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Grade 6 English Quiz 1

Pearson Cornerstone 2 Unit 1

Name: Date: Score:

Multiple Choice: Please read each question carefully, and select the correct answer.

1. What did Dan wash in the story Dan and Gramps?

a) a sock
b) a car
c) a sack

2. What did Gramps have in the story Dan and Gramps?

a) a bag of balls
b) a bag of cans
c) a bag of soap

3. What does the apartment have?

a) steps
b) pets
c) vans

4. What did Jen want in the story We Live in a Home ?

a) Jen wanted a dinosaur.
b) Jen wanted a fish
c) Jen wanted a pet.

5. What did Jim want in the story We Live in a Home ?

a) Jim wanted a turtle.
b) Jim wanted a fish
c) Jim wanted a pet.

6. What does “grab” mean?

a) to take
b) to drop
c) to nod
7. Which sentence below uses the word “snake” correctly?
a) I got a pudding for my snake today, I love it!
b) I saw a bunch of snakes in the zoo, I was frightened.
c) My snake hurts, can I see a doctor?

8. What combination of letters make a “long a” sound?

a) ao / le
b) a_e / ai
c) a_e / ea

9. What combination of letters make a “long i” sound?

a) il / igh
b) io / i_e
c) i_e / igh

10. What combination of letters make a “long e” sound?

d) ee / i_e
e) ea / i_e
f) ee / ea

Please write a complete sentence in response to each of the following questions. (10pts.)

1. What is your house like?

2. Can Teacher Judy speak Chinese?

Yes, . No, .

3. Please make a sentence using the vocabulary “ham”.

4. Please make a sentence using the vocabulary “mess”.

5. She _________________ (is / are / am) my cousin.

6. Where _________________ (is / are / am) we going?

7. My teacher and I _________________ (is / are / am) in the classroom.

8. I _________________ (is / are / am) watching YouTube.

9. Please write down three words that has a “long e” sound.

10. Please write down three words that has a “long o” sound.

Please read the paragraph carefully. Circle the errors and re write the paragraph again
correctly. (7pts.)

Amelia are my friend. She are pretty and smart. I likes Amelia, and she like me too.

We is good friends. Amelia and I am going to watch a movie next week. I are excited.

Vocabulary Sheet

1. rose (n.) 玫瑰 23. shoes (n.) 鞋子

2. hose (n.) 水管 24. dig (v.) 挖

3. quite (adv.) 蠻…;相當 25. fit (adj.) 健康

4. lame (v.) 使…僵硬 26. fit (v.) 合適

5. shame (n.) 恥辱 27. yarn (n.) 毛線球

6. chore (n.) 家務活 28. deck (n.) 甲板

7. soap (n.) 肥皂 29. desk (n.) 桌子

8. ham (n.) 火腿 30. grocery (n.) 雜貨店

9. grab (v.) 抓 31. ribbon (n.) 絲帶

10. can (n.) 鋁罐 32. candle (n.) 蠟燭

11. jam (n.) 果醬 33. thumb (n.) 大拇指

12. full (adj.) 飽滿的 34. feed (v.) 餵食

13. pal (n.) 朋友 35. snack (n.) 點心

14. glad (adj.) 開心 36. neck (n.) 脖子

15. Irish (adj.) 愛爾蘭的 37. snake (n.) 蛇

16. wrist (n.) 手腕 38. mess (n.) 雜亂

17. Swiss (adj.) 瑞士的

18. chat (v.) 聊天

19. cause and effect (n.) 因果關係

20. own (adj.) 自己的

21. apartment (n.) 公寓

22. igloo (n.) 冰屋

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