Learn English Through Stories

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I. Read the following text:

Once upon a time in a far-off country, a successful merchant

lived in a lovely cottage in the forest with his two sons and two
daughters. Whenever one of his ships came in to port, he would
travel to town to sell the goods that they brought back. And every
time, his children would ask him to bring different things for
them. “I want a great sword, encrusted in jewels!” said his sons.
“I want a golden harp, with strings made from silk!” said one of his daughters. The oldest child,
however never asked for anything. “I just want you to come home safely,” she would tell her
She was a pretty young woman that her family took to simply calling her Beauty. And this
was a fitting name, for Beauty most liked all the beautiful things in life: the sound of birds
singing, a sweet line of poetry from a good book, the smell of fresh flowers blooming...
“Are you sure there is nothing I can bring you,” asked her father before he left.
The other children have asked for so much. Beauty thought about it for a second before
“I would love you to bring me a rose,” she said. “We don’t have them here in the forest, and
I do love the way they smell.”
The merchant agreed with a smile, and giving his horse a kick, he was off. But when he got to
town, he found out that his ship had been damaged in a bad thunderstorm, and there were no
goods to be sold. With no money for gifts, he sadly decided to return home. But soon the
thunderstorm reached the land, engulfing everything in rain and wind and lightning. By the light
of his lantern, the merchant saw a great castle in the distance, and decided to ask for shelter. He
was so tired that he didn’t notice that the storm mysteriously cleared when he approached the
castle. He found the front door open, and with no response to his calls, he entered. The palace
was beautiful, but strangely empty. The merchant wandered into a room where a fire was burning
and a chair was drawn up close to it. Exhausted, the man quickly fell into a deep sleep. When he
woke after several hours, his stomach was growling and he was still alone, but someone had
already set a plate of food in front of him. It had been nearly a full day since he last ate, so he
grabbed the food, promising to thank his host later. He walked down to the garden, and found to
his surprise that the sun shone and the birds sang. The merchant was delighted to see some roses
lining the path towards the stables, which reminded him of his promise to Beauty. He had
stopped to gather one when he heard a strange noise behind him. Turning around, he saw a
fearsome and angry-looking Beast.
“Who said you could take my roses?” the Beast asked in a terrible voice. “Was it not enough
that I fed you? This is how you show your gratitude, by stealing my flowers?”
The merchant, terrified by these furious words, dropped the rose and threw himself on his
“Pardon me, noble sir,” he said. “I am truly grateful for your hospitality, and I didn’t
realize you would be offended by my taking such a little thing as a rose.”
But the Beast was not impressed by this speech.
“You may be quite good with excuses and flattery,” he cried. “But that will not save you from
the death you deserve.”
In despair, the merchant began to tell the Beast of all his misfortunes, the reason for his
journey, and his daughter’s request.
I couldn’t buy anything to my children.“But I thought that I might at least take Beauty her
rose. I beg you to forgive me, for I meant no harm.”
“I will forgive you on one condition,” he said. “And that is that you will give me one of your
“Ah!” cried the merchant. “Even if I were cruel enough to save my own life at the expense of
one of my children’s, what would I say to make her come here?”
“You mustn’t force her to come,” answered the Beast. “See if any of them is courageous
enough to save your life. In one month, if none of your daughters is willing to come, you must say
goodbye to them forever and return alone. If you fail to keep your promise, I will come after you
myself,” added the Beast.
The merchant reluctantly accepted the offer, thinking none of his daughters would agree to
come to the castle. The Beast gave him a rose for Beauty, and allowed him to leave.

cottage = căsuță, vilă nearly= aproape
sword= sabie path= cărare
harp with strings= harpă cu coarde grab= a apuca, a înșfăca
bloom= a înflori host= gazdă
he was off= a plecat feed= a hrăni
damage= a strica, a deteriora, a avaria grateful= recunoscător
thunderstorm= furtună cu trăsnete deserve= a merita
engulf= a devora, a scufunda, a înghiți reluctantly= cu greu, fără tragere de inimă
exhausted= epuizat fail= a eșua

III. Choose the correct variant:

1.Yesterday a boy ______________________ my friend’s toy and ran away.
a. played b. grabbed c. liked
2. The soldier pulled out his _________________________and killed all the three enemy heroes.
a. sword b. wallet c. glasses
3. The most beautiful landscape is when all the flowers ______________________.
a. are picked up b. are smelled c. bloom
4. He was very _______________________ to his friend who saved his life.
a. grateful b. sorry c. angry
5. You ________________________ to be punished for what you did!
a. deserve b. must c. laughed
6. He was so ____________________ after such a hard work that he went to sleep.
a. comfortable b. disappointed c. exhausted
7. If you ____________________ the exam, we’ll not buy you the phone you want!
a. pass b. fail c. write
8. Because of the ____________________________ they couldn’t come back home that night.
a. light b. sadness c. thunderstorm
9. People are not allowed to _____________________ the animals at the zoo!
a. feed b. see c. admire
10. Be sure that I’ll visit you some other time because you were a wonderful
a. host b. wife d. daughter

