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Learning Journal for unit 2

Health Science 1 HS 2211

Janette Martin (instructor)

University of the people

23rd November 2022

During the preliminary reading, a number of exceptional open wellness projects were discovered. Based
on this and the current reading's discussion of the Fundamental Open Wellbeing Work # 7, pick and
illustrate a recent open wellbeing initiative. If you could send some materials, that would be great (e.g.,
flyers, audio, blurbs, etc.) I am now enrolled in CANSA Persistent Care and Wellbeing Advancement
Preparation and serve as a volunteer for the South African Cancer Affiliation (CANSA) support campaign.
I'm interested in knowing more about the initiatives and advancements in wellness that are part of the
Essential Open Wellbeing Work. Counseling, educating, and engaging people with their well-being issues
is one of the most important skills of open well-being, according to Noah and Ostrowski (2015), which is
one of the reasons I'm joining the CANSA group.

Even though I have noticed a few CANSA efforts on social media, I have not participated in any
campaigns. As reported by Thai (2017), broad CANSA has been given permission to utilize social media
and other virtual methods to continue its cancer and other associated wellness initiatives. These
campaigns may go a long way and can actually convey tales of people whose lives are impacted by
anything. In the case of CANSA, a small number of cancer patients and almost all cancer survivors play a
critical role in enabling others to share their stories and in sending a clear message to others that they
can get care.

Be sure to illustrate the campaign's concept, the target audience or subpopulation, the topic and key
messages, and information dissemination tactics (if there is one). Do you believe it complied with all the
requirements outlined in EPHF #7? Do you believe it had the desired effect on general wellbeing? If so,
please describe your reasoning. It should be mentioned that efforts are being made to raise knowledge
of wellness and the risks posed by a number of things that may be avoided, such as in the case of
combination picture smoking. Work No. 7 of the WHO Library Cataloging in Distribution Information
(2003) indicates that it is essential for the outcome to create more hospitable communities by
promoting welfare and involving people via access to pertinent and timely information. As a result, I
believe that the whole data is compatible with Basic Open Wellbeing Work number 7, as the message
informs individuals about the risks associated with tobacco use. Due to the spread of the campaign
blurb, the campaign had a significant impact on my neighborhood, family, and workplace. I've noticed a
significant behavioral change, and I'm optimistic it's occurring throughout the nation. My two brothers
have both given up smoking, and three of my coworkers have also decided not to smoke in the
workplace, which gives me the impression that a lot of people are paying attention to the campaign.

What I discovered

I've discovered, among other things, how effective open wellness campaigns are at communicating
healthcare knowledge, avoidance goals, and behavioral changes.

In order to create a robust atmosphere where people can thrive, it is crucial for campaigns to be a part
of the system of open wellbeing improvement and national arrangement reforms (WHO Library
Cataloging in Distribution Data,2003)

Any warped thoughts or ideas, and how the movement and reading decided whether or not to
incorporate or disseminate them. Finally, I came to the conclusion that open wellbeing is all about
disease reconnaissance and preventative measures after learning about the Basic Open Wellbeing
Capabilities lately.

However, as a result of the reading, my viewpoints have evolved, leading to a greater comprehension of
the Fundamental Open Wellbeing Work (EPHF) as described by WHO Library Cataloging in Distribution
Information (2003) A portion of the notion of "open wellbeing" includes "advancing, making progress,
safeguarding, and reestablishing the population's wellbeing through community action."


Noah, d & Ostrowski, S. 2015. Essential Public Health Functions. /essential-publichealth-functions

WHO Library Cataloging in Publication Data (2003). Essential public health functions: a three-country
study in the Western Pacific Region. Accessed at:

Thai, C. L. (2017). Public health campaigns in the digital age: Targeting and tailoring using digital and
social media. Retrieved from

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