L y= O- oe x byx = COPF: oF XH - OG 4 oe Peecbir® oreo 2 NOT O44 | ~- * bey mbyy Oe ~ve J ~~ feorn the Followiny dako x rio ts le 20 ae 8 = "96 29 yorto 45 38 88 a) coropule the tuo rege 93199 Cine OP F ; sate b) aalcueole gorrelako? cofsis UsiDS ee ate the sy Yrae youso © C)Estimate the yous of “ot ibe 2 voour of Y 275° ts x - woristlet® lo 15 12 a0 25 30 aa 150 . 3139 | 1604 ‘met Zx=150 BY 93! Sy oe area Tm” ps.tos eran Fm Sie fren ey = E(1oou) = (50728) £7 (2139) 23" 2 ~2N82 = Henne 361 Lio = -o-6 tos eo = x op = bau? Regs coPr of ‘yon x! 3 bye > THB “Rr By M Bxet ~ x) = -QY2e A686 5O°Q om Q) Reg: Gine oF “x' ony! &- Hs bay (9-9) (2t- Qs 4a) = (~0'64) (Y~ 32) ~ QbY2 = ~OCFTY e+ 29-1] HOGTY PETS ® Reg. Gine “y’ on *2’ CY- 5): byx(r-%) (U-33) - -o'90( x- O42) Y-3S = -oqoxr pt 1V27e = -0-9% FEI QTE b) re tyYbry xbyx 2 -OTTS & 1eg. Give oF tof om y*| PU » bry&byx axe ~ve} fp yeas ire of + x50 ip Kg ore SD pul yr35) 10 9 ru ye —OrF 0+ FQ/DTP ys oO CTY +4352 * ' 2 pate ' = 20-08 oa Pilowing ipfrreator the follo 7 ae Rag5 Yxad po oDY > bays AS m=10 “peg: COPPA i won cyl ons) byx = 0108S coropule )) correebon coh re bey xbut Qimer wetsud the too ted A apie the voou oF sot hen Yo 16 @ the vaout 3. Yy rl Be gy: Y95(0 028) roads CC DE_ "DOO Tl 7 : ») Reg Vine of x ony ost (xR) 2 bay (YD (35) = 25> 25) mx 35 7 25y Ouse xe Qsyn OTF Reg: Cine oF y on x @-Y) = byx (2 (u-a5)= 5.095 (4739) yas = 0:09 517 0845 y = apes + 00954 (c) U | phen x10 0.095010) ‘them yrld pee arg (ts) 4S i ge aulest s 10 2 Qa Ft > os-02-82 Point out the consislency oF Trconsisk Md From the follo wird gepRotragion poned & coriclatoo dhe req? ev" on yon x 18 au cofficient beluseD so'yy is o8 be | rege oy on jg autaae4 gy 473% ye -r5rte buy 2h BOF “pda 1 inaotsistent oj fom he following dota ‘i x EL ams 36 8 7 go fl 8 x rzoee find ge: nig of Huo Ter the two regression Qiner b)Gorsteuct cj compute Me alue of 2 hen ye tT 06-04-29 Given 1°36 9°85 Kr GB T-O8e call DY bry = o ona (H) > eee 101 b) Reg: Dive OF X 0D u n~ X ~ bay(y- Y) x- 36> lO) (Y- a5) BG + OLY Foard X= Pary~ 66-85 Shem Ys F'5 2 FOILS) GETS © ~HTATTS Regs Oine oF -y/ ono (YD = byx (XX) (y~85)> 0-64 (X-36) Y-85 = Gyr -"Q2-OF Us OGYXt EITC: + data are 8&2 -l0YtGG =O ind > ‘tha Oineg F regression OF bivaton and 10x ~1ey salt wvatigoce OF 4°49 Py a)meon valuer OF sel ey! b) the correoaticn corre Py ** I 9 4? re he tap regression Cines are poleasecting at the Pont 9 hence 40 compule the valuer ot F#F slove the given eq: Simoultanéeyh om —19(13)* Yox = SOY = ~330 hoa. Ca)yra1y bee gley =3ly = 6 ge sce? ep x= 213 ~aay > ~Syy Gag i n—”mkwsy OWwwO3$—— a ve DES 1 ade 25-ou-aa tel us azsume thal the “709: Oine of ion ¥ YOx-19y arp lays yor ly Ye Deadan-MOq + byx + COPF) of x= a-a07 Yeg: Oine of “s'on-y’ ell bos bes > PL-NOY: ~66 ae BX: 109-GE . ie os Dat posi x basy- 8-95 i boeys cofh of “Y's FOF +! Bb the rege COFF'S are Jeciprocao fo cach 1 ' Olber fey bry Voy a byx- Vee 7M “= Yoros aa -o-8 2 O45 45 4 bath are ¢4 Co IY), of wry Y covery) oy ZV © bay 200) (1) zoy-G)* sore IG ‘ bat ae f__, —____- Rank : 1-04-89 wir correlation (Spear man's correlation) a = . imd out the rank correlahio tb fey two Kinds oF sseiment of pq students pelfrmang in a collega? Na me of the A BebderFau 7 f Student : €0 52 | Telernal De opie hd cone assesemant \ gies ao 2) 20 External aq 72 74 her asses mant i seym red by shudetls in Inkrral 7 Ye marks 8c0 » external ¥ 1 an Let * a a ie ZO = GS 7 : I oe & repeded rane 7 ext ea) APS adjuctmark Factor ; oo 5 device fox ve sate8 0 Hero BOTA ES, at4et) mea Fa = 2G ity oC = rr t- (S82 |. pousscorens 2 O° (Sai)* #0768 «ps “Sy igor . Galcysae Spearmen's conedation cot of following dala. 4Q 95 55 42 qe 65 x1 30 IF G5 28 ca se 6a 85 y pad 6@ 5B gy 42 2, ct v Rot int Realm |v. by-P, | De (ew go | 7 . 15 aad Vt 6a 4 a jis ld | ad 5 5 25 | wet 28 75 3 BS ~ 4s 26105 4a 4Q 5 2 so 30-95 as | 52 2 [9 les 1 35 39 les 1. 451 [god AR 6Q 5 5 as 6:95 ae «| 8S 4 4 © c 85 40 Jo tS) ° ° t Tyra 1205 . af fos 35 aegi KD VFR pee mocenicds BEI = o°8 ig x] ae for 42 foie BMP? Ate mmed) 0-5 Ta ap fox 45 twice 2D M=Q | ap eos rice DD M3 arf Rr 62h 4 af. 3). 2-2 Ty ve Re fete 9-0 2? mem i) = fa 64 ls ecnens wis rose 0) foc1or to qom T? hs: Ri 1g opet “Tanks coe mot repeq 6-0) ee = 1] BOF mlm? |) es 2 eT [) _ |-[izod [OC10? -! 11.0 20.22 Re + Re] (sey [is] mt) ee Ca Paya = | ( DP © aoe - Fee) acne“) vn a" (a) 1Zroy 4 Rom the data give? polo + Fie the (eq: ey o)using med”? values of (20% vy! _ b) Pind cor relatio? coffe sid tang oF the Cines on¥ youl ono O Find the value oF > when 375 y wben 250 ay Test abe gigpifica noe on met at 40. 595 60 80.15 fo, gwd ae Fy eee as _ 19 65 as 2 ". oe x= gon 114.2685 F ee SET : (x DY) q#a- a3 1Q ~4 aq iG acy ZOEY? | B-2)O-Y) =4593 ) 22018 ~~ a i A mm una i - -_ -& ZO ’ Pr bry = voryY) ieee emeey xg)? Yo re 5)” 2 (x0 ’ _ ole be _ 2018 ) boy = 583 YS 348 ' ~ att = 0636! ¢ebdh ore yve) , ' | ieaieg OTC "Reg. Cine af x) yo = 06 Y= 06361 X + 30° 1d When 2% 50 ys O° 63c1 (50) 430-17 F 5 FOPCOR 1 QF = Gr O4e4 ca) = 0-675) , m OG @) pec) al HF gxoEC 26% Co-oyad)s O29 y> xsrF (a) tov T8 sido} Ficant: 5 12-0872 And out the values of X,5,s *% fiovw the mesg “dysst & Bead x Req. Gime oF of ony’ (x-R) + bay Cy Ur G ot» bxy(9) “FET 15 FIO fe lloce rpg dela sx-Y 20 vo =o —2(2) 1-4 = rae td i x tt > Wy-Q) ow O 0 SLX=2 e[T=0] ber US conside & cytantx! ww year 7 15 reg: ine om “Yo? ? ‘ byx =F consider yys do . 1s x=(e)4 et gal > Phagaba = 1577 a >, eur assum PHons them bays Joys > at Viay * + {brs thy « Y(o-33}cr'95) 0+ 4195 yet: ibis Solis hed weet ev’ pegs Ging eT 4 ony z ae @leng Vg * 0133 t g 2 aS AAMAAAAA RDA eee oN

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