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Grade 7 English Quiz 1

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Multiple Choice: Please read each question carefully, and select the correct answer.

1. What does “empty” mean?

a) fulfill
b) containing nothing
c) messy

2. What does “squawk” mean?

a) making a loud noise
b) silence
c) acting evil

3. Which sentence below uses the word “lonesome” correctly?

a) In the party, people sing together, we are lonesome.
b) If a place is lonesome, it is full of people.
c) The old man is sitting there alone for a long time already, he seems so

4. What is the V2 and V3 of the verb “write”?

a) wrote / writen
b) wrote/ wrotten
c) wrote/ written

5. Please choose the question form of this statement:

“Teacher Anna has been practicing this song since last year.”
a) Has Teacher Anna practiced this song since last year?
b) Has Teacher Anna been practicing this song since last year?
c) Has Teacher Anna been practiced this song since last year?
Please write a complete sentence in response to each of the following questions. (8pts.)

1. Where did The Lost Lake take place?

2. How did the characters act in the two different settings in The Lost Lake?

3. What was The Lost Lake mostly about?

4. Why was Amelia unhappy about moving in Amelia’s Road?

5. What made the “accidental road” Amelia’s special place in Amelia’s Road?

6. In your own words, describe Amelia’s problem in the story Amelia’s Road.

7. Why did Sarah miss Maine so much in Sarah Plain and Tall?

8. What did you learn from Sarah Plain and Tall?

Please write down the correct V2 and V3 of each verb. (48pts.)

V1 V2 V3
1. hang

2. speak

3. freeze

4. run

5. forgive

6. buy

7. bring

8. drink

9. hold

10. do

11. dig

12. cost

13. begin

14. fight

15. go

16. swim

17. cost

18. begin

19. beat

20. draw

21. eat

22. be

23. sit

24. leave
Please write down the correct sentences. (15pts.)

Present Perfect Continuous

1. ( + ) I __________ _________ _________________ (watch) this movie since last month.

2. ( - )

3. ( ? )

4. ( + )

5. ( - )

6. ( ? ) __________ the orange _________ _________________ (sit) there for two weeks?

Present Perfect

7. Terry __________ ____________________ (check) his test twice.

8. Jennie and Oliver __________ ____________________ (go) to a Italian restaurant.

9. We __________ ____________________ (hang) our clothes in the closet.

Present Continuous

10. Why __________ they ____________________ (run)?

11. Olivia and Mira __________ ____________________ (dance) in the park.

12. Rosaline __________ ____________________ (mumble) in the class

Present Simple

13. The birds ______________________ (fly) away from the tree.

14. Jennie and Mira ______________________ (show) us their project.

15. Bella ______________________ (nod) her head.

Vocabulary Sheet

1. empty (v.) 清空 24. cozy (adj.) 溫馨的

2. squawk (n.) 發出吵鬧的聲音 25. glum (adj.) 悶悶不樂的

3. kneel (v.) 下跪 26. compass (n.) 指南針

4. frown (v.) 愁眉苦臉 27. lonesome (adj.) 寂寞的

5. shade (n.) 陰涼處 28. mumble (v.) 碎碎念

6. belly (n.) 肚子 29. wild (adj.) 野生的

7. blanket (n.) 毛毯 30. as if (連接詞) 就好像

8. overalls (n.) 工作服 31. champion (n.) 冠軍

9. sly (adj.) 狡猾的 32. destination (n.) 目的地

10. stubborn (adj.) 固執的 33. dirt (n.) 灰塵

11. check (v.) 檢查 34. labor (n.) 勞工; (v.) 工作

12. roof (n.) 天花板 35. grim (adj.) 嚴峻的

13. carpenter (n.) 木匠 36. shanty (n.) 棚戶區;棚寮

14. nod (n.) 點頭 37. cheerless (adj.) 冷清的

15. nail (n.) 釘子 38. rusty (adj.) 生鏽的

16. steady (adj.) 穩定的 39. occasion (n.) 場合

17. canoe (n.) 獨木舟 40. rhythm (n.) 韻律

18. grumpy (adj.) 脾氣暴躁的 41. rhyme (n.) 押韻

19. mug (n.) 馬克杯 42. harvest (n.) 收成

20. future (n.) 未來 43. purpose (n.) 目的

21. outdoorsmen (n.) 喜歡戶外的人 44. on purpose (adv.) 故意地

22. lift (v.) 提;(n.) 電梯 45. meadow (n.) 草地

23. gasp (v.) 喘氣 46. wondrous (adj.) 奇妙的

47. quite (adv.) 蠻…;相當

48. advertisement (n.) 廣告

49. trade (v.) 貿易

50. recognize (v.) 認出

51. wagon (n.) 火車

52. braids (n.) 辮子

53. plow (v.) 犁田

54. biscuit (n.) 餅乾

55. dough (n.) 麵團

56. fled (v.) 逃離

57. stir (v.) 攪拌

58. weary (adj.) 厭倦的

59. horribly (adv.) 可怕地

60. squall (n.) 暴風雨

61. hiss (n.) 風聲

62. huddle (v.) 亂堆

63. herd (v.) 放牧

64. frighten (v.) 使害怕

65. armful (adj.) 滿懷的

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