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Who lived in a lovely cottage in the forest?
2. Who did the merchant live with?
3. What did he do whenever one of his ships came in to port?
4. What did the children ask him whenever he left?
5. What did the oldest child ask him?
6. What did she finally ask her father?
7. Why was “Beauty ” a fitting name for the girl?
8. Because his ship had been damaged, what did he decide to do?
9. Why couldn’t he return home?
10. What did he see in the distance?
11. Once in the house, what did the merchant do?
12. What did he do as soon as he woke up?
13. What did he see in the garden and what did he do?
14. Who saw him?
15. How did the Beast want to punish the merchant?
16. What did the Beast ask the merchant in order for his life to be saved?
17. Did the merchant agree with his proposal?

V. True or false?
1. The merchant lived with his wife .
2. The city where they lived was very beautiful.
3. The man’s job was to sell things.
4. The children always wanted their father to buy them beautiful presents.
5. The oldest child’s biggest wish was to see her father healthy.
6. As a gift, Beauty wanted one of the things she liked most.
7. Because of the weather his ship was destroyed.
8. The merchant spent the night in a very beautiful castle.
9. He went to that castle because he knew its owner.
10. The Beast became very angry when he saw the man stealing a rose.
11. The merchant begged him pardon.
12. The Beast forgave him with great ease.
13. The Beast wanted the merchant to force one of his daughters to marry him.
14. The merchant was very delighted hearing the Beast’s proposal.

VI. Translate into English:

A fost odată ca niciodată un …………………………………………………………
comerciant care avea doi fii și două …………………………………………………………
fiice. Ei trăiau într-o frumoasă …………………………………………………………
vilișoară într-o pădure. Ori de câte ori …………………………………………………………
pleca în oraș să-și vândă marfa, el …………………………………………………………
obișnuia să le cumpere copiilor săi …………………………………………………………
cadourile pe care aceștia le cereau. …………………………………………………………
Dar fiica cea mare niciodată nu cerea …………………………………………………………
nimic. Singurul lucru pe care și-l …………………………………………………………
dorea era ca tatăl său să se întoarcă …………………………………………………………
acasă în siguranță. Totuși, într-o zi ea …………………………………………………………
i-a cerut tatălui ei să îi aducă un …………………………………………………………
trandafir. Din nefericire, vasul a fost …………………………………………………………
distrus și acesta nu a putut să mai …………………………………………………………
cumpere nimic iar vremea rea l-a …………………………………………………………
determinat să petreacă noaptea într-un …………………………………………………………
castel pe care l-a întâlnit în cale. …………………………………………………………
Intrând în el, bărbatul a strigat dar …………………………………………………………
nimeni nu i-a răspuns. Fiind extrem …………………………………………………………
de obosit, a dormit câteva ore iar când …………………………………………………………
s-a trezit a servit mâncarea pe care a …………………………………………………………
găsit-o pe o farfurie în fața lui. Ieșind …………………………………………………………
în grădină, a observat niște trandafiri …………………………………………………………
frumoși dar chiar în momentul în care …………………………………………………………
a vrut să ia unul pentru fiica sa, a fost
văzut de proprietarul castelului, o
bestie înfricoșătoare care a vrut să îl
omoare. Bărbatul s-a aruncat în
genunchi în fața lui, cerându-i iertare.
Condiția pentru a fi iertat a fost ca
una din fiicele sale să devină soția
bestiei. Deși la început nu a fost de
acord, în cele din urmă bărbatul a
acceptat și a plecat spre casă pentru a
le povesti copiilor săi toate aceste

VII. Let’s learn more!

Do & Make
do one’s homework= a-și face tema
do a translation= a face o traducere
do one’s duty= a-și face datoria
do the washing up= a spăla vasele
do a favour= a face o favoare
do harm= a face rău
do justice= a face dreptate
do the shopping= a face cumpărături
do one’s job= a-și face treaba
do one’s best= a face tot ce-i stă în putință
make one’s bed= a-și face patul
make a cake= aface o prăjitură
make a choice= a face o alegere
make a difference= a face o diferență
make friends= a-ți face prieteni
make noise= a face zgomot
make progress= a face progres
make someone happy= a face pe cineva fericit
make sure= a se asigura
make a mistake= a face o greșeală

VIII. Choose from the list above and complete the sentences:
1. If you want to go to sleep, ………………… your …………… first!
2. He didn’t pass the exam because he ………….. a lot of …………….. in his writing paper.
3. …………………. your …………. and it will be better for you!
4. After eating, my mother always …………………………………..
5. He is a very good teacher who ………………… his …………….. with responsibility.
6. She ……………. me very …………telling me such good news.
7. I’d like to ……………………………………, but I don’t have any sugar.
8. I don’t like being a pupil because I have to …………………………… every day.
9. If you want to save time and money, ………………………………….. in big supermarkets.
10. My sister is a very sociable person. She ………………………………. wherever she goes.

IX. Make up your own examples with the unused expressions:

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

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