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Table: List of hand on assignments and practical/ real life project from different industries

Assignments -I: Pinch Analysis Assignments -II: Heat exchanger Practical Project – Energy utility
Submitted date: 19/04/2015 E.C Network audit and Heat exchanger network
Group Submitted Date: 07/05/2015 E.C design
List Text Book: Robin Analysis, Synthesis, Text Books (Robin M. Smith; Chemical Submitted date: 19/04/2015 E.C
M. Smith and Design of Process Design and Integration)
Group - I 16.6 3.11 18.1 and 18.9 Bahir Dar Textile S.c
Group - II 16.5 3.12 18.2 and 18.8 Bahir Dar Tannery S.C
Group - III 16.4 3.13 18.3 and 18.7 Amhara pipe factory PLC
Group - IV 16.3 3.14 18.4 and 18.6 East Africa Bottling S.C Bahir Dar
Group - V 16.2 3.15 18:5 and 18.9 Dashine Brewery P.L.c

N.B: You can also suggest other industries for the practical project

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